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Golden Valley News
October 5, 2017
Beef Talk
By Kris Ringwall
Ellef Fran
DENVER Ellef Franklin
Farstveet, 83, died Sept. 20, 2017, in
Denver of congestive heart failure.
Graveside military services were
held on Oct. 3, at Fort Logan Na-
tional Cemetery in Denver at staging
area A at 11 a.m. with military Honor
Guard salute as well as a bagpipe
tribute. Other arrangement details
can be found at:
Ellef was born April 13, 1934, in
Beach to Elsie (Geyer) and Knute K.
Farstveet, a twin in a family of 10.
He was baptized and confirmed in
the Lutheran faith. He graduated
from Beach High School in 1953 and
attended college in Fargo.
He served in the U.S. Army in
Germany with the Military Police.
Upon his honorable discharge from
the Army, he worked in law enforce-
ment in Glendive, Mont., and was
later employed in the oil fields in
Louisiana and Wyoming. In 1964, he
married Bonnie Gayle Murphy in
New Orleans. Two sons were born,
Troy Ellef and Knute Matthew.
Ellef worked for over seven years
in Nigeria and was named an hon-
orary chief to a Nigerian tribe. Later
he taught petroleum business in Den-
ver. After his retirement, he enjoyed
coming back to Beach each summer
to tend his CRP trees near Wibaux,
Mont., taking the moniker Tree
Farmer for his many varieties of c
hokecherry trees. He was a longtime
and faithful member of the American
Legion in Aurora, Colo.
Ellef is survived by his three sons,
Troy (Sherie) and step-grandsons
Dylan, Dustin and Brian of Brighton,
Colo.; Knute Matthew of Aurora, C
olo4 and Mark Yates of Pleasant Hill,
Calif.; b~, his brothers: Alvin (Marge)
, and Gary (Marge) of Beach; Rex
(Myrna) of Dickinson; and Craig of
Winnemucca, Nev.; by his sister,
Sharon Dietz of Beach; and many
nieces, nephews and cousins.
Ellef was preceded in death by his
wife Bonnie~ his parents; his twin
brother Knute Jr.; his brother Keith
and Keith's wife, Myrna; his sisters,
Eleanore Ward and Marjorie Mosser.
Condolences may be sent to the
family at 18917 E. Mercer Drive,
Aurora, Colo. 80013.
• II
e of cattle so
Ten years (as of November) have i
passed since the Dickinson Re-
search Extension Center summa-
rized research on tagging calves for
improved market traceability, and
the subject remains relevant today. -
In the last decade, trading beef tional.(and international)discussion
was, and still is, a complex pattern about age and source verification
of pathways that involves many heightened that uncertainty. The sit-
steps. Although selling cattle has uations, names and places have
been fairly simple throughout his- ' changed, but the uncertainty re-
tory, more recent desires continue to ' mains, at least regarding age and
evolve processes that are not as, source verification and potential
straightforward as a simple hand- trace-back of cattle that are sold.
shake. Essentially, two products still re-
History changed the rules. There main: the "calf" and then the associ-
was no vote. There was no input.• ated "data." Both products have
There was a simple acknowledg- value, an important point to under-
ment that business as usual was not stand.
to be. A few more questions were Today's producers market a calf
and the data about that calf, but the
asked, but in the end, life went on.
Producers are seeking an unen- concept of marketing the data still is
cumbered environment that allows struggling in the pens and alleyways
buyers from around the world to bid of the cattle business. Calves are
on their calves. The current envi- sold in one direction, but data go in
ronment seeks to maximize business both directions, thus the concept of
options for producers. Producers trace-back.
seek the flexibility to market their The challenge remains. The free
stock that effectively capture value marketplace determines calf value,
for them and enhance that value to but the value of the information as-
all links within the beef industry, sociated with the calf has not been
During this decade, we saw many determined.
marketing options: sale barn auc- One point has become very clear:
tions, video auctions, internet auc- The information contains the keys to
tions, direct sales, alliances, branded unlock the doors needed to enter the
programs and other alternative mar- more complex marketplace, domes-
keting arrangements, all considered tically and internationally.
beneficial and essential by beef pro- While the keys may open the
ducers for the identification and doors, one big question has resulted:
capture of product value. Is this a burden or an opportunity?
Ten years ago, more uncertainty The data become knowledge and in-
surrounded calf marketing. The na- formation, both powerful market
tools. So, while we answer the ques-
tion, care and caution must be exer-
cised, particularly as data
ownership, transfer and access are
As the Dickinson Research Ex-
tension Center expanded the effort
of understanding the concepts and
challenges of cattle movement, the
CalfAID project (a local program
for age and source verification)
emerged. It's an exciting and inter-
esting project that brought many
participants to the table.
As time went on, additional mar-
keting incentives or value-added
programs were developed, inclusive
of regulatory standards, with the un-
derstanding that the marketplace
would determine the validity of the
pened? May/ge.
Optimistically, yes, but I would
challenge commercial cattle produc-
ers to quickly name five new mar-
keting opportunities in the last
decade. Why? Again, opportunities
are there, but for every move for-
ward, new obstacles and new barri-
ers seem to hinder the opportunity.
Unresolved questions still remain
on all sides of the fence. These
unanswered questions are real and
inhibit participation in new market-
ing opportunities.
Movement of cattle is a delicate
Calf backgr0unding workshops set Pinkeye infecting some North D kota cattle
With drought, lack of hay and of gain.
volatile market prices, North Dakota "With the drought, the cost of North Dakota State University an- fly numbers; environment conditions ness of the affected eye."
cattle producers are faced with dif- forage is quite high," he adds.
ficult choices. "That's contrary to the grain prices,
One option is to add value to the which are fairly low."
calves by feeding them in North John Dhuyvetter, area Extension
Dakota instead of selling them. To livestock systems specialist at the
address this issue, the North Dakota NDSU North Central Research Ex-
State University Extension Service tension Center near Minot, notes,
is holding a series of local seminars "Rations with higher inclusions of
on feeding and backgrounding grain or coproducts result in higher
calves and cow feed management, average daily gain and improved
"Backgrounding calves is a mar- feed conversion. This might make
gin business," says Karl Hoppe, area cattle-feeding budgets profitable. It's
Extension livestock systems spe- time to figure your costs."
cialist at the NDSU Carrington Re- The dates, times and locations for
search Extension Center. "When the area meetings include:
cost of gain is lower than the value - Oct. 10 - 2 p.m., Medora,
of the gain, feeding calves works. Chateau DeMores Interpretive Cen-
However, feed costs are so variable ter
in North Dakota. Freight cost be- - Oct. 10 - 7 p.m., Bowman, 4-
comes a huge issue, and the cost of Seasons Building, Bowman County
shipping feed is figured into the cost Fairgrounds
AARP: North Dakotans losing
money to sweepstakes scams
Scammers, using the Publishers tee you will never get that money
Clearing House name, are trying to back.
trick people into believing that their If you are asked to pay anything
dreams are about to come true be- at all before you receive any prize,
cause they have won the sweep- • it is a scam. No legitimate sweep-
stakes, stakes require a winner to pay fees
Elderly individuals living alone or taxes up front before the prize
are favorite targets of scam artist s, money is disbursed.
according to AARP North Dakota. Did you send moneY to a scam-
In the past 12 months,elderly North mer, or know someone who has?
Dakota victims have lost more than Report the loss to you
$366,000 to sweepstakes scams, ac- paid through (Western Union, Mon-
cording to the North Dakota Attor- eyGram, or the prepaid or gift card
ney General's Office. company), and then report it to the
Scammers are saying in order to North Dakota Attorney General's
receive your prize you will need to Office.
send money to cover "fees and For information about other
taxes." Paying to collect a prize is a scams and how to protect yourself
scam - e very time. Scammers will and your loved ones, sign up for the
often ask you to send them money Fraud Watch Network at
from Western Union or Money-
Gram, or buy a gift card or prepaid You'll receive free e - mail alerts
card. If money is sent in one of with tips and resources to help you
these ways, it is nearly impossible spot and avoid identity theft and
to track and you can almost guaran- fraud.
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