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SEPTEMBER 27, 1934
PAGE ]~ ~IV~
coN :r'c TH[PASTW[i Kt v. G :o. sT, N' ......
BEST DIST. IDLED ON 17TH AT ................ -
me~o~.--=~ |\ ~e~"*
AT BISMARCK |~t~DIANAP~'~I|~[ed home fr°m the Beach hospital" , Mrs. Zinsli and infant son return-
1 .t ~ l~l~ t on Sunday• .
After spending two weeks at the
World's Fair and other eastern • • • ..
Silver Anniversary to Be Held i Former Supt. Montana Con- points Mrs. A. L. Martin, st., return-
Here In 1936 When It IsI ference, U. B. Church, and ed home Saturday. SEPTF..MBF~
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Gardner, Mr. ~ 24--~Cuban¢Ivilwar~4.
Hoped New Church Will! Well Known and Beloved and Mrs. Pat Oallagher and Mr.
• ~x~~ ~ y an armistice, 1906,
Have Been Built. t Here Is Mourned by Many. and Mrs. Win. Roealer drove to Bel-
l field Wednesday where they attend- ~- ~v-Balboa discovers tba
ed an auction sale at the home of ~'~'** great Pa¢ifi¢ oeea~ IS1&
The United Brethren churches of[ Word has been received in the relatives who are leaving for the
Montana and western North Duke-] city by the O. W. Douglas family of west. ~lMb.SJ ~-U. S. troops am
ta which convened at Circle, Mont, | rj#~;~- Meuse-Argonne drive,
September 19-23, closed the bestt the death at Indianapolis, Ind., of Keith Guse is employed after ~'~ 191& ,,
Rev. George L. Stine, who for a school hours at the IGA store.
session of it's Montana Annual Con- number of years was superintendent Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith return- ::~ ~/--First "Gibson Girl illu~
ferenee in the history of the work of the Montana conference, U. B. ed Wednesday from Wisconsin, e~,~F,, tration appears, 1895.
Of that church in this section. Rev. A ticket of not more than five church, and well known and highly where they visited relatives. They
W. B• Nelson pastor of the local Candidates, and probably only three, respected here. He died September also attended the World's Fair. ~ 28--James river rises 28 feet
Church was returned to Beach for will be filed with the secretary of 17 after an illness of a month, aged Mrs. Charles Bohn entertainedi--..r/~WF~- intwodays, 1870. A0S fanlilies,~prt-~HELP WANTED
another year. Other appointments state by members of the new North 77 years and seven months. As a the St. Mary's Altar society at her MAN WANTEDFor R~
were as follows: Great Falls, Rev. Dakota farmer-labor party, it is minister he stood high with all lhome Thursday. Due to a small at-! _.~ 29--BlarneyCast]einlrdand of 800
C. C, Hoffman; Harlem, Rev. F. W.!learned from spokesmen of the or- church people and as a man had Itendance no matters of importance l-¢~z b¢ompleted, 1449. ly. Rawleigh, b~Dept, immediate-NDl__8_~SA,
Agte; Malta, Roy. G. K. Bergland;[ ganization, friends in all walks of life, for histwere decided. Mrs. BeAn served aI RATES--Two cents a word for first Minneapolis, Minn. 21-1p.
Oircle, O. H. McAhren; Glendive, Leaders of the movement are re- was the truly christian spirit, of onei delicious lunch after the meeting. I ~ insertion; one cent a word each
Rev. W. E. Dye; Carlyle-Ollie-Alpha !luctant to discuss their probable of God's noblemen. I Coach McLain took the football ~ 30--"David Harum," best- succeeding issue. No ad, accepted " '
left to be supplied. Rev. M. S. Bovey ticket, but admitted the name of Mr. Stine was born in Indiana ; boys to Beach Friday to gee the r~ller, is published° 1899, for less than 25 cents. These ads FOR RENT
, " are cash. "
Will have charge of this latter Charles T. Olson, state represents- February 23, 1879, and gained his game between Beach and Belfteld. -- FOR RENT- ~Iode~use. Call~
charge until a pastor can be aP-ltive at the last session of the legis- education in the schools of that Sentinel Butte will play their first MISCELLANEOUS at Advance ~fd for particu-
Pointed, Trotters Rev. W. B. Nel-ilature from Bowman county, was un- state, finishing at Bonebrake sere- game of the season Saturday with INVESTIGATION BEING lars. bf 20-2t,
son. ~ I der serious consideration for lieu-
Each day of the conference, morn- tenant governor, school for five years and was licen- on the local field. _
inary, Dayton, Ohio. He taught Wlbaux. The game will be played MADE OF SOIL EROSION Dr. Finnem~n, eyeiggfit specialist
may be cons~lted/dibout scientific
hag and afternoon, stirring address- No ........... sod to preach in 1901, and ordained The dance put on by Carl Moen optical service/a~ correct glasses at LOST
es Were -'v ........ ~ suoerna~orm~ canaiaa~e wm by Bishop Matthews in 1908. After and his Hot Shots, Saturday at the
g~ en oy msnop 1. ~. war- I be ad ...... Fargo, N. D., Sept. 18.~Charles J. the Golden V~lley Hotel, Friday, LOST--Pocket book wit l~oney and
' _~xt~eu. ,~'~ 21-2t
Uer of Portland, Ore. Other speak- . holding pulpits at various churches town hall, was attended by a fair Fox of Leeds, and Roy C. Erickson October 12th. cattle check./~em"~" please re-
era from outside were Dr O T Dee- teasers are seeking a man come in Indiana, Rev• Stine came to Men- sized crowd and enjoyed by all. of Sheyenne, both graduates of the WANTED IMlV~EDJ~Y -- Day turn to Osc~'Ridenhower, Sen-
........ " " : ~ .. I bining noth practical and theoreti- tinel Butte. 21-1p.
ver, u. ~., oz uaymn, ~nio, ano ~ev .......... tanain 1914 where he was district Miss Sylvia Kremenetsky spent school of agriculture of the North bed. M.J. Prb~, Beach. 21-1p
............... t ca~ experience xor me pomuon at
~. ~-. narnmn ox rur~mn~, ~re. . . " superintendent for two years and Wednesday and Thursday at Dick- Dakota Agricultural college and now
commmsmner of agriculture and la-s _ superintendent of the Montana con- inson at a Jewish convention, connected with the Soil Erosion First of a startling Seri~M~Arttdes Maybe Correct, Too
There was a substantial -ain in con I Secrets of the Great Robberies!
-:- ......... Ibor. A county agent who also corn- ferenee for five years.
~s~ons,T~n~mC~nme~h~e=S, fana th;] Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Lemire returned Service of the United States depart- by the Wife of/a ~er Criminal Scientists have estimated the
bines the qualities of a college grad- He returned to Indiana in 1925 home Wednesday from Minnesota merit of interior, have been assigned Begins ni The A~iean Weekly, the earth's age to be 3,000,000,000 years.
uate is being sought. Several ar~ and was instrumental in b~tilding and Valley City, where they took to North Dakota to make a recon-
Coming yearThis aswholestressedyear isWasdedicat.evan- ~ known to have been approached but churches and active in community their children to attend school, naissanee survey of the extent and Magazine Distributed With NEXT r..-..
to a great program of evangel- to have refused to run for various works, and at the time of his death Alex McLain was a dinner guest location of wind erosion damage SUNDAY'S CHICAGO HERALD
ism that is to affect the whole de- reasons, was pastor of a large church at In- at the W. E. Burhans home Sunday. and water erosion damage to the AND EXAMINER. 21-1t
nominatiom Two ~ears hence Men- Fay Harding, present railroad dianapolis, which he was the leader Mrs. Fred Smith is confined to soils of the state. They will give
tuna Confere~e will celebrate its commissioner defeated for renoml- in building. He is survived by his bed with a severe cold.
twenty-fiRh ~am'iiversary. nation in the June primary has the widow, one son, Rev. Loren S. Stine, George Bird and Harris Robinson special attention to locating Soil FOR SALE
types and soil areas subject to wind
The Conference was organized in support of a number of farmer- and a daughter, Katherine Stine. of Bismarck were hunting chickens erosion. FOR SALE---2 good gentle milk
Beach, in November, 1911, by Bishop laborites as their candidate, in this vicinity over Saturday and cows, five and six ~-ars of age
W. M. W~kly, D. D. The anniver- For U. S. ~nator, the candidacy 1ST REALSNOW Sunday. The pair will be assisted by J• A. i~g~. M
]~rrg AI Wc~r~tro ~-~t, ~.q h~,-~,~[ Elwell of Fargo, formerly a member this com • McCoy,
........ ~* - of "h Beach. ~ 51-1p•
~ary ce2~'ation will be held in has been offered to Alfred S. Dale ~ from Mitchel, South Dakota, Sat-j
Beach..~l~e plan is a new church ill state treasurer, who 'said .his inclin- " ................. ~ e soil survey staff of the Bu-
reau of Chemistry of Soils and un-
HEAVY FREEZErU:fa~[v :here t~hee pha~ tbel~ne vw~iete~g FOR SALE--Repossessed Allis-Chal-
~ea~h ~ ihe fall of 1936 in which ation was to decline it. S. A. Ols- til recently assistant agricultural mers Tractojh O. ~ Evje, Beae31,
the ee~bratlon is to be held. The hess, state insurance commissioner e ...... ":J adjustment agent in Cass county,
Cunterance, the Home Missionary ]~ns been advancetl as a candidate COMES O~.L'~.~.~:IT~nAV She ......... accompamea nor morner ana land b, y raanm ........wime, now ar J~el- N. Dak. /,~/ /'26-6p•
~k~ie~Ty ~and 'the Bishop ofthis area for congress, :although others have oromer wecn oz ]:macn. ~ fiel- as .......
.......... ! a, presen~ ne.ta assistant on FOR SALE C~-LEAP~J~2 Axmin-
WR1 hi1 assist in this enterprise. Roy. been spportod in party caucus. 'me members• .......... o~ me ~may cm~ / the Billings County Land Classifi- ster rug in g~o~(~nditlon. R.K.
Nelson who has had thirty years ex- No intensive campaign is expect- " were en~ermmea oy Mrs. ~:• n, ~a- t e .....
-~'~'. VanDerhoef, ~lttrey Store. 21-2t
son Tuesday. A business meeting/ Since this reconn i ,
l~n~ien~ :in building churches is to ed to be made :by the new party this Storm Started In Canada and ...... t a ssance survey
lead in :this undertaking. ~all. Leaders explained they would conducted by ~='resmenz. ~rs. r~unn.. ~ ......... mus~ oe comple~ea wimin a zew FOR SALE OR TRADE for improv-
The conference on the recommen- £onduet "an educational campaign-- Spreads to Pacific Coast was held in the eany part of she weeks the field workers will appre-
ed farm. Good paying ~7~eneral
evening, followed by bridge playing, ciate receiving notice of areas sev-
r2ety appointed0f the HomeRev. Missionaryc. C. Hoffma~So" ~ at°realestablhhfagtorthetwoPartyyearsandfromt° makenow.,,it and Central States; Warm- High score was won by Mrs. Nunn ! erely affected by wind erosion. MerchafidiSesmall town/store.w.~*~High~
~s superintendent of the conference er Predicted. and consolation prize was awarded. Photographs of such areas should Care Advan~C. 21-1p.
Work for another year.
. Plans for a campaign in behalf to Mrs. Tovey. Refreshments were. be s n ..............
- • • _ served by the hostess• I e ~ ~o uean n. l~. wa~s~er, ~a~e FOR SALE--Two-piece new draw-
• ne ~ollowing from Beach attend of a proposed mitmted law to re _ . [ Colic e Statmn Far o North
the ,Conference, O. W. Dougl~ peal NoZth Dakota nrohibition laws The weather clerk ~ave .... ,~ ~ Lloyd Theisen and Harry Smith ~ _ . g _. . ' g.' .... Da- ing room set, davenport and chair,
al2d wif ~ ~ ~, ~ ~vv~, c.~- ) Ko~a. 1~ IS reques~ea ~na~ me •
~.. e, E. C. Kinney, Mrs• Eugene were announced here today by C P ample of what he can do ~ ~*'~-~ returned home Saturday from Wash- _ ..... also Zenith electric wash -
.mvermore and Rev and Mrs Nel- ~ " "l ...... ~- in ~ pnocos or aescr~p~ions De accom ,. HARVEY
x#~ r',,o~ ~ ~'-~-, Stone, ,1~., .clmirman of the corn- .able .weather the past .week. -Start- gton, .where .they!ha~e been em- l panied hv full legal descrintion n~' chine..Will ~l~t~'~ eWa~d
,. - .......... ~-~--~ ............ mittee for :the petitioners, mg m up in canada, he sent a pmyea me pas~ mree months. I+~ ..... "~¢~o~+~a ....... ] taken ny Sa~$~J~. Mrs, Elmer "7
~rs_a_~. attended as.delega~ from: The Im~tittons "have been found semi-blizzard down through Men- . Among those from here who at- !.~ ............... " ~ Anderson, Beach, ~l-lp, P~ ,_.'~
~e Webb Memorm~ cnurcn of Trot,- j ~fficie~t :by the secretary of state tana, Wyoming and over the Rockies ~ended the dance at Evergreen Frt- [ ~ _ .............. . ~,~tz=~
~'s. and the :initiated proposal will be to the coast states, causing one day night were Mary Stoddard Ann ." , ~ TYPEWRITER RIBBONS, plain A NATIVE NORTH
-- Iplaced on "~he November 6-election known death and probablv others and Polly Burhans. Alex McLaln,~~ss p~~o f~u~.,,~ |and two colori at.,J~e~-~dvance Of- Engaged in the Practice of Law at
]~lT[tgtl DH~I ADV ~allot to parties ~n the motmtalns and Mr. and MRS. Paul Wagner, Ve~studerlts ~I1 t~e'-Dal~ t~o ~,~,. |rice. ~"-- 2-2t New England, N. D., Continuously
atUYU].~lll Ola/~lt]O l ' stone sa~l headquarters are be- blanketing that section with snows Smith, Miss Johnson, Miss Eekltmd, I Vera ~ wers Efleen---- ~-" "C" n"~ p,aj,• [ .,, , for 23 Years,
............ [ing established in Fargo to direct and sleet. Miss Palmer, Joe Shouers%~nneth i garett]~B~isen, Clara ~aSsmMaa~, ADVANCE ADS GET RESULTS ePaid Political Adv.)
Fl~h'll A I~/ A Y[the campaign for the law whlchI Tlae storm seems to have split in ~'rom._~ar: and Mrs. GU2".rlall and l it Ouse, Fred Reinh ltz. Leo ........
--, ~tkJkJ12J11~ Ll -- . I would repeal all state dry laws ex-IMon~ana a part of it coming east I°°.nn _The,~tfiuslc oy Eli, ~i~ and one extra io~r class- _ .... ~._. -~:=~ "
~t~,T~ • ~]" ~r~[ rr~'.~/'~l [ cept those prohibiting sale of liquor [ with snows and freezing tempera: ~me ana nzs vans Was excellent. [ r~an~ . / ~ ~-_" ; .... ~
,[~|~.~l~//~l I~, V ~,'|v I to minors an~t Indians. / tures that brought desolation to ] There will be ~_# services ~t the ! / A~i¢~ for.,, the benefit of the mi ... -- 1
• ..... S~one said ~ll members of the / vegetation and made the farmersJ Catholic church ~tt Sentinel|Buttet.4thl~ti~~ ~ssdciation ~'~"~ ....... I~ m~m II~ ...... 1--I-- ~__ 1
cormnittee sponsoring the act arelgct busy bigging po,atoes. Whilels~:~4day2~he~at];fer H~e wilI holdiButt~ Higi~hoo]'w~l~e put~onUat r. /. nevnolns u~_ n
h.:" ......... [ unite~ o,: a proposal to go before )the ground here was whitened with , e~,x~ can]p a~ ~eaora, the ~wn hall ne~" Friday Mus~ .IF ~-~= ,~- v~-m |
ase{l was Ula llmer in the s~ate legzsl~ure, zf the repeal [a two-inch layer of snow warmer I°nthat day. : ] | [.~y Bills Gang. ~cke~'5-0~c su*~,~- |
Golden Valley, Coming Heretlaw is approved, to ask enaetmentlb:eattoherhat~te.along yesterday andle:;~:rarZodePeo°Pale:r~mcrr~ a~end~,~5c. ;// ......... ~" W~hler~ y~ttt. Ini~lt~. 1II....- I
~O~ ~;,~k~, v .... ~,,~ [of a low prowdmg that hal.f of thet Y... g t m expected the snow!~.~a,_ ; .cq~ ~o~'a~ Pearl R~d left last week for the 1, v~ ~vt~ ~]HM~ 1
• .-~ ~=~,,~=, x~.~ ~-~,, ]z uo wm nave gone and the .-,.,uo.~ ~ ~-~iA
"ltax revenue from ~ale of "q r be/ first stretch[ Mrs" - -- | i . C. a~"Fargo where she enrolled ~----.-- ~______~_ ,~ |
or o eratm of our Indmn Summer show u C ~ ~eed Mr Kenneth for t seco
Funeral This Afternoon. jplaced into a fund f P " g] " P inl ..... " L" _ ., ~Ir]• ! t~second year. - ~]~mer©nanmse [
• the offing | am~er, ~,'ern t~eeu and IMrs Fred t an .
/rural sch~]s. / • )G ....... ~- • __ . >Nt~. and Mrs. Brown are the -- |
[ [ While the moisture did a lot of~ u~er~ were Deacn snoopers Sat-~oud parents of a fine baby boy |----_~.1____ ~__'__1__. l ~d~'l lg& I
2Udolph Slaby, living 14 "miles/ Hearing on an application for a |~hOrde twoil~r~estt: 2; f:assm:rTtS, l ur,d, gcond Sto~ Peggy,,:~a "~~aiand'~rs:N°rm";n ~t%ugse .en- $onaman apples, oox ....... l.iv I
, h of Beach passed away Men- [full pardon by Arthur Zimmerman, ] ........ t e of ) a~. ~...._ _ ~.:..~_:.~rtaln de at six o'clock dinner Sun- I
' nlgltt of cancer at his home•lconvi~ted of a "torture robbery," to|z~. ~ezore me nnal zree~ uP to re-| ..... z¢~t~_~y_ ~vmeuy ~day, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Hovland. l
- place m the soft the moisture t the play ~elected by the ttlgh school I Ra Zmsl "
Slaby was an old timer of Gel- which another later confessed, may/ " " he! . y ' i is employed at the
Valley andwas58yearsand ten/be held soon by the state pardon shortage ~,..~.~ ¢~.~.¥ear Junior class to be pres. ented some- Mammoth coal mine operated by Dakota MaM Gold Heart
wnlen mal~es zor a ~ ~ume m ~ovemoer, unaer he ai -
It ths old. Mr Slaby was born in|board. | . _ anger to a crop t rec Norman Runion. ]E~| ~fl~ 11 z"~ --_ [
~C ~mia and came to this country | Zimmerman, paroled from the |nex~ year. ~'now coyotes the entire I : :- rl0Hr. Y6 IDS. // .............. ¢~\1 0 /
,b .t 29 years ago. He was mar-/state penitentiary August 28, I933,|state Tuesday. / ,==-- - - ...... ~ ~'~"~ "/ *"' ....... ~-~'~-] I
le to Mattie Horak at Chicauo |had had many applications for par- ] [ ..... ~ ........ .~ ' ~ - '. |
~( tlyafter comingto America He|°Ie before the board. His applies-| Let us chage the grease in your[ " ~.4t,~.-..~1 1--..~.. @~'~ _1_' -.A- I
'~ ,s one son Frank who liv~ on iti°n lor pardon has been pending ,transmission and differential now.' dtmva l ge/.3C PKg.} ....... /
1( 'arm north of the tit,, his wife I since November 15, 1932. ~aa~es easy shifting. $chulz Gar- / _~ • ~ ] ..... ~ l
tt two sisters residing In Chicago:{ Zimmerman has constantly main- age. 21-1p. " "I~T 11~ ll~ri~ - ~ ~-~ [
.oral services will be held this Irained, his innocence of the .crime. " ~ewraD lOmatoes or _ ?o,,
~o After ne naa neen convzc~ea m ~u "-"~
on in the United Brethrdn[ " - - Sugar Produced l~r Nicot|ne / t J~'-r ....... ~'
1~ a of Beach at 2 '30 Rev W /gust 1930, and sentenced to prison B ...... 2_S~_ ,_-" , - . &_ _-/ ~ ~----~---~ ........... _
• . • • . ~ ' ~=~au~e ~ugur Is pro(niece Dy
[son for 20 yea~s another was arrested
L , pastor of the church, willl ", -- nicotine, scientists assert they have New ack C.,]~~~,..~ r.~_~-~
:~ te Inter Terry Jerome also known as Harold -'~ "-~ ~lli
, • ment will be in the I._ .. ' ..... found the reason why smoking 7 ~ Wv~~. ~lli ~-~Ul-[|
cemetery. ~nazen. . nazen conzessea. ~o ~ne. seems to a--easevp, the appettte .... or a ~ # t ~ /
czm~e that of torturing and robbing hu ,
Slaby had a great manyl_" .--~ ......... ngry maa. Hun~er appears from 5~or..... / ...... L ..........
S in the co i dOe 1~. rlmm elae rl~ l~arlen OCOl Ial [ ~W~](~ ~----~j~~
• unty who wiil [ , " "- our observations and those of other ~, ~ __
h~ death and their deep sym- [ mer. . investigators to arise within a deft. ~ ra
tt ~ Late~ t~o others Arthur ~ohn mt ~m f
i is extended to Mrs. ,~laby and ", ' : " "e t" e a ter the blood sugar falls Pack W or
The AnnualSale Of
'it Albreeht s Represe~ative in e::ge:~n=g~a~¢om"" ,~, -
i plate showing ~ up-to-the-minute fur coat~. ~',
i Friday, S ' rnber/ 8
t ~:a~_~ sold exclusively b~//
The op
Glendive, Montana
prehended, tried and convicted for
COURT FINDS / the crime. Jerome, in his confession ing,(productionbY inducingof excesshyperglycemiasugar in the
DEBT ACT ILLEGAL exonerated Zimmerman of any blood) temporarily relieves those
knowledge of the crime, condltlons. Smokers prefer tobac-
imore, Sept 19 -- The farm| Since that time, Zimmerman has 10 Lb M i S gh " 73 ~-
:~rium amencln~ent in the na-/steadily sought his complete exon- eo to any other leaf because of the S. acaron or pa ett ,, c
nicotine. Man's fondness for sweets ......
bankruptcy act was termed}erati°n on the part of the state, betrays itself again--this time ....
~titutional Wednesday b [maintainingy he had been. convicted through the blood. L ttU lid h d ll
w. Calvin Chesnut in United wrongfully, on the bas~s of mistaken e ce, so ea s c
district court, identification• Organs on Wrong Side ..........
Chesnut made his declara- Medical iHstory records more than
ha dismissing petitions filed by Acting Gov. Ole H. Olson an- 200 cases of reversed body construe- -- :Fanc~ . "ear's
W. Bradford, Jr., Belair nounced he will ask the state in- tion in which from one to nearly .........
and Charles A. Compton, dustrial commission, of which he is all of the vital organs~such as the
county farmer, who sought chairman to investigate a loan of heart, liver, and stomach--were on nudeJrtt"o*a oes winterkleepers
Preventing mortgage foreclos- $10,000 by the Bank of North Da- the wrong side. The condition did H Y F IIApp l
I~rOCeedings under/the morator- kota to Attorney General P.O. not Interfere with the health of the ave our a are , ,
Provision. The case wlll be up= Sathre to supplement the appropria- Individual. _ .,.bushel ,,
This , the ,irst court de- tion for the latter's department. Cleaned N o w! ......
against the Frazier-Lemke The loan was authorized by an in- Epitaphs in the Argentine ............ ~j[" "
Congressman Lemke is confi-dustrial commission reso/ution to Epitaphs must be reasonably po- t,'~rapes t "ananas b i "ran-err es
the law will be sustained in hire special attorneys to aid in de- lite in the Argentine. A Buenos
courts, fending the state in the 12 percent Ayres judge ordered the removal It's Thrifty to Have Things Cleaned. A well- ~ 9
gross earnings utility tax suit from a certain family vault of the Sweet Potatoes._ Oranges Grape
Sea-Level brought against the slate by u~ll- simple but cutting words: "Free at groomed appearance is always an asset. Just
Is the level of the sur- ities companies, last from bad relatives and worse now, your Fall Apparel should have our expert at- ~ ~ "
Oison said he would ask that in- friends." " tention, truit and ~-uas~
of the sea, taken at Its mean vestigation be made both of the
midway between mean
low water, adopted as al°an transaction itseff and of dis- Hokstad Cleaners
for the measurement of bursements out of the $10,000 fund, kota to the personal credit of Sathre ....
so on, and called a]so~which acoording to Husby has been a~ad is being expended through his Phone Us -:- Phone 75
. delm~ited in the Bank of North Da~ personal checks. _----,._--,.--._-.-. ............................