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By Richard Volesky be received from that department in teacher aides," alleged Hanson. "I was in a worse or better financial
Editor/Reporter the current school year, he said. read the legal section (of the news- state than the last school year.
The Beach School Board on Discussion of a tax increase paper) all the time, and I don't see Wegner said the district ended
Sept. 14 voted down the possibility drew protests from two residents, it (bidding) in there. We can't stand last year in the black.
of a property tax increase of 12 per- John Hanson and Terry Week. more taxes. We didn't get a raise in Week questioned whether the
cent. Hanson told the board that the Social Security, not $1,500, not a board members really look over the
The increase would have raised school district at one time operated penny. You're just throwing money bills that are before them when ap-
a total of about $61,000. with about 20 employees. He was away up here, day after day, con- proving payments.
Superintendent Dave Wegner critical of teachers who need aides, stantly. I'm tired of it." In another matter, Week asked
said the district has been receiving and of this year's $1,500 raise per Week said it appeared to him that about the district's housing proper-
less state oil and gas money, and teacher. He alleged the district the board at some time down the ties.
less federal money. The largest de- doesn't ask for bids on what it buys. road would have difficulty making " ... I'm not trying to be mean ...
crease was that a total of $581,979 The district currently employs payroll. He said he realized that fi- isn't that for teacher housing, not
arrived from the N.D. Department about 75 people, nances were tough for the district, administrators?" he asked.
of Trust Lands in the 2015-2016 "You have teachers who can't but also said times are tough for the Week said the intent of having
school year, while no money may teach because they have to have taxpayers. He asked if the district the housing was for it to be an in-
centive for bringing teachers to the left over at the close of the last
district. The high school and ele- school year. The interim balance
mentary principals now occupy two was $930,128.
of the units. Van Horn made a motion not to
Week and Hanson left the meet- raise the tax levy, knowing that
ing, the board went on to other busi- could mean the district will deficit
ness, and discussion of the tax spend. In other words, the district
increase came up later as was listed would be using some of the interim
on the board's preset meeting balance tocoverexpenses.
agenda. Mark Lund and Robert Sperry,
Mike Van Horn, board member, board members, and Board Presi-
said the tax issue would be easier to dent Kim Nunberg voted in agree-
decide if the board hadn't raised ment with Van Horn. Jeanne
taxes last year.
Discussion also included the dis-Tax
trict's interim balance, or the money (Continued on Page 8)
" Lone Tree School Board President Gene Weinreis, left; Susan Sarsland, board member, at far
iright, listen to Principal Janine Olson during the board's discussion about changes in recess at the
,Golva School. (Photo by Richard Volesky)
chan upsetting for parents
By R ard Volesky .... principal,said the situation didn't in- been working well; and that students'
Editor/Reporter volve punishment. The change was grades have been better. "It's for the
GOLVA- The matter of eliminat- made to allow for more time teach- good of the group, not just for the
ing one of the daily recess periods ing. heck of it," she said.
dominated the discussion at the The students are not without any Gina Manhart countered: "The
School's Board's Sept. 14 meeting, recess or time for physical activity, overall picture, this isn't what's best
Parents Gina and Zane ManhartThere's a 20-minute recess before for the children."
brought the issue to the board. Gina lunch, plus physical education Zane Manhart, who didn't name
Manhart said she saw kids enjoying classes and extracurricular activities, his source, said the reason he was
themselves at a Fairfield playground according to the discussion, provided was that the decision was
recently, and that nearly brought her Olson said the school district is better for the teachers, not the stu-
to tears, following North Dakota Department dents.
"It bothers me so much," saidof Public Instruction (DPI) policy In response to a question from
Gina Manhart. "The kids have so with the amount of recess time that Paul Schmitz, a member of the
much to do in school. They are bot- is in the schedule, board, Olson said no other parents
tied up all day long." Gina Manhart added that the DPI have contacted her about recess con-
She said she heard that a recess suggests more than one recess period cerns. Olson said the kids have been
period was taken away due to a be a part of the students! day. more respectful and behaved, and
"drama" issue among some of the Teacher Mary Vaira said the re-
students, cess change was a group decision of Recess
But Janine Olson, the school's Olson and the teachers. Vaira said it's (Continued on Page 8)
By Jenae Orluck
Reporter , .....
The New Salem Holsteins hosted
the Beach Buccaneers for a Friday
night football game on Sept. 16.
The Holsteins gained an early
lead, outscoring the Buccaneers 30-0
at the end of the first quarter. Like the
last couple of games, Josiah Orluck
was able to complete a long pass to
Jared Wojahn for a Buccaneer touch-
down. This first touchdown by the
Buccaneers happened early in the
second quarter.
Later on in the second quarter, Or-
luck got hit pretty hard and did not
play the rest of the game. Freshman
Gage Swanson took over the quar-
terback position for the rest of the
game. Other Buccaneers were also
injured throughout the game. Thank-
fully, no players were taken by am-
The Holsteins held the lead, with
a score of 46-6 at half-time. Every
Buccaneer worked together on of- Beach's Trevor Burgess tackles a
fense and defense, making it possi- Sept. 16 game. (Photo by Jenae
ble for the Buccaneers to score once
were able to hold the Holsteins to
again in the second half. Adding to two touchdowns in the second half.
the scoreboard, Swanson carried the The final score was 60-12.
ball into the end zone for Beach's All of the Beach High School var-
second touchdown. The Buccaneers sity football games are at 6 p.m.,
Holsteins player during their
Mountain Time. The dates and loca-
tions of the remaining regular season
games are: Sept. 23 vs. Grant County
(home), and Sept. 30 vs. Richard-
ton/Taylor (away).
Veggies on wheels
Kids are helped with creating zucchini cars at the Harvest Fest that was held in Beach on
Sept. 18. Trophy winners were Cassidy Hauck and William Dunnal. (Photo by Jenae Orluck)
Beach Are
Chamber conducting survey
By Richard Volesky and promoting the benefits of shop- mall basement), or mailed to BACC,
Editor/Reporter ping local will assist with making the PO Box 757, Beach, ND 58621.
The Beach Area Chamber of Beach area a vibrant and resilient Businesses that would like to provide
Commerce wants area residents' community, he said. paper copies to customers can let the
opinions regarding the local business The survey is intended for anyone Chamber know, and they will print
climate, within 30 miles of Beach so the some.
Input and participation in the sur- Chamber can get a cross section of The online survey is fouod at:
vey would be incredibly valuable to the business trade area. www.surveymonkey.corn/r/Beach_G
the success of a buy local campaign While using an online survey is oLocalND. The survey will close on
for the Beach area, said Cory Mc- preferred, a paper survey can be ob- Sept. 30.
Caskey, Chamber president. The sur- tained by sending an e-mail to The survey asks questions about
vey and participation in GoLocal, or callingthe quality of life, business climate,
ND! is a collaborative effort between (701) 300-0256. Paper surveys can preferences for shopping, and prior-
the Chamber, Vision West ND and be returned to the Chamber office at ities for community development,
the Bush Foundation. Understanding 22 Central Ave. South, Suite 6 (mini among others.
MEDORA - Theodore Roosevelt shop, "sun gazing," solar system Dr. Joe Shaw, director of the Op-
National Park and Medora invite cu- hikes, family astronomy activities, tical Technology Center at Montana
rious minds of all ages to celebrate and hourly presentations in Dickin- State University, will be the featured
North Dakota's dark night skies this son State University's Discovery presenter on Saturday, Sept. 24.
weekend. Dome.As a special offering this year, Shaw will present "Optics in Na-
Park rangers, astronomers, and the park will host NASA lunar sam- ture" at 3:30 p.m. in the auditorium
space enthusiasts will gather for the pies. Visitors are welcome to enjoy of the North Dakota Cowboy Hail ,,f
Fourth Annual Dakota Nights As- presentations by nationally recog- Fame at 7 p.m. He will discuss the
tronomy Festival Friday, Sept. 23 nized speakers at 7 p.m. eachaurora borealis, a presentation that
through Sunday, Sept. 25. evening at the Cottonwood Camp- will include beautiful photographs of
"People have been studying the ground amphitheater. Afterward, as- this night sky phenomenon.
night skies for millennia," said tronomers will reveal the mysteries Dr. Paul Barnhart of the Depart-
TRNP Chief of Interpretation Eileen of the universe while star gazing in a ment of Natural Sciences at Dickin-
Andes. "Dakota Nights celebrates field of more than a dozen telescopes son State University will make the
the beauty and fragility of this awe- at Peaceful Valley Ranch. featured presentation: "The Impor-
inspiring resource and makes it ac- Dr. Tyler Nordgren, professor of tance of Darkness: Bat Ecology and
cessible and fun for people of all physics and astronomy at the Uni- The Impact of Light Pollution on
ages. You don't have to be an astron- versity of Redlands, artist, photogra- Wildlife" on Sunday.
omy expert; the festival has some- pher, astronomer and night sky The Dakota Nights Astronomy
thing for everyone." ambassador, will make the featured Festival is a partnership between
Daytime activities include model presentation "Come for the Stars,
rocket building and launching, a Stay for the Sun" on Friday, Sept. Festival
"build your own t.elescope" work- 23. (Continued on Page 8)
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