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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 24, 1931     Golden Valley News
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September 24, 1931
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CO~ YF_,AR8 WORK The Junior 4~I Sewing club of Oolv~ have completed their first 50LVES OLD RIDDLE ......... ---:-= .... ---- ..,...u. ntr the Wlnkleman family Qn Monday eve-'[ "Mary. aren't you ning. " [large to play with the boys SCORIA KNOBS pupils of the Liberty school I mother the bigg of which Mrs. Bruski is teacner~ ........ :__ have had a perfect attendance rec- [ De~er • ~me era. oral with no tardies since school be- f (Mrs. Lloyd Grifflth) ==-====- = - ======---=- gun. They have now chosen sides, ~nd are engaged in a con~est in- SEVERELY BUR~IED volving points of attendance, tardi-I On Saturday evening Harold ness, and behavior. The losing side Morris while home alone received is to treat the winners. This con- WHEN iN t test closes the last of October. work, and on Tuesday. Sep- tuber ~h, their held their "Achievement Day in the Sun- serious burns on his hands and shine building Their years work face. Mrs. Morris was in Beach Mr. and Mrs. Wllliam Booth are completed w~ on exhibition and and afterdoing his chores, Mr. the proud parents of a seven and l many visitors walled and inspected Morris tried to light the. gasoline one-half pound baby. boy. Larsonb°rn Sat-. ~] iris lamp which would only give a dim urday morning.. Kate mi STOP AT the good work done by these g . . i h em .r'h~ m¢@,h~r~ w~r~ ~ a v in [ hght so he put it out and lightect s~ay ng wit wn . . .. ...................... cL_ll~ - ' • In vtt.~ and "~ntertained by the uirls i a kerosene lamp. Then he in~nd- Julianna and Edmun9 t~om .- ~=7. ,.~'.~.7= ,,.. = ",,--,~',~n¢(, ed to try to fix the gasoliBe lamp iski and the twins nave been SiCK [O1 jm!"l- ~ ~lan very nroud over the ~oodl and began lettin~ the air out, but with the jan dice. .... -- ~.---- n ....._ ........:{-J t a sara,, of gas came instead This The chicken dinner at St Phliup work ana succe~ a~t~mp,mucu ........, Sunda was attended b a ood tier in e gas ignited as it came in contact on y y . g | and feels that if the girls cant u • - l r ahzed a with their work they are going to[ under, ....... ~ ~ u,,~, ...... d w~th the open #ame..of the kero crowd and the lad es 'e .... ~e fine homemakers Mrs Pep I . sent romp ana tne Kl~cnen oecamc nice sum. meverat peopJe irom w~- Hommand leader " " "[ One of the riddles Which has puz- filled with flames. But Mr.. Morris baux were out and enjoyed the d ..... ] zled modern archeologists has been had presenc.e.of mind enough to fine eats; ............... t--'in~ ) . , • ~ . ClOSe ~ne Olnlng room uoor, ore- mrs. n,y, ~a~c- ~ o -.v . AI. ~Ber~on from Cabin Creek] solved by I rof. Ma~tm Sprcngllng venting the flames from having a with. Miss Halterman for a .week. arove a ~era ol arouna one nun-~ ............. , 'o i i fith will sta .... d twent" five cattle through I 0I the bmvers, ty oi (Ancag( wn free oath to the rest of the house Miss Soph e Or f Y The west fire. ~ee(l ~a #-~ ..... / ~ ............ ,-,, ~,, -~-ei,q,-rqv, the ~and to can the gasoline lamp thus with Russell and Gladys Grfffith ~oarl~lor~aoY'w[na~rngthcnemo:°t~[ Sl,:ai~';n:crl;:t';(n::' a~'~" :m:iient'forn, [ ~aav~lcoa~h~mPI~si~°~ifeWhinCdh bumringeht l in Wlbaux this week. Hotel m M nne range. . . . . / of tl e a p d et lUs achlevemen~ th- house He seized a rug and I -.Hen~aKin~eYDlaekft wS~Urea~Ye ~a°cr[ iraced the alphabet to Its sou,',', ~began to beat out the flames but it[ ]IF ,T PAyS MONTGO RL...," Wuh|ngtonatZ-d ~10UX Its .... r " • • ,- , • ', ~ ~ti¢ soon caught fire so he threw ;it ouc w.~, wnx ~,u.L xuv. eomI aled the remains of his bro-[ and l)to~s that it is of SwJle [,~,~,~ ,~,~ +h. wat.~r in the nail andl [ ther 8am I~nsev who passed awayI origin nnd not l'hoenieian, as schol / t"h'e~"we~t~clot~'-'an3-'l~i~" haxid-'s[ [ ...... ~t .]Beach the la~er par~ oI me[ ars lmve th,ught. A l~e,h,uin mlm ] finished the work. ~ealizin~7[fiatl [ ..To those w n.o are nrm}~ ~txe~ ~s weeK. i . -" , ....... ~ / he had become seriously m,,rned I ~ Wne nouon ~na~ aaverus I g up t [orcnlall WOrKlllg i)r i lelbgV[llalL' 1 ..... .',~T"~ I Mr. Bradshaw was an over nigh | • " ,/ wnilo fi~,htin~ t~ne nre an~ xearmg ~ not pay we refer this little story eat,at the Chas. Nelson name on invented the r z(hn (,m,tr,~ mI rowe._ he ml" ht n___ead aid befog-long_, he] [clipped from a magazine: ~fl~e~ulay= M r. Braasnaw .m .a rancn-[ In the half cemury between 18,,(' lran a~ the way to j~Pepllfiski's., ] "Announcement is maae that the el" on_yowder r}ver an~ has ~ei 1S00 B C qccording to the theor~ ]Mr. Pepliniski l~ut lin~ed o~i ~ l~s[ ............ [w F. Hall 'Printing Company, at nurtures ana xu~, .~..~ .-. ...... ..~ . " ." ' . ' n rus d h to Dr ~raa- Another lltlge ft'¢iPr'|t (' lair Ct 011 W'LS DPglln at '0,'asr~lagton Wllell I ~ c'ohas comsummahea a ten- is preparing to stop in me near uevehq)e(l by l-rofessor Sprengling. burns a d i a m " rn , . . , chichi, , ....... i " /Icy. Mr- Morr~sh~ri~t~h:2m.D~~u 2] Mal Ferry K. Health, ass,strut secretary of the treasury in charge of [year contract with M ont.gomery • ~'~-'~ ...... ~ ed nearly to ~ snomuer aria " "" . Ward & Cam any for nandung a . Mr. and BAlU~ Br?d/ A'"AY DOWN SOUTII / causes him c°o~eraS~l°U'sce[fering.] constructmn.~:?rk, lifted the first Slmde of earth on the site of the new ]large share of ~)l~is mail-order f,rm's ] ~amHy aria _. ...... i ....... eI w [ HLs face and lc~ arm do not cause[ Aremves mmmng. I catalog and salesbook printing. The I were guests a~ ~ne n. ~.~c.~ ,.,..,,,.,, 1 -- [ him much pain. He haa nets fin] ............... ~---- _--=-----~" [ contract involves an expenditure of t ~ur~ay. . ...... / --,~- ~.~un~ n~,,~hm~,~ ~-rt /arm over his eyes thus preventmgl ............................. lover 0000000 during its ten-year Mrs. J. Maamon. Mrs. L~e0. ~am-xw,~y .. ...... :"~ ~'~ .... :'"- e"~ " • r o tl~em He Is at res- . . . . . . $2 , , _ . mon~. Mrs. Lyman Page and Mrslcd goln.g to H~h~sch ~o~l:nhOllmon[ an~ i~Jt~i~2 Halterman's in Be~ach.]t°. what-perfvtI°n-.they had-at" I r~sfam~:~a~nd on Sunday they mo- [ perJr]OdJ ~an2t~rdSa~dcrt°rep~S~e~theatres,elate to all|obbe~ buslneN Sond~ Alfred ~cnezrer ~ccompanlect Mrs.l ~v.~V."ua.N ~vb.-.~ ......... .: .... :~ ~'~"~ "~r ~'radle-" said that the applies-I mines. Many irwin tne surrounamg I ~v,~u ~u ,_,,~. ~ ...... ~. ~..=-__.:_.~. _..-; . . , Bert Covert ta Baker Wednesday[ rtomg tne als~ance on norse~acK, a| ~#~:. ~, ._;~, u .... ,, ,,, ..... ,,~,~,[ neighborhood were ])resent to enjoy l The Knoop family visitedat[ amoun.~, o z prln¢10g ~ormer~y qone[ d at nded the fa which was matter of about eight .miles, w nic.n ~,v,, w ~,, ................... the music. Have patience and/Booth's on Sunday. " ioy malt Ior Montgomery wars ,~t ~r{ely g~e and I fori~ne was v.erylsnows she is, mucn mtcrestc~ mlgm%btrhi~l~is~ndcasWee ~elgshtou~lererlpractice_, St. Phillil~.Band, wc.'rc for[ Mr. and Mrs. William Booth[c°mpany''' [ 250 Raw,IS much surprised at the nlc~. garqen| gett.lng an eoucL%~_on." ..... 1-in | n{eet such an emergency. We wish| you.. ~veryone nKes ..go~_uana[ moved to the C. J. Raw place north[ ~ . . I With Baths or Shan't truck, corn, gram and Deauu~ulI __MI:. r~,ans J~yacu. _jt~., ~#~;'l Harold a sncedv recovery. ~ mnsm we are. sure Lna.¢ tnc ?r- | of Golva on Tuesday. [ Threezyear-old Jonn.n.y .saw ms i RATES I~R DA~Z flowers, for such a dry year. Tne] Montana, was an ovct~,~ ~kC~] ........ | g an~zauon o~ ~nts uana ~s_a s~ep| Mrs Ca~mier Bruski an appoint-] first snake as ne ptayea In me yarn [ o from different loca- at me name o, ,.. ~'x. ~ca,-,e,u .... , " lurmer on ~ne progress path " $1.50 $~ ~chool W rk " Mr L ken sa s ' ed delegate for the laclies' societies one day. , I tlons was very good as also was the/f.~rst of the. week: • y .... Y | NOVEL ~:~HOQ.L WOP~../ Johanna Rose is the new mere-[or the St Phillin -arish attended[ "Oh, mamma its got a tail" he, The races band they nave naa nne rams m ~new Miss ALice ]~ maljsman cleanea f he F I' a am ...... ' " _a\ to /~ 4H club work. , [ ............ [ .. . • ..... [ber o t e ~x Kund f, flY.[ a district conference at Glendive[cried breathlessly as he reached the! and bl weddin pare oi me count, ry ana bile rall~ the ,oasemen~ ano varnlsenu anal Tht~ Mi.~¢ crimp t~ ,:~-~v ,-,n q-,,,,~ ~ .~ . _ - z aN.~ concert, revue g g . - . . ...... , ............... ., ...... c~- ~aturaa ~,,~-. was all fine and .much pn.|oyed bgl is ~oo(1. _M~.:; Lygen w~u/ 9.fled the malnfloor.of the St. Phil-[ day morning. Mother and baby] .. Y- .......... / "Whats got a tail. Johnny?" in-I Gab'age ~rdr.~ a very large crows, especially in the] c rlv%n[s!~mas ~o mar~e~, a~ ~wa~-| lip ~nooL Tne smuems of ,m~sl are doing fine. ' I ,,~r. aria MrshA~en o~aS~en ana| quired mamma in surprise." I Oppos~e~OSt O~ can surel ve cam um,~.~tvuu~ ,_,~v..," .--~. =cnool nave organlzea a SCllU~31 lvll,, ... ............. , , , ., even . ~e~ker v - " in ~ All teachers in Scoria KnobbsI " l'" ...... ~" ..... Its at a tall and dats all nllmei~n ed for their work and on:l Mrs. Adolph Steen Is putting [bank health clinic andnewspaperlJ ............ Young Peopes banquet given .by[..,., ..~ .... , ] CIo~e)6allDepo~ [v the most exacting w~uld com-I winter wheat for Mrs. Anmc Wec I The health clinic is especially inxl ~rt~',~°rYta~n~..~ne ~iac~Crvs 2n~ the .U.B.. Conference in the Blue| ............ "" .---------------,~~ plain. I mLs weeK. . .... | teresting, as studen~ .qoctors anaI ;~:~({a,, ~ , - ] Bwa ,no~eL on ~acuraay evening a~l --"- ! "A Room ~,ith a The Boys 4H Calf club meets on[. Ads: M. K..anq ~auL ~owen at-| nurses, dressed, in unimrms: ~n-~ *~i "~" ..... S ~ ]s~x OCLOCK. l Mih "What must one do to have': Saturdav~ at the Geo. Hammondl tenoec ~nc ~a~r a~ ~azer on wren-I ~pect each scnotar patient Iorl ~ ss ~.ose ~a~ermat~spen~_~t~-t The Kowaloski family werel beautiful hands?" | tlc-f home [day. Ada apt second ?rise on ?HI cleanlinessevery morning. They| uruay nlgflc WlCll the /Jenny Mor-.~guests of Mr and Mrs C E.[ Eleanor: "Nothing." I Mr" and Mrs Tom Fulton at~i suit which sne mace zor me [ have also decorated the scnoo~-I Reaehtend~l Thursdavthe U." ~.evenin~COnference atlclub. _ ...... l _ o.[room with an oppropriatexLag. Man:[ ............ ==-:--::-=---- =-: ...... ~--~ .........= ........ ~-~=---: l Mrs. E. J. I~us$aO tOOK a oat/ :[tana flower ~ree song anal - trail ~ . ...... ' i liams • ' " ' ----" Mr. mad Mrs. Reese Owens of Wi-[ hogs to Beach for Nolan W I ;[ seal. While tnis work is intensely[m baux Mr. and Mrs. Win. Swanbro,on Thursday. .._ [interesting to them, it is also hetp- ,. PROFESSiONAl and Kathrvn. and E Martins fam-[ Mrs. Annie wee was a$or[ ink these boys and girls become[I . 1~ A • ~ rlmI.~ A eT' ~ A e'l~•~'~'~l~| lly sttende(l the fair at Baker Wed-[.a~d shopper in Ollie the firs~ oI] better citizens, il lYJtJ~-'J~L,O LLL.t-~ JL ,~.Z"~ JL ]L,~r JL ~ _-. • tne week 11 nW~._ . w.arst, ,pod. Miss OliveledThethe EmilFallonRUStadcountyfamilYfa,r.. onattend']Mon ear'" ana- ears.'" ~w. ~. ..... wmKLeman-[n __ ....... ~ / , ~~____.j Varick att.end..ed, the. two were 'Sunday dinner gues~ of th [i T ,.r ]IL/l[(-]tV P Q T l z, ~eacners msmu~e a~ oLenatve, J u ~:~, ~om'-¢on fiqed the silo furl E. R. Watkins fa~llly north all| JtV.LV ~. ~.~N~ N N~. ~,~ ~--~ ~ • ~ ,rl,~ MA°n~E. Scheffer shipped .a carloadJMr~.:~bra"ms~l~is iee~• wT1he.sVm0e~l Beh?s Woodhull and Mrs. Christ-J1 -- ,' _ - ,====m KEOHANE & KUj~rlS£ Of colts tO Wl6consln market, Mon-I LL,fJ'L'%L..2y'L.~.~:2.~"~.-_'~'k~fe~'. iansen" of Beach were visitors ofl~ ~ • f~ e ml • ~ • • _. ~ ~ • -- ~rs Gibbons and threezchlldren Lewis McMan£gal tral~sacted Mrs. C.~E. Wlnkleman on Wednes- ~na njoy lnat Peeling ~O]:tl(~n! A~OR~Z~S A~ " " " i o " a day afternoon. ~;~edgtWon~InwehSday ~l~e°~/h~TveaC bUi~rnyS~ninJlsl!eArnnol~riBdeYeh and _ Miss Magd.alenei..Amul~rUd 1~ ' ,',"''~ Beach, Nort~ D~ wblle the children att~ded schookichildren were among ,those ~o ~uruay n~gn~ w~_~n aft "'---hes Illlll~llL L~f~:~l ,y YV ~:~ll r~q[.I ~ ~I.-~U.I,/I. JL3~.JL|q.t t¥~. • ' i at W1Json. .,vliss 21rnunruu ~ac Mi h li i h S attended the Failon county fa r . Dorot y Ze ~'i"of t e t:[ .......... on~a.. ~he Lone Tree school, which she Ill " I / P ne Phi[lips communit, y~began teach.[~a~v.r ou jv~ ? .v. .... opened on Monday September 14. |B m =r. • • 2o% C p~l~tp hau sd ivte oeni elrth eS .vlI KP.,LSULAI MLAL D AIMD P.,LIAL UI ,JLII'IK Hal~h school e' as last year for his cfiildren Barbara and -r-~+;-~.+ ~hu~. ~not.~ -r.hg I I ":----~ _.~~~ , . • ' . . }~ a~.r~a,~t= ,.~.'u ,L **t,,..l~ vv .,,-.,~-~ o. ~...,~ | bake Is at theurmps school anal the s~omacn zJu tne pas~ weeK. "1 e DR. I. E. Albert Bar|el at the Bar|el school. | children arc somewhat better at ~ ~ .... = = = = ------= So begins all schools in District ~ present. 1 ft tl firs f the ................ -=- .............................................. DEI~ [S~ No. 16 and we wish all the teach- Arthur Wang e ~C t o ----'~ ,'~, . . ~ .... - ~- . --~~.~--~.. ~.--~.. ~-=-~.:--2 -..7 =--.7-:..--[--. _'.z ....... y ....:- ,. - ..... era the beast of luck. week for an extended~;~¢isit to rela-~l~ ~ 4 ~.~. d Jl ~J~'~ ~.~ ~i~.~ ~ ~:~]~'=~ ~,~'~~.~ r~ ~l~r~l~ ~ ~ $ ~ ~ X-Ray--G~ ,dZ I~ Mr. and Mrs. Lerov Moline and tives and friends irlgiVIinnesota .... --- .... - ==--====- ......... - .................................... -==- ............ -==- .... - Junior *were six o'clock dinner Frank Ridc~howgf left for Min- N.D. • uests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Zel- nesota the first ~t~ the week. He tin~er of Ollie Sunday. intends helpin$1 SRvlth the potato Mr. and Mrs, Tom Fulton, Mrs. harvest there. ~1 W.. Hammond, Clarence and Flor- Mr. and Mr~ Albert Wan~ ana ence Waite. August Goroski and baby were O11~ shoppers Friday daughter and many others attend- afternoon. ed the Fallon County Fair the past A fine rain visited this vicinity HALLIDAY & week. Saturday night a n d Sunday. ATTORNEYS AT Miss Eva Martin returned Sun- Though it may not help much li day from the Yellowstone park. will freshen up the pastures quite Practice In where she has been emnloyed the a bit. . past summer. Eva liked her work Miss Leone Fulton of Carlyle has N.D. and place very much. been spending the week at the Mrs. Leo Ooroski silent Wed- home of her sister, Mrs. Alvin nesday night with Mrs. Chas Nel- Woodsend, son. Mrs. Maud Bowen and Mrs. Ar- Why dothe Big Nla zazincs like the Saturdav Evening Post continually Jack ~llaxd shipped a car load nold Beach and children were OfdroveSeVeralCattleinfarmerstOcattle.easternfrommarketsouth FridaY.Valley persBeachMl&sFrldaybUSineSSAnna afternoon.sllperViSit°rSwon andfirst shop-prize sing the song of having the greatest circulation of any publication ? DR. pVz i Mr. and Mrs. BIll Harp. Jr.. Mrs. at the Fallon county fair at Bak- \Vhy do all the other big ones hang their large circulations on a hook win. Harp, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Roy er on her suit which she made for Office phone 40. C, earev and Pearl Haru were vts- the 4H club. Miss Anna certainly arid dangle it before the c),c:; of those who have something to sell ~ Resident phone 56. ~t~rs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. does fine work and is to be cam- Pep. Ciearey Sund~v evening, mended for her achievement. The , Beach, There is a ~reat deal of sum- 4H club is surely a wonderful in- ! mer stomach flu In the communit i stitution and many of the young Becausc, whcn a business has goods to sell it seeks the medium which and like wise many are not otherlfolks of this vicinity are doing fine reaches the nlOSt readers, o wiee at all well. work in the club. 'It is things like ! Mr. and Mrs. F~ed Cowles and lthis that heln to make useful men baby and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Covert] and women of our young folks and were dinner guests at the Pep. all should be encouraged to join For thc same rcason Henry l"ord sends out a hal]yhoo to induce the w.C. BRADLEY, Hammond home ~unday. and help in the good work, N. ]0. Christine Jenkins attended people to come in and scc his wares--the more no se, the more people I Physician and teachers institute at G1endlve on[ Mrs. Oscar AndersOn spent Wed- come to scc what it is all about. ~ Office hours: 9 to Monday and Tuesday. I nesday with Mrs. C. Nelson. ii I to 5 p. m. pointment. Thus advertisers who know tl cir busincss are LESS INTERESTED Phones: Ofc. 13 [" "] IN RATES T}tAN " "Y FIll, ARE 1N CIRCULATION for they want all the people possible to know about their goods and prices, consequently newspaper and magazine AI)VI' RTISING RATES ARE BASED SOLELY ON THE NUNIBER OF READERS THEY HAVE and the DR. o. R. ( BI]B OPE kC Office I o~ 9 to 12 L m. 1 Phone i Located over ] i Merchants I~ Beach, N. location of the tcrritory covcred. DENTIS All Work This being the case, the national advertisers, Advertisi'ng Agency asso- BEACH, NORT ciation and the National Editorial association have agreed upon a scale of fair advertising prices, based upon the circulation of all kinds of period- icals and ncwspapers, which price is standard all over the country as a maximum for the advertiser to pay. Thus a paper with 2oo circulation "If yOU want to Walk to her just is rated worth three times as much to the advertiser as the paper having but 4oo subscribers, for instance. The logic of this must be apparent to tall her by Long Distance," Pop said anyone who wants to get thc bcst value for the money expended. "Wh•n Morn wanted Pop to dr;ve over to Mioma Sunday |o she could visit with Thus every auto driver is seeking the gas that will takc his car the most Mrs. Burh he told the roads wero miles per gallon, even though the short distance gas costs a trifle less. 5o too bad for a pleascre trip and if abe the newspaper ciyculation which covers cvcry section of the advertiser's wa.tad to talk to her to call her up by territory is worth more to him than a smaller, more confincd circulatron, Long Distance... she could talk an hour cheaper than to make t~le trip. even at a lower price. "So Morn cdlad up talked about The Beach Advance covers every section of the county, eastern Mon- everyth|.g a.d it only took five minutes." tana and western part of Billings county, reaches into Carlyle and Ollie tcrritory, and thc fact that its subscribers renew year a ter year is the best cvidcnce of its popularity and value to those who have stories to tell to the t,ET uS buying public. And its rate is less than the standard sct by thc grcat asso- PAINTIN ciations mentioned. .,ma, k , , , ~ Low prices ¢,,t. you .. ~aw mihe~ you ash [or any=.e ave;labia at the to|ephone ~[~L Chaell~ am las, per ~'.'1. ~', the dlstance increase,. - .................. -~'--~'~"~"~ ~'~"~-'~