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Beach, North Dakota
September 28, 2017     Golden Valley News
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September 28, 2017
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Page 4 Golden Valley News September 28, 2017 Notice Weeky NOTICE OF LEASING STATE SCHOOL LANDS The Board of University and School Lands will offer the following lands for lease in Billings Co. Ac Term Rent UNORGANIZED (137-100) 8 E2W2 160 5 2581 (51 Crop) UNORGANIZED (138-100) 8 NW4 152 5 630 UNORGANIZED (138-101) 8 NE4 160 5 722 N 8 NW4 160 5 785 N UNORGANIZED (138-102) 16 NE4 160 5 867 16 NW4 160 5 775 N 16 SE4 149 5 785 N 16 SW4 150 5 678 N 26 NE4 160 5 539 26 NW4 150 5 691 26 SE4 160 5 437 26 SW4 148 5 602 UNORGANIZED (139-101) 36 NE4 160 5 587 36 NW4 160 5 889 36 SE4 160 5 562 36 SW4 160 5 794 UNORGANIZED (139-102) 22 S2 S of River 307 5 1463 (5 Crop) 26 SE4 145 5 652 26 SW4 154 5 751 UNORGANIZED (140-102) 36 NE4SOFRR112 5 592 N 36 SE4 160 5 549 UNORGANIZED (141-101) 21 N2 East of Road 262 5 863 N 21 NW4 West of Road 47 5 315 22 NE4 160 5 517 N 22 NW4 160 5 585 N U NORGANIZED (141-102) 14 N2 less SW4NW4, NE4SE4, S2S 480 5 1908 N UNORGANIZED (142-98) 4 Lot 3; N2SW4 118 5 940 UNORGANIZED (142-100) 28 S2NW4, N2SW4 155 5 1232 UNORGANIZED (142-101) 16 NE4 160 5 861 16 NW4 160 5 908 16 SE4 160 5 812 16 SW4 160 5 797 UNORGANIZED (142-102) DIFFI(,ULTY THIS WEEK: 34 NE4 1605 565 N 34 NW4 1605 553 N 34 SE4 1605 460 N 34 SW4 1605 548 N 36 NE4 1525 1050N 36 NW4 1425 728 N 36 SE4 1425 708 N 36 SW4 160. 5 730 UNORGANIZED (143-98) 12 NE4 160 5 1204 UNORGANIZED (143-99) 16 NW4 157 5 798 UNORGANIZED (144-98) 20 NW4 :1"60 5 1204 20 SW4 157 5 1185 .T = Term of lease. in = Known noxious weed infestation. iControl requirements apply to all lessees. The public lease auction will be held in :the Courthouse, Courtroom at Medora, ND, on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 1:00 PM MT. ;Bidding will begin at minimum rent. 1st 'year's rent must be paid in full i immediately after thesale. The Board , reserves the right to reject any and all ; bids. , For more information, visit !https://tand, or call (701) 328- 12800. For auxiliary aids and services, '. please call by 10/11/2017. ,9/13/2017 Lance D. Gaebe ' Land Commissioner ' (September 21, 28 and October 5) i f iNotice to Credtors ', MACKOFF KELLOGG LAW FIRM i . ,Office Address: ',38 Second Ave E iDickinson ND 58601 :Telephone Number: (701) 456-3210) By: David C. Piper Attorney #06723 Email: :Attorneys for the Estate ', Probate No. 17-2017-PR-00014 ' STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA !IN DISTRICT COURT ,COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY ',SOUTHWEST JUDICIAL DISTRICT I In the Matter of the Estate of Charles ;L. Fulton, Deceased. ; NOTICE TO CREDITORS I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ,the undersigned have been appointed ,Co-Personal Representatives of the ',above estate. All persons having claims ',against the said deceased are required ',to present their claims within three !months after the date of the first publi- ication of this notice or said claims will ,be forever barred. Claims must either !be presented to James Fulton or Robert iFulton, Co-Personal Representative of ',the Estate, or filed with the Court. ', Dated this 1st day of September, 12017. ', James Fulton, Co-Personal Repre- 'sentative 16700 158632 52nd St. SW, Golva, ND IDonald Fulton, Co-Personal Represen- itative ' 5239 Hwy 85 S Belfield, ND 58622 : First Publication on the 21 '.day of September, 2017. (September 21, 28 and October 5) !Hearing Notice NOTICE OF HEARING N.D. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION OIL AND GAS DIVISION The North Dakota Industrial Com- ,mission will hold a public hearing at ~9:00 a.m. Wednesday, October 18, ;2017, at the N.D. Oil & Gas Division, !1000 East Calgary Ave Bismarck, N. D. At the hearing the Commission will receive testimony and exhibits. Persons with any interest in the cases listed below, take notice. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: If at the hearing you need special facili- ties or assistance, contact the Oil and Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by Thurs- day, October 05, 2017. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO: Case No. 26126: A motion of the Com- mission to review the temporarily aban- doned status of the White Rock Oil & Gas, LLC #1-14H Davis Creek well (File No. 15172) located in the SWSW of Section 14, T.138N R.101W Davis Creek Field, Billings County, ND, pur- suant to NDCC 38-08-04. Signed by, Doug Burgum, Governor Chairman, NDIC (September 28) Hearing Notice NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held October 4, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall to adopt the Final Budget for the Year Ending 2018. Citi- zens will have an opportunity to com- ment or protest any appropriation of the budget. The 2018 Preliminary Budget is on file at City Hall and available for in- spection. General Fund 124,000.00 City Specials 3,500.00 SA Deficiency 500.00 ~.nNt3 t3n Total Levied 131,000.00 ATTEST: Kimberly Gaugler, City Au- ditor (September 28) Notice OIL & GAS LEASE ONLINE AUCTION The Board of University and School Lands will conduct an online oil and gas lease auction for sixty-seven (67) tracts in Billings, Bottineau, Divide, Dunn, and McKenzie, Counties, ND with viewing beginning September 26, 2017. Bidding will commence October 31, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. CST and end November 7, 2017. The link to view the tract and par- ticipate in the auction is: list- A 2% convenience fee will be as- sessed. Anyone needing auxiliary aids and services should call Diane at (701) 328-1920 by 10/27/2017. 09/18/2017 /s/Lance D. Gaebe Commissioner (September 28, October 5 and 12) Notice Notice of Petition for Change of Name State of North Dakota, In District Court, County of Billings, Southwest Judicial District In Re: Lily Veronica Pomarleau, Minor Child, Civil 'No. 04-2017-CV- 00021 Notice is hereby given by Jeremy L. Johnson that he intends to change the name of his minor child to Lily Bell Johnson. The Petition for change of name may be granted at anytime thirty (30) days following date of publication of this notice, unless you contact the Southwest Judicial Administrator's Of- fice at 701-227-3150 and request a hearing on this matter. Dated this 15th day of September, 2017 /s/Jeremy L. Johnson Kellington & Oster By:Is/Daniel H. Oster Daniel H. Oster (ID #04899) 619 Riverwood Drive, Suite 202 Bismarck, ND 58504 (701) 258-1074 Attorney for Petitioner (September 28) City of Medora MEDORA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Official Proceedings on September 19, 2017 (Subject to board review and approval) Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kinley Slauter. Pres- ent were Aaron Axvig, lan Connors, Ben Brannum, and Jim Bridger. Minutes from the August 15 meeting were re- viewed. Connors made the motion to approvethe minutes. Second byAxvig. Motion passed unanimously. Application No. 17-31, a proposal from TRMF at 405 E. River Road South to add 5 new buildings at Bunkhouse South Site (had been previously ap- proved for North Site), was reviewed. TRMF Project Manager, Jack Marquart, L ~ t~ 6 I. 8 9 9g# LL~6 9LL~g#s6 gS6LgLb99 bgg96 ZL 8L~S#96 L 6~9LLgg ~ zgg69L~ JaMsuv NHoQns 41 IOOM stated there is more room on the south Fatality after site than originally anticipated. It is a better business decision to move every- thing to south site and obliterate the i rolls north site completely. They are asking S e m to get rid of the north site and add 5 units to the south site. At this point, By Jane M. Cook Marquart does not have roofing or sid- Reporter ing samples. He clarified the total num- ber of units placed on the south site will NEW ENGLAND - On Monday now be 380; 180 lodging and 200 em- morning, Sept. 18, a man was fatally ployee housing. No people will be injured when the 2010 International placed in rooms beyond the 212 as ap- semi he was driving rolled. proved in the Development Agreement. Brannum wants it clear that nothing Robert J. Lugan, 62, of Houston, more than what was in the development Texas, was traveling westbound on agreement will have water turned on. Highway 21 around 9:30 a.m en He stated there has been problems in route to Watford City from Houston. the past when TRMF has gotten ap- The N.D. Highway Patrol reported proved for a project and then they con- tinue to do whatever they want. Lugan was pulling a flatbed trailer Connors made the motion to ap- loaded with pipe. Lugan's semi left prove Application No. 17-31 which the roadway and entered the north would allow moving the 5 units to the ditch about 9 miles west of New south site as outlined in the updated site England. Lugan attempted to bring plan, but must stay in compliance with the Development Agreement. Siding the truck back onto the highway but and roofing color/material are not in- it began to roll in the north ditch. cluded in approval until samples can be Lugan's vehicle came to rest in the reviewed by the Commission. Second north ditch on its roof facing west. by Bridger. Motion passed unani- mously. The Highway Patrol, Slope Application No. 17-32, a proposal County New England Ambulance, from TRMF at 275 Broadway to place a New England rural fire departments. bronze Theodore Roosevelt at th~ OlU arid Valley Med Flight respondedto Town Hall, was reviewed. Slauter stated it is a second casting of the pros- the scene. idential statue in Rapid City. There was Lugan was wearing his seatbelt, discussion that the p acement should but was pronounced deceased at the not impede the sidewalk so visitors scene. aren't in the street trying to take photos. Bridger made the motion to approve Ap- plication No. 17-32 noting it could be placed furtherbackthanthe 10'-15'pro- Oil activity report sented on the application. Second by Brannum. Motion passed unanimously. Application No. 17-33, a proposal The following relates to oil and from S & K Landholdings (Buffalo Gap gas well activity for the week of Sept. Stitchery) at 275 Pacific to remove and 17, in Stark, Golden Valley, Billings replace the existing deck, was re- and Slope counties and is from re- viewed. Business Owner, Chuck An- drus, stated the railing would be metal ports of the Department of Mineral and the anchor points would be wood. Resources: The cu.rrent deck is rotting and it needs Permits approved: to be replaced. Andrus presented 2 dif- #34024-NP Resources, LLC, Gra- ferent options that he's working with a cie State 142-100-21-16-2H, SESE contractor on. He would submit a final drawing once all decisions are made. 21-142N-100W, Billings County, Brannum made the motion to approve 773' FSL and 920' FEL, Develop- Application No. 17-33 allowing for either ment, Tree Top, 21513', 9-5/8 inch, option. Second by Axvig. Motion 2645' Ground, API #33-007-01887 passed unanimously. Application No. 17-34, a proposal Temporarily abandoned: from Little Missouri Chiropractic at 455 ' #13024-NP Resources, LLC, Broadway to add a sign to the left side Morgan Draw Federal A 2 NWNW of the front door, was reviewed. Con- 20-144N-I20W, Billings County nors made the motion to approve Appli- #15936-Southwestern Production cation No. 17-34 as presented. Second by Bridger.Motion passed unani- Corp Tracy Mountain Unit 1-16 mously. NWSW 16-138N-I01W, Billings Application No. 17-35, a proposal County from Badlands Therapeutic Massage at Baker Hughes on Sept. 22 posted 455 Broadway to add a sign to the right side of the front door, was reviewed, its weekly rig count reports. Brannum made the motion to approve U.S. rig count is down l rig from Application No. 17-35 as presented ~last week to 935, with oil rigs down 5 Second by Connors. Motion passed to 744, gas rigs up 4 to 190, and mis- unanimously. Under Misc. Business, Slauter ce|laneous rigs unchanged at 1. stated the ND Cowboy Hall of Fame North Dakota count is at 49. The has progressed on their stage/patio ad- previous week it was 52. dition. Signage has been installed that was not approved as part of the original application. An application has now been filed with the City Auditor and will be placed on the October agenda. Slauter would like the Commission to look at the signage before the next meeting. Slauter thanked lan Connors for his service on the Commission. His resignation was accepted at the Sept. 5 Council Meeting and Doug Ellison was appointed as his replacement. There being no other business, moved to adjourn. Without objection, meeting adjourned at 6:44 p.m. ATTEST: Kinley Slauter, President ATTEST: Carla Steffen, City Auditor (September 28) Notice CHANGE OF MEETING TIME NOTICE The October regular meeting time has been changed to begin the meeting at 12:30PM on October 3, 2017 in the Commissioner's Room at the Golden Valley County Courthouse. Tamra Sperry Golden Valley County Auditor (September 28) A public notice is information infoming citizens of government activities that may affect the citizens' everday lives. Public notices have been printed in tocal newspapers, the trusted sources for community information, for more than 200 years. 164 Infantry Regiment 75 Anniversary of Landing at Guadalcanal Historic Display- Open House Sat, Oct 14, 2017 9am-5pm Free Chat with Guadalcanal Guys i pm Program 1:30pm. Military Band Concert 2pm. Bismarck State College Energy Center Email: Editor Phone/Text: 701-989-2924 by Linda Thistle Solution below 7 7 4 1 1 1 4 Place a number in the empty boxes in such that each row across, each column down each small 9-box square contains all numbers from one to nine. 4 1 a way and of the Moderate O O Challenging HOd BOYt This weekly puzzle is brought to you by: T&A Seeds Beach, ND (701) 872-3248 Rent this space for only a few dollars a week. Call 872-3755 for more details today/ HEARING NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to taxpayers for a hearing on Appropriations and Budget requests for the County of Golden Valley for the calendar year 2018. The Board of County Commissioners has designated October 3, 2017, at 6:00 P.M. for the hearing to be held in the Commissioner's Room at the Courthouse in the City of Beach, ND, as the time and place any taxpayer may appear and be in favor of, or opposed to, the proposed appropriations. *COUNTY GENERAL FUND: Submitted Budget: General County Government $ 829,78 l Public Safety 461,931 Conservation and Economic Development . 8,214 Health and Welfare 8,092 Miscellaneous Expenses 500 TOTAL COUNTY GENERAL $1,308,518 ROADS AND HIGHWAYS: *County Road and Bridge $ 616,000 Special County Road 1,379,646 County HT 454,500 *Unorganized Township Roads 34,425 TOTAL ROADS AND HIGHWAYS $2,484,571 COUNTY SPECIAL REVENUE AND TRUST FUNDS: *County Library 72,032 *State Medical Center 15,030 *Veteran's Service Officer 17,573 *Southwest District Health Unit 52,441 Social Welfare 403,292 *County Extension Agent 69,363 County 911/Wireless 911 69,649 *Water Management 19,375 Document Preservation 15,000 *Community Ambulance Service 624,959 *Weed Control 208,778 *Sunrise Youth 3,757 *Council on Aging 140,500 * Southwest Water Authority 15,030 *County Historical Society 8,9 l0 *Soil Conservation District 37,574 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE AND TRUST FUNDS: $1,773,263 * Budgets that ares or may be, partially funded by a tax levy. Copies of individual funds/budgets are available at the County Auditor's Office during normal office hours 'for inspection. ATTENTION PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: If you plan to attend this hearing and you need special facilities or assistance relating to a disability, please contact the Auditor's Office prior to the hearing. By order of the Board of County Commissioners, datedthis 21 st day of September, 2017. Tamra Sperry County Auditor (Sept. 28)