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September 22, 2016     Golden Valley News
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September 22, 2016
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Page 6 Golden Valley News September 22, 2016 Week y 1. GEOLOGY: What is pumice made of, and what is its most unusual char- acteristic? 2. ANATOMY: How much blood does the human body contain, on aver- age? 3. MONEY: How many ridges does a dime have'? 4. GEOGRAPHY: What is the cur- rent name of the country once known as British Honduras? 5. LANGUAGE: What is unusual about the sentence, "Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs'"? 6. HISTORY: When was the euro introduced as legal currency? 7. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which two presidents had sons who also became presidents of the United States? 8. MI_JSIC: What was Elyis Presley's first No. 1 hit on a national chart? 9. MOVIES: What actor played the character of Charlie Allnut in "'The African Queen"? 10. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of coyotes called'? Answers 1. It is formed by magma, and it's the only rock that floats. 2. 10 pints 3.118 4. Belize 5. It contains all the letters of the alphabet. 6. Jan. 1, 1999 7. John Adams and George Bush 8. "I Forgot to Remember to Forget" 9. Humphrey Bogart 10. Band DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: • • 0 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. % orts by Chris l~ehcl~ek i 1. In 2014, pitcher Matt Shoemaker set an Angels record for most victo- ries by a rookie (16). Who had held the mark of 14'? i 2. Who are the only two Japanese ipitchers to toss a no-hitter in Major ~oLeague Baseball? 3. Name the last team before the 7~Seattle Seahawks (2012-15 seasons) ~to lead the NFL in fewest points %llo~'ed for at least tour consecutive seasons. 4. North Carolina's Ty Lawson set a record in 2009 with eight steals in the NCAA Tournament championship ' game in men's basketball. Who had i held the mark of seven? i 5. Florida's Jaromir Jagr (44) set an , NHL record in the 2015-16 seasons ! lk)r most goals (27) and points (66) by an NHL player 43 years old or older. Who had held the record? 6. How many Olympic medals has the U.S. won in table tennis'? 7. In 2(1115, golfer Jordan Spieth won five events during the PGA season, becoming the youngest player (22 years old) to do so since whom'? Answers 1. Dean Chance (1962), Marcelino i Lopez ('65) and Frank Tanana ('74). ' 2. Hideo Norno (1996, 2001) and Hisashi Iwakuma (2015). 3. The Cleveland Browns did it for five consecutive seasons (1953-57). 4. Mookie Blaylock of Oklahoma (1988) and Tommy Amaker of Duke (1986). 5. Mark Messier had 18 goals and 43 points for the NewYork Rangers in the 2003-04 season. 6. None. 7. Horton Smith was 21 when he did it in 1929, 0 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. • Cold weather and quick dinner? Baked potato four ways: broccoli with cheddar cheese; sausage crumbles and Alfredo sauce; BBQ pulled pork with corn; and the Italian, with sliced meal- balls, pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese and Italian seasoning. • "Attach shower rings to the bar of a coat hanger to organize scarves or even baseball caps. Thread the adjust- able strap through the rings and secure to hang hats."--M.l+: in Kansas S ~ 8 g 17 6 L 9 I. I" Z t' £ 89 g6~ 9 ~ 6 I. Z S g I~ 8 L 8 £ ~ 9 t' 6 [ 6 L 9 8 g ~ £ L t7 t7 £ ~ 6 L Z 8 g 9 i~ 9 L Z £ g IZ 8 6 8 6 Z t, g L 9 ~ £ £ t~ £ 9 6 9 I" g L JoMsuv --- n oans AIHOOM by Linda Thistle Solution below 7 4 7 7 7 4 1 1 Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine. • Moderate O4) Challenging ee • HOO BOY © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. This weekly puzzle is brought to you by: T&A Seeds Beach, ND (701) 872-3248 Some obesity rates fall; still higher than in 1990 Is the message that the nation is getting too fat beginning to sink in? The answer is "yes but," says the Trust for America's Health, a non- profit, non-partisan group that aims to protect the health of communities and make disease prevention a na- tional priority. And a study of health- care quality and quantity across the nation suggests some reasons why things are not improving uniformly. Obesity is a disease, and for the last 13 years the Trust and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation have monitored obesity rates in the coun- try, focusing on the proportion of a state's population that is obese. The study designates someone as obese whose body mass index (a measure based on height and weight) is 30 or higher. This year's results show that after a decade in which eve~ state's obese population rose, a few states have fi- nally experienced a decrease. "'We're seeing the rates plateau al- beit at a very high level," says Richard Hamburg, the interim presi- dent of the Trust. Although rates have dropped in Montana, Mitmesota, New York, and Ohio, even those decreased rates are still high. Twenty-six percent of adults in Minnesota were still con- sidered obese, and nearly 30 percent were in Ohio. Even in the states with the lowest rates - Colorado, Califbr- nia, Utah, Montana, Hawaii and Massachusetts - rates remain be- tween 20 and 25 percent. Twenty-two of the 25 states with the highest adult obesity rates are in the South and Midwest, including Kansas and Kentucky, both of which experienced an increase. To put this in perspective, Ham- burg told me that in 1980 no state had a rate above 15 percent; in 1990 no rate was above 20 percent. "Colorado is the healthiest state but exceeded the 20 percent rate years ago," he said. What happened? Hamburg ex- plained that many societal changes have conspired to increase obesity rates. Children have less opportunity Many families at McDonalds or Burger King a few times a week, but even if they cooked at home, they might not be eating "healthy" because they don't have ac- cess to fresh fruits and vegetables. for physical activities: parents are no longer comfortable sending their kids out to play and telling them to come home by dark. Other reasons? • Sedentary activities like com- puter games have replaced physical activity. • Many schools no longer offer physical education, and are not al- ways open for physical activity after the school day ends. • More kids arrive at school via car or bus. In 1969, 89 percent of kids walked or rode their bikes to school. By 2009, the number had dropped to 35 percent. Eating habits are different, too, with families eating more often in restaurants, including fast food es- tablishments, and consuming more added sugars and fats. Many families eat at McI)onalds or Burger King a few times a week, but even if they cooked at home, they might not be eating "'healthy" because they don't have access to fresh fruits and,veg- etables. Hamburg told me 30 million peo- ple don't have easy access to a su- permarket: many residents in dense urban areas have to walk or take pub- lic transportation more than a mile to get more than a "convenience store" selection. Many in rural areas must drive 10 miles or more. Powerful marketing from the food industry is also a culprit, beckoning consumers to eat pizza, overstuffed tacos, and sodas without regard for the effect on their weight or health. I usually don't pay much attention to state rankings from various groups. Most people aren't going to move to another state just because it ranks better on whatever is being tneasured. But this time I did because as the obesity report came out, a per- sonal finance website, WalletHub, announced its latest report "2016's States with the Best & Worst Health Care."' And I was struck by a possible connection. What did WalletHub have to say about those states in the South and Midwest with high numbers of peo- ple who are obese? Were they getting routine examinations, and dental care? Were physicians accepting Medicare? Were there adequate hos- pital beds particularly, in rural areas where many hospitals have closed? Now I didn't attempt to do a sci- entific con'elation, and there may be many reasons why a state's health- care system ranks high or low on the WalletHub site. But for me, the take- away from these studies is that com- munities must offer not only treatment for health problems relat- ing to obesity but also ways to pre- vent the underlying cause in the first place. Communit:ies must have not just enough and appropriate medical fa- cilities and personnel but also pro- grams to encourage better eating habits and more physical activity. The Trust report offers sugges- tions that point in that direction. To learn more about how your state ranks on both these studies, go to sta- and (What is your communio; doing to address the obesiO' problem? Write to Trudy at trudy.lieberman@ "Epiph ny" P; rt 10 This is the tenth part in a fic- tional series written by the Golden Valley Writer's Club of Beach. By Golden Valley Writers' Club The older man gave a sheepish "No-no-no-no! It can't be!" grin. "When I got back to the Walter gasped as he began to shake states, and a couple months before his head in bewildering disbelief, I was to be discharged, my captain jumping up. He hurried to the win- came to me. Seems like some jerk dow as if seeking a way to escape, had abandoned his Vietnamese and then spun around to face his wife and baby in California, and mother again, his expression in skipped town: never telling them confused anguish. "'You ... he that he'd never planned to marry ...why?! Why all this cover-up for her: she was without a home; with- ... for 28 years'?!" out a job - unable to speak English Lila rushed to her son. grasping when she first got here - and so his strong arms in her hands. "Oh, was without hope. Honey! You don't know how many "'He asked me to take her in. I times I wanted to tell you, but after told him I was married and he sug- so many years of not being able to gested that I hire her as a house- ... please, please forgive me," she keeper of sorts, and that he'd help cried,laying her head on his chest, me support her. I told him I but he backed away from her. planned to move back home; back Luke hurried over to her, and here. Didn't matter. Well, he talked stood alongside Liht. He put his me into it. Then I came back and arm around her quivering shoul- hear that Lila filed annuhnent pa- ders and looked at Walter. "All pers, so everyone supposed we three of us ... your mother, grand- were no longer married. And when father, and I ... need your forgive- everyone saw Mae Ling and her ness. And I know it will be son staying close to me, they as- extremely difficult. It should have sumed that I had married her. never gone this far." Rather than cause Lila embarrass- "Yoti wanted to tell him," Lila ment, I decided to let the towns- said, gazing at her heart's love, people think what they would. then looked back at her son. "He When Mae Ling had learned wanted to so many times, but I enough English to understand me, I begged him not to, and he would- explained the situation to her, and n't go against my wishes." told her that if she was uncomfort- There was silence for a few able with that arrangement, that we minutes; Beth had stood when her could leave and go somewhere husband moved toward the win- else." He looked heavenward for a dow, her heart aching to help him. moment, then gazed back at his but not knowing what to do. Now small audience. she hurried to him and put her arms "Mae Ling has been a very dear tightly around him. Walter tried to friend to me, a partner, who knew, push her back, but she wouldn't let and told me that one day 1 would go. be tmited with my wife and son. 1 "No, Walter, I'm not letting you have prayed for this day for so go. We're in this together; never long. I just wish it could have been forget that." under a better situation." Luke left He hesitated, then slowly put his Lila's side as he now approached arms around Beth, and once more his son and laid his hands on his silence entered. Longer this time, shoulders. "I will wait until you are but Beth's calmness pervaded his ready to accept all of this, but mood and slowly Walter's tension know, that I have always hoped - began to ease. Then another look no, prayed - tk~r the moment I could of bewilderment crossed his face call you 'son,' and hear you call me as he looked at Luke. 'dad' 7 TRMF announces hol "But ... how can you and MEDORA- The Theodore Roo- Mother ... how could you marry sevelt Medora Foundation has an- that Vietnamese girlif you always nounced the names of 37 believed that you and Mom ... ?' ,,empl0yees,.fmm_l&.states mld=,dx LI The deadline for submitted copy and stories and all ad orders is noon on Fridays. Call 872-3755 or e-mail goldenand bi Ilings @ g mail. com. countries, who were awarded 2016 scholarships and anabassador awards. The scholarships, ranging from $1,000 to $1,500, are awarded an- nually through the Tjaden Education Assistance Program, named after the late TRMF President Rod Tjaden. Scholarships go to employees pur- suing undergraduate and graduate degrees. The seven, $500 TRMF ambassador awards were given to non-college student TRMF employ- ees. TRMF also awarded eight Lar- son Ambassador awards. The am- bassador awards are $500 awards that were established in 2016 by cre- ator of the Sunshine Memorial Foundation. Van Larson. TRMF Communications Director Justin Fisk said, "Throughout the 2016 travel season, these scholar- ship and award winners consistently showed exceptional leadership, and they embodied the values that we at TRMF believe in inost: respect for people and phtce, family values, and excellence and creativity in work and service to our guests." Scholarships are available to TRMF employees who are pursuing an undergraduate degree. Scholar- ship and award winners need to demonstrate outstanding leadership and have a positive influence on the city of Medora, visitors of Medora, and their fellow employees. Larson Ambassador awards honor eight outstanding TRMF em- ployees who have left an indelible impression on Medora. In order to be eligible for schol- arships and ambassador awards, ap- plicants must work at least 480 hours during the summer season. Employees can be nominated by a manager, a co-worker, or can nomi- nate themselves. Scholarship and A public notice is information in tbming citizens of government activities that may affect the citizens' everday lives. Public notices have been printed in local newspapers, the trusted sources tbr community itfformation, for more than 200 years. ambassador award recipients are then selected by a committee that is appointed by TRMF President Randy Hatzenbuhler. - ....... Individuals or organizations who have interest in helping expand the scholarship program can contact Hatzenbuhler or TRMF Develop- ment Director Ron Stromstad. 2016 scholarship winners: Tjaden scholarships - $1,000 award: Ashley Bellendorf-- Medford, Wis. Yusuf Cansizoglu -- Turkey Becky Gliniecki -- Franklin, Wis. Katie Hammel -- Valley Center, Kan. Tyler Hering -- Tampa, Fla. Sidney Jeffcoat -- Greenville, S.C. Mandy Marboe -- Dickinson Majalisa -- Solen Kaitlyn Stickel -- Glendive, Mont. Roman Yavorskyi-- Ukraine ^John Flood -- Eden, Wis. ^Conner Raymond -- Adrian, Mich. *Seth Logemann -- Turlock, Calif. ~Jenna Nichotson -- Dawson ~Sara Wagener -- Schofield, Wis. 'Benjamin Schuler -- Wishek ^ Denotes Tim Johnson Award - $1,500 additional award * Denotes Winston Satran Award - $500 additional award ~ Denotes Wade Westin Award - $500 additional award ' Denotes Richard Johnson Edu- cation Award - $500 additional award Doc Hubbard Scholarship $t ,500 award - to be awarded to a N.D. university student Katherine Koll -- Wimbledon Peter Simon -- Fargo Sheila Schafer Sunshine Award - $1,500 award hip winners Haily Citrowske -- Canby, Minn. Shannon "Sunshine" Larson Scholarship - $1,500 award Al[ssa O'Dea --Glendive, M~nt. Kristi Reuer -- Bismarck Dean Hildebrand Conservation Scholarship - $1,500 award Freddie-Leigh Geiger -- Glen- dive, Mont. TRMF Ambassador Award $500 awards Delane Bass -- Monroe, N.C. Roger Heaver -- Rapid City, S.D. Kevin Korczynski --Bel-Air, Md. Ineta Packauskaite -- Lithuania Karen Runge -- Yuma, Ariz. Myron Runge -- Yuma, Ariz. Khai Lun "Karen" Teen -- Malaysia Larson Ambassador Award $500 awards Ours was the Glory of work and the Joy of Living Award - Given in honor of Joe Wiegand Oleksandr Rudskyi -- Ukraine Kindness and Goodness Award - Given in honor of Bill Sorensen Jaimie Okusko -- Green Bay, Wis. Get 'er Done Award - Given in honor of John Hild Ellen Murphy -- Fort Yates Mistified Award - Given in honor of Misti Koop Jim Muckle -- Beach The Medora Award - Given in honor of Emily Walter Mickey Bishop -- Charlottesville, Ind. The "It" Award - Given in honor of Jared Mason Corinne Renz -- Cambridge, Minn. Free Spirit Award - Given in honor of Madi Smith Ivan Kereziev -- Bulgaria The Gatekeeper Award - Given in honor of B.J. Ridl James Emmel -- Canada Have something that may be news- worthy that you'd like to share or sub- mit to the Golden Valley News or the Billings County Pioneer? We won't know about it unless you tell us, and we welcome submitted news items! It's easy. Just give us a call, e-mail your item and a phone number, or mail a photo and the text that goes along with it. Golden Valley News/Billings County Pioneer: P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621 (701) 872-3755;