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September 27, 1934 |
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Pictorial Happenings Of the Past Week
!His Tip Led to Arrest of Lindbergh Suspect As Militia Bayonets Flashed in North Carolina Strike Area
Walter Lyte, inset, attendant at a gasoline service
~tation in New York City, above, has been credited
with giving the tip that led to the arrest of Bruno
Richard Hauptmann as a suspect in the Lindbergh
baby kidnaping and murder. Receiving a forbid-
den $10 gold certificate from a motorist, I yle "v:~s
careful to jot down the license number o1" th~ :::'::).
Investigation disclosed that the ccrtific::fe l~::d
been one of the Lindbergh ransom nc~c~, a~.:d
Hauptmann was traced through the license.
National guardsmen of North Carolina have demonstrated to strik-
ing textile workers that they mean business in their attempt to main-
tain order in the strike areas. This p%oto shows a crowd of strikers
looking on sullenly as the militia lines up in front of a mill at Bel-
moat, N. C. A short time after the picture was taken, the strikers
ventured too close and the soldiers drove them back across the road
with bayonet points. Two of the strikers were cut by the bayonets
in the skirmish.
Utah's Peachy Peach Queen
Margv Lawson
Pretty Marge Lawson, above, of Salt Lake City, ~{ah, le It peach~b~f
i girl. So think the judges who appointed her "Miss Utah Peaelb
]t934", to rule over the mardi gras celebration in Brigham Cit~7 d t~
~ ing peach crop harvesting season. I
Lindbergh Suspect in Custody
New Life for Her
Fran~cine Sawyer
Fearing she might be kidnaped,
federal and Minnesota authorities
have hidden six-year-old Francine
Sawyer, above, and started pro-
ceedings in an unnamed Minne-
sota court to have the child de-
clared a dependent in order that
a proper guardian may be ap-
pointed for her. The girl's father
assertedly is Harry Sawyer, for-
mer St. Paul bootlegger and as-
sociate of Alvin Karpis and Ar-
thur Barker, wanted as the kid-
napers of Edward G. Bremer.
Star Seeks Divorce
Mechanical? Maybel But He Blushes, Says
13,O00,O00th Visitor To Firestone Exhibit
Dashing up to the World's F airl awarded a set of A lr B~lloon Tires
from Newcomb College, r~ew ur- I for her ear. ~ms ~OWlDy is snown
leans, Miss Betty Bowlby entered[ with Jack Helms, "the mechanical
° P'
the Firestone Exhibit at the me I_m_an, who s.tandsm froOnbof tihce
~ent when the counting machine| Mona1 ~arestone une-~t p ~erv ca
at the entrance clocked her as thai Station. Is he wax or is he human?
l$,000,000th visitor to the building.| Others a~ baffled, but Miss Betty
~h_e WII made guest of honor and/disco=.~:~d a clue--he blushe~
Probers Examine Razed Linee
Origin of the fire which swept the Morro Castle asscrtedly has
come more doubtful in the minds of investigators after the
board of inquiry probing the sea disaster examinex] the hulk of
gutted liner, which is beached off Asbury Park, N. J. This
shows federal investigators as they prepared to go aboard the
hulk to inspect it---left to right, Captain Karl Nielsen, James
and Dickerson N. Hoover.
One Babe's Ransonxtor Another?
Bruno Richard Huuptmann
~tere is an excellent closeup vlew of Bruno Richard Hauptmann,
New York City carpenter and cabinet maker, who has been seized
~s a suspect in the kidnaping of the Lindbergh baby. Hauptmann,
shown as he was questioned by police, assertedly has been identified
as the man to whom the ransom money was paid. Part of the
ransom money was found in the g~rage at Hauptmann's home.
RuthChatterton, stage and screen
star, has filed suit in Los Angeles
movie actor, charging him with
being "surly, moody, unreason-
able and disagreeable". The
~ouple is shown, above, in a more
blls~ul moment,
As East Won First Polo Match
E. L. PedIey, No, 1 man of the West polo team, is pictured making
one of the sensational shots which thrilled spectators during th~
first game of the polo series between the East and West squads at
Meadowhrook club, Long Island. East won the initial match, 10-8.
,With the arrest of Bruno Richard Hauptmann, New York
and cabinet maker, as a suspect in the kidnaping and slaying
Lindbergh baby, another baby is brought into the
]probe. The infant is Manfred Hauptmann, above,
of the suspect, who lived with his mother and father at the
Yo~k City home where part of the Lindbergh
found in the garage.