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2, 194.1
Oregon I
in Baker theI
sit her sister[
famny. I
and Mr• Her-i
; been visitiugI IL~I[,
. and Mrs. H.[
Lay for their I
Blacock and
lr• and Mrs.[
nday for Illi-i
ke their home. I
Shepherd and i
that was tol
aturday night
. ~ muddy roads. !
: one week left ! U 1:~ C O U n t r y,
subscription right or wrong!
hurry, 1 when right, to be
are now
daughter,~ kept right; when
is also wrong, to be put
I right !
hear of ti~e
who passed Carl Schurz
_ i | , m
| Ck Alr , ST. tarots Irramt
II l . I I v.L
Word has been received from Har-ll I I , I , I l I -----
old Be[[taunt that he is now celyll I I , /I I . I I IDiAne at 10 Holy
settled in Burbank, Calif., where he]i | ...--......--... m I Communion. Announcements for Holy
is employed by the Lockheed Alr-ii | ~ ~.M~KLI'~ D. KU|M | I Communion are to be made on Sat-,
craft Corp• He likes his new work very t ! I ,, , , ,, , ,, | urday at the Parsonage.
much. [~ OH, FOR THE 6000 OLD DAYs The Ladies Aid meets Wednesday.
Mrs. Dale Sorensen and twofhild-I ,. RANDPA BUTLER was 84 Anyone who tmderstands simple
=n ;:rrleV2tdal hi~rtnLva:i o 2jn tl ~ when he died, but he held out economlcs will tell you why. Two -------
Sorensen's have made their hoL'- ?~(i o the very last for what he affec- words will do it. The words are ~TTHgFM~cT~I~EOF THE ES-
Watervlelt N Y the ~ast ,,oar me oral )tionately called "the good old days." mass production. Deceased. • ....... N,
nMS~nsen m employed Inthe arse" ~uaHrSiyili~m]de~]httee:/blU~eth~emdiLd~f,~ ~uistMth~aSunStPEa~dUa~!;!i1:/y~l~z, mhw:t~cwS~hb:i~ ~:?;~!~}~;de~n!~:igi!i, el;te ii!
.tpu. nn.Short of Medora was a Beach t i had more time to a larger number of things are madecounty of GOllen Valley and State
:~r. a~22u%laftern°°n of this week. i', read and to enjoy a large number of people must be ~rfedNl:rth oDa~t~~' d~cepased;n:°htahe
~t~mr:. _ . ~s ~oy rlamtead, Mrs. l ~ our friends. And the made to buy them. InK claims ' against said~ deceased,
riarolcl Nmitn and Miss Dolly Gas cost of livin- so- There wasn't any mass distribu to exhibit them with the necessary
motor " 5--" J, .... " vouchers within six n ontt •
_ ed. to Glendlve last Sunday you could live for a tmn until advertmmg was developed, the first' nublicatl~m ,~l tht~sna/ter
where mey took in the show and third of what it costs and there wasn't any of the things in ~enSaid~
admini~'trator~at~ i~'ls'r'~sl':
spent some time bowlmg a ~.m .... ,~-os~ a .... our lives we e~ll mode-.~ ,,,,,n ~a ~ ee in the village of Sentinel
~ar. and Mrs. Lewis Odland ana Where Grandpa vertising put them there, ty~ or to 't~e" .]~,¢{i~•'of "ti;e~Count'y
daughter Lois and Mrs. Lewis OdlandButler's logic fell In many foreign countries even l?ourt ,ff t3,dden Valley. County, a't
his office in the Court Itouse in
Jr., returned home Wednesday of alst down was in confus- today you have to spend weeks the city of l;eaeh, Golden Valley
', week from a two week's vacationing the standards of scouring the markets for what you
'spent in the Black Hills, ~ioux F,: s living when he was a want. Farmers bring their cattle
and Sioux City. Mr. Odland says ~hat boy and when he wasCharles Roth and produce to market. They stay
~coun[ry has suffered from the lackan octogenarian, in town two or three weeks dispos-
;of m~Asture again this year. When he was young you could ing of it. Consumers have to go
In. i • • • . REMEMBER! Only one week lefl~:live for less--but you had less in from stall to stall and dicker for
pu~ "~I~ : C~,l Se~,,, m~e ~is sra~e, to get in on that $1.50 subscriptioni iyour life. You put up with discom- everything they want.
~:day. To?, be~/:e C~.,grfs~ in ~7Zoffer to the News--better hurry' I forts which would be unthinkable to- If you have the time and enjoy
e leI~ Sat- m~. Scburz served as a sol. ,, . ann Mrs. Ralph Jones and fan- any. zou ate un~mancea meals, trading, that sort of thing is fine,
' d~er in the Civil war member ;l" ~2"ttV,O II~OV ' •
where she at-" , .. • b -~ • ed mto the house which hved in uncomfortable homes, had is fun; but most of us have other
~ongress, mlntster to ~pJl~ V~•as r " "
, ,rid was an ou,srand,n& ub ' • fo merly occupied b the L no radm sets, automobdes or elec things to do. We find it simpler to
~ - Y . B. " do our trading by reading the news-
Roger Bair hsbe, ~,d w,,e,. P~e-~•ger family. They moved there last tric servants•
~gton where iTgO~b~i~7~rc;~tT~+~,T~7~,~.~ Sunday• --. As a matter of fact---but we were paper advertisements, decide what
er Ruth or " i Local people were pleasantly sur- never able to'convince Grandpa But- we will buy and then go down to the
i ;prised to see Vernon Hathaway's pie ler of it--the cost of living today, store or telephone.
Was a Carlyle' k"~ --" l |~ __ i ture on the front page of the Frlda; dollar for dollar of value eonsid. It saves time. It saves more. It
saves money. Without advertising
t emmel utte I Fargo Forum. He, with another group i ered, is far less than it was in his to smooth the route of goods from
'wens and two~ Mar, .............. :of AC students, was planning the young uays.
di- ,,,- ~a,u,er ann ~aroara Allen ' annual Homecoming e~l~.hrat" "~ dollar
~ner guests.s..~nt ........................ ton to be{ our actually buys more, seller to buyer, the cost of every-
~"-ume ..... ouaaay ~'=Si u~ wee~ end m ~entmel. ~ut~e• held there, t brings you more value, than any thing is higher than when advertL~-
' ppy Hess and Lorraine Peter- 1 , • ing is in the picture.
~hm"~nond and ls,,, .............. : Word was recezved here the first cf~ other dollar m hmtory.
tch calle S ~l "~ were ~aeaora VtSl~ors~aturaay~the week +h~+ v-... ~-~-_~ ....... ~ ~CharlesB. Roth.
r ~-- evening , --.-~ u.. r~,esxauu, orzglnallyl
..._--o:_ !scheduled to be at the Golden Valley
Jo*-- _ I ~ne ~et-To~ether club met at Jor-~Hotel this wee th~ " Mr and Mrs James Hard Mr and
• '~ were ) dons k, -t he would be • • Y, • [
|CDlvltt homet.~a., for ~busm.e~ meeting on.Fr!_llunable to be present. Mrs. Leo Tobias, ~ .and Mrs. Jim NOTICI~ FOR BIDS
___ i?;~ de °~e~in~ mncn was servea a,- iGMAa~ogreer .Ted Thompson of the local ~ill. and Frank HaJgh were guests( NOTICE IS ~EBY GIVEN:
REl~EE ..... ,•... . , } e has recently completed in-~SUnday at the 25th anniversary par-[ That the Board of County Com-
~q[~MY~-'~ [ ~o et I~:Z" ~n|y one wee~ lefti stallation of a fine new meat counter t ty held for Father iVI. L. Lack at theI missioners of Golden Valley County
' g that $1~0 subseription~in the store and will now handle a St Mary's hall in Golva last Sunda
offer to the News--better "hurry~ bl~-e .......... I • y aN°rthTypewriter,Dak0ta' wlltBookkeepingreCeive bids andf°r
[ Mldred Marv*o ~.~ ..._ ~ .... I s~. r .~m ve~er nne man ever of ] afternoon. Ft. Lack has served the [ Multiplying Machine.
, ~ ,~,,, .=-s• x~tmcn I meats m addition to ocerles [ ] Sealed bids will be received up
._ [were Dickinson shour~rs Satur,~o- I ~.' .... gr_ ". _ Golva parish for the past 25 years
~. m. ~.r.~ ,-,__ .~, .... 2~"- .... "."~.= I --,o• emua Justesen o~ Beacn wentl
to the hour of 10:00 o'clock A• M.
and a large crowd was resent for
on November 4th, ~941, and to be
[. ~.o• ~-:u ~.~amo~ en~ermmea tne lto Dickinson l~t q[~.rmt.v ~h~...,.~. ,,.,.,..,..- P the filed with the Couflty Auditor, at
~-Umeran Ladles Ald in l ..................... ~ .~.~,u,.
~Pt 3rd -.. ( _ . . the basement successfully passed her fina~ +--~- -^- Dakota. Each bid must be serum-
• -, ~ a o~ the ~.utheran ~h.,.~. ^.. ~ ~ . ~o~ ~ [ the Court House in Beach, North
mn entertaln.[A large #awa .+~'~'."~ ...... ursaay.[American citizenship, and received her The_ Johnson l~$~t~r O.a nfft ...... [ panled by a certified check In the
week end p pe s zrom Judge Harvey J. Miller. being re-arranged this week and are amountprtceOf nOtof leSSthe thanmachine.5 per cent
,o =s nt Mores th. k reded last ..................... , of,he
The Hoard reserves the right to
--v, ~,u~. I week to F rt I~wL~ ~-o~-----* .... -,~-suu~ a ,vp~u ~a rc-uecora~mgmreject any and all blds•
I Winners of the Pot of Gold Sat- [he Is s~Io=-;-:'-:'- ,:~u wuere job. As soon as the work is completed[ Dated at Beach, North Dakota,
urda wer An ,u,z~u m ~ne u. -~. Armyt a
Y e drew Kunlck first, Fred after a nle~H-t f.,.i .... ~. . ,., ..... , he p rts department will be moved this 29th day of September. 1941.
. ~ Nistler second and Paul Wycoff third '.his mother "~--'" :~v,~,: ,~,~ •w~m into one corner which will enlarge[ MINNIE E. SMITH,
• . ~ • ~, ,~s..-.zua& ~2rKl~r~lcg County Auditor,
4"~"~ P.- m. Mrs. Ted Rink, Beverly and Kermit[Last Fridav~ r~,~ ............ mug~e urougn~" a the display room for new cars. The] Golden Valley County,
were Dickinson shoppers Saturday. real freak ca . ... painting is being doD~ by ~Jrk Freese[ (SEAL)NOrth Dakota.
rrot into the News office
Larry Sanders spent Saturday and~ wher- i* ~- ........... and E. F. Cook. Oct, 2-9-16-23
~Unday at his home in ~lt.h ,_ _ ~_ ~ ,,~ ~cu .pu~ on ampmy. It
Mr --~ ---- ~ .... --'--T'" m a zreaz oI nature maced and can be
~I-- ~,u m~..~ures~ ~amue~s were seen in the News window.
u-her guests oz Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Ikl~ Zinsll on Sunday.
The W. B. A. Journeyed to Glen- Billing
, dive Monday ~fternoo~ .here they S Wheat
attended a banquet.
Russell Kunlck took a nuraber of Protein Results
Sentinel Butte people up to the show =
in Beach Saturday evening. Average protein test on ~ samples
MAss Page, Miss Holt and Marion of 1941 wheat from Billings county
Oarduer were Beach shoppers Saturo amounts to 12.8 percent according to
is now employed at
Mr. and Mxs." Hau~se were Sunday[wheat loans. Highest protein test
evening eallers at Jordons I was 16.1 percent on a sample sub-
Ted Rink spent Sunday at his home i mltted by Anion J. Volesky who farms
in .~entinel Butte northeast of Belfleld. This will qual-
Mrs. Bill Gardner substituted Mon- ify for a protein premium paymentI
day for Miss Blue at the school. I of six cents per bushel above the
Ida Mrs. Campin enter~ined the Con-Iregualr rate under the 1941 loan pro-
Wtth )gregational aid on Thursday gram. Half of the samples submitted
and i Mr. and Mrs• Paul Wischow dr- tested below 13 percent and will not
rived home Friday afternoon from ] qualify for any premium. Premium
i Wiaconsin where they l]ave been visit- on wheat testing 13 to 13.9 percent
, mg relatives for the past thre:, weeku, iprotein is one cent per bushel. Low-
~Mr• Wisehow brought with him ~ new lest test out of the samples submitted
truck. , was 10.3 percent.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hall from Wibaux I
Ingrtdt ~were callers of Mr .and Mrs Neff -~ -' -: - :
With inn~ Hogobcom on Sunday afternoon. ] )~ ~':~
Crisp. Hel Fr:day evening a number of thelr [ [ OFL: StONAI,
found s'¢ t I friends held a farewell par[y on .Mr.'~
Inside hi~l land Mrs. Saunders at the Seminel DIRECTORY
of Time) ~ BUtte hall
t Mar~aret Boisen spent Saturday ......
i ~and Sunday at her home in Sentinel
i Butte.
~i Mrs. Tom Wasepka and Dorothy
,~ i were Sentinel Butte calle s Sunday.
thand, argul e Mores
1 on VIsits Medora
• 11 This___Past Week
C. O.D."
and James,' Mr. Russell Reid of the State His-
~ricalSoclety, Bismarck, was in Me-
ora Tuesday looking after interests
of the Society. Accompanying him
was an outstanding figure In the
eyes of Medora. He was none other
than the Duke Louis Manes de Val-
~Ombre~ (de Mores) son of the late
Marquis de Mores, founder of our city.
BAT. The D~.e spent Tuesday night and
weoneseay here visiting the Chateau
and other Places of interest and spent
some time visiting with some of the
older residents. He states that Me-
dora is still of gre~t interest to him
~NGE,, and he thinks of it often.
During his stay here he granted the
with Union
Congregational church two
Blazing lots next to the Catholic church
wnere they plan to build a church•
The Duke has been in the United
States since last October.
Wednesday afternoon he honored
the high SChool which bears his
father's name, by giving a short talk
in the high School assembly.
and Charles
Buddy Pep.
m Towl
Dr. Chernausek
Rogers & Gumper
Walton Block
DIcklnson, North Dakota
Phone 1~
Beach. North Dakota
buys a swell
noon meal
any weekday
in the
• j
One Good White Fared Bull
C. C. Clark, Mgr.
Beach, N. Do
(:ounty, N(,rih Daka~a.
You are hereby further notified
lhat H(,n. A. tq, Kasl~,u, Judge of
the ('~,lliity ('otlrt witllln all(t for
the County of (lolden Valley, and
Ntate of North Dakota, has fixed
the sixth day ,~£ April, A. I)• 1942,
at lhe hour ~,f tea o'clock in the
f(trellOOll Of said (tav :It tile Court
][(>Of)IS, ill th( (?()ur*t' [I[(}IlN~ izl the
city of l:e~,eh in sahl {~ounty dud
Static, as the time and l)l~tc'e for
hearing'and adjusting all claims
a.~';til]st i)l~' estate ,~f lhe sahl Ar-
chie J. l.hdton, Deceased, which
bay(~ been dilly ~'lTld regularly pre-
sent~!d as ll(!['einl)(~f{~l.t~ 1)t'r)vided.
Dated Sept, 29. A. D. 1941.
First publicatiou ,~n the second
day of October, A. D. 194l•
Oct. 2-9-16
]net.llalents OnIF
Notice is hereby gtven that that
certain mortgage executed and, de-
livered by Peter I~orwick and
Mary Rorwick, husband and w|fe,
Mortgagors, to the Manager of the
Bank of North Dakota, Mortgagee,
dated the 16th d~y of June, 1924,
and filed for record in the office
of the Register of Deeds of the
County of" Golden Valley, and
State of North Dakota, on the 28rd
day of July, 1924, and recorded In
Book "16" of Mortgages at pages
129-30-31, and 'duly assigned, bF
said Mortgagee to the State Treas-
urer of North Dakota, and his suc-
cessors in office, in trust, will be
foreclosed by a sale of the prem-
ises In such mortgage and herein-
after descrtDed, at ths fron~ door
of the Court House in the City of
Beach, In the County of Golden
V~lley, and State of North Dako.
to, ~t the hour of two o'clock, P.
M., on the 7th day of October, 1941,
to satisfy the amount ~ue upon
the past duc installments of such
mortgage on the date of sale. The
premises described in such mort-
gage and which will be sold to
satisfy the installments due under
the mtme are desoribed as follows:
H~tke~t ~uowter (~R~4) ot
• ectiort rl~Irty.thm (~) ad
~outkwo~t ~rter (SW~'4) of
Section Thirty-tour (S4), town-
ehip Ome Hundr~| Forty-ono
(141) North, o~ Ranfe Ome
Hundred ~ree (108) Weet, l~
Goldem YnUey fdounty, North
There will be due on such mort-
gage at the date of sale the sum
of $346,11. together with t,~e stat-
utory costs of foreclosure. The lien
of the portion of such mortgage
hereby foreclosed is Inferior to
the lien thereof for the residue of
the amount secured by such mort-
Dated August 26, 1941.
Treasurer of North Dakota,
as Trustee, Asslgneo of
Robert Birdzell, Attorney for
Agent of Assignee.
Bismarck. North Dakota.
NOTE: Owner does not occupy said
premises as his homestead.
(Aug. 28, Sept• 4-11-18-2~, Oct 2)
That the Board of County Com-
m)ssioners ~)f Go]deu Va]]ey Coun-
ty, North Dak.ta. will receive bids
for the furnishing of llgnltecoal
for the county court house and
for relief clients in Beaah and
.%entlnel I]utte, North Dakota. Said
lignite coal mus[ be free fromdirt,
mineral and slack and properly
scr~-(:ned al~d is tl~ I,,, (lolivcred in
such quantities and at such time
~t~ ~'o:.1 is re(luired f,~r um~ in s~id
eotlrt ]lOtl,~e~lF f{)F d~li~,±¢,"y to re-
]b~f elieltts t]llri) t: the fiscP,1 year
Lt, {~11(] d[lI|t~ ~0, 1!142.
~ealed bids will he received nD
r,> lira hour *f 3:0¢) o'clex,k I'. M.
q]l ()otol)or 7th. ]941. and n|ay be
left wllh the (",>|~n~y
the ('curt tIous~, i~ ];e~, h, North
I)akola. I~]aeh bhl nlllSt be accom-
panied by a eerllfied check in the
alnount Of $25.(t0 to iUS are that
sUce~'ssftll biddur will enter into
e,|ntra,:l and furnish I)o~d in the
[t i~'l O U ll ? of !~ ~ 00,0() f,~r the falth-
ful l),~rformanee qf the same.
Bids will be reeeiw~d and con-
sidered on the basis of standard
contract ~rade li~ntte cnal as de
fined by law, Checks of the unsuc-
cessful bidder wit. be returned.
and the check of the successful
bidder will b~ returned when con-
tract Is signed and bond furnished.
The Board reserves the right to"
reject any and all htds.
Dated at Beach. North Dakota,
this 3rd d~y of September. 1941.
County Auditor
Golden Valley County"
North Dakota.
Pub. Sept, 18, 25 and Oct. 2, 1941
The City Council of the CiW of
Beach, N. D~ will receive sealed bid~
up to the hour of eight (8) o'clock P.
M. Monday, October 6th, 1941 for
sale of the following described real
The Northwest Quarter (NW~-~) of
Section Twenty-four (24), in Town-
ship Twelve (12), North, Range Sixty
(60), East of the Montana Princlpal
Merldlan, all situated in Wlbau~
County, Montana.
Bids should specify the amount of
full cash payment offered; or, the
amount of time payments on ternm
acceptable to the ~Ity Council.
A certified check for flve percent
(5%) of the bld, to insure fullfillment
of the contract, must accompany each
Bids'must be filed with the under°
signed not later than the above state~
The City Council reserves the ri~t
to reject any or all bids. By order d
the CiW Council.