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By.Richard Volesky day was listed at 81. and most economical method, so
i, Editor/Reporter The same type of paperwork in the refinery will maximize the
MEDORA - William Prentice, March 2017 stated it was assumed pipeline shipment of products, said
CEO of Meridian Energy Group of that crude oil would arrive byPrentice.
I r vine, Calif is offering a hum- pipeline, not trucking or rail. How- "But we have also made a com-
ber of responses following a meet- ever, with refinery products con- mitment to serve the local distribu-
ing earlier this month when sidered, the number of trucks was toys and retailers of gasoline and
residents questioned changes in revised to 170. diesel fuel, and some of them can
Meridian's proposed Davis Refin- Grzanic told commissioners that only obtain deliveries from the
cry plans, her concern was that Belfield and Davis Refinery by truck, so that is
The Davis Refinery would be the surrounding area would ,be- what we will do. It should also be
located between Fryburg and come bumper to bumper with noted that it takes time to install
Belfield . The company submitted trucks. Grzanic also said her con- pipelines, so the proportion of ye-
a refinery-related application to the cern was that Meridian presented fined products that are shipped by
county in March 2016, and later re- its plans one way to the county, but pipeline from the Davis Refinery
ceived county approval. The corn- differently to the state, will change over time as that ca-
puny is now awaiting air quality In a written reply to the Billings pacity is increased," said Prentice.
and other state permits. County Pioneer, Prentice said the "As pointed out by (Commis-
Meridian's 2016 application zoning and conditional use permit sion Chairman ) Mr. (Jim) Arthaud
with the county said that truck traf- that the County Commission up-in the meeting referred to in the
tic for supplying crude oil and proved last summer didn't indicate Billings County Pioneer story on
shipping refined products will be a preferred method of crude oil Sept. 14, the county has turned
minimized in favor of rail and supply or for finished product ship- down projects in the past that have
pipeline transportation, ment. had significant negative impacts on
Laura Grzanic, who lives along "The combination of rail, truck the local community, including
a road that would lead to the refin- and pipeline for receipt of crude TR National Park," said Pren-
cry, told'the County Commission and distribution of refined product tice. "The county undertook an ex-
ion Sept. 7 that she has studied doc- is an ongoing operational consider- haustive review of the Davis
uments related to Meridian's re- ation, but the emphasis will be on Refinery before granting the c0ndi-
'quests for permits. A few other moving crude oil and products by tional
residents who indicated they shared pipeline whenever possible," Pren- use permit for the refinery, and
Grzanic's concerns attended the tice wrote. "The shipment of crude Meridian will fulfill the conditions
meeting, but no one from Meridian oil to the Davis Refinery will be that were placed on that permit by
attended, predominantly by pipeline through the county when it was granted. As
Refinery paperwork sent to the the extensive crude gathering sys- stated in the original application
state regarding emissions and road terns already in place in the documents, Meridian will seek to
idust in September 2016 labeled as Bakken. Pipelines are the safest minimize the amount of both crude
being from Meridian and Vepica and most economical method of oil and refined products that are
USA, an engineering firm, states shipping Bakken crude. However, moved by truck. Not only is that
What are referred to as "assump- Meridian has made a commitmentthe right thing to do as a member of
tions'!--thaLcrude oi4 woul@,be,to~serve"small, local, crude produc- the community, tliht"c~ire~ab~'~ts
brought into the refinery by rail, ers, and some of them are only able neighbors, but it is also true that of
not trucking. Twenty-five percent to get to us by truck,'so we will ac- all possible modes of transporta-
of the liquid products, except fuel cept those deliveries." tion, truck is the least cost effec-
oil, would be sent out by trucks. As for shipping refined prod- tive. "
The estimated number of trucks per ucts, by pipeline is also the safest 2017 GVN-BCP
Golden Valley County Commissioner Don Maus discusses property taxes with the School Board
in Golva on Sept. 13. (Photo by Richard Volesky)
School Board okays 6 percent tax increase
By Richard Volesky more students from the Golva area should take a chance and forego the
Editor/Reporter are in high school this year, the total 12 percent decrease this year.
GOLVA - The board for the Lone amount of tuition that will have to be At the property tax hearing, the
Tree School District earlier this paid will actually be about the same audience included six people, and
"State deciding restitution i negligent homicid month optedto increase its taxlevy as lastyear, later, when decision time came dur-
n e case by 6 percent. According to the discussion at a ing the regular meeting, the audience
' Discussed during the meeting was Sept. 13 meeting, the major concern had dwindled to two people.
By Richard Volesky gent homicide. Castro pleaded guilty quested restitution. A hearing will
a 12-percent increase, which would wasn't so much the finances and rev- "We have to be doing something
Editor/Reporter to negligent homicide and to a mis- be scheduled if Castro objects to be the maximum that state law would enues for the current school year, but fight because I don't see much oppo-
DICKINSON - A Beach man demeanor of false reports to law en- the amount of restitution, allow, but the board opted for the 6 what may happen in the next school sition sitting in the chairs over
was sentenced earlier this month forcement or other security office r s For the misdemeanor charge, percent, essentially as a compromise, year. This year's enrollment is 30 stu- there," said Paul Schmitz, board
on a charge of negligent homicide, in a plea agreement reached between Castro was sentenced to 360 days Originally, in an August letter that dents, while last year's was 40. The member, who was referring to the
but all the details of the sentence Golden Valley County State's Attor- with credit for time served, was sent to School District patrons, enrollment from this year will be audience.
aren't yet entirely settled, ney Christina Wenko and defen s e The murder charge and subse- the patrons were told that there are a used by the state to determine state Board member Brad Maus sug-
Gabriel Castro, 23, faced the attorney Kevin McCabe. quent lesser charges didn't seem to significant number of students who funding in the 2018-2019 school gested that a 6 percent increase fig-
charge as the result of shooting Judge William Herauf sen- garner much public attention in the are now attending Beach High year. ure be used, which the rest of the
Richard Young, 24, at Yo u ng's tenced Castro to 10 years in prison, Beach area. There was some initial School, which would require more Gene Weinreis, School Board board approved. The 6 percent in-
Beach residence on June 6, 2016. with six years suspended for three outcry expressed by Young's rela- money for high school tuition pay- president, said there difference in crease would amount toabout $8,257
Young was showing Castro tricks years after his release. Castro will tives and friends in Facebookments. However, the amount of tu- funding could amount to aboutin more taxes that would be shared
with the gun, according to prior be on supervised probation during posts, but his relatives lived out of ition per student was later revised $100,000 from the state, by all the property owners in the dis-
court testimony. One of the tricks those three years. He received state, and Young was originally downward, and so even though four Weinreis said perhaps the district trict.
involved aiming the pistol, although credit for the 446 days he has spent from Oregon. Court hearings were
it supposedly wouldn't discharge, in custody since last year.usually attended by several of Cas-
The felony charge originally was The state's attorney has until tro's relatives, and possibly ND Cares Community Training to be held
murder, but that was later amended Oct. 12 to file with the court infor- friends, but none of Young's at-
to. manslaughter, and then to negli- mation related to an amount of re- tended. By .lane M. Cook ing will provide information on the Strategic Plan, Organizational Struc-
Reporter services available to veterans and ture, Committee & Business Recog-
MEDORA- Thursday, Oct. 5, res- their families in the southwest ern re- nition - 9:30 a.m Darcie Handt
idents and veterans can attend a ND gion of North Dakota. - FirstLink overview, 9:45 a.m
Motorists warned to watch for deer this time of year Cares Community Training from9 A complimentary noon lunch will Jennifer lllich
a.m.- 3:30 p.m. at the Medora Com- be provided and sponsored by the
: Motorists are reminded to watch munity Center. Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foun- - Homelessness (Support Services
for deer along roadways this time of Deer-vehicle accidents are at times un- The North Dakota Cares C oali- dation, and refreshments and snacks for Veteran Families ) - 10:30 a.m
year because juvenile animals are avoidable. If an accident does happen, law tion began in May 2013 after a team will be available to those attending, Denise Steinbach, Nicole Keegan
dispersing from their home ranges, from North Dakota attended an acid- with such sponsored by Little Mis- - Lunch, sponsored by Theodore
October through early December enforcement authorities do not havo to bo emv hosted by the Substance Abuse souri Saloon & Dining. Roosevelt Medora Foundation -
is the peak period for deer-vehicle notified if only the vehicle is damaged, and Mental Health Services Admin- In North Dakota, there are more 11:15 a.m.
accidents. Motorists are advised to istration. In January 2015, then Gov than 56,770 residents who identify - Behavioral Health/Substance
slow down and exercise caution after Jack Dalrymple formalized thethemselves as v eterans of the U.S. m Use - Dept. of Human Services -
dark to reduce the likelihood of en- times unavoidable. If an accident chances of injury or property damage coalition under an executive order, ilitary. According to the U.S. Census 12:15 p.m Tom Volk, Patrick Joyce
counters with deer along roadways, does happen; law enforcement au- in a deer-vehicle crash. ND Cares is dedicated to improving Bureau, this group accounts for 11 - Regional Human Service Center
Most deer-vehicle accidents occur thorities do not have to be notified if Always wear your seat belt.understanding of the needs and serv- percent of the state's adult popula- - 1 p.m Brad Brown
primarily at dawn and dusk when only the vehicle is damaged. How- Don't swerve or take the ditch to ices required by veterans whotion. - VA Community Based Outreach
deer are most often moving around, ever, if the accident involves per- avoid hitting a deer. Try to brake as should be able to access such close The agenda for the day includes: Clinic - 2 p.m Gay Schwindt
Motorists should be aware of sonal injury or other property much as possible and stay on the to home, but does not provide serv- - Registration - 8:30 a.m Joe - Vet erans Center/Military Out-
warning signs signaiing deer are in damage, then it must be reported, roadway. Don't lose control of your ices. ND Cares ' goals include con- Failer reach Team/County Veteran Service
the area. When you see one deerIn addition, a permit is still re- vehicle or slam into something else ducting comprehensive assessment s - Administrative Notes/Introduc- Office r 2:45 p.m Nicole
cross the road, look for a second or quired to take parts or the whole car- to miss the deer. You risk less injury of needs, integrating existing pro- tion/Pledge of Allegiance - 9 a.m Frohlich/JessicaClifton/Susan
third deer to follow. Also, pay atten- cuss of a road-killed deer. Permits are by hitting the deer. grams and resources to strengthen an Joe Failer Richards
tion on roadways posted with Deer free and available from game wardens If you spot deer ahead, slow effective and efficient system, and - Opening remarks - 9:15 a.m -Due-outs/After Action Review-
Crossing Area caution signs, and local law enforcement offices, down immediately and honk your developing a leader network to sup- Dennis Joyce and NDNG adjutant g 3:15 p.m Joe Failer
i Deer-vehicle accidents are at A few precautions can minimize hom. port collaborative efforts, eneral - Closing Comments - 3:25 p.m
The ND Cares Community Train- ND Cares Mission, Vision, Darcie Handt
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