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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 28, 2017     Golden Valley News
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September 28, 2017
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Page 6 Golden Valley News September 28, 2017 What's Happening? Listings for high school sport- ing events, plus public events that are free to anyone and aren't fund-raisers or aren't family or business invitations, can be pub- lished free of charge in this col- umn. Billings County proposed 9.07 percent property tax increase meeting, 6 p.m Tuesday, Oct. 3, Commission Room, Billings County Courthouse, Medora Stark County Commission meeting, Oct. 3, County Court- house, Dickinson, final budget and property tax levy to be con- sidered, time of discussion not specified Golden Valley County Com- mission meeting, Oct. 3, for adop- tion of final 2018 budget and tax levy, 6 p.m. Beach City Council final hearing for 2018 budget and property taxes, during 7 p.m. meeting, Oct. 4 Heart River varsity football, 6 p.m Sept. 29, vs. Beulah High School, at Beulah Beach High School varsity football, 6 p.m Sept. 29, vs. Grant Co ./Flasher High School, at Grant County High School-Elgin Heart River varsity volley- ball, 7 p.m Oct. 3, vs. Killdeer High School at Belfield Beach High School varsity volleyball, 7 plm Oct. 3, vs. Het- tinger/Scranton High School at Scranton High School Heart River varsity volley- ball, 6!30 p.m Oct. 5, vs. Beulah High School at Beulah Beach High School varsity volleyball, 7 p.m Oct. 5, vs. New England High School at Beadh Heart River varsity football, 6 p.m Oct. 6, vs. Killdeer High School, at Belfield Beach High School varsity football, 7 p.m Oct: 6, vs. Cen- tral McLean at Turtle Lake-Mer- cer High School Beach High School varsity volleyball, 9 a.m Oct. 7, touma- ment, at Beach Heart River varsity volley- ball, 6:30 p.m Oct. 10, vs. Hazen High School at South Heart LI The deadline for submitted copy and stories and all ad orders is noon on Fridays. Call 872- 3755 or e-mail goldenandbillings Sept. 28, 1967 - 50 years ago: Curtis Chaska has been named Emil and Nina Bottelberghe general manager of the Hardee's in began moving Coast to Coast mer- Red Wing, Minn. A s general man- chandise to a new location in the ager, he will oversee all operations at Keohane building this week. Need the restaurant. Chaska is the son of for more space for a growing busi- Lynne and Helen Chaska of Beach, ness has made a move necessary, and is a native of Beach, graduating The Glendive Community Con- from Beach High School. cert Association closed its 1967-68 Fabian Schwarzenberg,a 16- membership campaign Saturday year-old from Hanover, Germany , noon with the largest membership chose to spend one full year studying and the biggest concert series in the in the United States. He is spending history of the association. It is acom- the 1992-93 school year with Jerry, plete sellout, a full house. Glynda, Jared and Scott Janz. Sept. 24, 1992 - 25 years ago: Beach High School varsity football seniors who were recog- nized on Sept. 22 include, from left, back row, John Summers, Gunnar Farstveet, Ty Van Horn, Cole Erickson and Josiah Orluck, and front row, Dallas Samdahl, Robert Stedman and Trevor Losinski. (Photo by Renee Orluck) r the call By Renee Orluck fourth. The first touchdown was a Corespondent three-yard run by Mattem and the Senior and Parents' Night at the second an impressive 67 - yard inter- Buccaneer field throbbed with anti ception return by Gage Swanson ipation and enthusiasm, with Mattern taking in the conver- First - quarter points were scored sion. by Josiah Orluck with a two - point Coach Mike Zier's comment on conversion run in by Clay Mattem. the game was : "These boys have an- The Wildfire's Tanner Zentner swered the call every time. These scored with Josh Wallace getting the guys didn't waiver. They kept play- 2 points. Beach scored two unan- ing. " swered touchdowns in the second Beach won, 38-30. The Bucs are quarter. The first was run in by Or- now 4-2. luck with Mattern getting the 2 Senior night activities included points and the second touchdown by a great meal, an inspiring life les- Gunnar Farstveet, falling on a loose sons speech by Zier, kudos to each ball in the end zone with the two individual senior by c oach Mark points again by Mattern. The half Golberg and words of thanks from ended at 24-8 after an impressive de- each senior athlete. The evening fensive stop to end the first half. At ended with the team singing its this time the seniors and their parents theme song, " Take Me Home were recognized. Country Roads, " while viewing a Mott-Regent-New England came slide show of their senior year of out hot,scoring 14 unanswered football. points in the third quarter, but John Zier suggests if you are not al- Summers made a momentum shift- ready booked this Friday,"Saddle up ing interception and the Bucs came and head to Elgin ." The game be back strong.scoring 14 points in the gins at 6 p. m. MDT. the ol copies e at: Beach Food Center Golva Grocery Golden Valley News Office, 22 Central Ave Beach Sept. 14 - Exercises and In-town tine Finneman Shopping took place at 10 a.m. The Sept. 18 - St. John's Catholic residents enjoyed an afternoon of Church ladies provided an after/aoon bingo at 2 p.m. of bingo at 2 p.m. It was Mary Kay Sept. 15 - Friday's hair ladies Michels' birthday. Mary Kay cele- wereWendy Ekre and Susan David- brated with many of her family son. Mass was held at 10 a.m.members throughout the week! Sept. 16 - Exercises took place at Sept. 19 - Exercises took place at 10 a.m. Gary Riederer volunteers his, 10 a.m. with Deb. At 10:45, the time with the residents at 2 in the af-" Manor was treated to a morning of ternoon reading the local papers, entertainment provided by Linda Florence Finneman was blessedTvedt. Bingo was held at 2 p.m. with a visit from her great - grand- Judy Curl had visitors, James and daughters Alex and Anna. Ray Joni Curl. Chaska was visited by Sandy Evans. Sept. 20 - Resident Council took Jo Heckaman visited Dorothy Stol- place at 11 a.m. The afternoon con- berg. sisted of cards at 2 p.m. Mary and Sept. 17 - Adoration was held in the residents had two tables of card the Chapel of the Angels at 8:30 players competing in games of a.m. Word and Communion fol- Skipbo and Canasta. lowed at 9:30 a.m. Many of the res- The Manor is taking donations of idents came out and enjoyed cards old cards for a recycling project they and board games at 2:30 p.m. Gary plan to start. We are also short of en- and Connie Marman visited Chris- velopes for the greeting cards we are Girls win back to back regional games By Renee Orluck Correspondent The volleyball girls had a great week winning back to back regional games. Tuesday, Sept. 19, the Buccaneer s hosted and defeated the Beulah Miners with match scores of 25-22, 26-28,25-21 and 15-11. Statistics were: kills: Sam Oech 15, Abby Wilhemi 7, Mikayla Paul 7. Assists: Bree Davidson 18, Mikayla Paul 12. Digs: Catie Lofts- gard 29. Serving Aces: Bree David- soft 4 Thursday, Sept. 21, the Bucs trav- eled to Mott where they won three matches in a row 25-22, 25-14, 25- 17. Statistics were kills: Abby Wil- hemi 6, Sam Oech 5, Courtney Lund 5. Blocks: Sam Oech 7, Courtney Lund 5. Assists: Mikayla Paul 10, Bree Davidson 9. Digs: Catie Lofts- gard 27, Bree Davidson 6. Serving Aces: Catie Loftsgard. Friday and Saturday the lady Bucs participated in the Dickinson Tournament and placed fifth in the Bronze Division. working on as our afternoon activi- ties. Any donations will be put to good use! Autumn is definitely making it s . appearance in our facility. Beautiful fall colors remind us that the sea- sons are changing. The Manor has new picture windows put in our home! They will definitely be ap- preciated once the temperatures start dropping and our halls are toas'ty warm again! Come check them out! Billings County is seeking an experienced driver with a Class A CDL license and ex- perience running heavy equip- ment to work in District 1. Qualified individual must also be teamwork oriented and safety minded. Billings County offers a competitive salary commensurate with experi- ence, accompanied by an ex- cellent benefits package. Qualified applicants should send resume to: Billings County Auditor, Attn: Jeff Iver- son, PO Box 168, Medora, ND 58645. Any questions regard- ing this position, please call Jeff at 701-290-9581. Re- sumes will be accepted until Oct. 13, 2017 or until position is filled. Billings County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Only in Monta IIBB FREE online features: eMobite eBank ePay eStatements Free VISA Check Card (our convenient debit card) Switch to Stockman 406 checking today - Montana is unique and your banking shoutd be too! Wanda Van,Vleet Branch Manager MonLana's Brand of Banking '1 lULl m,nlmum ;)Dc, nlr;,l derJosff W~th I~o m*nullum balanc( selv,ce cnarq~ @201.7 Stockman Bank I