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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
October 8, 1931     Golden Valley News
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October 8, 1931
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:, , ,, L I~X]~,IED At a nuptial mass at St~ Johns church Wednesday morning at nine o'clock, Rev. Father Hake united in marriage Russell Dunnigan of Beach and MI~ Agnes Wieka, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Vincent Wicks of south of Beach. The bride was becomingly attired in white satin and the groom in con- ventional black. The happy couple were attended by Miss Fern Bruley and John Wicks and Miss Angeline Wicka and James Hardy. A large number of frieJads of both families attended the ceremony. After the wedding the immediate bridal party went to the home of Daniel Wlcka, a brother of the bride, in this city, where an ele- gant wedding breakfast was served. -after which the pridal party repair- :'~ed to the farm home of Vince Wicka, where at 5 p. m. a great wedding dinner was served to the families of the newlyweds and lat- er in the evening impromptu danc- ing and other amusements were en- Joyed by the family and a numbe7 T/~ ~ N. D~ ADVAN4~ THU/~__DAY, OCTO~I~t 6, I_~1 -~B-~I~-F~/-~~SONALS= .... I--r.,--,,,..,....'Jeane made up a picnic party andlwas accompanied by Miss Mary" " b m l I N I- M ii / / i- I spent Sunday at l~caceful Valley ] Stoddard and Mrs. Nora Stoddard. [ [ F O R R E N T -- JOHNSON'S i ranch north of Medora ,FLOOR WAXER AT A VERY , • Mr and Mrs Fred Gilbert and j ===--=_ .... -==--_-_ ...... ~|~|||~L . ~U/ILl _ • I " " 'I~EA~N.~.~ .a,r~ .l~z~ See the bargains in Ric~.~,1 Ra~nond Young has gone to ]Mrs. ~'aul Wagner returned from l~ons spent Sunday at the home of l[~Y;~'~"~~$'~L.~- t ~iemnson ruesaay cveuing afterl Revand Mrs HarDer_ Burns _fo i/~,: ........................ on this page. v23-1tIDickinson to attend the Normal havin s n l MACIIINE, BY THE WEEK OR [ g pe t the past ten days as Glendive. [[M ................... The Saddle Butte Parent-Teach-[school. Miss Sylvia Kremenetsky had as] a patient in St. Joseph's hospital. [: M ssl • Evelyn Lardy will leave on I ]ABLE~rL'RENTALAL~u a tPRICE.A ~A, '~N. ers association will meet at the Lit- [ Stanley Wallace ks visiting a few her. guests over Sunday, Mrs. Chas. l Mrs. Nora Stoddard is numberedI Sunday for Glendivc, Mont, where: ] ELIASON. ~z, mrs. J a~.e ~_osl¢ ann cnuaren:/among those having an attack of she will be employed ~..___. ___ tle Beaver school house Friday, Pc- days at the E. A, Stoddard home MlSS ~'anme ~remene~szy anutthe flu " -- tober 9. Everybody is invited, this week. George McClellan has reshingled Mrs. Fred Noll was a Beach vis- Miss Gladys Mcrriman, all of Wat-I Wm 'Lyons and Harold Higlin -- == ---'=----=-'-----= --"~-'- the building occupied by the Chris- itor Monday morning and paid this ford City, N.D. . !both students at the Dickinson [] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • mr. and Mrs Paul Wi~how ann Norm 1 s ent h c -~ "-'"~- tensen grocery store, and all hands office a call ..... " .... } a p t e w 'ek ch~, ~ .... L~oromy returned mls wee~ after ltheir respective ~)arents down that way are now on the dry Miss Maria Allen the teacher of having spent the past month visit- Mrs V~ J Burns a~d childr-n side t co ' i ..... ~ • the Sou h untry, was a Beach ~g Mr..Wischow's.parents in Dale: and Mrs. Lyle Martin and daugh- ~ ~ ~ ~r~ Mrs. Dundr had the misfortune caller Saturday. to be thrown.from her buggy whenMr and Mrs J K, Tatley and w m:. They a!s.o vmi~.e~ irien~s, annter drove [o Dickinson Saturday ~ • ~ V .~ ~ V she was taking the children to daughter of Oilie' Mont., were in rem~wes a: o~ner points m w~s.on a shopping tour and to viist school Monday. She is recovering and feels much better. Mr. and Mrs. R. ~Slaby and BUd. Mr. and Mrs. J. Svacha and Helen visited her on Sunday. John Marmon of Sidney was a business visitor at the local Rey- nolds store here Sunday. ORDERED TO PAY. of_friends. • _ .. In the matter of a $2,000 appro- ~otn ~ne young people nave vv- " t ............. s pna ion for county agents cxpens- ea here prac~cauy all ~new uve e.s in district court sitting at Dick- -and are well known to a wide circle lnson Tuesda th c ~" ~ .... ~ufc~he~ds, ~nlI ~fWhOmmaWi~h t~fm ~o appear an~ Judge °l~g~ 'glav~ J Y one ~n b car at a judgment for the extension depart- They will h . ym . y _ meat by default. Wednesday the numoer of places In the eastern __~ .... - ...... ....... oruur oI Me cour~ Ior ~ne agent's part of tile state.- aopropria, tion to be increased was ---~'--S---localsherifrsolfice. "'4"""----"--" served on the comm|ssioncrs by the BRIEF N W C SE .... - ....=_-:=-_ ..... --. Last Saturday when the case of H J Wflkins of Alpha was amone young Brettin, charged by John th~ "who visited us yesterday t'0 Carroll with assault and battery, renew their subscriptions came on hearing in JtLstice Sepal- Mr. and Mrs. t.ouie "Schlauch. dard's court, it was proved that ~ ~-.~ Mrs Peter Hanes and John Brettm was under 18 years of age X~l~enfeld of Glendive were visit- ~d :h~:i, cdth~refmOre,rto~heeJd~tiee w~ i~.~. and Mrs. Henry Marmon it,~so the case wa:dismlsse~. The ~-~Y:~g a ~aek and children of justice suggested assessing the • *'° "'° ....... S ~.~ ~o.A ~,~. af X~r ~nd[Cos~..~05, to the plaintiff, but ~..- w .... Marmon here Sunday "~was ru ed out as illegal, ~t be- "a~ ~lrea ~nd see Rice's ~-~/ing a case the county is chargable .~ '~ "~ ~li~[with, according to the states at- m~d~'Marmon broke hi~ left torney, but" at least one of the commi~loners is no~ in sympathy arm Saturday when he was caught with that proceding and will ob- between the ~tore builidng and a Ject to the payment of the costs, it truck backing in to unload goods, is said. He is wearing the arm in a sling and feels lucky it was not worse. PROMISED TO LEAVE. A professional bunch of hunters sallied forth on the first day of the The case of Peter Coultere, charged with practicing medicine ooen season, and all others feared without a license inasmuch as he the prairie chickens would be ex- was prescribing for goitre, came up tSrmlnatcd before noon The party consisted of Drs. Bradley and Rice, •nd C. S. Jones of this city, Drs. ~vitle and Johnson of Dickinson ere is not half as much talk about the chickens they got as about an owl one of the party from Dickinson brought in alleging it was a fine grouse. Mrs. Clara Moulton is numbered amen:: the sick this week. Mrs. Newt Corliss presented her htmband with a fine ll-pound baby I~v at the home of her mother Mrs. Knutson last Thursday, and all are reported as doh~g fine. Mrs. John Carroll is reported as sir . ,O~ober 1, Mrs. Lund Duffield daughter of Mrs. James Thill, gave birth to a big baby boy, and he will be known as "Jackie." ~everal members of the local chapter of Royal Neighbors attend- cd the convention at Belfield Tues- day and report a fine tlme. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Peterson left Tuesday evening for their new home l~ Dickinson. Mr. Peterson for some time past has been warehouseman at the depot here. Mr. and Mrs, John Barkland were ap from the Butte Tuesday, Mrs. B. haying detnal work done. ~,] MATHISON DEAD, ord was received here this morning that Mrs. M. Mathison. a former resident of Beach had died early today at her home in Larl- more, N. D. NO details were given. NEW CONGREGATIONAL As a result of a recent church meeting a call was made to Rev. C, G. Ellinger of Beulah, N, D., to accept the pastorate of the First Congregational church here, which c~ll was accepted and Mr. Ellinger came on October first and preach- ed his first sermon last Sunday Some of the goodly church folks took their trucks and hauled over the~ new pastor's household goods a~he and his family are now set- tied in the parsonage. ~GE SALE, The annual P. E. O. rummage sale will be held in the former Mills hardware store building, Oc- t~3ber 16 and 17, when a goodly lot of all kinds of second hand cloth- ing, etc., will be sold to aid the treasury of the local order Teacher: "What do .you know about the Fourth of July?" Pupil: "Not a thing. I, never Could understand fractions.' UNITED LUTIlERAN CHURCH P, A. Gisvold. Pastor Sunday, October llth: Beach: Sunday school 10 a m Divine worship, 11 a. m. Choir re- hemal Thursday evening at 8 p. m at church. Sentinel Butte: Afternoon wor- for hearing in Justice Stoddard's court Saturday morning. On promise to leave the state and the payment of over seven dollars l~ east,s, the complaint was withdrawn and the goitre healer is said to have departed. A few days ago CouItere had a car smash on the broad highway west of Beach in ~hich hi~ car was badly damaged, but he got off without much in- iury. Those who viewed Hie wreck utate that the car crossed and re- crossed the trail several times be- fore it went into the ditch, from which certain inferences were drawn. BEACll LIONS ENTERTAIN WO OTIIER CLUBS ON 14TII ']he Beach Lions club ]~,ill be host to a joint meeting here of three lions clubs on October 14 the visiting clubs being Dickinson and Bowman. The especial guest of the evening will be District Gov- ernor Allen of Grand Forks, who with other visitors will make ad: dre,~es. This is the first of a number of such gatherings con- templated and it is desired that all local Lions make it a point to be present. BRCfl Thursday Noon Northern wi~eat ............. $ A6 Winter wrheat ............... 28 Durum whea~ ................. 28 ]~'lax ........................ 94 Rye .......................... 16 Barley ....................... 20 Oats ........................ ~ Cream ...................... Eggs (in trade) ............... 16 Butter ........... ............ 23 B[ACI/W[ATH[R Weather report tor the week ending October 7, 7 p. m Max. Mln Precip October 1 ..... 77 45 October 2 ..... 75 42 October 3 ..... 75 57 October 4 ..... 64 47 October 5 ..... 75 44 October 6 ..... 63 47 trace October 7 ..... 45 36 Temperature at 7 a. m today, 27. J. OLAYTON RUSSELL, Cooverative Observer ...---_ R. C. A. VICTOR both long and short wave set~, prices from $37.50 up P.~dio repairing, all makes Your set in good repair wiU cost you much less to oper- ate. work guaranteed. ~hip at the Congregational church, 2:30 p.m. Young Peoples' gather- Cunningham and Radio- tron tubes for all sets. Any radio can not operate effici- ently wi~h even one poor tube. Have them tested free. Rurges~ and Eve~ '~B" batteries at new I~p~5~. Several used rad~pstd~'~hand at reasonablepri i~ ~every Headql/~rters thing in radio. ing at the I~rs Ness home in the evening at 8 o'clock. RA~IOTRICIAN YOU CAN NOW GENUINE This iS a white gold mounting with a blue white We-~selton Dia- mond Beach Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Leonard Gamroth friends are expected to return today, af- A large number of local ()cople Quality Merchandise for Less George and Mrs. Osterhout were ter a months absence. They have attended the showing of the pic- up from Medora Friday to see the been visiting relatives in Oregon lure "Cimarron" in Beach last l~'~- show at the Bijou. and Washington. day and Saturday Mrs. L F. Hfllman has returned The Study club met Tuesday eve- Miss Ethel Severson of Glendive to Trotters and is staying with tier ning at the home of Mrs . Earl Mont., spent Sunday visiting her son G A. Hillman. Mason Roll call was responded mother. Mrs Ca~uie Severson Mr. and Mrs. Waarst of Ollie to with a short resume of the life The Ladies Aid of the Congrega- were pleasant callers at the Ad- of some noted musician. A very in- tional church wish to announce vance office Saturday. teresting paper on the history of that lunches will be served at the BEACH, N. D. ! Mr. and Mrs, Mahlon Sleeker music was given by Mrs. M. A, Englund Hardware on Saturday, were six o'clock dinner guests at Tovey. The next club meeting will October 10th, from five thirty on I'E~, WE DAVE LOTS OF APPLEs AND THE PRICF.~ the Mike Schwagel home Sunday. be held at the home of Mrs. Fred The food is all to be baked by the ARE RIGIIT Miss Violet Johnson came down Smith on October 20th. ladies aid members and all who from the north country Friday to Mr. and Mrs. O. Schumacher en- participate are assured of plenty to FANCY BULK MclNT~SII(} RED, BU $1.25 Mr. and Mrs, Vern Johnson of and Mrs, Lloyd Yatcs and ~augh- pieced quilt will be given away to Horton, Mont., were Sunday guests ter Gudrun. and Sylvia V~vig. the person holding the lucky num- FANCY ~RAPI ED JONATIIANS, I ER BOX ......... $1.~5 bcr. The quilt is on display in the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.M.Mr. and Mrs. Aud Nur~ accom- window of the Butte Drug "Co. Enderle. partied by Mrs. Wm. Pearson and - " ~ R. L. Johnston, the live merchant Mrs. Ernest Nelson werl~ Dickinson Supt. Tovcy and Principal Op- of Alpha, was a Beach visitor last callers last Saturday. / land and the local football squ~d EATMORE CRANBERRIES, PER QT .................. 15c Win. S. Burhans, j~on of Post- motored to Beach Friday afternoon Saturdaypleasant call.and paid this office a master and Mrs. Wn~Burhans, ar- to witness the game between that SWEET POTATOES, BI,UE GOOSE, PER POUND ~6o Mrs. John Barkland and son rived home Wcdnes~[~y for a three city and Baker. DRY ONIONS, 10 LBS. UOR ........................... /35c Ernest and Miss Flossie Gasho ofweeks visit. Mr. ]~urhans is now Mr and Mrs EIvin Van Eaton located in Qmaha/Neb., as assist- left Thursday for the Joc M)ers 10 LB. BOX MACARONI OR SPAGHEI~rI ............ 63c the North country were Beach call- ant manage~for l~iat branch of the ranch where they arc enlploycd. ers Saturday. PAN CAKE FLOUR, 4 LB. SACK, ONLY ..]..~ ........ Z4c Equitable Lif~ I][surancc company Wicks Show Co, direct from a Last Thursday Mrs. Anna Brown Mr. Burhans ~ln~e the trip by car leading vaudeville circuit, will put and Mrs. Carl Brantigan of the and enroutc v~ted a former class-on a musical show at the local HIPMENT/OF THIS NICE north country motored over to Sav- _ _ opera house Friday evening, Pc: JUST RECEIVEI) ANOFDEi~,~ IIJ~APEST IN CITY age, Mont., and visited friends for mate, Les Mathews of Slayton. tober 9th A dance will be giveri a day, . Minn., andq~is sister, Miss Pauline after the show. SPLENDID NO. DAK. IION~Y./C~ Burhans, student at Valley City J.T. Neale of Glcndive was a The Hlllman family of near Tro$- Normal. business caller here on Monday I0 LB. PAIL, ONLY .................................... 95e ters left Wednesday of last week Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Tovey and Mr. Neale is an auditorfor (t~e for Hyde Park, Mont., where theychildren were dinner guests at the l expect to make their future home. home of Mr. and Mrs. Aud Nunn Northern Pacific 5 LB..PAIL, DNLY ........................ 59e Ted Dixon left Th r:~d ~v fro' Nick Johnson left Wednesday on,Friday evening. Brookings, S. D., where he will take - -- ....... for Fargo where he will enter the Veterans' hospital for treatment Principal Opland,,and the Mi&~es the pharinaci~ts examinaLions He y~ M~J'I~ ~Ir~,a~Its.~m and expects to be gone two or Padoenk Mason and Dahl, were is expected home this week. ~ --~ three weeks. Dickinson visitors last Saturday. Hank Olson made a motor tri~) Mr. and Mrs. E. H, Mason were O.N. Dunham spent Monday Lo Dickinson ,last Saturday. He ~~~~ up Friday nlglzt from Sentinel here looking after business inter- Butte to see "Cimarron," the best ests, Mr. Dunham was enroute to play that has been shown in Beach his home in Bismarck, N. D. for a long time. Elsie Waldal returned to Sent- Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Schillo and inel Butte Monday, after a week's brother Anton and Martin of (3ol- visit in Beach with her friend. va spent Sunday at the home o~ TiMe Tweedt. Earl Ma.~on drove to Golva and their sister, Mrs. M. Schwagel, Beach Monday to attend to busi- north of Beach: Mrs. R. Slaby and son Rud and ness matters. Leighton Nunn came in from Mrs. J. Svacha of the north court- the ranch Monday and will spend try, went to Glendive to visit Mr. several days here. and Mrs. Sarver and family. On Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Overstad the way back they paid a call to of Beach, Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Mrs. Aksamit. Brown and son of Dickinson and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Martin and MORE SENTINEL BUTTE Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hogoboom and son were guests last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Hogoboom of Alpha, Frank Coffman and Frank ttanslemans of Dale, Wis., and Fred Stacker of Neena, Wis,, arriv- ed Tuesday and will spend a week here az the guests of Mr, and Mrs M. Reinholz~ NOTIfy I-lere's why-- No bills for poor relief will be allowed unless they have been au- theg~ost thorized hy direct order of the board. Chas. Llngk, clerk Saddle ~otO~ Butte Township. 23~1t ~CXa~O EEATURING ALBRECHT'S NEW "BUDGET SHOP, Fur prices hdvc ll~L rock bottom! Wc have n,~t :~ecn itlem so tow since I913~ :~,nd -o ~t' ,~l~, t)arL~cL~lariy fot'[tllKl~C Ill IlCitl'$ able to offer not Duly our ow,n :,took oi fur~ in thL~ arcat October Sale but over .85 coat~ dhecL/y from AIbreeht's il~ cilre¢~ charge of the AtbrccbL representative. Mr ~udmeier will bring a beautiful showing o~ Hudg(m Seal. Alaska Se~skin Japan('se Mink Muskrat Pony Squirrel American Broadtail arid "Northern Seal' coa~s--a complete range of the fines~ furs //~ O~er one-half of these Albrecht coa~s are grouped in their "budget / fur dep~'tment" The~e are coats especially made to sell at $65.00 to \~/ $135.00 each No quality sacrificed Each a fine Albrecht coat Imagine it Albrecht coats at such prlces! This sale is an unusual opportunity-- raw Iurs are going up strongly--don't miss it! O~. ;~ q~Ct, p¢~O~awcc prove ~t. Albrechrs L ....... 25e Colgatc's tOoth paste 17c 25c Dr. West's tooth paste ................ 17e 50c Nyals tooth paste .. 39c 40c Colgate's tooth brush 29c _. t_ MeKe~son's Baby Powder Free with 75c bottle of Mc- Kesson's Cod Liver Oil $1.00 value for ............... 75c GOODWIN TIIOMPSON Manager Texaco Service Sta4ion t J 50c Nylotis Face Powder 30c 75c Ny/otis Face Powder 61c 50c Day Dream Face Powder ............... 39c 60c Day Dream Perfume 39c 50c Par Shaving Cream 39c 50c Par Shaving Lotion 39c 50e Pearltone Hand Cream ............... 39c 50c 65c and 75c ~ox Stationery JONATHANS--PER BOX $1.49 DRy ONIONS PER 100 LBS. PER 100 LBS. t A CARLOAD "IIIGH GRADE" TO ARRIYE SATURDAY OR MONDAY, CAR-- 5 SACK LOTS AT PER CWT. $ PIERCES~--2~ CAN CASE 24 CANS FANCY GOLDEN CASE ~ ~ANS White Beans CLEAN-- 17 LIIS. $1.00 and $1.25 Box Stationery Downies PER 1~ LBS. Mixed Feed PER TON 43 PERCENT PROTEIN SPECIAL PRI~ARRIVAL CAR OCT. 15 ELBOW CUT--I0 L~ BOX PER I00 LBS. PER TON