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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
October 3, 1935     Golden Valley News
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October 3, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THURSDAY, LAST DANCE OF THE SEASON! ~ DON'T MISS IT! ANDY GOMPF AND HIS ll-PIECE DANCE ORCHESTRA Evergreen Park, BeachFriday, October 4 Garner News ~~-X.4~vr ~/ete-X~41-tt ~t 4t4t ~4t :Mr. and Mrs. Glen Aistott and family and Bill Wassmann left on 'Thursday morning to visit friends ~latlves in ~parts of Illinois. "I"ney expect to be gone about three reeks. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Wassmann" and girIs; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wa}smann Leslie Wassmann were dinner ~hmts at Andrew Kohler'x Sunday. Mrs. Fred McManigal was operat- ed on for appendicitis sunday morn- ing, We all hope for a speedy recov- ery, Many from this community attend- ed the show in Beach Sunday hire. A1 Dietz left Friday morning to visit friends and relatives in parts Of Wisconsin and Missouri. Joe Dietz. Fred Wassmann, Roy Harmon. H. L. Babcock. and Harry Funk shipped cattle Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassmsnn ant~ Dorothy attended the social at the ~, B: church Saturday. floe Dicta and family called at the Wassmann home Friday even. Axel;ffohnson is doin~ the chore~ at Glen Alstott's during their absence. Lloyd Wassmann and Dick Stull were working at the Victor Renstrom term Saturday. Many attended roller skating at Alpha Saturday and Sunday nights. Dorothy ~rassmann was an over- ~lght caller at the Joe Dietz home Saturday night, SUBSCRIBE FOR TI~E RNVIEW II! . Alpha News 1 Alvin Bay visited friends in thel AlPha neighborhood Thursday. ] Art ~White. Leighton Nunn, ands, Karnes Johnson were in Golva Men-] day on business. [ Mrs. Alex LaSotta and daughtert FOR SALE--Philco automobile ra- dio. $20.00. S. F. Dye, Beach. 2t-p ' VAN BRU~T JOHN DEERE drills are better and last longer. Last spring Van Brunt drills could not be bought on account of the great de- mend. If you don't believe it. ask Jim Hardy, the Michels Bros. and dozens of others. Bismarck had 7000 Van Brunt orders that could not be filled. More Van Brunt drills are sold than 3 other makes com- bined. There is a reason. The Tat- ley Implement Co., Ollie, Carlyle and Golva, SStf LOST -- Somewhere on Lincoln school grounds. Pair of glasses in case. $1.00 Reward. Roy Johnson. It LOST~One ewe with hame strap around neck and hitching strap drag. ging. Reward. Please notify W. I,. Carlson, Beach. frx L~3ST--End gate for truck, some- where between Ollie and Joe Pep- linski farm. Finder return to How- ard Wenberg. SUBSCRmE FOR TH~ REWEW~ -tH 1--Initiating Comnfittee 2~Committee on Programs 3--Community Fair Committee ALBERT GILMAN IS SENIOR CLASS PRESIDENT The Senior class meeting was held Monday after school. Miss West a~d Mr. Miller were chosen for the class advisors. The Class officers elected are: President--Albert Gilman Vice-President--Alma Buldhaupt Secretary Treasurer---Duane Geyer $ $ $ $ Class meetings are being held this week. The seniors meet Monday, juniors Tuesday, sophomores Wednes- day, and the freshmen Thursday. Tryouts for Playmakers' was held Wednesd~ty evening after school, The first meeting of the club will be held next Monday during the sixth period. A box will be placed In room 14 which is to be used for any contri- butions other than those that staff members may have for the Student Cry. The first meeting of the Home Ec- onomics Club was held Monday dur- ing the sixth period. The Belfield football team plays here Friday. " The Junior High School Club was F STAFF CHOSEN PING-PONGS -- 6 FOR 15c FOR STUDENT CRY 12 FOR 25c FOUR POSES The staff for the Student Cry has OCT. 1st TO 9th been chosen and is as follows: WELCH STUDIO Editorial Council: Mary Jane AI- guire. Enola Lassell, Albert Gilman. ~~ Features:. Merle Lovell. News: Janet Lovell. Sports: Russell I~mgberg, Glen Fakler. Art: Meredith Halstead. areDak.Vis£ting relatives at Newell. S.t Humor:Notes inCharleSLocalM°yer'Paper: Alma Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fuhrman aud~ Buldhaupt. ~family visited Sunday at the DreW-I Alumni: Eleanor Odenbaugh. ' '~'ikk home. 1 Exchanges: Sidney Livermore. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Gamroth andt Reporters: Rex tialstead, Allan tamlly were in Beach Tuesday where,. Severson. Mrs. Gamroth had denta| work done. Typists: Bonita Fritze. Lucill~ " 'Little Louie Fasching of Oolva vis- Schmitz. Bruce Hathaway, Eletanor ' ited at the Jack Fasching home over! Odenbaugh' Lillian Jandt. ~i {he weekend. I The first issue of the paper will be Mr. and Mrs. Fay Lundblad and about October fifteenth. $ $ $ * Lillian Irons left Tuesday morning. for points west. Mr. and Mrs. ~ CHARLES COX HEADS Lundblad are going to Washington, t FUTURE FARMERS GROUP and Lillian is going to Los Angeles The Future Farmers of America to make an extended visit ~'ith her held their first meeting of the year sister, Mrs. Carl Shramm who lives Monday and eleCtion of officers was held i, The following people were there. ........... ~llt .... chosen to fill the offices: Learn Ante Mechanics. Electricity, Charles Cox--President Diesel Motors, Acetylene and Elec-I Glenn Fakler~Vice-Fresident ~ric Welding. Practical training, t Donald Kowalewski~Secretary Free. Catalog, . HANSON, A U T O [ Glendon Carlson~Watch Dog SQHOOL. Box 1780X, Fargo, N. D. -St tThree committees were also chosen: THOMPSON'S I Cleora Hartse, who has organized in the eighth grade English Caskey, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nielsen ling composition class. They decided to and family, friends in the m ighl earr out two hobbies--museum and Godfrey Pesha, acompanied by Miss' turned to Hebron Monday dramatics. Meetings will be held on Lutz, came up from Mound City and is employed. Fridays during the class period. Of- spent the weekend at the ]~ome of Mrs. Alva Rankin made a ricers will be changed every six his parents on Beaver Creek. Rose trip to Beach Tuesday. weeks to allow as many members as Pesha, who is employed at Glendive, possible to hold offices, also spent the weekend at home. * * * * Mrs. Art Smith and daughter re- A song contest is being sponsored turned to their home Wednesday by the pep squad. Prizes will be giv- after spe--fi'din--g-seKeral days in Beach en for the two best songs composed, under the doctor's care. l[I- Bonnie View The many friends of Mrs. Anna Doblar will be pleased to hear that she successfully passed through an operation for gall stones at St. Fran- cis hospital at La Crosse, Wis. Mrs. Ayers has been with her mother the past week. Mrs. A. O. Roof has been gaining nicely for the past two weeks and is able to be up and around. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nehls are sporting a fine new PIymouth car. Dick Kerr and son Max entertained the following at a radio party Tues- day evening: Mr .and Mrs..Ernest Barkland. Mr. and t¢drs. Roy Me- Remejrnber-- Rexall l c Sale Oct. 16-17-18-19 Woodward Bros. YOUR REXALL STORE BEACH, N. DAK. WE DELIVER PHONE 55 WAX G "NBEANS 2 19 OR. REE .o~ o | CANS C ....... , , n~ ]" n CORN,, GOLDEN 3,o.~ o,,,,,, 29c 25,: GOOD NO. 2 TOMATOES, °°,~,,~ 3 °,~° t .... RDWATER 5 LB, BAG 21c LGE, CAN '19e 4 BARS 15c ~o,.~,o.,~ LB, 55c i i1 WRAPPED ! LARGE BOX 2 LBS, 39c Coming Sat., Oct. 4th MR. ING JANSEN Specialty Baker From Minneapolis n ii ii We'll have a new variety of rolls and pastries DELICIOUS PECAN ROLLS, BUTTER ROLLS, DATE BARS, CINNAMON BUTTER- FLIES, AND MANY OTHERS. Saturday is our Variety Day Beach Bakery t.~ i ul s s Herefords At Auction SALE TO BE HELD, RAIN OR SHINE IN THE SALES PA- VILION AT THE BRATCHER RANCH, 15 MILES SOUTH- WEST OF MOTT, N. Do ONEANDON~E-HALF MILES WEST OF" PLEASANT VALLEY SCHOOL ON HIGHWAY NO, S, ON Saturday, Oct, 5 10 BULLS, ,20 COWS, 12 HEIFERS, 8 CALVES Albert Myers delivered town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Mr. Ouenther, and Mr. and Frank Nehls were riskers McCaskey home Sunday Prepare For Winter Driving With Texaco Products Obtainable at the following places: G. T. Thompson Service Station, Beach W. C. Schuh Garage, Beach Logan-Auto Service, Beach R. E. Arnold Service Station, Beach Davis Bros. Service Station, Beach ITazelwood Motor Co., W~ibaux Hogoboom Service Station, Sentinel Butte F~dher Garage, Golva Edw. J. Krueger, Carlyle For Safe and Economical Drivin,g, Use "TEXACO" PRODUCTS The Texas Stub Noyes, Agent Beach, N. MF.~ERE IT |$---. ALL WOOL COSSACK JACKETS lVlade of 32-oz. ALL WOOL Melton Cloth with zipper front. 25½ inches long. Two pocket~~- Button sleeve. A real windbreaker for cold f~ and winter days $2,98 3 LBS, 25c PEARS i ~ s i/ i Of th, the