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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 22, 2016     Golden Valley News
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September 22, 2016
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September 22, 2016 Golden Valley News Page 5 Beach City Council CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS PUBLISHED SUBJECT TO THE GOVERNING BODY'S REVIEW AND REVISION A regular meeting of the Beach City Council was called to order by Mayor Walter Losinski on September 6, 2016 at 7:00 pm. Present when the meeting was called to order was City Council Henry Gerving, Tim Marman, Mark Benes, Jeanne Larson, Wade Wal- worth, Public Works Superintendent Mike Braden, City Auditor Kimberly Nunberg, Engineer Kenzie Robertson, Attorney Gene Allen, and guest Roger Barkland. Minutes - Minutes of the previous month meetings were read. Walworth moved to approve the minutes, second by Benes. Motion carried unanimously. Vouchers - Benes moved to ap- prove the following vouchers, second by Walworth. Motion carried unani- mously. 18730 Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services 3,062.35 18731 Allen Law Office 250.00 18732 Beach Co-op Grain 92.00 18733 Beach Floral 68.00 18734 Beach Food Center 72.16 18735 Beach Vet Clinic 90.00 18736 Beach Volunteer Fire Dept. 281.66 18737 Best Western 99.00 18738 Bismarck Tribune 128.00 18739 BOSS Office Products 292.08 18740 CHS Inc. 18,245.58 18741 CNH International Capital 324.74 18742 Dakota Dust Tex, Inc. 146.80 18743 Dakota Supply Group 1,087.35 18744 Eboltoft Sickler Lawyers 1,602.50 18745 Fallon County Treasurer 3,128.00 18746 Farmers Union 1,540.75 18747 G & G Garbage, LLC 1,500.00 18748 Golden Valley County 9,565.00 18749 Golden Valley News 192.28 18750 Jill Schatz 189.75 18751 John Deere Financial 56.04 18752 Kim Nunberg 189.75 18753 Marman Plumbing & Construction 8,520.00 18754 Mid-American Research Chemical 969.38 18755 Midstate Communication 247.58 18756 Midwest Doors 1,130.64 18757 Montana Dakota Utilities 5,401.39 18758 Northern Improvement Company 8,686.10 18759 One Call Concepts 65.00 18760 Polar Trucking & Excavating 2,320.00 18761 Prairie Lumber Company 56.89 18762 Rohan's Hardware t48.42 18763 Southwest Water Authority 22,758.60 18764 Taryn Hoffer 100.00 18765 Team Laboratory Chemical 146.00 18766 Valli 50.00 18767 Verizon Wireless 184.95 18768 Vernon Manufacturing 118.75 18769 Stockwell Cleaning 250.00 -89443- 89437, -89435-89424, 18712- 18713, 18721-18727 Wages for August 26,374.00 18714 City of Beach 264.10 18715 Beach Park Board 10,000.00 18716 Jill Schatz 221.85 18717 Kim Nunberg 142.22 18718 USPS 205.94 18719 Blue Cross Blue Shield 570.10 18720 Blue Cross Blue Shield 3,982.82 18728 City of Beach 83.93 18729 ND PERS 2,777.42 -89436 First State Bank of Golva 3,058.61 -89423 First State Bank of Golva 3,106.70 Public Works Report: PWS Braden reported he has re- ceived a few complaints on the water having an odor and being discolored which is being caused by Lake Sakakawea turning over. Southwest Water Authority indicated within the week odors and discoloration should subside. Fire hydrants will be flushed later this month. There are several curb stops being replaced or repaired. The culvert by the Buckboard Inn has been repaired. PACE Construction was here last week to camera the line at the la- goon to determine why the new cell is not draining. Braden will contact the En- gineer and Contractor to resolve the issue. Auditor Report: Nunberg reviewed her written report. Committee Reports: The Sheriff's Report for the month of August consisting of 31 calls and 7 ci- tations was reviewed. Unfinished Business: An updated Contract for Transfer of Service Area between Southwest Water Authority, State Water Commission and the City was presented. Mayor Losinski requested the Council review the docu- ment and be prepared to make a deci- sion at the next meeting. New Business: An Application for Raffle from Beach Post Prom Committee was reviewed. Gerving moved to approve, second by Walworth. Motion carried unanimously. Correspondence from Prairie West Development Foundation (PWDF) re- questing funding was read. Consensus was to have a PWDF board member come to the next meeting to discuss the request. Correspondence from the North Dakota League of Cities regarding dues and the Annual Convention was read. Correspondence from the North Dakota Forest Service regarding the tree assessment and proposed Com- munity Forestry Plan was read. The remainder of the meeting was spent reviewing the Preliminary Budget for the Year Ending 2017. Marman moved to approve the Preliminary Budget and proceed to a Public Hear- ing since the proposed budget is more than a zero increase number of mills, second by Gerving. Motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing will be set for September 26th at 7 pm. No other business was brought for- ward. Gerving moved to adjourn, sec- ond by Benes. Motion carried unani- mously. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Attest: Walter Losinski, Mayor Kimberly Nunberg, City Auditor (September 22) Notice BELFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT LONG-TERM DEMOGRAPHICS PLAN NOTICE ND Century Code Section 15.1-07- 26 requires the board of each school to conduct long-term planning during each even-numbered year. The Board of Belfield Public School has completed this process and prepared a report. This report is available at the superin- tendent's or business manager's office at the Belfield School or upon request by contacting: Alice Berger, Business Manager at 701-575-4275. (September 22) Beach School Board PROCEEDS OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BEACH SCHOOL BOARD Unofficial Minutes Subject to Review and Revision of the Board September 14, 2016 6:00 p.m. Room 11 Members present were Kimberly Nunberg, Robert Sperry, Jeanne Lar- son, Mike Van Horn, Mark Lund, Misty Farnstrom, Dave Wegner, Wayne Heckaman, Chris Kittleson, and Lynn Swanson. Visitors were Sue Feldman, Maria Haugen, Carol Bartz, Terry Week, John Hanson, Leanne Benes, Rosemary Dahl, Richard Volesky, and Carrie Zachmann. President Nunberg called the meet- ing to order at 6:02 p.m. Nunberg rec- ognized visitors. Nunberg reviewed the agenda. Wegner recommended deleting agenda item 7A-Apartment Lease Agreement (pets) and replacing with Day Treatment wall project, and adding agenda item 13A-Student Attendance Agreement. Consensus of the board is to approve the agenda with amendments. Nunberg discussed the public hear- ing for the consideration of increasing the school property tax levy. Motion by Sperry, second by Larson to open the public hearing. Motion carries unani- mously. Wegner distributed and re- viewed the history of the taxable valuations, income trends, state and federal revenue, and district financial obligations. Swanson arrived at the meeting. Discussion. John Hanson spoke about the high number of staff in the schools and the money that is being spent. Terry Week spoke on the process of obtaining the buc bus, the property tax levy increase ad in the paper and the duplex housing being for teachers. John Hanson spoke about the publication of salaries and wages in the newspaper. Nunberg called for a motion to close the public hearing. Mo- tion by Larson, second by Lund to ap- prove closing the public hearing. Motion carries unanimously. Farnstrom presented August 10, 2016 regular meeting minutes. Motion by Sperry, second by Van Horn to ap- prove minutes. Motion carries unani- mously. Farnstrom presented general fund, activity fund, food service fund, manual general fund and August regular payroll. Discussion. Motion by Sperry, second by Lund to approve all bills and payroll. Roll call carries unanimously. 41275 ABM 506.98 41276 Agile Sports Technologies Inc. 800.00 41277 AmeriPride 135.64 41278 Anderson's 266.30 41279 Marcie Armstrong 429.03 41280 AT&T Mobility 46.64 41281 Baymont Inn and Suites320.40 41282 Beach Floral and Gifts 34.00 41283 Beach Food Center 95.78 41284 Leanne Benes 112.50 41285 Bismarck Tribune 37.20 41286 Boss Office and Computer Products Inc. 7,823.49 41287 Bowman Public School 125.00 41288 Buzzy Cafe 950.00 41289 Capital One Commercial619.66 41290 Cenex Fleetcards/CHS Inc. 84.98 41291 Center/Stanton School District #1 125.00 41292 City of Beach 2,408.87 41293 Consolidated Communications Inc. 564.50 41294 Corner Market/NFL Associates, Inc. 36.90 41295 Country Inn and Suites of Grand Forks 225.00 41296 Hauck Travis 2,553.27 41297 D & E Supply Company, Inc. 98.11 41298 Dakota Dust-Tex, Inc. 68.50 41299 Dickinson High School 150.00 41300 Randall Dietz 330.01 41301 Edutech 40.00 41302 Etsystems Inc. 280.50 41303 56.29 41304 Expressway Inn of Bismarck Corp. 160.20 41305 Farmers Union Oil Corp.933.95 41306 Sue Feldman 98.82 41307 Four Seasons Trophies 25.90 41308 Golden Valley News/Billings County Pioneer/ALBN Inc. 343.95 41309 Handwriting Without Tears 352.33 41310 Hartleys School Buses, Inc. 237.08 41311 Information Technology Dept. 16.56 41312 Jacobsen Music 179.00 41313 John Deere Financial 417.30 41314 MDU Resources Group, Inc. 4,332.39 41315 Mid-American Research Chemical Corp. 245.94 41316 Midstate Communications, Inc. 670.58 41317 The Mix 52.50 41318 ND Council of Educational Leaders 2,645.00 41319 ND High School Activities Association 50.00 41320 ND State Historical Society 81.42 41321 NDAEYC 50.00 41322 NDESC 250.00 41323 NDIAAA 330.00 41324 North Dakota Insurance Department 80.00 41325 Oriental Trading Co., Inc. 299.26 41326 Pearson Education 1,080.16 41327 Plank Road Publishing 162.45 41328 Prairie Lumber Corp. 242.52 41329 Premier Agendas Inc. 1,121.02 41330 Productivity Plus Account 4,145.52 41331 Ramkota Hotel Bismarck400.50 41332 Really Good Stuff, Inc. 252.29 41333 Red Rock Sporting Goods Corp. 906.60 41334 RESP 1,780.00 41335 Rocky Mountain Evaluations, LLC 875.00 41336 Rohan Hardware 755.75 41337 RSchool Today 250.00 41338 S & R Interiors Inc. 325.17 41339 Jessie Schmeling 61.18 41340 School Specialty Payments 117.60 41341 Smart Computers and Consulting LLC 22,182.82 41342 South Heart Public School 125.00 41343 Southwest Principals Assoc 20.00 41344 Supreme School Supply Co. 28.76 41345 Lynn Swanson 493.96 41346 Toy Connection 56.75 41347 Trucks of Bismarck, Inc. 34.46 41348 US Foodservice, Inc. 65.41 41349 WaI-Mart Stores, Inc. 138.71 41350 David Wegner 214.50 41351 Wells Fargo 2,322.00 41352 West River Student Services 3,837.00 41353 Wex Bank 50.00 41354 Wosepka, James WPC6,400.00 3311 Beach Food Center 47.26 3312 Braun Distributing-Queen City Candy 265.43 3313 Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Dickinson 895.45 3314 Farmers Union Oil Corp. 402.89 3315 Golden Valley News/Billings County Pioneer/ALBN Inc. 98.00 3316 Rodney Merkel 1,469.76 3317 Pepsi Cola Bottling Company 1,316.00 3318 US Foodservice, Inc. 473.35 3319 WaI-Mart Stores, Inc 267.79 7790 Beach Food Center 56.01 7791 Dean Foods Inc. 611.45 7792 Fireman's Company 460.00 7793 US Foodservice, Inc. 4,750.32 9174 USPS Postmaster 157.52 9175 USPS Postmaster 59.49 9176 Bart R Bishop 20.00 9177 Mark Lund 20.00 9178 Scott Lund 20.00 9179 Samuel Stoveland 20.00 9180 Brandt Gaugler 18.00 9181 Bradley A. Just 83.00 9182 Todd Johns 83.00 9183 Bradley V. Pender 141.80 9184 Mark A. Sandman 83.00 9185 Karla J. Schank 191.80 9186 Erika Honeyman 133.00 August payroll: $84,744.33 Wegner presented communications. • Thank you from Jill Tescher family for the plant. • Thank you from Christine Finne- man for being able to drive down to the football field for the game. • Thank you from Rosemary Dahl for the retirement plaques. Wegner presented public participa- tion. • Rod Merkel was not able to be present to inform the board about the Close Up trip the students will be taking this spring. Information was distributed. Wegner presented facilities. • The day treatment wall project is progressing. Discussion. Motion by Van Horn, second by Larson to approve the day treatment wall project. Roll call vote carries unanimously. • Marcie Armstrong has moved out the two-bedroom duplex housing. Weg- ner informed school staff a unit was va- cant. Chris Kittleson expressed interest in the unit. The unit currently rents for $400. Discussion. Motion by Sperry, second by Larson to approve a $200 per month rent/S200 per month taxable benefit for a $400 lease package to Kit- tleson• Discussion. Nunberg called for a roll call vote. Yes vote-approve the lease package; No vote-do not approve the lease package. Lund-Yes, Nun- berg-No, Sperry-Yes, Larson-Yes, Van Horn-No. Roll call vote carries. Wegner presented personnel. • Contract for Jo Heckaman as 2016 special education summer school teacher was presented. Work has al- ready taken place. Motion by Sperry, second by Van Horn to approve con- tract. Motion carries unanimously. • Contract for Chris Kittleson as day treatment administrator was presented. Motion by Sperry, second by Larson to approve contract. Motion carries unan- imously. • Contracts for 5/6 girl's basketball coach for Laura Feldmann, junior high football coach for Ron Volk, junior high football coach for Brian Sarsland, as- sistant volleyball coach for Vanessa Ueckert, junior high volleyball coach for Bailey Weninger, head boys track coach for James Campbell, and head girl's basketball coach for Brittney Dietz were presented. Motion by Sperry, sec- ond by Van Horn to approve contracts. Roll call vote carries unanimously. • Contract addendums for salary in- creases for teachers receiving addi- tional credits were presented. Carol Bartz, Denise Dietz, Loni Thilmony and Chelsey Erdmann received contract ad- dendums. Motion by Larson, second by Lund to approve addendums. Motion carries unanimously. Wegner presented finances. • Financial report for the 2015-2016 school year was distributed and dis- cussed at the last regular meeting. Jim Wosepka has reviewed and recom- mended the report for approval. Motion by Sperry, second by Larson to approve 2015-2016 financial report. Motion car- ries unanimously. Farnstrom will sub- mit report to DPI and to Golden Valley County. • 2016-2017 preliminary budget was distributed and discussed. Possible general fund mill levy increase was dis- cussed. Motion by Van Horn, second by Lund not to raise the mill levy, know- ing the district will deficit spend. Dis- cussion. Nunberg called for a roll call vote. Yes vote-agree to not raise the mill levy; No vote-not agree to not raise the mill levy. Van Horn-yes, Larson-no, Lund-yes, Nunberg-yes, Sperry-yes. Roll call vote carries. Mill levy will not be raised. • 2016-2017 preliminary budget was discussed. Nunberg indicated budget revisions could be made at a later date. Wegner presented transportation. • Sue Feldman indicated her route has increased by 9 miles/20 minutes. Feldman's route is currently $52.50 in the morning and $52.50 in the after- noon. Feldman requested an increase ..................................................................................................................... of $5 to only the afternoon route. Dis- cussion. Motion by Sperry, second by Lund to table decision and have trans- $ibley portation committee review the request. Motion carries unanimously. ~ )illsbury \ Wegner presented policy. • Policy FFI-Student Use Of Elec- tronic Devices was distributed and re- viewed. Motion by Lund, second by Sperry to approve first reading with amendments. Motion carries unani- mously. Wegner presented unfinished busi- ness. • RACTC newsletter was distributed• Wegner presented new business. • Student Attendance Agreement for Sentinel Butte resident students to at- tend the Wibaux School was reviewed. No transportation will be provided by the Beach School District. Discussion. Motion by Van Horn, second by Sperry to approve agreement. Roll call vote carries unanimously. Farnstrom distributed and presented business manager report. • Dorothy Czajkowski has been hired at the high school as a special ed- ucation para professional. Wage will be $13.50 per hour. • Golden Valley County Pheasants Forever has written a letter requesting the scholarship funds remaining at the high school be transferred and com- bined with the Pheasants Forever scholarship fund with Dollars for Schol- ars. Motion by Van Horn, second by Larson to approve the transfer. Roll call vote carries unanimously. Heckaman presented high school principal report. Swanson presented elementary principal report. Kittleson distributed and presented day treatment report. Wegner presented superintendent report. • School board self-evaluation was distributed. • Another bid for technology services for Lincoln Elementary, Beach High School, and Day Treatment Campus Classroom will be sent out. Bid will be for services from October 13, 2016 through June 30, 2017. Discussion. These are the salaries and wages approved for the 2016-2017 school year: Marcie Armstrong $39,600 Linda Bacon $43,850 Ben Baker $1,360 Carol Bartz $46,270 Leanne Benes $53,694 James Campbell $40,700 Marty Campbell $46,788 Chantell Christensen $42,450 Brittney Dietz $3,100 Debbie Dietz $37,850 Denise Dietz $40,850 Sarah Domek $41,450 Leigh Dykins $50,720 Chelsey Erdmann $39,650 Misty Farnstrom $56,550 Laura Feldmann $800 Mark Golberg $5,860 Kelly Groll $860 Sonja Groll $2,000 Michelle Hauck $49,650 Maria Haugen $47,450 Aleta Heckaman $49,650 Jo Heckaman $52,900 Wayne Heckaman $84,750 Angela Helsper $40,440 Chris Kittleson $63,000 Sue Marman $23,412 Karen Maus $46,080 Sarah Maus $48,550 Rod Merkel $38,525 Amanda Miller $39,600 Caitlin Miller $3,320 Tammy Nistler $46,200 Madonna Oech $51,300 Lori Olney $44,850 Dale Peplinski $45,630 Kelly Peterson $3,000 Lori Rising $50,400 Brian Sarsland $1,500 Mary Ann Schillo $19,000 Arlene Schmeling $2,065 Jessie Schmeling $41,850 Amanda Stoltz $38,600 Lynn Swanson $70,000 Jill Tescher $39,822 Loni Thilmony $44,050 Germaine Ueckert $26,767 Vanessa Ueckert $2,000 Ron Volk $1,680 David Wegner $82,500 Tammy Wegner $45,050 Bailey Weninger $1,500 Kelly Wilwand $52,065 Mary Zachmann $45,500 Mike Zier $52,070 Total Contracts $1,989,128 2016-2017 Hourly Totals James Altenberg $14.25 Michaela Applegate $14.25 Lisa Baertsch $15.25 Karl Bagley $17.24 Roberta Beach $18.25 Elaine Begger $17.24 Charlene Bostyan $20.00 Diane Brown $16.50 Dorothy Czajkowski $13.50 Gwen Dahlen $15.25 Randy Dietz $22.50 Sue Feldman $19.25 Sonja Groll $16.25 Kayla Heckaman $14.00 Arlys Kirkpatrick $15.75 Pam Knopp $18.66 Hannah Lawrence $14.25 Krista Lund $15.75 Rhonda McKinney $14.25 Debra Miller $14.25 Donna Muckle $17.15 Kelly Peterson $16.25 Ward Remillong $27.50 Jodi Ridenhower $14.25 Judy Schieffer $15.75 Arlene Schmeling $17.15 Rita Skoglund $17.24 Raynette Szudera $19.02 Jerry Twardoski $16.35 Machel Zapel $14.00 Carey Zook $19.25 Ron Zook $21.12 2016-2017 Bus Routes per day Sue Feldman $105.00 Wynona Foster $115.00 Jim Muckle $164.00 Nunberg discussed the next regular meeting date and time. Nunberg called for a motion to adjourn. Motion by Sperry, second by Van Horn to adjourn. Nunberg adjourned 7:34 p.m. Kimberly Nunberg, President Misty Farnstrom, Business Manager (September 22) .d Valley City Glacier Ridge Wind Farm Barnes County, North Dakota \ N HI Proposed Project Area Another wind pGp--0-s-ed VALLEY CITY - The North access roads, electrical collection and Dakota Public Service Commission communication systems and cabling, (PSC) will hold a public hearing in meteorological towers, an operation Valley City on Tuesday, Sept. 27, re- and maintenance building and a sub- garding a proposal to construct the station.Tdfal cost0fthe Wind farm is Glacier Ridge Wind Farm in Barnes estimated at $375 million. County. The project will encompass an ap- Glacier Ridge Wind Farm L.L.C., proximately 34,450-acre project area has submitted an application for a approximately 5 miles northeast of permit for the Glacier Ridge Wind Valley City. It is estimated that per- Farm, which would be located in manent structures will only occupy Barnes County. The wind farm will up to 92 acres during operation. have a capacity of up to 300.15 The hearing will be held atg a.m., megawatts and will consist of up to Central Time, at the Vangstad Audi- 87 wind turbines. Additional facili- torium, Valley City State Univer- ties proposed for the project include sity, 10l College Street SW. Area oil report for week of Sept. 11 The following relates to oil and gas. well activity for the week of Sept. l 1, in Stark, Golden Valley, Billings and Slope counties and is from re- ports of the Department of Mineral Resources: poration, Frank 24-70H, NENW 18- 140N-99W, Stark Co., "'Tight Hole" #31948-Whiting Oil and Gas Cor- poration, Frank 44-7PHU, SESE 7- 140N-99W, Stark Co., "Tight Hole'" Geophysical permit: Wells approved for "tight hole" #970272-Bay Geo, Inc.,; Jog- 16- status: " ' 01,.02 & 03 2-D;I1 9-9 6,,97: Stark • #3151()-Whfffng Oil '"": ..... " !' ' 1 and Gas Cor- Co'.i;"7.3 LN2MI ; i" ,: potation, Hecke( 11-18-2PH', NENW Permit renewal: 18-140N-99W, Stark Co., "Tight #23789- Kaiser-Francis Oil Corn- Hole" pany, Hushka 23-14H, SWSW 23- #31571 -Whiting Oil and Gas Cot- 140N-98W, Stark Co. I Yousaidit, N Dak a! NOTHING WORKS LIKE NL=WSPAIqER ADI/ERTISING. Get the word out: -, about your business! !, Call us t ay:! " 70t472,3755 for details! We donated 500 FFA handbooks to 24 area high school ag education programs this year. Farm Credit has presented over 73,000 books to Ist year FFA 'greenhands' in ND over the past 40 years/ Farm Credit Services of IVlandan IMPORTANT NOTICE TO BILLINGS COUNTY TAXPAYERS A public hearing to conside" increasing the 2016 Billings CounF ProperO' Tar leay by 5.68% ~,'fll be held at the Commission Room of the Billings CounO, Courthouse, 495 4'h Street, :'vledora, North Dakota, on Tuesd :., October 4, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. Citizens win have an opportuniO, to present oral or written comments regarding the properO' tar leay, Questions or comments regarding this notice can be addressed to Marcia Lamb, Billings CounO, Auditol; PO Box 49.7, Medora, North Dakota, 5864.5.