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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
October 2, 1941     Golden Valley News
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October 2, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 8 THE GOLDEN NEWS ~Bm~,/ " i l ew LI ' ...... on " " v I .................... • '" 11:00 Mormn worsnlp . ~ Grand Forks, N. D.--Research which with house work. Phone 1S-FI3 for ters. 1-3tc .~ Y' "" ~ made e. short visit at his home last There will be a service at Trotters week. He left again on Saturday FOR SALE--Carrots, Parsnips and ill the afternoon. You are welcome, serums a=companied by his brother, John. who will also have employment may greatly increase the use of North 1,ar[mul,~rs. 49-tic Dakota's huge deposits of lignite coal! Is under way this fall at the Uni-~ FOR SALE--Ground barley, oats versity of North Dakota. and wheat, $1.25 per cwt. Custom Coaaucting the ~t, udies -K~:c methoo I gr°und corn and cob 15c per cw~. E. setiv.~ted carbon from lignite is H.'D" Logan. Beach. 25-tf 13. Vaster, lnsntructor in chemical en- FOR SALE--Used furniture at Gol- gineering and holder of the $1,000.04) den Rule grocery: 1 bookcase and Orea~eT North Dakota association fen desk combined, 2 bedsteads. 1 rock- low,,hlp. Ing chair, 1 sewing machine. 2 Since its discovery during the first trunks, 1 dresser" and several other ~'orld war. the uses of activated car- articles. Mrs. Nlc Weinacht. 2tp ben steadily have increased and it-~ wOuld be employed in still more ways -WANTED~Barley, oats and corn. if better grades could be manufactured WLLL PICK UP LARGE ]LOTS AT from a wider'-vartct7- of raw mater-FARM. Call or see us before making isle. Cocoanut shells, now difficult any delivery arrangements, We will ~o get because of the War, are the contract any amount. Occident Eleva- main source from which gas absorbent1toe, Beach. 50-tf ¢kmr of high ~¢ti~ty is made. Acti- W~Woman for housework. v~ted carbon is porous--somethlng like Modern home, no children. Ted Dick- spend---and is ~ In gas mask . . ~iste~, It-is ~ as a strategic~ moon, ,Beach. ~tf ~d critical material by the army and FOR RENT--7-r~m modern house. .nt}vy muniUbns board. Now under construcUon ~t UND Is :a earb~Azing unit where coal tar, ammonia, water and other constit- ,uem~ In lignite are removed. The ~har obtained from the carbonizing ~uit will be treak~d to produce the ~inlshed produc~--4ctivated lignite. If an econ0mlc~l process can be found, demand would increase for ~ort~ Dakota's huge fuel supply.-O~ billion tons, which underlies 21 west- ern North Dakota e~untles in an area ef about 28,008 ~luare miles. Lignite research has been carried ~)n for more than thirty years at the University, Last year, the holder of the ONDA fellowship studied a new method of drying Glauber salts, using lignite. Large deposits of Glauber salts also are found in NortOn Dakota. Two years ago a method of drying ]ignite was studied. One of the dIs- :advantages of lignite Is that it con- talus about 36 per cent moisture. ~con to be publIshed is a report of this investigation in a United States bureau of mines bulletin. The drying experiment was sponsored by the Uni- versity and the mines bureau. Phone ~ With Your News Items $1.00 per bushel ~.ulu~e at the News office. 48-~f FOR ~Harley Dsvldson ~i motorcycle in good condition. See Delo Logan, Beach. 52-3tp FOR S~Mont~omery Waxd Electrle washing machine. Good con- dition. Arthur Wibthoft, Rte. Beach, N. D~k. ~2-tp "FOR ~dling wood. See Delo Logan, Beach. FOR SALE CHEAP--Three young men's suits, two of them practically new. Inquire at News office. WANTED--An ambitious, wide- awake man or woman to look after renewals and new subscriptions for the popular, fast-selling magazine, The AMERICAN HOME. It's easy, pleasant work, and it pays blg com- missions. Spare time only required. Write today to Director Sales Divi- sion, The AMERICAN HOME MAGA- ZINE CORPORATION, 251 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y. HERE'S A REAL BUY--For sale, an 8 mm. Cine movie camera, practically new, used very little, with GM ex- posure meter, also a tripod, and fine leather cases for camera and exposure meter. $60 cash will take it, if you hurry. Inquire at News office. 1-tf FOR SALE--Good Coal Rant;e, Pen- in~u]ar, Full Nickle and white porce- lain trim Very fine condition. A high 2::'~'~; range thrtt sold new for over $209.~0. Has high oven. reservoir star- ego compartment and warmmg closet. Priced ri;ht. ZIont~n ~-D='-ota Utilities Company. tomatoes. $1.00 per bushel. Mrs. W. O. Jandt, Beach. N. Dak. -REMIE3~BER~--0nly one week left to get in on that $1.50 subscription offer to the News---better hurry! --FOR SALE--4Seconnd hand white i ~ewing machine. Good running con- dition. $10.00 cash. Overstads. FOR RENT---6 room all modern house, completely furnished,Allen 7oodward. Beach ltc FOR SALE--Farm Lite Batteries. with new Fiberglas insulation. I0 yr, guarantee on a service basis. Gambles. Social Hour club meeting will be postphoned to October 21, EMPLOY- MENT The Army and Naw$ pay offl¢0 trs/ned young men $~0 per month. the draftee who carries s get~ ~I. The GOvernment and business World is calling for mere tr~lnad office workers at &tt~actlvo s~l- l~/es, WRITE FOR INFORMATION. CAPITAL COMMER- CIAL COLLEGE Bismarck, North Dakota F. G. 0re, Manager Harvey N. Jensen, Reglstra~ CITATION HEARING PETITION FOR LICENSE TO SELL REAL ESTATE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY IN COUNTY COURT Before Hen. A. E. Kastien, Judge IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF CHRIST STOKKEN, DE- CHASED Iver Ness, as Administrator, Petitioner VS. Lars Ness. Nels Ness, Helen Ness, Mrs. Casper Berg, Thomas Ness, Mrs. Magnus Carlson, Mrs. Inga'borg Hofstead, Respondents. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPON- DENTS: You are hereby notified that the petition of Iver Ness, as Adminis- trator of the Estate of Christ Stok- ken, Deceased, late of the Town of Sentinel Butte, County of Gol- den Valley and State of North Dak- ota, has been filed in this Court herein, petitioning that he be au- thorized, empowered and directed to •ell the real estate ,belonging to • aid decedent's estate described as follows, towit: Whe N~e/heast ~un~ter (NM~) of Section ~wenty.three .(B3) and the Northwe•t ~ua"~ter (NWV4) Of Section ~r~mtlr-four (~4), In Tomeklp One Hun- deed Fore, v-one (141), huge One Hundred Four (104) in Golden Valley Connty, North Dakota, and that said petition will be I~eard by this Court on Tuesday, the 21st day of October A. D. 1941 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Court Rooms of this Court, in the Court House in the City of Beach, County of ~;ohlen Valley and State of • North Dakota. And you and each of you are hereby cited and required then and there to be and appear before this Court and show cause If any you have. why said petition should not be granted, and you are hereby notified ti~at the residence of said decedent at the time of his death was at Ser~tinel Butte, North Da- kota. Let service be made of this Ci- tation as required by law. Dated this 1st day of October A. D. 1941. (SEAL OF THE COUNTY COURT) A. E. KASTIEN, Judge of the County Court. John Keohane. Attorney for Petitioner, Beach. North Dakota. October 2-9 3-Day Specials and Standby Food Sale Fresh Pork Chops or Pork Steak, per lb .......28d Fresh Perk Sausage, really for frying pan. lb ......... 20c A%ples, Jonathans, 20-lb. ~box 98~ Nice and fresh Tokay Grapes, • Golden Corn, No. 2 can .... 10c Pineapple, broken slices, No. 2~ can ............ 2~c Spaghetti with cheese and Tomato Sauce, 2~-oz. can, 3 for ............ 29c Lye, Reg. size can, ......... 3 for 20c We Deriver Phone 55 M1 Candy Bars ........... 3 for 10c J. Oranges, sweet, juicy ..... 2 doz. 49c Grapes,. Tokays ............ 3 lbs. 25c Fig bars. ................ 2 lbs. 25c Catsup, ilSK., ........ lge. bottle 17c Brooms, Good Value .... .... each 59c Velvet or P. A. ............. can 10c Coffee ............... 5 lb. pail $1.25 Fly Ribbons, 10c ctn. ........ only 5c ,,,,m Jam, Fine quality jar 65c mu Oats, quick or reg. ...... 3 lb. box 18c Salad Dressing ...... ....... qt. 2% R[YN0 DS [00D Cookies, Fresh assorted ...... lb. 23c We Delive, r Free Phone 75 at the same place this fall. Gayie Clark of Taylor was a busi- ness caller in Bonnie View on Fri- dcty. Joke Roan who was employed at the Joe Pesha. Jr. home during har- vest left by bu~ last week for his home at Wellington. Texas. Cecil Gross and Clyde EnsiGn were callers in the Bonnie View vicinity Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Playle were vislt- ors at the home of the latters brother Ike Allen on Friday. Donal Lovell home el of Mr. Beach Mr. and Golva. Ma With at the, W~ glv~ satin pointed been HANSON] & HARDWARE ] ~ sister • ~of he' We have a large supply] ui. • • tennis Boards, Shlplap, Drop[ • * * • • ,. ~ dressed Siding, Dlmenslon Fin [ l:ow • | ~tannlere lsh, Floorng and every" in • ~aby Irisl: thing else needed for a • * * ~ Her bmldm anything. _ ~ o ~ Whicl Mrs. Love wore a taffeta Golva, N. Dak. mOther an~ white of the the of daisi¢ with the guest~ bv Chris aN the bride c~ GUARANTEI O which w ON A unknown. For 32 volt and Ulue ann Cabbage, Med. Cranberries, we] of Golv~ suits. of Gla~ ceremo: a Wedd Tomatoes, layer Corn, Butter Miracle Fig Bars Pwd. P & G Soap .... t! im of Senti: | was g the a good