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Beach, North Dakota
October 8, 2015     Golden Valley News
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October 8, 2015
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Page 4 Golden Valley News October 8, 2015 Hearing Notice downloading, and working with this dig- nl ital project information. Please contact us at 701-483-1284 if you have any f ~ NOTICE OF HEARING questions. Hat Tips By Dean Meyer All bids are to be submitted on the Hello, And everyone developed a reputa- Case No.04-2015-PR-00032 basis of cash payment for the work and Getting ready to ride this morning tion as to when they would show up. • IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF BILLINGS COUNTY, STATE OF materials, and each bid shall be ac- and have had my horse saddled for a Some would be an hour late, cause NORTH DAKOTA companied by a separate envelope couple hours. As I get older, my their horsesalwaysgot out duringthe containing the contractor's license and Fall roundups are IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE bid security. The bid security must be in horse gets saddled earlier. Especially night. Some had to get kids on the OF VERNE KING, Deceased. a sum equal to five per cent (5%) of the on a cool, breezy fan morning. Giv- always my favorite, bus. Billy always came ill time for TO: All heirs, devisees or other in- full amount ofthe bid and must be in the ing him time to soak a little bit seems dinner. Red and l would race to be Notice terestedKing, Deceased.pers°ns of the Estate of Verne form of a bidder's bond. A bidder's bond to give him more sense and me more J ust as harvest is to first. It got so bad, I would get up at NOTICE is hereby given that a hear- must be executed by the bidder as prin- NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION ing on a PETITION FOR FORMAL cipal and by a surety company author- courage. And I'll pull the cinch up a a farmer, fall 2 in the morning so ! could beat Red. FOR FORMAL PROBATE OF WILL PROBATE OF WILL AND APPOINT- ized to do business in this state, couple more holes before I load him Get to the meeting point and sleep in AND APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL VENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTA- conditioned that if the principal's bid be in the trailer and haul him seventy roundup is to a the pickup for three hours waiting for accepted and the contract awarded to miles. By then, he'll be happy to trot daylight! Nobody ever said I was real REPRESENTATIVE TIVE in the above-entitled case will be rancher. You see the IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF held before the presiding Southwest the principal, the principal, within ten off. I hope. smart. GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, STATE District Court Judge, at the Billings (10) days after notice of award, will ex- OF NORTH DAKOTA County Courthouse, Medora, North ecute and effect a contract in decor- In the next month most of the fall fruits of your labor. But there is no better feeling than dance with the terms of his bid and the roundups will be taking place, unloading and trotting down a ridge InPr°batethe NO.Matter17-201of 5-PR-00029the Estate of 2015.Dakota' at 8:30 A. M. on October 22, bid bond as required by the laws of the Ranches will be moving cattle home To start their own herd. It's a great in the morning, as the sun is just Sylvester A. Barthel, Deceased. Dated this 25th day of September, State of North Dakota and the regula- from summer pastures, weaning time of the year. starting to peek up, heading for Big tions and determinations of the govern- calves, preg checking, and getting [1] NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 2015. The days may be getting shorter, Bottom. Or maybe unloading above Martha Sondgeroth has filed herein a SADOWSKY AND WILD LAW OF- ing body. If a successful bidder does not execute a contract within ten (10) days ready for winter. I used to maintain but they are long enough if you're on Wounded Faces and heading towards Petition for Formal Probate of aWill and rICE, P.C. allowed, the bidder's bond must be for- that we had only two seasons. Hay- roundup. You load saddle horses in the Smith Camp. Riding a good Appointment of Personal Representa- By: Steven J. Wild felLed to the governing body and the ing season, and feeding hay season, the dark. And bring them home in the horse, next to a good friend, followed rive. SLoven J. Wild, #04091 ,_ [2] Hearing has been set upon said SADOWSKY AND WILD LAW OF- project awarded to the next lowest re- Some years they nan together. sponsible bidder, dark. Breakfast is eaten in a hurry as by a good dog. Petition of the 22nd day of October, rICE, P.C. All bidders must be licensed for the Fall roundups are always my fa- the horses eat their grain. Shirley said Knowing that by noon, you would 2015, at 8:30 a.m., Mountain Time, in P.O. BOX 260 the County Courtroom of the Golden BOWMAN, NORTH DAKOTA full amount Of the bid as required by vorite. Just as harvest is to a farmer, Uncle Hugh always made them take see the smoke from Uncle Hugh's Valley County Courthouse, Beach, 58623 Section 43 07 05 and 43-07-12 of the fall roundup is to a rancher. You see extra pancakes in their pockets in fire, and the hamburgers and beans North Dakota. swlawpc@ndsupernet.eom North Dakota Century Code. the fruits of your labor. You see how case dinner didn't show up. Was a would be smoking hot. The coffee The successful Bidder will be re- Dated this 15th day of September, 701-523-3112 quired to furnish Contract Performance that bull you purchased a year and a good idea, but I wish | could break would be boiling. There would be a 2015. Attorney for: Petitioner Ebeltoft. Sickler. Lawyers PLLC (October 1, 8 and 15) and Payment Bonds in the full amount half ago worked out. You determine her of the habit. It is embarrassing to jar of pickles and a sack of candy Lawyers for Personal Representa- of the contract. ~ .~,. if that old cow you let slip by one have your wife pull pancakes out of bars. You didn't have to ask to see tive Contracts shall be awarded on the more year paid her way. You see the her pocket when you are at the mall. the menu. It never changed. And 2272 8th Street West basis of the low bid submitted by a re- calf whose leg you splinted last Dickinson, North Dakota 58601 Bids sponsible and responsive bidder for the The roundup on the reservationwhen you were putting in those cold Telephone Number: 701.225.5297 aggregate sum of all bid items. A single spring has grown up, and fits with the would last two weeks. Grandpa Jack fall days, there was nothing better. Fax Number: 701.225.9650 SECTION 00100 contract be awarded for the work. rest. You recognize the heifer that or Uncle Hugh would be the boss. Wish you could have been there. I Email: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS All bids will be contained in a sealed had the backward calf you saved. Or Each night, we would find out where would have bought you dinner. By: /s/Jennifer Grosz, Lawyer COIB-0434(056) PCN 21158 & coin- envelope, as above provided; plainly the heifer calf you gave to your kids. we were meeting in the morning. Later, Dean #06130 4512(003) PeN 21183 PHASE 2 marked showing that such envelope (September 24, October 1 and 8) BILLINGS COUNTY, NORTH contains a bid for the above project. In DAKOTA addition, the bidder shall place upon the exterior of such envelope the following I q I Sealed bidswillbereceivedbythe information: S e ua s more Notice Billings County Commission, at the of- 1. The work covered by the bidder North Dakota livestock brands will rice of the Billings County Auditor, 495 2. The name of the bidder Extra law enforcement patrols Dakota. Extra patrols have been expire on Jan. 1, 2016, in accordance 4th Street, PC Box 168, Medora, North 3. Separate envelope containing bid from August 21 through September "By removing shown effective in impaired driv- with North Dakota Century Code 4.1- Dakota, 58645, until 11:00AM MST, No- bond and a copy of North Dakota Con- 7 resulted in 1275 traffic stops these individuals ing prevention and the National 73-10. Present brand owners have the vember 3, 2015, at which time they will tractor's License or certificate of re- right to rerecord their brands. If a brand be publically opened and read aloud for newal, across North Dakota with 136 ar- Highway Traffic Safety Adminis- is allowed to expire, ownership interest the furnishing of materials, labor, equip- 4. Acknowledgement of the Ad- rests and/or citations being alcohol from the roads, tration (NHTSA) estimates that of the brand will be lost and the brand ment and skill required for the con- denda, or drug-related. Thirty-eight law there is no telling high-visibility enforcement can re- may no longer be used. struction of Stabilized Aggregate Base, No Bid will be read or considered enforcement agencies, including duce DUI fatalities up to 20 per- In August, a renewal notice for each Hot Bituminous Paving, Chip Seal Coat which does not fully comply with the recording was mailed to the address on and Incidental Items in and for said above provisions as to Bond and It- the North Dakota Highway Patrol, hOrN many lives cent. file in the brand recording office. If you Billings County, as is more fully de- censes and any deficient Bid submitted added extra shifts leading up to were saved." Funding for additional traffic have not received your notice or have scribed and set forth in the plans and will be resealed and returned to the Bid- Labor Day for the Drive Sober or safety enforcement is provided by questions about renewing a brand, con- specifications therefore, which are now der immediately. Karin Mongeon tact the North Dakota Stockmen's As- on file in the office of the Billings County The work on the improvement and InfluenceGet Pulled Over(Dui)DrivingenforcementUnder the throughfederal thegrantNDDOT.m°ney distributed sociation at (701) 223-2522 or visit Auditor. completion of the Seal and Fog Coat Bids shall be upon cash payment on Application will be completed by Sep- crackdown to keep roadways safe arrests. Learn more about traffic safety "By removing these individuals initiatives at (September 24, October I and 8) the following estimated quantities and tember 1, 2016. The contractor shall during this busy travel time. types of work: complete the seal coat maintenance A total of 731 traffic citations from the roads, there is no telling or join the conversation on the 1 LSUM Contract Bond; 55 LF Saw and final brooming within five (5) calen- were attributed to the added patrols how many lives were saved," said Code for the Road Facebook or Zoning Hearing Bituminous Surfacing-Full Depth; 4.5 dar days after the seal coat application. MILE Topsoil-Placement; 1,370 CY The contractor shall complete the per- with 73 accounting for DU] arrests Karin Mongeon, Safety DivisionTwitter page. NOTICE OF ZONING HEARING Common Excavation-Subcut; 1,083 manent pavement markings, signs and or refusal of a test. There were an- Director, North Dakota Department MGAL Water; 233.3 STA Reshaping other items within fifteen (15) working other 34 arrests or citations for of Transportation (NDDOT). "The The Billings County Planning & Zon- Roadway; 4.5 MILE Seeding Class III; days after the seal coat application, other alcohol-related violations and way we see it, if we saved one life, Daycare Workshop Planned ing Commission will hold a public hear- 1,300 LF Fiber Rolls 121N; 1,300 LF Re- The Owner reserves the right to re- 29 drug-related arrests. Tickets for the campaign was worthwhile." ing on Thursday, October 15, 2015 at move Fiber Rolls121N; 27,130 TON Ag- ject any and all bids, to waive any infor- 1:00 PM in the Commissioner's Room gregate Base Course CL 5M; 730 CY mality in any bid, to hold all bids for a speeding were the largest portion High-visibility enforcement for Arey0u interested in becoming a day- at the county courthouse, Medora, ND Remove & Relay Aggregate Base period not to exceed 30 days from the of the citations at 273. The traffic traffic safety is one element of a care pr0vider in the Golden Valley/Billings to consider recommending to the Board Course 7,322 GAL Fog Seal; 2,451 date of opening bids, and to accept the stops also resulted in four felony collaborative effort to eliminate of Count Comm ss oners the appr0va i GAL Liauid Base Stabilizer' 346 SY bid deemed most fa,#orable to the inter-' ,~ County area? or denial4~f4he~etlowing y items: ~"~-: Mdt'~g .... .............. ~5~e~,~(Xh~" ' .......... ~"~ GAL :estof theOwner.:: : .... :.:~ ~.;:,~,~,o; ..~_=;:~_..:o~..: ............. .... motor v, ehicle deathsin North ~ ~ :~:!.~.,_, ~:~. ~:, ~ ,.,' ............ ~,.,~,,~ Roger Dieterle: Application to re- CHFRS-2P Emulsified Asphalt; 1,766 Liquidated damages for failure to : ...... Com~0~vn to Beach C~HaIFon zone Lot2 (NWNE), 6-139-102 from TON Cover Coat Material CL 41;complete thesealcoatapplicationby DEADLINES Agriculture to Recreational (3604 West 33,836 TON Superpave FAA 45; 112 EA the completion date will be charged at a Monday, October 19, at 6 p.m. Golden River Rd SW). Also requested is-, a Cored Sample; 1,355 TON PG 58-28 rate of $2,500 per day and every day Valley/Billings County Social Services is conditional use permit for a change of Asphalt Cement; 844 TON PG 64-34 until it is completed. Liquidated dam, The deadline for excited to host Sandy Thompson-Ball, use from a'single family residence to a Asphalt Cement; 1 LSUM Mobilization ages for failure to complete the mainte- bed and breakfast inn and seasonal 1,000 MHR Flagging; 4,970 UNIT Traf- nance and final brooming within 5 submitted copy and daycarelicenser outof McKenzie County. residence, tic Control Signs; 410 EA Tubular Mark- calendar days of the seal coat applied- I Having worked as a daycare provider in Other Business: ors; 30 EA Vertical Panels-Back to tion will be charged at a rate of $250 per stories and all ad the past for over 20 years, Sandyhasa Review ordinances pertaining to Back; 500 HR Pilot Car; 1 EA Bitumi- day and every day until they are corn- orders is noon on great deal of knowledge about owning rural residential subdivisions. Discuss nous Laboratory; 1 EA Contractor's pleted. Liquidated damages for failure options to draft a recommendation for Laboratory; 111,949 LF Epoxy Pave- to complete the pavement markings, Fridays. Call 872-3755 and running your own daycare. Sandy amending the Billings County Zoning ment Marking 4IN Line; 300 LF Epoxy signs and other items within 15 working wants to share the perks of running a day- Ordinance. Pavement Marking 8IN Line; 64,262 LF days of the seal coat application will be or e-mail Apublic notice is informationcare as well as sharing tax deductions in- The board will also address poten- Short Term 4IN Line-Type NR; charged at a rate of $400 per day and infoming citizens of government volved in running child care facilities. tial & pending zoning violations and rec- The contract documents are on file every day until the pavement makings, goldenandbillings ommend any action needed by the and may be examined at the following: signs and other items are completed. activities that ]nay affect the Please join us at City Hall on Oct. 19! Zoning Director, State's Attorney, or Billings County Auditor, 495 4th St, The Contractor and his surety will be It- citizens' everday lives. Board of County Commissioners.Medora, North Dakota able for any excess. Such payment will Public notices have been printed Any questions about the upcoming Applications are available for review KLJ, 1463 1-94 Business Loop East, be as and for liquidated damages, presentation or daycare licensing, please during regular office hours at the Billings Dicki~nson, North Dakota Dated this 30st day of September, St, Bernard's in local newspapers, the call Teresa Steele, LSW, or Lindsay County Courthouse. If special accom- Complete digital project bidding doc- 2015. trusted sources for community modations are needed, please notify uments are available at BILLINGS COUNTY, NORTH - Franks, LSW, at the Social Service Office, the auditor so that appropriate aids can "Projects for Bid" or DAKOTA Parish information, for more than Ph. #701-872-4121. be made available, You may download s/MARCIA LAMB 200 years. Dated at Medora this 25th day of the digital plan documents for $21.00 by BILLINGS COUNTY AUDITOR Annual Bazaar! September, 2015. inputting Quest project # 4114407 on (Oc'tober 8, 15 and 22) StaceySwanson the website's Project Search page. Sunday, Oct. 11, Zoning Director Please contact QuestCDN at (952) 233- (October I and 8) 1632 or for assis- at Parish Center, ABBREVIATED NOTICE 1,088 +l- Acres - Golden ND Belfield OF INTENT TO AMEND 1 p.m.: bingo, games We're committed to providing the best value in ADMINISTRATIVE RULES for kids, cake walk, the marketplace with competitive rates, valuable relating to Veterinary Medicine. candy wheel products, high touch and high tech service, North Dakota Board & country store knowledgeable staff and profit sharing. of Veterinary and is avail 3:30 p.m.: raffle It, Farm Credit Services of Mandan Medical Examiners drawing, followed by will hold a public hearing to address evening meal proposed changes to the N.D. Admin. Parcel1 Code: Acres: 360 +/- toga,l: S[¼ 22-141-I05 : Office of the u'opland A es: 114,14 Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners Parcel2 , PRAUS AND MARTIN A( :160+I- LAND FOR SALE 513 E. Bismarck Expy. Legal: SW¼ 23-t41-105 su.e .. .,,,,nos count..oo, oa.ota Bismarck, ND 58502 Township 141 North - Range 98 West Mon., Nov. 2, 2015 Parcel3 ~,~!~,~!~-~,- Acres:128 +/- Section 20: SEV% E1/2SW1/4 9:00 a.m. Legal: NW¼ LessTR in W~hWY2 26- 1 1 . 1 1 141-105 Section 32: NE¼NE¼, S1/2NE1/4,SE¼NW¼ A copy of the proposed rules may be obtained by writing the Board of Vetennary Medical CroplalldAo'e~ 124.06 Written bids must be submitted. Bids must be delivered to the law office of Kubik, Bogner, Examiners at P.O Box 5001, Bismarck, ND 58502 orcalling (701)328-9540.Also, written Parcel4 Ridl & Selinger, P. O. Box 1173, 117 First Street East, Dickinson, ND 58602 no later than 3:30 comments may be submitted to this address / l:re 640-t-/- o'clock P.M., October 19, 2015. Bids should be marked "Praus and Martin Sale". All indi- until November 12, 2015. If you plan to attend l~Jal: All 0f 27-141-105 the public hearing and will need special i.roplalldAGe$: 444.7] viduals submitting written bids will have the right to orally raise their bids at 1:30 o'clock P.M. facilities or assistance relating to a disability, please contact the Board of Veterinary on October 22, 2015, at the law office of Kubik, Bogner, Ridl & Selinger. Ten percent non- Medical Examiners at the above telephone number or address at least 10 days prior to refundable earnest money required on any successful bid with signed purchase agreement. the public hearing. Closing to occur on or before December 15, 2015. For information or to get a bid packet, Dated tNs 24th day o{ September 2015 Thit, ~le i~ n'~r~a(Jed by Pife(~, Auction & Realty, All statement~, made the day of the ¢~r {ion take precedence over all l~inled rnateoals, The John R. Boyce, DVM, PhD ~dl ..... contact Jon Bogner at (701) 225-9155. Seller reserves all oil, gas, and other minerals. Seller Executive Secretary North Dakota Boardof Pifer reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive any irregularities. Vetennary Medical Examiners tance in free membership registration, Butte Community Hall * Everybody Welcome! t