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Beach, North Dakota
October 8, 2015     Golden Valley News
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October 8, 2015
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October 8, 2015 Golden Valley News Page 3 Department of Health urges , everyone to get • vaccinated by Linda Thistle • Solution below - BISMARCK - The North Dakota Department of Health is reminding 'all 4 North Dakotans of the importance of To the editor: is a small enrollment fee and a most of us back then, we did ()kay. getting vaccinated against the flu, ac- cording to Amy Schwartz, Immu-October is National Disabilitymonthly premium is apercentage of There is that sense of worthi- nization Surveillance Coordinator for Employment Awareness Month. your income. There is a misconcep- ness when you have something to 1 the Department of Health. For a lot of people with disabili- tion that people will make less get up for. I went through a lot of ties, the thought of going to work money working than what they re- years getting up in the morning "There will be plenty of flu vac- is pretty scary. I think one thing ceive for benefits from SSDI or and wondering now what? I could cine this year, so we are urging every- one to get vaccinated to avoidthat scares people with disabilities SSI. Depending how much your job only watch so much TV and I and keeps them from going to pays, yon might lose all, or part of wanted more out of life. So, I influenza, regardless of gender, age or health status," Schwartz said."Get- work is that they think they will your SSDI or SSI benefits. If this guess what I'm trying to say is, ting vaccinated is the easiest andmost lose their medical coverage, which happens, it means you are making take a chance and go to Vocational effective way to protect yourself and includes personal care attendants, more money than you were when Rehabilitation and see what they 7 1 your loved ones from the flu. Even if If they do work, they think they receiving these benefits and are be- can do for you, or go out and find you don't feel the need to be vacci- will have to pay all of those ex- coming self-sufficient, your own job. Trust me - it is well nated to protect yourself, everyoneis pensesthemselves. That's true only I was in the same situation 18worth it! As this year's theme 7 close to someone who is at high risk if a person makes so much money years ago when I went back tostates, "My Disability is One Part for complications due to influenza, so they don't qualify for services. But work, but back then there was no of Who I Am." you still should be vaccinated." for the most part, workers with dis- workers with disabilities coverage. Royce Schultze 7 4 In North Dakota, influenza activ- abilities coverage will include all Those of us who went to work Executive Direct()]" personal care attendant expenses, prior to the workers with disabili- Dakota Center for Independent ity begins in the fall and typically but the worker must pay a premium ties coverage took that leap and L ping_ 7 1 peaks between January and March. to the state for this coverage. There hoped for" the best. And I think for Bis'marck Health officials say that people can ,, ,, get vaccinated anytime during the in- 1 fluenza season, but the best time to Explaining causes, treatment for gallbladder problems get vaccinated is as soon as vaccine Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way becomes available, when flu activity What is gallbladder disease? betes, you are at higher risk for seri- that each row across, each column down and Healthy Advice is low. The gallbladder's function is to ous complications. During a news conference held store bile, which is produced by the Is surgery the only treatment? each small 9-box square contains all of the today at the State Capitol building, liver and aids in the digestion of fats Surgical remowd is the most el- numbers from one to nine. Lieutenant Governor Drew Wrigley in the small intestine. The bile goes fective treatment because it elimi- urged the public to get the flu vaccine into the gallbladder through the cys- may periodically experience biliary nares gallstones and reduces the risk DIFFI(;ULTY THIS WEEK: * and highlighted why he gets vacci- tic duct. The gallbladder acts as a colic, which is intermittent pain in of gallbladder cancer. Gallbladderre- nated every year. reservoir until the small intestine the mid or right portion of the upper moval has not been known to cause "It is crucial to the overall health needs the bile to digest fats. When abdomen. When an individual has long-term adverse effects. Request a of North Dakotans that they get the bile in the gallbladder becomes con- severe pain from one to several surgeon trained ill laparoscopic * Moderate ** Challenging flu vaccine each and every year," centrated and thickens, it can result hours, it's termed a gallbladder at- cholecystectomy (lap thole). It is the * ** HOd BOY! Wrigley said. "My family and I be- in inflammation and/or the formation tack. When gallstones or other matter preferred surgical method because lieve it is important to protect our- of gallstones. These stones may be block the duct, gallbladder inflam- the surgeon uses small instruments © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc. selves during the flu season and that present in the gallbladder and/or in marion (acute cholecystitis) can and makes tiny incisions so patients is why we choose to be vaccinated." the bile duct. Development of gall- occur. Symptoms are similar but have less postoperative pain, fewer This weekly puzzle is brought to you by: The U.S. Centers for Disease Con- bladder disease is strongly linked to much more persistent and severe, complications and resume normal trol and Prevention recommends that obesity, sedentary lifestyles and the Using pain relievers, changing posi- activities faster. With open cholecys- everyone age 6 months and older be Western diet, which is high in fat and tions and passing gas do not provide tectomy, the surgeon makes a wide T&A Seeds vaccilmted against the flu, especially sugar. An estimated twenty million relief. Some people also develop abdominal incision, resulting in the following people at high risk for Americans have gallbladder disease, fever and chills, longer recovery rates. In some cases, Beach, ND complications: How would I know if I have When should I see a doctor? open cholecystectomy might be rec- • All children ages 6 months gallstones? lfyouhave symptoms of acute or ommended. If that's the case. your (701) 872-3248 through 4years About 90 percent of gallstones chronic gallbladder disease, you surgeon wotfld explainthe reasoning • All adults 50 and older cause no symptoms. Unless you have should seek medical attention. Un- for doing the more invasive surgical • Residents of long-term care fa- symptoms, there is no reason to treated, acute chotecystitis can procedure. cilities won'y about gallstones, progress to gangrene or perforation (Nicolas Hayes, D.O., is a gen- • People of any age who have What is a ga!!bladder attack?of the gallbladder. If you have die- eral surgeon at Saql~rd Health Dick- long-term health problems, such as: People with gallbladder disease inson Clinic.) ABBREVIATED NOTICE • Heart disease OF INTENT TO • Lung disease 20 4 p h Please support ADOPT AND AMEND ADMINISTRATIVE RULES • Kidney disease 1 easant season summarized yourlocaL relatngto, pari-MutuelWagering • 'Diabetes ~ -~ "- ' ' -; " " " .... - ..... "+ ; ':~ Syst~rfis.and S mu casting • Asthma The number of pheasants taken well." McLean, 7.5: Burleigh, 6.3; and Di': merchants North Dakota • Anemia last year in North Dakota was up Birds bagged per hunter in- vide, 4.9. Racing • Weakened immune systems due from 2013, according to statistics creased from 5.8 to 7.5, and each Top counties for nonresident Commls$1Oil to HIV/AIDS and cancer treatments compiled by the State Game andhunter spent an average of 4.3 days hunters were Hettinger. 25.7 per- will hold a public hearing to address • Breathing problems due to neu- Fish Department. afield, cent: Bowman, 11" Emmons, 6.3; proposed changes to the N.D. romusculardisorders Last year, more than 78,000Counties with the highest per-Divide, 5.6; and Adams, 3.9. Admin. Code article 69.5-01-08 and • Pregnant women hunters (up 2 percent) harvested centage of pheasants taken by resi- Annual pheasant season statis- 69.5-01-11. ND Racing • Indians/AlaskaNatives 587,000 roosters (up 31 percent). In dent hunters ira 2014 were tics are determined by amail survey Commission Office • People who are morbidly obese 2013, 76,000 hunters took 447,00() Hettinger, I 1.2;Morton,7.5; of resident and nonresident huntes. 500 N. 9th Street Vaccination clinics are beingroosters. Van or Bus Service (lower level) planned by local public health units "The last two years of fairly mild Billings County Bismarck, ND A Mon., Nov. 2, 2015 across the state and vaccinations winters and good weather during AN Golden Valley County 9:00 a.m, available from many doctors and nesting season has bumped up re- A copy of the proposed rule and amendments pharmacists. Several school located cruitment and the number of birds Distance of 160 Miles may be printed from the North Dakota Racing influenza vaccination clinics will be in the fall has noticeably ira- CALL Commissionwebsite, http://racingcommission. held throughout the state as well. Res- proved," said Stan Kohn, Game and, or obtained by writing the above address or calling (701) 328-4633. Written idents are encouraged to contact their Fish upland game management su-°ronyOtherneedt" 701 "872-3836 comments on the proposed rules may be local public health unit, doctor or pervisor. "That could mean a better ~ sent to the above address by Thursday, November 12, 2015. If you plan to attend the pharmacist for information about vac- harvest this fall over last year as ~ public hearing and will need special facilities cine awtilability in their area. or assistance relating to a disability, please contact the North Dakota Racing Commission at the above.telephone number or address at least seven (7) days prior to the public hearing. HOW TO SHARE YOUR VIEWS Dated this 29th day of September, 2015. Gunner laCour, Director We welcome letters to the editor concerning issues of area interest or regarding North Dakota Racing Commission stories and editorials that have been published. Letters should be limited to 400 words. Guest columns or opinion-editorials longer in length are also welcome. A writer can have only one letter or column regarding the same subject published in a 30-day time period, unless the writer is responding to a new aspect of an issue that has been raised. Letters and columns are a way to encourage public discussion. Thank-you letters and invitations cannot BEACIt BELFIELD and third Sunday of each monthMass: Saturday 4:00 p.m. be published as letters to the editor, but can be formatted as advertisements. St. John the Baptist CatholicSt. Peter's Lutheran - Belfield Baptist Church SENTINEL BUTTE Please include your name, address and phone number on your letter or column Church Rev. Scott Hoinacki Rev. Robert Hlibichuk Trinity Lutheran Church so that we can contact you. Your address and phone number will not be published. " Golden Valley News/Billings County Pioneer, P.O. Box 156, Beach, N.D. 58621; Rev. Dan Berg Worship Service: Sunday - 8 a.r Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. Mass: Saturday 6:30 p.m. St. Bernard's Catholic Chul i Bible Study: 10 a.m. SOUTH HEART Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Rev. Bill Reulle :~ FAIRFIELD St. Mary's Catholic Church Golden Valley Manor Chapel Saturday: Confessions 3-3: Ukrainian Roy. Bill Reulle ii!~ ~ii !!!i! Pastor Run Hudson of Calvary Mass: 4 p.m. Catholic Church Confessions before Mass • Chapel Sunday Confessions 7:30-8:1 Rev. Tares Miles Saturday Mass: 4 p.m. nsurance nc. Sundays: 6:30 p.m. Mass: 8:30 a.m. ..... Divine Liturgy: 8 a.m. on TROTTERS St. Paul's Lutheran Church, St. John Ukrainian s and fourth Sundays, Trotters Church LCMS l( third and fifth 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month • Term Life Insurance Rev. Scott Hojnacki Rev. ' WIBAUX • Universal life Insurance Sunday Worship: 10:15 a.m.Divine United Methodist Church Fixed Annuities • Index Annuities Sunday School: 11:15 a.m. third Sundays,, S ic Church Pastor Ruth McKenzie IRAs • Long-Term Care Ins. First Lutheran Church-ELCA 10 a.m. on and fourth un- Sunday Worship: 9 a.ln. Bruce Ross Sunday School: 8:10 a.m. , Sunday Calvary Temple, Assembly of God 110 Central Ave. South, Beach, ND (701) 872-4461 (office) Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.ln. Belfieid Lu Pastor Reese Stephans (Across from Bank of the West) (701) 872-3075 (home) Beach Evangelical Church Roy. ELCA Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m Pastor Ben Baker " Sunday Schoo[ (al Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday WOtsl 8:30 a.m. Trinity Lutheran Church - Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. Daglum Luthel 30 p.m., Wed. ELCA United Community Church ELCA :ional Church Sunday Worship: I 1:15 a.m. UNNI Pastor Warren Maxted Rev. Roge Diertett ......... d Christian Fundamental Church Sunday Worship: 8:30 a.m. (Located 25 miles southeast Sunday Worship: I 1 Lm. Pastor Jeremy Stradley IME.) ....... Services running 3-19 - 9-13 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. OF • Sunday Worship: I1:45 a.m, on St. ~ary's Catholic Church Sunday Worship: l l a.m. I i m ' 1 For subscribers, your subscription's These Silha Funeral Homes JAMES d. WOSEPKA, P.C. expiration date is on your schedules CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT address label, Licensed In North Dakota and Montana It's time to send in your are 221 N. MeadeAve. 53 lstAvenue S.E. 41 CentralAve. South payment if your expiration brought to Glendive, MT59330 Beach, ND58621 Ro BoxgZO 406-377-2622 or 701-872-3232 or Beach. North Dakota 58621 is 3 weeks away. you by: 1-800-368-2690 1-800-892-6424 701-872-4321 i