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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 22, 2016     Golden Valley News
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September 22, 2016
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Page 8 Golden Valley News September 22, 2016 What's Happening? Listings for high school sport- ing events, plus public events that are free to anyone and aren't fund-raisers or aren't family or business invitations, can be pub- lished free of charge in this col- umn. • City of Beach property tax levy increase hearing, 7 p.m., Monday, Sept. 26, Beach City Hall • City of Belfield 2017 budget hearing, 5:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 26, City Hall • 1 lth annual Theodore Roo- sevelt Symposium, Dickinson State University campus, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1 • Heart River varsity football vs. Killdeer, at Killdeer, 6 p.m., sept. 23 • Beach varsity football vs. Grant County/Flasher, at Beach, 6 p.ha., Sept. 23 Jane M. Cook ept. 22, 1966 - 50 years ago: By Jane M. Cook building, on a drill that the Natural Resources Reporter Some of the projects that the Conservation Service operates for In 1982, a group of pheasantGolden Valley County Chapter is in- cover crops, and encourages farm- hunters saw the link between upland volved in are the rifles that are auc- ers to put in flowers for pollinators. habitat loss and declining pheasant tioned off at the Sentinel Butte and Pheasants Forever has donated populations. An association dedi- Golva volunteer fire department an- up to $500 for scholarships for the cated to wildlife preservation was nual suppers. They also donate rifles Beach and Wibaux seniors who needed, so Pheasants Forever was to medical benefits in the area, in- enter college for numerous types of formed, cluding one recently donated for the agricultural studies. Golden Valley County ChapterWes Parker benefit that will be com- Some of the monies also goes to- No. 777 was started in the area 10 ing up soon in Wibaux. Other done- ward trap shooting, and the organi- years ago, holding its first meeting tions have included donating money zation has helped put up a new at the American Legion Hall in to the post-prom and post-gradua- building. They are trying to promote Beach, but as more people started tion events, the beginning of a team competition coming, the Legion became too Pheasants Forever also setsoutgroup forareayouth. small to hold them, so the meetings feeders for pheasants in the winter The money that the local non- were moved to the Wibaux County months. They have also donatedprofit Pheasants Forever takes in Fair building for the next 2-3 years, corn to people who want to putout stays within the area. The only then to the Golden Valley County feed plots for the birds. Pheasants money sent tO the national organi- Fairground's newly remodeled blue Forever pays up to $500 per farmer zation is for dues. Taxes (Continued from Page 1) Larson, board member, was op-i cant. Wegner said he informed the posed. Sizhool staff of the vacancy, :and Whether the district actually Chris Kittleson, day treatment ad- spends into the red is uncertain ministrato , expressed an interest. since some funding sources and ex- The monthly rental for the unit is at penses can vary. There can be $400. Considering that Kittleson's swings in collections from oil and position is considered to be 50 per- gas tax revenue, which depend on ', cent administration, the board de- oil prices, for example, cided to rent the unit to Kittleson at Withou[the tax increasel the dis- $200 per month. Lund, Sperry and trict now estimates revenues of Larson voted for the lease. Nunberg $5.23 million for 2016-2017, and and Van I orn were opposed. expenses of $5.39 million, accord .... In discussion, Misty Farn- ing to Wegner's figures, strom, school district business man- In other business, the board: ager, said that when a unit becomes - Discussed that one of the dis- vacant, the district then has to cover trict's housing units has become utility expenses. She also said There are two new 1967 car showings scheduled to be held in Beach very soon. The Cameron- Hardy Motor Co. and the Ham- moad Implement Co. will both be Recess : displaying their new car and truck' (Continued from Page 1 ) models on Thursday, Sept. 29.that is because they have more class- try a designated recess time before Ronald Eugene Kreitinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Kreitinger, room time and are less rushed, classes officially start each day. Vaira said that so far classrooms From the discussion, it wasn't en- and David Stanley Cheadle, son of have been calm, and the amount of tirely clear if the recess change in- Mr..:and Mrs. Alvin Cheadle, both recess has worked. Teacher Karen volved all the grades or just students of each, were inducted into the Goldsberry also said the students in grades four through eight. 'The Armed Forces on Sept. 8. Both of these young men have just recently seemed calm, and happy. Golden Valley News asked Leah graduated from college. Susan Sarsland, board member, Zook, district business manager;and Mr. and Mrs. George Tasker cel- said a notification of the change Olson for a clarification through e- ahead of time would have been good, mail messages. Neither responded by ebrated their 60th wedding an- but it's up to the teachers to make the the press deadline. niversary Sunday, Sept. 18 at their school day work well. In other business, the board: hom e in Trotters. All their children The Manharts said they wondered - Held a hearing regarding a prop- and families plus grandchildren, if it would be possible to really meas- erty tax increase of 24 percent, which great-grandchildren, nieces and ure the benefits, would generate about $51,000. The nephews helped celebrate the occa- sion. Olson suggested the school also matter received few questions from that in other cases where no rent is charged, the value of the rent still counts as taxable income for each of the tenants. Wegner presented several coaching contracts, which the board approved. The contracts were: Laura Feldmann, girls basketball coach; Ron Volk and Brian Sars- land, junior high football coaches; Vanessa Ueckert, assistant volley- ball coach; Bailey Weninger, junior high volleyball coach; James Campbell; head boys track coach; and Brittney Dietz, head girls bas- ketball coach. © 2016 GVN the audience, which included seven people. One resident asked what the increase would amount to per acre or per residence. Such information was- n't available at the meeting. The tax increase was approved and the budget for 2016-2017 was unanimously approved, although some minor changes may be made before it's finalized. Jason Bosser- man, board member, was absent from the meeting. "If it (the tax increase) was an issue, you'd have the room full" of people, said Schmitz. © 2016 GVN Happy fall to everyone! Yes, it's Monday, Sept. 12 - Reading with too early to say this, but Mother Na- Sharon Dietz or Gary Riederer began ture is using her prerogative to begin at 2 p.m. with Coffee Time follow- fall a bit early and the trees are ing at 3 p.m. Beverly Baumstarck, showing it by changing colors and from Worland, Wyo., visited mom, dropping leaves. Fall is a beautiful Edie Abraham. Dixie Abraham also time of year in many ways even came to see Edie Abraham. Lois though the trees get naked! Miske came to see Florence Miske. Thursday, Sept. 8 - Our day began Tuesday, Sept. 13 - Debi Lauf led with a choice of Mass in the Chapel, exercises at 10 a.m. in the Activity in-town shopping, or exercises in the Room. At 2 p.m. Vicki Erickson and Activity Room, all at 10 a.m. Bingo Gwen Oech, "The First Lutheran began at 2 p.m. with Gary Riederer Ladies," led bingo in the Activity calling and Debi Lauf handing out Room. Gary Riederer called out the prizes andgutt~ng togetherthe-cof- numbers with his strong voice so fee time treats. Don and Marie everyone could hear. Nistler visited with Christine Finne- Wednesday, Sept. 14 - Crafts with man and brought her some banana Marlene and Bethine began at 2 p.m. bread. Dan and Sher Blue came to in the Activity Room. We made see Nellie Booth. C. Efta visited dream catchers out of embroidery Tony and Richard Efta. hoops, metal key chain hoops, beads, Friday, Sept. 9 - Hair Day began feathers and embroidery floss. Each at 8 a.m. with Judy Ridenhower and one was very unique to the crafter's Marlene Muruato as our hair ladies, choices of color, beads, and use of This was Judy's first time back after the embroidery floss. Everyone was the summer in Medora at the happy with their end product when Chateau. Today was Larry Streitz's they left. I forgot to take pictures but birthday I John Abraham visited his some are hanging on their doors and mom, Edie Abraham. Dennis and others in their rooms. Jan Kuchera Melanie Nunberg came to see visited with Christine Finneman Jowayne and Ted Nunberg. today. Saturday, Sept. 10 - Loretta Inspirational quotes for the week Wyckoff didn't lead exercises today - "Getting over a painful experience so no one came! I guess she's the is much like crossing monkey bars. glue that holds it all together on Sat- You have to let go at some point in urdays! MadelonAustby visited with order to move forward." - C.S. Fern Austby. Lewis Sunday, Sept. 11 - Adoration "Doubt kills more dreams than began at 8:30 a.m. in the Chapel. failure ever will."-Karim Seddiki Word and Communion followed at "People will forget what you said. 9:30. At 2:30 Cards and Game Time People will forget what you did. But began in the Dining Room followed people will never forget how you by Coffee Time at 3 p.m. Harry and made them feel." - Maya Angelou Elaine Begger visited with Edie "A diamond is a chunk of coal Abraham and Florence Finneman.that did well under pressure." - Herb Michels from Midland, Mich., Henry Kissinger came for a visit. Festival (Continued Theodore Roosevelt National Park and historic Medora. "Dakota Nights Astronomy Festival would not be possible without our partners and the many volunteers who join us in cele- brating the night sky," said Andes. Partners include Medora Area Con- vention and Visitors Bureau, Medora Chamber of Commerce, Theodore Roosevelt Nature and History Asso- ciation, Dickinson State University, Friends of Theodore Roosevelt Na- tional Park, Chateau De Mores State from Page 1) Historic Site, North Dakota Cowboy Hall of Fame, Custer's Cottages, and the Ramada Grand Dakota Lodge in Dickinson. All festival events are free. Park entrance fees apply on Friday and Sunday. National Public Lands Day . Js Saturday, Sept. 24, and entrance fees will not be charged. A complete listing of all activities and an event map are available on the park's website at *These v¢ Non-VA Appointments The Highly Rural Transportation Grant provides veteran transportation services at NO COST from: HRTG Van - call to schedule a ride 701-440-0351 Golden Valley/Billings Council on Aging 701-872-3836 For more information: Call the ND Transportation Coordinator 1-800-920-g595 Visit www, nd,gov/veterans Click on "Transportation" --> "Golden Valley County" services are prov/ded by the VA Highly Rural Transportation Grant CFDA 64,035 Free Veteran Transportation y County veterans ,to VA and non-VA medical pointments for FREE. Call one of these transportation providers, or visit our website. *These services are orovided by the VA Highly Rural Transportation Grant CFDA 64.035 Free TransDortation for Golden Valley County Veterans HRTG Van - call to schedule a ride 701-440-0351 ND Transportation Coordinator 1-800-920-9595 Golden Valley/Billings Council on Aging 701-872-3836 North Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs Main Office: 701-239-7165 Golden Valley County Office: 701-872-4673 - Click on Transportation North Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs Main Office: 701-239-7165 Golden Valley County Office: 701-872-4673