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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
October 2, 1941     Golden Valley News
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October 2, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE SIX TIIE GOLDEN VALLEI NEWS AT SAM'S NEW ARCADE GLENDIYE, MONTANA Dance Next Saturday Night Sponsored By Veterans of Foreign Wars ROLLER SKATING EVERY FRIDAY and SUNDAY NIGHTS MUSIC BY CHET HIS DIXIE I IYA Makes Fine Record In U. S. The National Youth Administration was established in 1925 to provide Work opportunities for young people. Its first funtion was to provide era- ployment for students to enable them to work their way through schools and colleges. Soon theagency ex- tended its employment program to young people who had left school, and were unable to find jobs in private industries within the ages of 17 to 25 years. These out-of-school :youth were given Jobs especially de- Ilgned to provide them with the kind ~f practical experience that would as° alst them in getting private employ- ment. The National Youth Administration tn its six years of operation has pro. vided jobs for more than one and three-quarter million students to en- able them to continue their education ~nd has employed an additional rail- lion and three-quarter out-of-school 7out~ and given them the practical experience they need for private jobs. "/'he United States, in the present q~ergency, is beginning to reap some @! the benefits of khe NYA programs. ~undreds of thou~nds of young men Ind_ young women who got their Dractical experience on NYA projects ire now employed in Nation~ Defense IDdustries. Hundreds of thousands of ~Oung people who were able to con- • t~ue their schooling as a result of the NYA student program are now t~lng -their educa~onal training in the National defense effort.. The Nat- |onai Youth Administration at the lg'esent time continues to provide op- Dortunities for young men and women to obtain sufficient work experience ~or private employment. All informao 1~ion concerning the same can be ob- tained 'by contacting the members ~f the Local NYA Advisory Com- Inlttees. u I ' "" ' MEN'S AND HOSIERY BUTTE DRUG I t~ $100 FOR INFORMATION LEAD. ING TO THE ARREST AND CONVICTION OF ANYONE STEALING LIVESTOCK FROM A MEMBER OF THIS ASSOCIATION. Medora Stockgrowers Association Wib o,o~,h~ fellowship meeting at the Sunday-evening at the C. F. church, route to Portland Oregon to join her Norman auk }club house Friday evening. Now that Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beeler were aw-fhusband and Mr .and Mrs. Vick p]an er and Mr. az:d Mrs. L. H.P~)rto" er of Glen- we had a little snow storm we all arded the prize for the oldest Bible. to make their home in Los Angeles. Mrs. d ....... . i~ope for some fine weather in which ~ Russell Welsh had the smallesL corn- . _f lve were guests at me ~an ~ume~-ito ~inish the full work. plete Bible which waspublished in Mesdames M. P. Ostby, A. Meek order v land home ~unaay. ~.,,--Brei*enel-~ received a tele- 1164and Olive Welsh the smallest Wayne Smith Ross Bixby Fred Rein-brides Mr and Mrs Mlk Klam~r dllVed, ~ s re 1 ..... -raTM Sat,,rda.* inform n~ him of th~ New Testament This was an interest-!ecke E L Watkins Mr and Mr F we home Saturday morning flo]n Watk!n ; death of his brother Richard at' Ing service with special music and an ! E. Elliott and Miss Naomi Watkins at- young Mhm where they were canes oy me d • " " • 'E-- Claire Wis that mornin~ He interesting message• tended an Eastern Star meeting atS. an illness of Mrs. Kramers pareuts. M.. . . . • • Kramer has been ill with u bad cold :s survived by hm aged mother, two l Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker received Glend~ve last week. offering s:t>ce coming home. I sisters and five brothers beside many word 'last week that their daughter Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Westmoreland other relatives m whom we extend Frances who attends Moody Bible In- visited Mr. Hugh Baird at the Glen- sympathy, stitute in Chicago had suffered nasal REGISTER dive hospital Thursday afternoon. Friends of the F. W. Gates family hemorrahges and was confined in a Mr .and Mrs. A. W. Warden and If°rmer residents here, who now reside hospital. Her many friends hope she NEW daughter were Beach visitors Satyr- at Puyallup, Wn. were inormed of can soon be back in school. day evening, tt~e marriage of Miss Susan Flolena Mrs. Eiden sold her house to Joe Choice of many different Mr. Sam Carlson from Billings call- ed on friends here Thursday. Mr. Carlson was a resident here for sev- eral years and is talking seriousll of moving back to make his home A baby girl was born to Mr. aud Mrs. Nick Morgan at the Wagner hospital Thursday. Mother and child are reported to be just free. An interesting football game was played Thursday a~ternoon between Sentinel Butte and the local team. Wlbaux won with a score of 41 to 13. Miss Ethel Kinniter who teaches at Sidney, was a week end guest of her blend, Miss Naomi Watkins at the E. L. Watkins home east of town William Baird came from California the first of the week, called here by the iline~ss o his brotl~er, Htt~, who underwent an operation at the N. P. hospital in Glendive, Monday. His friends hope he has a ~pecdy. re- covery. Mr. George Hansen and his sister Mrs. E. B. Sherman came home from Great Falls Friday where they and Mrs. Hansen visited Marian Hansen and family. Mrs .Hansen remained to help her son's family get settled in their new house Which they had just moved into• Mrs. Cecelia Carroll, R. N. A. de- puty, Mrs. RObert Anderson, Mrs. R. H. Welsh. Mrs. Julia Nix and Bernice Storkel attended the Royal Neighbor convention at Ismay, Saturday. Mr. Frank Gertenson of Allard spent the weekend with his wife who teaches the Hay Creek school. They and Mrs Will Welsh spent Sun- day afternoon with friends in town, Hazen Wolfe is moving from his farm into Edgar Massey's tourist cabin for the winter months. Mrs. Maude Johnson from St. Philip spent Sunaay with her sister, Mrs. M. Scott. Mrs. Katherine Larson went in to Glendive Tuesday morning where she will have a major operation from which her friends hope she speedily recovers. Mrs. Simon Hazelton entertained at a lovely birthday party Saturday after noon in honor of her daughter, Kath- leen. Mrs. Westmoreland was in ch- ,~rge of the games ~,ch w~: n ~h fine supper was enjoyed by all. K~,th- Ieen received many nice gifts• Mr. and Mrs. John Efta were in from their ranch twenty miles south of town Monday afternoon delivering the last of their fine crabapples. They report they had forty bushels this year from five trees. They also had a b,lshel of grapes and many other fine products from their nice garden on Beaver Creek. Burton Welsh and Russell bought a fine new International three-fourth ton pickup from the Wibaux Mach. and Auto Co. last week• Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Baird and Mrs. Hugh Baird. l~alph and Margie spent Sunday in Glendive with Mr. Bair~. On account of the :~tormy weather. ---~ ---- - ~_" . _ _ I only a few were "lble ~o attend ~h2 We are now dealers for the well known Delco Light Plants andwill soon have a carload of Plants and Bat- teries and equipment on hand. If you need batteries or repairs-now the time to get them. Let us service your car for winter driving Gates to Mr. Kenneth R. Oldham in the Pentecostal Tabernacle, Sep.t 13th. The bride who started school here was a graduate of Puyallup high school in 1938. and has since graduated from the Northwest Bible Institute of Sea- ttle. Mr. Oldham is now attending the Bible Institute preparing for the rain- istry. Flolena has many friends here who wish her many years of wedded happiness. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Warden and children autoed to Glendive Sunday afternoon. William Burns Jr. left last week tel resume his studies ~t the Minnesota University in Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Steele attended church services in Glendive Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Schaal. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McClain, Jr. and baby have-moved into an apart- ment at Mrs. M. Scott's house. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coulston at Terry last week• where they have recently moved. Mr. and Mrs. Charlle Dick and baby left Friday morning for their home at Norolk, Virginia. Friends are glad to hear that Charlie's mother, Mrs. Win. Dick• who has been in the Beach hospital for several weeks has im- proved so much that her family hope to bring her home in a few days. More than 100 friends of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Baird gathered at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Ervin Breit- enfsldt Saturday evening for a re- ception and shower for the newly- weds. The time was spent socially ami all were served with ice cream and cake. The guests of honor received many beautiful and useful gifts. At the "Display of Old Bibles" on Burke last week, and she and her dauhgter are leaving soon for Gres- ham, Wise. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and son and a friend from Fallen were Sunday guests at the R. H. Welsh home. Mr .and Mrs. Davidson of Sentinel Butte attended church services here Sunday. Mrs. Win. Schuett, Mrs. N. Syver- son, Mrs. D. McCann and Mrs. Win. Manning were shopping in Beach on Friday. i Mr. and Mrs. R. C. MeConnell left Wednesday for Polson, Mont. Mrs. Sid Woodard was hostess to; several ladles Thursday afternoon honoring Mrs. Win. Nature at a show- er. A lovely lunch was served and the guest of honor received many pretty gifts. REMEMBER! Only one week left to get in on tlmt $12;0 subscription offer to the News--bett~r hunT! I W. E. Manning and son were busi- ness visitors in Miles City Thursday. Misses Marjorie Dealing and Flor-i ence Keys went to Billings Thursday where they will attend school. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Sherman were here from Glendive Sunday visiting relatives. Mrs. A Bryce is visiting relatives COUNTING, OFFICE SCIENCE--all leading to better positionsr. All recent graduates positions to spare. ASK FOR N TED, S • BUSINESS SEE THE Now on Dis Show in Billings. S it Mrs. Fred Reinecke was hostess to ee , the Sewing Club Wednesday and Fri- day entertained a few ladies m honor i on Mrs. Dustrud of Fargo who is' visiting here. Dainty urefreshments were served on both occasions. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vich and Mrs. Don Beckley of Ladysmlth, Wise. were overnight guests of Mrs. Claire Sam- son last week :Mrs. Beckley was en- ..... I1~ SOMETHING NEW! SOMETHING T IL 4 Miles South of Medora Music By Tickets 50c- 25c I IIIII SCENIC m. TUESI Witlc Crisp. fOUI lnsid~ of' C. ( and , Brow~ B and C BUddy