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Page 4 Golden Valley News September 21, 2017
Beach School Board
Unofficial Minutes
Subject to Review and Revision of
the Board
September 13, 2017
6:00 p.m. Room 11
Members present were Kimberly
Gaugler, Robert Sperry, Mike Van Horn,
Mark Lund, Carrie Zachmann, Misty
Farnstrom, Dave Wegner, Wayne
Heckaman, and Chris Kittleson.
Services 33.58
3440 Baker Boy 64,29
3441 Beach Food Center 128.16
3442 Braun DistnbUting-Queen
City Candy 414.01
3443 Coca Cola Bottling
Co. of Dickinson 550.10
3444 Kamn J. Maus 56,78
3445 Midnight Express Corp. 575.00
3446 NDSAA 75.00
3447 Pepsi Cola
Bottling Company 206.60
3448 US Foodservice, Inc. 814.28
3449 WaI-Mart Stores, Inc. 1,407.53
7243 Beach Food Center 53.00
7244 Dean Foods Inc. 722.42
7245 Fireman's Company 292.50
Zachmann as assistant grade school
basketball coach was presented. Mo-
tion by Sperry, second by Van Horn to
approve volunteer agreement• Gaugler
called for a roll call vote. Zachmann ab-
stained from the roll call vote. Sperry-
yes, Van Horn-yes, Lund-yes,
Gaugler-yes. Roll call vote carries.
• Lane changes for Lori Rising and
Amanda Stoltz were presented. Motion
by Sperry, second by Lund to approve
lane changes. Motion carries unani-
Wegner presented finances.
• Farnstrom presented 16-17 finan-
cial report for approval. Discussion. Mo-
tion by Van Horn, second by Zachmann
for August 25,069.46
19353 City of Beach 355.92
19354 Knife River Corp. 238,518.81
19355 Blue Cross Blue Shield 602•70
19356 Blue Cross Blue Shield 4,812.22
19357 USPS 203.43
19365 ND PERS 2,746.83
19366 City of Beach 122.00
-89237 First State
Bank of Golva 2,680.01
-89225 First State -~
Bank of Gotva
Public Works Report:
Braden reported the new cell at the
lagoon is full. Waste water is being
transferred to other cells until authori-
zation for release is granted from ND
SHIELD $1,159.20
SCHOOL DIST. #1 $45.06
3,163.06 ' 18801 EDUTECH $3.20 .
18801 EDUTECH $14.20
18801 EDUTECH $20.00
18802 GLORIA PFLEPSEN $43•13
18802 GLORIA PFLEPSEN $44.50
presented to the board outlining profes-
sional development activities and asso-
ciated costs to be submitted• M/S
Reis/Klatt to approve the Title IIA grant
application for the 2017-18 fiscal year.
All in favor.
O'Brien requested to hire a part-time
teacher's aide/para-professional for
Prairie School• M/S Joey Kessel/Reis
to approve the request and begin ad-
vertising for the position. All in favor:
Arthaud reported that she had been
in contact with Pat Rummel and he
stated that the suburbans being do-
nated to the school district would be
ready in the next week or two. Peplin-
ski presented Beach's policy IEAB re-
Lori Rising and Jim Wosepka were7246 Rohan Hardware 23.97 to approve 16-17 financial report. Roll Department of Health. PACE, Inc. will COMPANIES $419.44 garding school personnel transportation
L nn "w n n w a- nt 7247 US Foodservice Inc 4,986.48 call vote carries unanimously• be in the area in the near future to clean 18804 KAITLYN DAVIS $150.00 services. The board asked that it be
y ~ a so as Dee • '
• " 9338 Agile Sports • Wegner presented 17-18 budget, the sewer main going to the lagoon• 18805 LORI NOBLE $50.00 compared to the Billings County School
Pres dent Gaug er ca ed the meet- _ ....
iecnnoiogies mc 800.00 Discussion. Motion by Van Horn, sec- Normally, the North water tower would 18806 MARCO . District's policy and to bring back any
ing to order at 6:00 p m. Gaugler rec- .. ......... ' . • .
o-nized visitors " u;~;~u u~e'~ e'os[mas~er 152.58 ond by Lund to approve 17-18 budget, be drained the end of October. How- $23.83 suggested changes identified at the
" u I r r vi w .... Di 9340 USPS Postmaster 50.09 Roll call vote carries unanimously, ever, due to the drought conditions the 18806 MARCO $29.32 next meeting. The board also would
~a g ee e eo IRe agenoa, s- .. .......
• u~4] Lee ~KaDO 87.00 Wegner presented transportation, tower will remain in service as long as 18806 MARCO $130.10 like staff drivers to be undergo drug and
cusslon Consensus of the board ap- .. .............
r v "'h n- ua4z ~,elm ~cnwmm 87.00 • Wynona's route has a preschool possible. Another shipment of card- 18807 MARJORIE JENSEN $36.38 alcohol testing and that school admin-
p o eo t e age oa . •
• 9343 Jason Fndrlch 87.00 student riding in the evenings. Discus- board was hauled out last week. The 18807 MARJORIE JENSEN $77.04 istrators ensure that they possess a
Farnstrom presentedAugust 9 2017 ""44 Dan P n- r
regular meeting minutes. Motion by Van u~ .....".e. oe 87.00 sion. new loader was delivered the end of Au- t 8808 MEDORA valid drivers license.
Horn, second by Zachmann to approve ~J4,bsltOl~,~/s~ler 145.80 Wegner presented policy, gust. CONVENIENCE $11.58 The preliminary budget was m-
minutes. Motion carries unanimously. ,~...~,_,,, . .... 89,007.69 • Policy CCA-Superintendent & Auditor Report: 18808 MEDORA viewed. Final adoption is scheduled for
zu]/-zu] u ~omracl iOmlS Other Administrative Professional De- Nunberg reviewed her written report. CONVENIENCE $21.80 the August 29 public meeting.
Farnstrom presented general fund, M r i Arm tr n
ace sog
activity fund, food service fund, manual .... $43,200 velopment; Policy DGGA-Professional Nunberg reviewed the Preliminary18809 NDPERS HEALTH A bus contractor requested that the
general fund and August regular payroll Linaau.acon $44,450 Development Plan; FFE-Extracurricular Budget for the Year Ending 2018.INSURANCE $1,170.32 board add R&R Auto Farm & Electric as
Discussion. Motion by Sperry, second uen I~Ker $1,400 Participation Requirements; and GCE- Committee Reports: 18810 BILLINGS COUNTY DOT bus inspection vendor. M/S
by Van Horn to approve all bills and ~a o anz $46,950 Opting Out of State and Federal As- Police - Walworth reported dog PIONEER $10.64 Reis/Klatt to approve this request. All
payroll. Roll call vote carries unani- ,~emannc~aU~inee, $54,341 sessments were presented for the first complaints are being addressed as they 18810 BILLINGS COUNTY in favor.
mously. ,,~o~ica~i~ra~en $39,650 reading. Discussion. Motion by Sperry, are filed at City Hall. The Law Enforce- PIONEER $39.52 Peplinski and Stacey Kessel gave
42037 ARM Corp. 312.90 ......... ..... $2,160 second by Van Horn to approve policies ment Service Contract for the year 2018 18810 BILLINGS COUNTY the RESP report.
42038 Ameripride Services Inc.270.44 Ja=rn,~e, sc,L'~a~m~phDell $41,410 DGGA and GCE for the first reading, has been reviewed and ready for City PIONEER $318.44 Simnioniw provided the board mem-
$49,696 Discussion. Motion carries unani- Council approval. 18811 SMART burs with the tax levy correspondence
42039 Anderson's 394.98 ~'": :J. "~'."~ ....
42 4 Mi h I ueoole ule~ $39,850 mously. Zoning -' Larson reported on theCOMPUTERS $3,000.00 that was sent out to taxpayers.
0 0 c ae a Applegate 85.40 D n" Di "z
42041 AT&T Mobility 48.04 .e ise uet, $42,850 • Exhibits were reviewed and dis- Zoning Board meeting held August 21 18812 SOUTH HEART The board scheduled a special
42"4" AVI ...... saran uomeK $42,050 cussed, and Applications for Building that were SCHOOL DIST. $5,000.00 meeting to discuss bus transportation at
u z ~ysmms//Auo o ......
Vi I In ...... Leign UyKmS $52,465 Wegner presented unfinished busi- approved. 18812 SOUTH HEART 4:00 p.m. on August 29, 2017, with the
sun c. / bUL~.]b
42043 Carol Bartz '448 00 Chel~=eeYdEmrdnmann $39,650 hess. Street- Gerving moved to recon- SCHOOL DIST. $5,000.00 tax levy public meeting to follow at 6:00
42 4 F ' ~ e eo a $16,130 .WegnerreportedonRESP. sider the vote which took place August 18813 SW WATER p.m.
04 Beach cod Center 331.14 .....
42045LeanneBenes 9800 ~ls~a~;Slrr°m $57,950 .GauglerreportedonRACTC. 7,2017 on removal of trees in the alley AUTHORITY $66.57 M/SJoeyKessel/Reistoadjourn. All
42046 Bart R Bishop 20100 ,.a ~.L~o.oe g $5,260 Farnstrom presented business man- between 3rd and 4th Avenue NW, sec- 18814 TAMMY SIMNIONIW $17.12 in favor•
42047 Dawson Bishop 20 00 ~=m.~roli "1 $5,190 ager report, ond by Walworth. Discussion. Motion 18814 TAMMY SIMNIONIW $45.00 Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
42048 Bismarck Tribune 37"20 bon, ja ,~ro! _ $800 • E-funds for schools online payment carried unanimously. Gerving moved to 18815 SYNCHRONY Lynn Arthaud, President
42049 Boss Office and M.icnet!e PlaUCK $52,850 option can be made available to par- grant permission to the adjoining FINANCIAL $12.59 Tammy Simnioniw, Business Man-
• Computer Products Inc 1,61845 ~lla rt ~ ~:ug:nn $48,050 ents, staff and community members on landowner to remove the trees at the 18816 WEST DAKOTA ager
42050 Bowman Public School 125100 . e ,, . a $51,350 the school website. Discussion. Motion landowner expense as was originally OIL INC " $877.68 (September 21)
42051 Braun Distributing-Queen wayne H, ecKaman $81,420 by Van Horn, second by Sperry to up- decided on July 17, 2017, second by 18817 WESTERN DAKOTA •
"it "-" n" " 7" Angeia Heisper $42,775 prove offering E-Funds online payment Walworth. Motion carried unanimously. ENERGY ASSOCIATION $4,000.00
L, y L,a oy ~ ] . .
42"-2ub Buzzy tJaTe ...... t~;J'"^bu ChnSL ri KniK=ttles°nh" $64,260 option. Motion carries unanimously. Engineer Report: 18817 WESTERN DAKOTA Billings County School
42053 Casco 285'83 LO ! $45,450 • Bank of the West banking feesRobertson reported on 2017-01 ENERGY ASSOCIATION $4,000.00
42054 CDWG T ~i; ~!'~: ~ LaCey W ; $800 were discussed. Finance committee will Street Improvement Project. Contrac- EFT JP MORGAN $15,464.09 BILLINGS COUNTY
42055 Cenex • ~ " ~:Ma~:!: $965 discuss fees with Bank of the West and tor's Application for Payment No. 2 in Dan Schaff, KLJ, provided revised
Fleetcard/CHS Inc. t~74~ ~ $46,745 report back. the amount of $224,405.93 was re- plans for the Prairie expansion project. SCHOOL DISTRICT #1
42056 Cengage Learning ,. :~ ~ $49,150 '; q,'Jttleson presented day treatment viewed. Gerving moved to approve One minor adjustment to the plans was Minutes of Special Meeting
42057 Center/Stanton i: ~ ~'.~~,, $39,~gO : report, . Contractor's Application for Payment requested. M/S Joey Kessel/Reis to August 29, 2017
~wanaa Miller
School District #1 150.00 ~' ~:~ • Both day treatment classrooms are No. 2 to Knife River Corp, second by approve the proposal to construct an
Tate Miller $2,O00 almost at capacity. Runes. Motion carried unanimously, expansion to Prairie School at the pro- A special meeting of the Billings
42058 Cerberus Security LLC 149.93
42059 City of Beach 3,745.15
42060 Clean Sweep
Vacuum Center, Inc. 145.98
42061 Comfort Inn of Bismarck245.70
42062 Comfort Suites of Fargo 81.90
42063 Connecting
Point/Ultra Inc. 1,690.00
42064 Hauck Trawls 1,084.49
42065 D & E Supply
Company, Inc. 35Q.78
42066 Dakota Dust,Tex, Inc, 125.40
42067 Dakota Water ........
Treatment Inc. ...... 552.00
42068 Darrel's'Bbdy Shop' 556.80
42069 Department of
Public Instruction 170.00
42070 Denise Dietz 90.00
42071 Discount Magazine
Subscription 322.34
42072 Discovery
Education Inc. 1,300.00
42073 Expressway Suites 163.80
42074 Farmers
Union Oil Corp. 1,517.59
42075 Sue Feldman 184.00
42076 Fire and Ice Refrigeration
HTG and Air LLC 1,292.05
42077 Four Seasons Trophies 33.90
42078 Brandt Gaugler 18.00
42079 Gerrells and
Company Inc. 1,471.42
42080 H.A. Thompson
& Sons, Inc. 20,000•00
42081 Houghton Mifflin Co. 1,049.10
42082 Jayce Huffman 40.00
42083 Innovative
Offices Solutions 2,526.48
42084 IXL Learning Inc. 2,232.00
42085 Jandt Plumbing
and Heating LLC 4,610.13
42086 John Deem Financial 104.71
42087 Kids Behavioral
Health of Alaska Inc. 5,740.00
42088 Killdeer High School 100.00
42089 Krossover
Intelligence Inc. 799.00
42090 Marman Plumbing
& General Construc. Inc. 824.00
42091 MDU Resources
Group, Inc. 5,149.56
42092 Donnell Michels 71.00
42093 Mid-American
Research Chemical Corp. 368.52
42094 Midstate
Communications, Inc. 697•52
42095 NASCO/Aristotle Corp. 294.86
42096 ND Council of
Educational Leaders Corp. 2,470.00
42097 NDATL 135.00
42098 NDiAAA 130.00
42099 Odin 160.91
42100 Odysseyware 1,500.00
42101 OlSons Service LLC 506.63
42102 Pathways to Reading 360.80
42103 Pearson Education 619.75
42104 Prairie Lumber Corp. 245.74
42105 Ramkota Hotel Bismarck163.80
42106 Red Rock Sporting
Goods Corp. 258.95
42107 RESP 1,640.00
42108 Rocky Mountain
Evaluations, LLC 875•00
42109 Rohan Hardware 183.62
42110 S & R Interiors Inc. 722.00
42111 Jessie Schmeling 24.00
42112 Scholastic 134.89
42113 Scholastic Inc. 18.98
42114 School Specialty
Payments 89.67
42115 Scripps National
Spelling Bee 309.50
42116 Smart computers
and Consulting LLC 13,226.23
42117 South Heart
Public School 125.00
42118 Samuel Stoveland 20.00
42119 TAESE 90.00
42120 WaI-Mart Stores, Inc. 207.51
42121 David Wegner 171.76
42122 Wells Fargo 699.51
42123 West River
Student Services 4,246.00
42124 Western Dakota
Energy Association 1,476.~
42125 Wild Vines Market LLC 60.00
42126 Wosepka,
James W PC 6,400.00
42127 Wright Express-Fleet
Natalie Moen
Tummy Nistler
Madonna Ouch
Dale Peplinski
Lori Rising
Jessie Schmeling
Devin Steele
Amanda Stoltz
AI Swanson
Lynn Swanson
Jill Tescher
Loni Thilmony
Germaine Uec~rt~i ~ ~ ~.
Ron Volk : : ........
David Wegner
Tummy Wegner
Kelly Wilwand
Mary Zachmann
Mike Zier
Total Contracts
2017-2018 Hourly Totals
James Altenberg
Michaela Applegate
Roberta Beach
Elaine Begger
Charlene Bostyan
Diane Brown
Gwen Dahlen
Randy Dietz
Sue Feldman
Sonja Groll
Kayla Heckaman
Arlys Kirkpatrick
Pam Knopp
Krista Lund
Rhonda McKinney
Donna Muckle
Kelly Peterson
Ward Remillong
Jodi Ridenhower
Judy Schieffer
Arlene Schmeling
Rita Skoglund
Raynette Szudera
Jerry Twardoski
Michelle Tyler
Karl Wilwand
Carey Zook
Ron Zook
2017-2018 Bus Routes
Sue Feldman
Wynona Foster
Jim Muckle
• $17.40
per day
No communications to the board
were presented•
Wegner presented public participa-
• Jim Wosepka spoke on the audit
report for the 2016-2017 school year.
Wegner presented facilities.
• Beach school district received a
grant from the ND Dept. of Trust Lands
grant for $541,240 for renovation and
improvements. Discussion.
• Preschool windows at the elemen-
tary are discussed.
Wegner presented personnel.
• Lane changes for Debbie Dietz,
Denise Dietz, Leigh Dykins, and
Michelle Hauck were presented. Motion
by Sperry, second by Van Horn to ap-
prove lane changes. Motion carries
• Contracts for Michelle Hauck as
Junior High volleyball coach and Lacey
Madison as 5/6 grade basketball coach
were presented. Motion by Sperry, sec-
ond by Zachmann to approve contracts•
Motion carries unanimously•
• Contracts for Angle Helsper as one
act play advisor, Angle Helsper as three
act play advisor, Pam Knopp as junior
class advisor, and Amanda Miller as
junior class advisor were presented.
Motion by Lund, second by Van Horn to
approve contracts. Motion carries unan-
• Volunteer agreements for Rory
Farstveet as assistant football coach,
Jake Holkup as assistant junior high
football coach, AI Swanson as assistant
football coach, and Bree McWhorter as
assistant junior high volleyball coach
were presented. Motion by Sperry, sec-
ond by Van Horn to approve volunteer
agreements. Motion carries unani-
• Volunteer agreement for Carrie
• Day treatment staff will be doing a
book study. Discussion.
Heckaman presented high school
principal report.
• Three-year contract has been
signed with ILifetouch for school pic-
tures• Lifetouch will also provide the
yearbook publication to the school at no
cost. Discussion.
Gaugler discussed DPI strategic vi-
sioning regional forums•
Wegnerl presented Superintendent
repo~ and activities director report.
~ G~qgler called.lfQr',~ motion to ad-
journ. Motion by Sperry, second by
Lund to adjourn. Gaugler adjourned
7:20 p.m.
Kimberly Gaugler, President
Misty Farnstrom, Business Manager
(September 21)
Beach City Council
A regular meeting of the Beach City
Council was called to order by Mayor
Walter Losinski on September 5, 2017
at 7:00 pm. Present when the meeting
was called to order was City Council
Henry Gerving, Mark Runes, Jeanne
Larson, Wade Walworth, PWS Mike
Braden, City Auditor Kimberly Gaugler,
City Engineer Kenzie Robertson,
guests Carrie Zachmann and Brandt
Gerving moved for the decision on
removal of trees in the alley between
3rd and 4th Avenue NW be added to
the agenda for further discussion since
he and Walworth were not present at
the meeting on 08/07/17 when the de-
cision was made for the City to remove
those trees, second by Walworth. Mo-
tion carried unanimously.
Minutes - Minutes of the previous
meeting were read. Walworth moved to
approve the minutes, second by Gerv-
ing. Motion carried unanimously.
Vouchers - Runes moved to ap-
prove the following vouchers, second
by Walworth. Motion carried unani-
19367 AE2S 28,244.55
19368 Arnson Stewart
Wegner PC 2,874.35
19369 Beach Co-op Grain 163.10
19370 Beach Food Center 23.32
19371 Beach Park Board 3,551.50
19372 Bismarck Tribune 29.00
19373 Boss Office Products 122.44
19374 CNH Industrial Capital
Prod. Plus 82.49
19375 Dakota Dust-Tex 75.90
19376 Dakota Supply Group 5,544.50
19377 Fallon County
Treasurer 1,491.50
19378 G & G Garbage 900.00
19379 Kim Nunberg 102.83
19380 Knife River
Corporation 224,405.93
19381 Marman Plumbing 2,500.00
19382 Mid-American Research
Chemical 1,594.18
19383 Midstate
Communications 262•21
19384 Midwest Doors 259.37
19385 MDU 5,629•26
19386 Morrison Majerle Systems
Corp. 120.00
19387 ND Dept. of Health-Dept. 353.10
19388 New Traffic Signs 1,325.06
19389 Northern Improvement
Co 5,605.52
19390 Ohnstad Twichell PC 2,104.04
19391 One Call Concepts 36.10
19392 Polar Trucking 1,127.50
19393 RDO Equip. 26,000•00
19394 Rohan's Hardware 42.97
19395 Smart Computers 332•50
19396 Southwest Water
Authority 26,499.76
19397 Verizon Wireless 185.61
-89242- 89238, -89236-89226, 19348-
19352, 19358-19364 Wages
Runes moved to submit Requisition for
Payment No. 2 in the amount of
$358,338•41 to the Bank of ND, sec-
onded by Gerving. Motion carded unan-
Plans for the 2017 Water and Sewer
Extension on 5th & 6th Avenue and 6th
Street SE were submitted and ap-
proved by ND Department of Health.
New Business:
The City Assessor shall be.ap-
pointed at the first meeting of the C!ty
Couhcll in September of each OdCrhU~-
bered year (NDCG 40,14-04~.~Walworth
moved to appoint GV County Tax Di-
rector Henry Gerving as the City As-
sessor, second by Buries. Gerving
abstained. Motion carried.
A Contract for Audit Services for the
Year 2017 with James J. Wosepka, PC,
CPA was reviewed. Walworth moved to
approve the Contract for Audit Services
for the Year 2017, second by Gerving.
Motion carried unanimously.
The Law Enforcement Service Con-
tract for the year 2018 was reviewed.
Gerving moved to approve the contract
presented, second by Walworth. Dis-
cussion. Motion carried unanimously•
An Application for Special Event
submitted by the Beach Legion Club
was reviewed• Walworth moved to ap-
prove the Application for Special Event,
second by Larson. Gerving abstained.
Motion carried.
No other business was brought for-
ward. Walworth moved to adjourn, sec-
ond Larson. Meeting adjourned at 8:00
Attest: Walter Losinski, Mayor
Kimberly Nunberg, City Auditor
(September 21)
Billings County School
Minutes of Annual Meeting
August 15, 2017
The regular monthly meeting of the
Billings County School Board was
called to order at 5:00 p.m. MT, Tues-
day, August 15, 2017, at the DeMores
School in Medora. Present were mem-
bers Lynn Arthaud, Joey Kessel, Stacey
Kessel, Mike Klatt, and Julie RuMs. Also
present for all or part of the meeting
were Principal Shae Peplinski, Assistant
Principal Danielle O'Brien, Business
Manager Tummy Simnioniw, Dan
Schaff with KLJ, Elizabeth Odermann,
Lynn Peterson, Tory Polensky, Jessi
Polensky, John Romanyshyn, Jerice
Romanyshyn, Tina Downing, Clarence
Sitter, and Laurie Roller•
M/S Joey Kessel/Klatt to approve
the consent agenda, which included the
Minutes from the July 18 regular meet-
ing, the attached check list, and the ad-
dition of one item to the agenda. All in
August 15, 2017 Approved Checks
Building Fund
154 BERGER ELECTRIC $8,340.00
& HEATING $2,511.00
& HEATING $800.00
PAINTING $5,500.00
157 FLOOR TO CEILING $12,070.00
158 KLJ $7,068.60
REPAIR $1,800.00
160 MARTIN'S WELDING $930.00
161 PERRY ROOFING $7,155.00
162 TOTAL CONTROL $345.00
162 TOTAL CONTROL $541.59
General Fund
VENDOR CHECKS $11,544.61
EFT AFLAC $297.16
posed estimate of $1 million or less and
to submit the plan to the State for ap-
proval. All in favor.
Schaff reported that the hallway ceil-
ing replacement and new lighting was
completed in the DeMores School to re-
pair the damage occIJrring in 2016 from
water damage while the roof was being
re-shingled• Schaff also oversaw the
roof repairs done by Perry Roofing to
correct the work done by Simplicity
Homes. All is now completed to satis-
faction ~nd rio-le,~kir~g has been 0ccu r-
ring during recent rains.
Simnioniw reported on the progress
of the security camera installation.
Work will be completed prior to the start
of school.
Propane bids are due. M/S
Reis/Stacey Kessel to advertise for
propane bids for the 2017-18 school
year with bid opening and award sched-
uled for 5:00 p.m. at the September 12
regular board meeting. All in favor.
No maintenance report available
from Dave Dickey.
The board reviewed bus routes and
discussed variables from mute to route.
Patrons from the Gary Meduna South
Heart route were present to discuss
their concerns with any planned
changes. It was the consensus of the
board to keep mutes the same as the
2016-17 school year. New families on
all the mutes who are open enrolled out
of District will need to meet at a bus
stop. It was the consensus of the board
that for this school year, elementary stu-
dents who are open enrolled out of dis-
trict, who make arrangements with the
bus contractor to be picked up without
added cost to the District, and without
adding too much time, will be allowed to
ride a district bus if them is room. It was
also the consensus of the board that for
this school year the Belfield HS bus will
go to Klatt's turnaround and will stop at
residences located adjacent to the high-
way. M/S Stacey Kessel/Reis to table a
decision on specific school transporta-
tion policy for school years after the cur-
rent one. The board will schedule a
special meeting to work through the bus
route issues and come up with guide-
lines prior to the bus contractor bid
process in the spring. All in favor.
The board reviewed the Gerbig
route. Since it is agreeable to the Ger-
big family to receive family transporta-
tion reimbursement now that they have
a high school student, it was the con-
sensus of the board that the mute not
be extended due to time constraints
and cost effectiveness.
DPI is requiring school districts to
adopt a board regulation outlining meal
charging procedures and limitations on
delinquent payments. The board ex-
pressed grave concern regarding stu-
dents being penalized with being
served alternate meals because of late
payments. Simnioniw checked with ND
School Board Association and they
stated that this is a required policy and
federal funding could be withheld if not
adopted. M/S Joey KessellStacey
Kessel to adopt the Meal Charging Poli-
cies and Procedures (IB-BR) with noted
changes to the terms that were pre-
sented. All in favor.
M/S Reis/Joey Kessel to approve
the second reading to adopt the ND
Comprehensive Model School Policy
for Tobacco Use (ABBA) policy. All in
Peplinski and O'Brien presented the
Principals' reports as follows. An inter-
view committee consisting of Peplinski,
O'Brien, Julie RuMs, and Joey Kessel in-
terviewed candidates for the Prairie
Preschool position. It was the commit-
tee's recommendation to offer the posi-
tion to Becky Boltz. M/S Stacey
Kessel/Joey Kessel to approve the in-
terview committee's recommendation to
hire Becky Boltz as Preschool teacher
at Prairie for the three day per week po-
sition. All in favor.
The Title IIA grant application was
County School Board was called to
order at 4:00 p.m. MT, Tuesday, August
29, 2017, at the DeMores School in
Medora, ND. Present were Lynn
Arthaud, Joey Kessel, Stacey Kessel,
Mike Klatt, Julie Reis, Principal Shae
Peplinski, Asst. Principal Danielle
O'Brien, Business Manager Tummy
Simnioniw, and attending all or part of
the meeting were Lynn Peterson, Rob
Fugere, Anthony Kessel, and Kevin
,-~, ;The purpose of the meeting wasto
approve payments that were due prior
to next meeting, make a hiring decision
for Prairie Aide/Para position, and con-
sider busing transportation issues. A
public meeting will follow at 6:00 p.m.
for the purpose of considering an in-
crease to the tax levy and to approve
the fiscal year 2018 operating budget.
M/S Klatt/Stacey Kessel to approve
the consent agenda. All in favor•
M/S Reis/Klatt to approve the pay-
ments presented. All in favor.
August 29, 2017 Approved Checks
Building Fund
DECORATING $ 3,422•50
SECURITY $ 6,610.09
169 MARTIN'S WELDING $ 7,164.00
General Fund
ENERGY ASSOC $4,075.00
An interview committee consisting of
Mike Klatt, Joey Kessel, Principal
Peplinski and Principal O'Brien reported
that they interviewed two candidates
and recommended offering the position
to Jennifer Frank for a part-time position
from 9:00 a.m. to noon each day. M/S
Joey Kessel/Klatt to follow the recom-
mendation of the committee and hire
Jennifer Frank for the part-time position
at an hourly rate of $14 per hour. All in
Arthaud presented information on
the cost of transporting students by bus
and the transportation costs in relation
to students open-enrolled out of district•
Discussion followed on the potential
ways to handle transportation. A list of
questions was developed and will be
forwarded on to the NDSBA. The board
emphasized that no changes will be
made for the current year, but decisions
will be made for subsequent years prior
to bid letting of the routes in the spring.
M/S Joey Kessel/Klatt to take a short
recess before beginning the public tax
levy portion of the meeting. All in favor.
The meeting was recessed at 5:55 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 6:00
p.m. Arthaud and Simnioniw presented
financial and statistical information to
the attendees. A question and answer
session ensued. Upon conclusion of
the discussion, M/S Joey Kessel/Reis
to increase the general fund tax levy to
$1,045,854 for the 2017-18 fiscal year.
All in favor.
M/S Klatt/Stacey Kessel to approve
the final budget for the 2017-18 fiscal
year as presented. All in favor.
M/S Joey Kessel/Klatt to adjourn. All
in favor. Meeting adjourned at 6:40
Lynn Arthaud, President
Tummy Simnioniw, Business Man-
(September 21)
Meeting Notice
.The Community Learning & Tech-
nology Center , Beach, will hold their
annual meeting on Wednesday, Sept.
27th at 6:30 p.m. at the Learning Cen-
ter. Board of Director positions will be
addressed along with any other perti-
nent business.
(September 21)