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October 8, 1931 |
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at Noon Today
50 Above
We~|her a|
Noon Today
,, c0Nr~Nc~ B0,s,, ROUG, ~~i
,ERR0, 0C, ,2 B,LL G,,E,,
, , "r ,'T
Scenes and Persons in tim Crnent l ews
fall conference of thc Bis- . The Beacn high Cowboys lost .a The homemakers' clubs of Gel- Tt~e Bijou theater reopens this
zone of Lion~' clubs will be nard-fought footban game las~ ~TI- den Valley county opened their ]evening with many improvements
1 Hebron Monday evening day afternoon on the local gridiron work on the 'new"ma~or project a m the producffl~n of sound pictures.
l" 12th, accordin~ to an in'-' lo the powerful Baker, tMOnte, te~h/ nutrition garden project, at' a Iafter being closed the fi~t days of
L received by the president of 7-0.. BaKer piaim,y ou pm.y.ea _ e training class held at the home of I!he week. Heretofore_ tn.e,, senna
tl Club. !Cowooys item s~ar~ ~ nnlsn._TWO County Agent Ru.~ell in Beach on lhas been syncnromze~.wltn ~ne
invitation states that theof Beacn's regmars, ~nezevmn ano Thursclav October 1st l pic~ure irom oiscs, wmcn, wnne
ace will open with a ban-I Tornow, were injured in the first Miss Ruth Dawson" state field]gpod, oftentimes did not synchron-
6 30 m and at which few plays of the game and it wm~ a ent in food and nutrition was ize and militated against the el-
good ;rogram is being at- during, t,he remainder of the first l i~ charge of the meeting an(t will fectiveness, of the picture....This
A number of Beach Lions]half tna~ me visitors manageu to be in charge of the nroiect for the has ~een oovia~ed by ~ne aaai~lon
end - put across the lone touchdown of 1--Dr. Jose Manuel Pulg Casauranc, who succeeds Dr. Manuel Tellezas ambassador from Mexico to Wash. i war" ~ "- ~ t of apparatus which takes the
Ct bovernor, W. A. Murray I the .game. resumed play lngton. 2--View of the high school at Boston, Ind., Just after it was struck by a cyclone about forty pupils ! "~During the afternoon session the I sound from the little line that runs
end naE ou~ lornow was
t Gr nd Forks will b re in tne see n , azol~g me mt~ nine moe oI ~ne
a • " e p - - ............ e- bel g badly Injured. 3---Scene in Hankow, China, where merchsnts were doing business waist deep in water I scope of the project was explainedl : .... : ~ _. ~ ......
dgive the principal address ou~. Ior all erie gazne wt~a a urea ~ ~ during" the flood. • ] and _the• work orzanized,, ..... for the } Into, so mac syncrtromza~lon, wm
evenin~ Invit'ltions have ] whmh local supporters are hoping ~ -ear Th~ lesson in the hem- stor- { be perfect. To still better the
o- • • O . z L . .~ , ~ ~ ,
will erm~t him to la tomorr w
p p y sound effect and volume a new
it to the other fifteen clubs " " . . . . "--'----'7-. ~~ a~e and canning of garden pro-]'. .... : .....
zone, and a large attcnd-I (Friday) at Dic~in.son in wnat.m hrl/~ll 'h T • nhril~ algal i~= liar salt AA filial i%aAl/rh t%iT||rl~!duets was discussed in the after-I!,turn nas ~een piaceu .t~e.m.u.a ~ne
x t e ~d b regaroeu as ~ne mg game oz ene screen an~ ~ ~s expec~eo ~ne oe
e pec,ed.B s" es the clu • [ noon meeting. The women were . • , '. "
on othm clubs of thdm year for the Cowboys • • gin ~ re a~, h~m~ will also be perfect thus
, .. .-. . . • .. 51:ALOft i' / A U b WHJI/dial- WI- !111 HAIL PIL;I i:K
e l~atedin lqeach. Beulah. .Ba~:er,.empmyea an open s~y~e o fi^r ^n ,,n t.rrv tsaa |I ll/ll HIlL |l t. UU I ................. t;pace for storing garden products tel matin, this theater the equal in
,1 Bismarck Dickinson El_~tnaY wit~n many pa,~es ann ena koi. llk-||~l-k- ~,|.|H~l|'~k', |L i||~i~a ~IL|~| L|]||~l ~:~dn~ tb~ rh~ne~ elf sn~il~ao ,n~|Picture showing and sound effects
" ..... " h' er i tie o mu h ................... " ............ ( "
m Ulhn Hettm ~¢Mind tuns w mh w e a 1 t to c )f any m the countr.~
-, , an, the cowboys in addition OLROUI10 l'lLLllllUO,l|lPTflflfllOflllTITIIO/UR5 PILIRLIIR Iqito a ure the family a supply of| .l~he house reopens'"this evening
ty molt. N~ poicon ~ew , " ~ vcger, ables mr the non-proouctive '. ,,
~ ' •,'entcd a forward wall which the , I • with Robert Montgomery in Ship-
steelc a, d W,,sh urn 'll,e] - , .... MI:VT tucnuCenAV IA,IIIU/UUUflOUU/l/,nnam, iu e Unuvgolmonths. M,ss Dawson demonstrat-I ........
~lem club has resnonded te loqars con,sirens tine-,ouczing ILIAD II/lilIH.IlIMi I/~ -- I~lillll.% Hi n m llil/ll.%l ed the hot hack method for can-| ma~es." one oz me oesc comemes
itatinn h. u'a'vin~"th-~e ~hovleould not dent. Hannevold, who IlL'ill llLpIIL'VI~III~ iSJ IIlVfli/U !il ILl l]Pll/llt~[.~.. . .... ~.~ ..... ,~,~ ..... i,~, ,|seen here. This picture will be
~lng-twent~, str~)n~* "and'~iL replaced Tornow in the backfield, ]~re.~"~ur'e"~'l~er ~ors'~e~'r'~'izin~.~'t'~em'~ shown for the rest of the week.
.~ that other clubs~"es~ecial* I showed up fairly wen for an inex-] I Next Sunday will be Red Cross l --~--- IT he cannin ....~,,~,. ' ,= .~[Monday the show will open with
ones close b will send I permnced man. Ralph Jones, Cow- I INTERESqrING PROGRAM IS, Sunda:~. t PI K UP 313 UNI[~ BE ] tars and in tin cans a ~ hich t me ] Dude Ranch, in which Jack
• Y, . C S PO - . t 1 i
large deleuations I boy end, was the star of the con- PR~VH)En WiTH OTHER I It ~s expected that all the church- I .................... ] a can se~l~v wn.¢ n~d | Oak e, that prince of comedians,
zone conferences are hel~ [ test, however, playing a fine defen- - ........... ,.~,~ I cs will take note of .the opening of I *~"" m~te*mt~uaao~ ~ ~ ....... | shows his stuff a la cowpuncher de
~,~r.~n*,a~*.a~ ¢ ~ CH 61 IN O TY ~rress was pmmea onme use ot
les a year ihis' bcinz tr~l sive game and doing much of the ' lhe Red Cro s Roll Call on that - BEA , C fIN [_' % -'= . . .~ ... [ luxe the same picture showing
~te that it' i:~ i~eld in the tackling.Knezevich also played a I date and the great need of Christ-! ------ ]nome ca nneo proauc~s to ]us~y [ Tuesday."Wednesday and Thurs-
r C s} g0oo nu£rl£lOn ano as ameasure o[
i~y " good game during the ~eeond half.The Beach P. T. A. will begin it. ~ian interest and charity in thatT O Mustad who drives the[ .... [ day "The Woman Between' will
"~" Baker kicked off to the 10-yard activities for the season of 1931-32 i behalf. State i-Ii~,hwav ' commission's elec- ~ economy, i~Tpes o~ spouage com- I be the a~traction, with Lily Damita
ilfi~il ~.rrla ~ -ira tline to start the game. Beach made wi~h a gathering of the faithful on I While much has been published! tric met~ .icker was in Beach [ ~l~na°n~°a (~a~nn~e(~a]~°~:).°s _ge~rtfl..~:g222;, I~nd I,cster Vail, each picture hav-
I~ilN EPFM ~: /|lia first down and then punted'to the evening of Wednesday, Octobe~l regarding the destitution In the'last week and gave us an account {::o~ :~'~.='~'~. ~..~[in~ additional features as "curtain
I~0~J[|~ U~L|~L] ~ midfield After an exchange of 14Lh at 8 o'clock at the Lincc~nidrouth sections of out" own state of the work bein- don for autoists/~.?:"°~. ~-?'",~ .' ...... ,.'~ ..... :-" ...... |raisers'
.... " .... s h ' 1 buildin at' which time the an ........... • " " ~" ..... /Wl~fl0lff, flrsc mspecnng me con- i
~A^m ^r- ^.~s,~ mints, BaKer complet, eo a nice pass c oo g, a sm~er s~a~e oz ~on~ana, nazl amng the nlgnways el the s~aee,,- • -'-. " - '. - . • --
t l w ~ Lamer ann l~s conLen~,s nile as fl
I,|qsll IlL |sL|||~s rot a first down. IIannevold inter- organization will be p eased to el-, lhe ~tory has not been told and His arrivlal here was a comply.-] .... ~,'n,,.e~,;*~ ....... s,;a.(~oa" ~ I~O ~|| | |~'~U r~'~
£1JIJR U/ htR/,' i e, ed another pa.~s a minute lat- come new members and friends ofi few people realize the de~ltution.!tion of two rounds of state high-~ii"~1 '~ee"~ome' c~;[~;ec~'~'e~'m~,lA "|| | |"'1 ..!! ARg
i=.A ....... --, .... ~[ or, however, and Beach punted out the association. - ,and even hunger that stalks manyq ways he had made since April 19 I.. .... ;~ _*"'~
~" "".~" |~--~ Pll~Ll~i~ll YYhll~lllllP
PIlUNLY CHICK8 ?~n !/ ,-,O ,wentv mml[cs oeiore usln~"
%a~ger. The first quarter end theTlloerJOllo~lnt~lePrOgvr g,W,l thee, ahnU~dreedr ~lmlll~ {~ ~ wOeWs~, state}~ Wnh:hl~o~las ~leok~dd ~tTr?~ tJ~alX~lot, l~ga,s.WO~e~ ~{i,~,i~:i,~ I flr PITI71:H~ MflHI:V R
" ]Baker .... scored as the second quar which" refreshments. Wl" 1 be se vedt As compared [o £ne~e, Our people ', the roads milch of it of a character ] ~,,, ~E~ rn.~'..;'~/ .... ;'; ;;:'.o[ U| UIIILLII(I HYIIL/|U
Itcr opencd however on a series of and a short pemo~ given over to are rollin~, in hixur" tie ~nlt tires out of commission I " '.':*.' • . _. _= : . ~" .',':'-|~=.~.~w.a, ~.. ~=...,~.~"
• • ~ ~" ~" ' warn l~,OWflleWSKl, It2rs /~nton W1b-
Imce forward passes, and convertedrenewing P. W A. frmndshins: Nearly, 5000 famiiles i- the two On the wa- west from Bismarck .......... ; ;; .... [H|||||~.~ |l~ ~|~|~
• o " ,' ' *' { ,' ' ' " " " zig Mrs ~ P,, lvlurry allOlVllSS
O'F FELLOWS PUT IT the point The remainder of the Vocal solo Mr, Menke [, ale e n e n he mk d
.... , • _ : .:t .s ar. ow being fed and sup- to th. Montana li e p e lPl Viola. Hollenbeck ~ [IllUI Lll Iil 0RHRU0
OVER MERCHANT~ first.half was a ~eeTsaw" battle with ."Purpose of P. T. A.' Mrs. uon- plied with clothing and other nec- 313 pounds of metal stuff. He pick- [ Mrs Russell " entertainedthe [
DOWN THERE thaC~al} i~e~ea:nwt'~n~rv aisgto°~rs al~s:nlaws of P T A Miss Allison': essities by the Red Crc~s, and it is ed up 45 pounds of th!s material in ~ delegates at a hmcheon which was [
' ~ • . . " '~ . • .' ., . • :e limited that by Christmas-- the round trip to Go~va and oacklen~o,,,d h,, al' / .........................
._ ------ . rempm~ing a number oI passes Piano soJo Marie Keonane I what - mr.-kerr fh~f din,, tvi]l he tn ~eaeh ~,ath-red in 16 noundsl : a s~ ~s .. [a~r~.~v~na or t~,.a~ .r~u[-
~O~/1 galne of huill CIlCCK[ .... ' .......... s ....... z, .............. o ,- ,-
, .... i wlnle the Baker line held Beach's Vocal solo, VLrgmla Iuliller.i i[ we do not do our share---70 000 on the 14 miles of federal hiffhwa!] 1 -- [ VIDUAL DEPOSITS THUS
caught D CKII1SOn DUSlneSs ~ g o o "~
week *~ ~l~o ~,,n,, "~" ~1~/off-tackle :ma.,hes in shape..T]L officers for th- coming year~ people in the two states will 're-, north of this city. " ~[ MUCtl INTEREST SIIOWN [ FROZEN UP
" h* ...... "~ "~ ~['~" J~eaca K1cKe~l ~O s£ar~ tne seeona are" } "r ) 1 x n e t 1 " NS
te Bead folks ma ~ • , k - , ~ _ ' " ~.~ ._ _ , qU] e Red Cross assistance, and Whi e It is e pe siv to run his IN DEMONSTRATIO,
, y not halfand re~ov~re~ff a fumble. K,,e- Preside;lit, Mra. Dom, t~n~.~ ........ _ ..................i_...~,, ...........cert-'nl-- ^ - • ' ....
• h.,, h~a ,,o~* h. ,.,. h~; ~ ......... . ....... . ....... , ~*~v mc~srv r~uu, cv.~ ot me ,sr~rlcK- lliv~at~ ,~ ~ ~~aA / ,.~ ;. • / The ~enerai Illness sPdm19 Da$
:~.,~ .............t .... r[z~vlc,_n ~.n, e n g o~_ ox~_a , niche pun~ vm~..~resmen~;$.-n~rsi~.ffer]cze. I.en counties will be completely ,ex-igreat s.aving to Car and. truck driv-| ¢~n~ h"ndrod t'¢~n farmer a trnd /develorm~'a some queeie t~inlp
giving hi,~ name as Jen- ~]~¢ecn 13g~er~ ;une~cSnan~a~'er g~'~e ~e~ure~' Mrs"~ Ku~fel'd nauste,d ,before then; .......... i~ii~',°~ne?w~.~y ~ao~e C~he [ed"{he'th'ree-Uvestock-~r:kett class |Among then, is the fac~ tl~t a
,o .. ..... ~ vw ~,, u~,~, ~,m~ ~n~ ~u wr~ u~ ~ "~""~ " ~ "" ~ st i con u ted who~e lot cf peo,)le have quit buy
Col ~oute made t dems~t , n th Chairman of re ram om itt + rodin demon ~at (ms d c
~t ~ ",..:.t.~' n~..':,..::t.,.. !Coxboys made a first dew, . e ...... p g c m ee. has appropriated $316000 for relief l~arages, and .him we see that In |.g - g -- -~-~ ..... .-|i~n-- ~ tl~e~ or~l'naril~ do and n~
,~ ~ ,,,,,• '1,,, on,., nay visitors in~ercep~en one oI ~ne lo, Mrs. man wmga. in th, t~,n ~f~t~ ' lif~ almost any re, wad accomnlished [~Y 4ames ~. WallaCe, llVeS[o~.g |•. 5., .s . ' ~ • r
le ente ' ~ ~ "~ ~ ~ tne]l nloney In mutual savln~
~ntan p" s d a cheuk ~cal's uasses and punted. After an ............... --- ~ "specialkst, from the Depa'tment of|: ." .......
• n payment of a .store par- l cxchal~ge of punts Baker made Agriculture, Washington, D. C., |ban~ ~ep~k~s" ~o an lnerea~, ~. ~une
receiving the change in]thrce consecutive first downs on Thursday. The , demonstraLion~ jof over a mn,?n aonars w~m~n t~en~
ais check was found good. }l)a~es and came within inches of were held at the following places: |pas~ year, ln aKmg a .m~a~ ~o ~ v
I Hp O1 nine DllllOn ttOll3rS
other man presented a scorin~ The Cowbovs held how- For sheep at the D- L. Kukowski ] ...... •~' _ ..
ch o t -- 1 x Js The £otH Dank avmgs oep~llaS
eck for $24 aL the ~ame, ever and -anted The visitors be- farm, for 1 ogs at the Lc v' Od- [ . { ., c ,
v land arm and al~o at the local tof all kinds m now $28538900000
like circumstances. ~an' another series of passes, but f ." ,': ~ - : ....
also fc,md to be good. ,Davis finally intercepted one snd stock yards, and for cart,(, at the or 56 percent of the total individu.
noth ~r man came along Beach punted again. The game C'harles Holi.%ein farm. ~'~ose pre- al deposits of the nation.
sent seemed to be very much in- So great is the flow of money to
Jenning~ check for $78, ended shortly afterward, lng their men busy on something, of vegetables they should be gath~, being opened, instead Of the egg terested in the demonstrations and ~he savings banks that many of
the others having been[ A bad feature of the contest were Just i he other day I checked one ercd and the railway will carr.~ having two yolks as supposed, it
~s ateo cashed, but found a number of arguments over rule first page of the Daily Leader las~ them and the other gifts free, to was found to contain in a sea of the talk given by Mr. Wallace. The such bankers are limiting the
no good. Another crook technicalities, which slowed the January and we had fourteen ref- the central distributing point, albumen--with no yolk.--a perfect demonstrations were arranged amount of such deposits because
several checks at other g~me considerably and detracted erences to the prevailing hard The people of other states are re- egg o{ normal size and having a Jointly by County Agent Ru~ell and they cannot find suitable invest,
ments that will satisfy the depos-
hewing the bum check greatly from the spectator interest, times. The stories were good spending gloriously, hard shell. This inner egg, on be- COtmtv Agent Ostby of Wibaux itors.
to be real good in the sis- Coach Joos of the locals is to be enough but at least two-thirds of Shall we lag behind? especially ing opened was found to be nor- county. A country with such an enorm-
~'-H~-~G T~R commended for "hanging tough" them had no business on the first when it is our own fellow citizens real, with the usual albumen and FARM SH pus mass of savings belonging to
however on decisions which with- page• They all were handicaps in who need the aid? t vo~k. This certainly is a curiosity, ~ls saving citizency is a long way
Let us wake up and do some-the shells of which and their con- from being broke, but no way ha~
' , out a doubt should have been in our efforts to secure local adver- thing, ire:its can be see at this office.
the Cowboys' favor, tising.--Exchange, vet been found to induce the sav-
The boysarepracticinghardnow ON POll[TRY [lOCKS crs to inve.~t their money in the
NOW FOR HOLi for the game at Dickins6fi tomor- ~= S -u-ss-e-li WIIHPOPULARD[AL[R ordinary channels of basin.s, ~
first ga,e over that team R ~ this vast hoard i.s practically fr0z-
RADF DV]SF_D ,nco ore. ar . [ en so fa," as business is concerned.
~nd the question is how can this
have had some good experience in money be goL back into trade chart-
the past three games and should
give the Stark county team plenty " __ .... nels and prosperity induced thereby
to think about. A number of local We publish herewith our annuM|the table: ,a,,era~e and all hands arc praying RED cR-0 cAR[N [0
~,upporters plan to accompany the table of precipitation for this rain, but 7.59 inches of it came in for record rains and snows UP toI CARS, TRUCK,S LOADED WITH Lo again visi~ these United States.
SAY MANY N. D. FAR- boys. county, the table covering the past May, June and July, and we had 7.hristmas. when we always have a[ FAT BIRDS BRING FLOCKS
HAVE MADE GOOD 12 years, and prepared through the a "hang-over" of 3.81 of fall rains] thaw, and are often able to play[
}NEY DOING IT A NARROW ESCAPE. courtesy of County Agent Russell. to give us a good start in the[ball and other out-door sports for[ TO GETZ CAR
Last Snnday morning asDr. and It covers what is called the "crop spring and a good crop. ~aweekor two. i 4,782 HONT AKOTA
who have turkeys are Mrs. Rice were anteing into the year," or from September to Sep- This year the weather man didn't~ It will be noticed that in fourI One of the best illustrations of
tember, send what rain he had to spare at~years out of 12 we had above the|the effect of thorough advertising "
lnd it profitable to fat- country, near the farm home of good times, and the "hang over"laverage (mean) rainfall, and in[ g[UPL[ Nt[V I%!'~t!%!!" I~,'l-~ MON[Y
for a period five to six Peter Wilson, on the Golva road.nearlyThe 17averageinches.rainfall here is was not so good, with the resultI two more very close to the aver-twas shown last Friday when the
re marketing them, inthe steering gear went wrong and It will be noticed that we have that we were almoSt dried up in[ age, so that half the time we have|streets ab(mt the railway tracks in
of F. E. Moore, cxten- their car went into the ditch, but had this year but 10.67 inches since May, which prevented germination~ had plenty of rain; and in were packed with farmers' --
man of North Dakota did. not turn over. The bump last September, which generally of seed, and June was an inch of more years the rain came just right I cars and trucks bringing in live ---
college. A pound of against the ditch bank threw Mrs. means much, but sometimes does- rain shy. July went above the av- and pulled us through in nice/poultry for the Gets people, in
be produced with about Rice~ who was driving, so forcibly n't, for in 1925, one of our best crop erage, but it was too late to help shape, so altogether, the rainfall spite of the fact that the week UNDOUBTEDLY GOLDEN VAt-
grain feed, and at this against the steering wheel that the years, we had only 10.04 inches of most grains, has been very decent with us nine previous two other dealers had had LEY PEOPLE "WILL MAIN'rAatN
pay to transform feed wheel was broken in half and she more rain (1.52 inches) than the However, last month we had years out of the 12. Following is cars here. but ~ad to send them GENEItOSIT~ RECORD
meat. In addition toquite severely bruised, but otherwise elsewhere to be filed. The Get7
be gained by selling the two escaped with but a few
the turkey, there is also bruises. The car was pulled back
chance to advance the onto the road by Delo Logan's
the bird a notch and to wrecking car, the steering rod fixed
Premium for the extra and Mrs. Rice was able to drive the
car home.
:ent feeding test involv-
of 430 turkeys, the good On the 20th of this month the
fattening the birds was postoffice will issue a very attrae-
tied. This flock was fed Live two-cent postage stamp coro-
t and had free access to memorating the sesqufl-center~ial
five weeks before being of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis
ng this time the average at Yorktown, Virginia, which event
the- birds was increased l ended the RevolUtionary ~'ar. The
~ds with a total feed stamp bears the heads o~ General
per bird of 15 pounds. Rochambeau, commanding the
of last years prices French army; Admiral DeCh'asse,
weight was worth commanding the French navy, both
Per bird and the cost of supporting the colonist army, and
Used was 15 cents. For the
birds th~ represented
71 cents per bird• In ad-
fattening resulted in
many birds from No. 2
1 and when this was
the gain amounted to
l~er bird.
that turkeys
of a ration made
barley or speltz and
skimmilk and
should be provided.
be marketed as
. Prope¢ degree of
in the center General George
Washington. The stamps are long
and will make very pretty souvenirs
of the great eele?0ration in which
two nations and all true Americans
will take part this month, even
though they cannot be present at
the historic festivities.
others may be, profitably kept and
fed unit1 they ~1~O are fat and in
gomt condition.
• lose r afln t durlag the fat-
Year 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925. 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Mean
l~s, Jan. 1 .. 2.042.41 3.19 3.57 51~1 3.85 1,50 3~9 3.94 1.76 3,75 2.94 3.31
~'pt ~r--. ~. -~1 L-.03 1.10 4.25" .60 .66 1.87 .~ 1.g 1.41 1.2',
oct er ..... 151 122 .41 2:3, 1•2 .99
November .... 14 .70 18 .02 0 .98 .59 0;I000 ;60 .47" .54
December ..... 15 181 .55 1 .48 .40 .72 .84 .29 .51
January ...... 60 .33 .19 :87 0" 0"~ "~ .26 :63 .65 .30 .09 .63
February ..... 33 .26 .~ .33 :42 i.~ .13 .13 .15 .27 .52 .51
March ....... 1.98 .65 .11 .61 ~40 .41 .26 1.26 .01 .83 .78
April ......... 1.64 1.31 ~:35 1.41 1.01 .87 1.42 .72 .4~ " 1~~ .16 1.4~
May ......... 1.46 .94 3.99 .90 .72 1.19 1~31 6.16 .67 5.53 .72 2.81
June ........ 1.23 6.82 4.16 3.70 3.96 4.12 1.94 3.43 4.33 7.994170 2.39 3.48
July .......... 78 3,21 2•60 2.19 " 1.09 1.28 1.39 2.49 2.41 1.20.67 2•24 1.80
August ...... 1.07 :25 .89 .24 .71 .48 .97 1.65 3.33 1.363.52 .78 2.05
~ ~, ~ 1-i-~ 1-6~ 1-~i51530 12.13,10.04 9.81 19.8912.6822.36 19.40 10.67 18.~
PERK UP, BO~S. Usher (to cold, dignified lady):] OTHERS MAKE 'EM.
people filled a car at Golva and
two here and could have loaded
most of another had one been ob-
tainable. The sales represent sev-
eral thousand dollars distributed
in this county, and the turkey
sales are yet to come•
Mr. Winders, the GeLz represent-
ative, appreciates the value of ad-
vertising as we know. for he always
has his printing done here. He
sent out postal cards and circular
letters to the farmers near and
far, ran a display advertisement
and gave the best prices the mar-
ket afforded. He wanted the poul-
try and went after it in the pro-
per way, but all this advertising
would have been fruitless had his
popularity been less with the farm-
The ~lendive paper, while re- ers.
He also bought nearly a full car-
Joicing over the win by the local load of birds at GoIva.
football team, palrs this nice corn- It is fine to advertise, but one
must back it up with service and
fair .prices. When these two ele-
g pe " menL~ are united, the advertising
Beach showed an excellent foot- I cza~ ia absorbed in the great eel-
ball squad and outplayed the locals [ ,,
during most of the game very de-~ ance. ~, Ted ,Dickinson returned last Pri-,ume of business that comes as a
cidedly Dawson looked ragged ] ..... -- [dsy from serving on the United[result of this combination of t~de
best thi about their {States jury at ~'al*g~ and ~sI sagacity. Too many people hang
and t e ng You are missing the be~ rt of f l
....... +~ f~t. th~.t. ~fL~r bed_iris" [ ,~ IUncle Sam forgot the high cost o the expense dollar so close to their
-,- ............... e r if o
[~. ~h,., came back and won Ith pape Y ,~ ~Yl~ ~l~~iving whell ~_t the pay for sUCh
It~ is officially stated that 4,782
droughth-Lrickcn families in Mon-
tana and northwestern North Da-
kota are being taken care of by the
Red Cross, which has so far been
able to give the aid, but which, with
the increasing pressure of the
winter months, will need the earn- i'i
est help of the people of the two
states to provide for" these cittaens
before spring. The Roll Call be-
gins three days away. Surel.v the
good-~olks of the Golden Valley,
who have never yet turned d~
ears to appeals for aid for the
stricken, are not now, even thoug~
pinched themselves, going to fall
their record for generosity aa~~
charity. We don't believe it.
Neither do we believe the
Cross chapter here is going to fail
to function this year, of all the
years when its services are
needed. It is nothing to shoulder
rcspon~ibility when the going is
easy, the test comes when trials
are met on every nana anti unaur-
has $10