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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 21, 2017     Golden Valley News
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September 21, 2017
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Page 6 Golden Valley News September 21, 2017 DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: • • Rodriguez 1. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the name of George Wash- ington's estate? 2. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who was the first president to appear at a live tele- vised news conference? 3. TELEVISION: In what year did the children's show "Sesame Street" debut? 4. MATH: In Roman numerals, what is D divided by X? 15. LITERATURE: Who wrote the i 9th-century novel "Mansfield Park"? 6. MEDICAL: What is a common name for the childhood disease vari- Cella? 7. ASTRONOMY: What is the only planet in our solar system named after a female deity? 8. MEASUREMENTS: What is the metric equivalent of a teaspoon? 9. NICKNAMES: What major city is also known as "The Big Smoke"? 10. BIRTHSTONES: What is the official birthstone of September? Answers 1. Mount Vernon 2. John F. Kennedy 3. 1969 : 4. L (50) 5. Jane Austen 6. Chickenpox 7. Venus 8. About 5 milliliters 9. London 10. Sapphire orts in saves for four consecutive years. Name the two pitchers. 3. Who was the last Ohio State foot- ball player to be taken No. 1 overall in the NFL Draft? 4. In the 2015-16 season, the San Antonio Spurs tied an NBA mark for best home regular'season record (40- 1). Who else held the record? 5. Who was the last NHL player before Ottawa's Jean-Gabriel Pageau to tally four goals in a postseason game? 6. Who holds the Major League Soc- cer record for most goals scored in a single postseason? 7. Which three thoroughbred horser- aces make up the Canadian Triple Crown? Answers 1. The 1976 Cincinnati Reds had five starters (Johnny Bench, Joe Mor- gan, Pete Rose, Dave Concepcion and George Foster). 2. Bruce Sutter (1979-82) and Dan Quisenberry (1982-85). 3. Offensive lineman Orlando Pace, in 1997. 4. The Boston Celtics, in 1985-86. 5. Detroit's Johan Franzen, in 2010. 6. Carlos Ruiz of the L.A. Galaxy in 2002. 7. The Queen's Plate, the Prince. of Wales Stakes and the Breeders' Stakes. • If you use cold water to clean all of your clothes, you'll save about $40 a year in electricity costs. Your clothes will last longer too. And consider a clothesline for air-drying items like towels and sheets on nice days. That saves electricity as well. • "I just filled a nick in my wood floor with a brown crayon. It totally works. I just rubbed it into the mark, and then used a soft rag to work it in. You can't even tell where it was. I thank my dad for this tip."-- C.L. in Arizona • "To see the numbers on my socket set, I used my wife's red nail polish. I painted it over the numbers and then quickly used a tissue to wipe off the excess. The red color sunk into the indentations, making the numbers easier to read."-- E.L.D. in Indiana 6 £ 9 8 tt ~, L £ L L Z ~ 6 £ 9 £ 1~ 8 17 £ 8 g L /. ;~ 9 6 9 L £ 8 £ 6 L t~ 9 t7 L 9 g 6 £ L £ £ 6 £ 17 L L 8 g 9 9 9 ~ i~ £ £ /. 6 L £ L 6 L 9 9 £ L ~ £ L 6179 8 £ JeMsuv NHOQNS plooM by Linda Thistle Solution below 9 7 1 4 1 4 7 1 7 Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine. • Moderate 00 Challenging • • • HOO BOY This weekly-puzzle is 13r0ught to you by: T&A Seeds Beach, ND (701) 872-3248 & Dog Dave T, Phipp OH MY, THIS BOOK IS JUST WONDERFUL IT'S FULL OF PASSION AND ROMANCE. ITS A NICE ESCAPE FROM REALITY. 49 DUI Law enforcement agencies across the state participated in the national enforcement campaign, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over, from Aug. 18 through Sept. 4, to deter motorists from driving im- paired. made during A total' of 689 citations were at- tributed to the added enforcement patrols , a Sept. 13 announcement said. Of the total citations, 57 were alcohol-related with 49 driving under the influence (DUI) arrests. There were another 52 arrests or ci- campaign tations for other alcohol-related vi- olations such as minor in consump- tion or open container and 34 drug-related arrests. Over the past five years in North Dakota, more than 300 people have died in an alcohol-related crash. SBDC offering free entrepreneurial workshop DICKINSON - The Small Busi- Friday - Sunday, Oct. 20 - 22. An in- ate new and exciting business models ness Development Center (SBDC) at troductory "boot camp" will take and put them to the test in a short pe- Dickinson State University is partner place a week or two before the event riod of time. ing with Stark Development Corpo- where participants will have °the This program is free to attend and ration to bring a 3 Day Startup (3DS) chance to meet, be introduced to key open to the public though space is event for area entrepreneurs and busi- entrepreneurship principles, and learn limited. Interested individuals must nesses, best practices for maximizing the 3 submit an application as only 40 par- This is a weekend-long, learn-by- Day Startupprogram experience, ticipants will be selected for the doing workshop that teaches entre- The event is open to students of unique workshop. The deadline to preneurial skills to students and area all years, majors and experience lev- apply is Friday, Sept. 29. entrepreneurs in an extreme hands-on els as well as working and entrepre- For more details regarding 3 Day environment, neurial professionals. The weekend Startup or to apply please visit The three day event will take place event challenges participants to ere- Public invited to talk, information gathering meeting DICKINSON - The public is in- of graduate students from the Uni- The team will be publishing an e- vited to a talk and information gath- versity of Wisconsin-Madison and book detailing the results of its work. ering meeting, "Investigating the professional architectural historians This public meeting is part of a Folk Farmstead of the Germans from for an architecture course called mitigation agreement between Next Russia," Oct. 4 from 4-7 p.m. at the "Farmsteads on the Frontier: Ger- Era and the North Dakota State His- Dickinson Area Public Library. man-Russian Immigrants in Western toric Preservation Office for a wind Presented by professor Anna An- North Dakota." This meeting is also farm project in Stark and Hettinger drzejewski, University of Wiscon- an opportunity for the public to share Counties. For more information, con- sin-Madison, the talk will discuss the family stories, photographs, and tact Susan Quinnell, (701) 328 - surveying of homesteads by a team scrapbooks with the research team. 3576. OH,THA1' THE l 440rI'E FOre OUlZ pIZ6S$'-,,- 1 0 BY School district budgets Property auctions Public headngs Find at least six differences in details between panels. Loca i tax ch a n g es 6 = "O C1 > CO ¢D ii .=_ ,¢ Od @ • 6u!ss!tu s! leeq/V "9 "l.ueaa .p s! i!egJ!qS 'g "0u!ss!uJ s! uJoH "JOUOqS O JIB 53~00s "~ "JeUOqS S! J!eq S,llO(] "g "~ss!tu s! lUl~ld 'L :seoueJe~j~] Adoptions out a more In your 24 HOCUS FOCUS puzzles $3.50.24 Volumes • Order at: