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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 21, 1944     Golden Valley News
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September 21, 1944
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PAGE EIGHT THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, September 21, 1944 . f --2 .... ~ =--= ==--=--=-----2--_--= ~--: --'[ with the Farmers Union-- - to the post-war period. Will it be low prices and disaster for farmers, or will it be abundant production and fair returns? The ORGANIZED voice of farmers CAN answer that question. Won't you help by joining today? Your membership in the Golden Valley Co. Farmers Union gives your children an opportunity t o participate in Farmers Union Junior work. dk I ill il i I] i Ill il ill State of North Dakota ) ) The of coun- met pursuant to ad- with ~1 commissioners sum of $200.00 for the purpose of defraying expenses of the County Fair. W. H. Stutsman appeared before the Board in the interest of the appointment of a Secretary and Ad- v,sor to have charge of the x~ost War Planning Service in Golden Valley County. 10:00 o'clock A. M. bids were open- ed that had been submitted on the WiliamS Creek Darn re-Construction project• The only bid received was submitted by Victor Strzywski and v~s a~epted 'by the Board. A. G. Fasching, M. M. Hogoboom and Jerry Kouba appeared before the ]Board and~ completed plans for the Re-coosgrucl~on of the Williams Creek D~', ~Dn Wl~kch worx win begin as s0on ,~ a sStt$sfact0~Y' work agree, r~mt,, deslgnatir~ $|flcatjons and .q~x~ntities is signe¢l by the contrac- :~dthe Boars 0.£ county cam- nguBioners_ The Board signed and approved the I'~,~ aome of the most common _ The floek Iladtvtdua] . . treatment for r~rea~ment to roundworms, be used foz tor larg• ~n t e s t 1 n a) roundworms. Cal~llaria use this prod- Worms and uct for young large round- birds. Easy to use. Just mix ;lnthe ma~ CITY DRUG BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA -- i ]1] 0 ]~ I I i IL ] light on your shoulders light on your budget 22.50 application for the purchase of gas stoves for the Ration offices. The following bills were audited, approved and ordered paid by the board of county commissioners, sub- ject to personal property taxes due and delinquent. Ovide E. Grenier, Salary for AUgUSt Paul A. "Th*omas:"~isoner's $123.11 board ................................................ 7.3Q Knight Printing Co., SUp- pll[,es .................................................. 1.73 Mont.-Dak. Utilities Co. Gas & Lights ........................................ I0.00 M. E. Smith. Clerk in Treas- urer's office ................................... 24.00 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 2back rests ........................... ......... 2.10 LOCALS Henry Oison, MM2c is home on leave from ~an Diego, Calif. Mrs. Stanley Stevens of Trotters was a Beach visitor on Tuesday. Elmer Hasbrook is spending this week in Glendtve. Carl Thompson of Ollle was a business caller In Beach Tuesday. The residence occupied by the C. J. Matec~ek family has recentl~ been repainted. Ray L. Zinsli Prisoner's board 2,00 WINCHARGERS, Batteries and Ray L. Z~ll Mileage .................. 42.67 Addressograph Sales Agency Insulated, wire, All sizes in stock. For addressograph plates ........ 3,48 Ketther Supply Co., Beach. 52-2tp N. D. Workmen's Compensa- Fred Shipman accompanied fhe tton Insurance premium ........ 266.91 Globe-Gazette Ptg. Co. Sup- W. J. Ray family of Medora to plies .................................................... 147.00 Olendive on Saturday and Sunda~ Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. for the rodeo. Telephone service ...................... 35.69 The Teacher brothers, Alvin and ~G. E. Nordrum 40 copies, N. D. BOOks ........................... -~ ............ g.00 Tom, of Sentinel Butte, were among Public Welfare Bd. of N. Dak. the riders at the Olendive rodeo Old Age Assistance ............ ~ ......119.33 Saturday and Sunday. Public Welfare Bd. of N. Dak. Aid to Dependent Children .... 255.75 Beach was well represented at Golden Valley Lbr. Co. Sup- the Glendive rodeo Saturday and plies for Elk Creek bridge .... 2.05 Sunday, sponsored by the Lions Texas Company For oil ............ 34.15 Western Construction Equip- club of that city, ment Co. Repairs ........................ 12.38 Walter Bratton has been spend- Tractor & Equipment Co. Re- Ing the past ten days visiting at his pairs .................................................. 15.35 home in Rugby, returning to Beach Edward Justesen Rent for truck ..................... 5.00 on Monday. Farmers Union Oil Co. Diesel ] The Beach fliers are again en- fuel .................................................... 10.421 joying their pastime, their "ship" W. C. Schulz Tile for patrol .... 76.59] Johnny Klein Operating pa- l having ,been repaired after a slight trol .................................................... 93.00] damage to one of the wings. Johnny Klein Repair work ........ 12.501 Guy Cox and Harold Srnith were Ed Koshney Operating patrol & I among the Beach residents attend- repair work .................................... 77.60 [ Arvid Abraham Operating trac- ' ling the Olendive rodeo last Sat- tor & repair work ...................... 58.101 urday. Albert Klein Operating gra- I The Misses Joyce Cox, Vera Gor- der ...................................................... 37.50 ] Anion Kreltinger Operating ] don and Ruth Cafferty are leaving grader .............................................. 51.30 on Monday for Jamestown, where Industrial Equipment Co. Re- they will attend Jamestown eoUege. pa~rs ................................................... 79 GoJ~ten Valley News Print- GAS FLOOR furnaces with ther- l~ ...................................................... 57.0S mostats. No certificate required. 13:00 o'clock noon the Board ad- Order now Kettner Supply Co., journed to meet Sept. 12th, 1944. Beach. 52-2tp Sept. 12th, 1~ o'clock A.M. Mrs. James Frazer of Glentworth, the Board of county commissioners Sask, arrived in Beach Sunday, met pursuant to adjournment with all September 10th, to be with her sis- commissioners present. The contract on the W~ of section tar, Mrs. E. art during her illness. 1%141-103 having been paid a tax The P.E.O. will hold a Rummage deed was issued to Win. WirWfeld. Sale, Friday and Saturday, Sep- The contract for tax deed cover- tember 29-30, in the Schrader ing all of section 19, the SWX,~ of section 20, the E~E*,~ of Section 28, Building. 52-1tc all of section 29 and 33 in township Mrs. Ke~tneth Noyes, Mrs. L. L. 136 Range 105 was paid in full and Kukowskl and Miss Barbara l~ller a tax deed was issued to George A. were business callers in Glendive Johnstone. 12:00 o'clock noon the board ad- on Wednesday of last weeR~ journed and reconvened at 1:00 P.M. -~rs. Raym~,nd Noyes, .Joyce and with all members present. Vlrglnla and Mrs. Kenneth Fish were callers in Olendive on Sat- urday• A Fall Supper conference of Pro- testant Churches Uniting will be held at the Methodist church in Wlbaux on Thursday, September 28. A1) persons interested in our young people's christian educatio~ are After regUlar routine business was disposed of the Board adjourned. ] The Board will meet again onl September 16th, 1944, at 9:00 o'clock A. M. MINNIE E. SMITH, 1 County Auditor, Golden Valley County. I , North Dakota. State of North Dakota ) )SS. County of Golden Valley ) Sept. 18th, 1944, 9:00 o'clock A. M. The Board met pursuant to adjourn- ment with all members present. Mr. Victor Strzywski appeared be- fore the Board in the interest of a work agreement on the re-construc- tion of the WilLiams Creek Dam. After due consideration of the plans and specifications the agreement con- tract was approved by the Board and signed by the Chairman of the Board and Mr .Strzywski, and upon the fil- ing of the proper bond with the county auditor, the certified check submitted with the bid of the success- ful bidder will be returned to him. The Board instructed the county auditor to notify the State Water Conservation commission of the date when work will begin on the Dam. as the Water Conservation Commis- sion agreed to send an engineer from Bismarck to have supervision over the work• 4:30 P. M. the Board adjourn~ed. The regular quarterly meeting of the Board will convene October 3rd, 1944. MINNIE E. SMITH, County Auditor Golden Valley County, North Dakota. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES Rev. John Roberts, Pastor Beach: Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. Morning Service at 11:00 A. M. :pilgrim Felowshlp at 7:30 P. M. ,~i~olr practice Wednesday at 7:30 Sentinel Butte: Worship Service at 2:00 P. M. C, E. Service Monday 7:30 P. M, Medor~: Sunday School at 3:00 P. M. Worship .Sg/v~fle at 4:00 P. M. World Wide Communion Services on Sunday, October 1st. Noise is said to produce fatigue. The noise produced by some ora- tors certainly does. urged to attend. - V SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Sabbaffn soho0"~-~A, M. Church servibe 1) A. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8:00 P. M. Mrs, R. H. Broderson of Dickin- son will present the first lesson of the Home and School as~oclation at the II o'clock service, speaking on the sub~ct, "Cooperation--an Essential Trait in Character Build- ing." The public is invited to attend. V NOTICE FOR BIDS Sealed bids for furnishing lignite coal and k~,~ng for the Oison, Valley View: T~e and Nelson rural schools and the High School and Hall in Sentinel Butte will be re- celved up to 6 o'clock P. M. on Saturday, October 7th, 1944. Kind- ling to be cut in stove wood lengths. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board. John L. Honnold, Clerk, (Sept. 14, 31, 28, 1944) II Yes, it's Lovely! BUTI DRUG Harold Anthony of Golva was the lucky wmner of the $5 prize on the program, "What's the Weather" over KFYR, Monday morning. The county commissioners met in special session Monday, September 18th, for the purpose of accepting a bid for repairing the Williams Creek dam in the south end of the county. The newspapers, it is said. mould public opinion. Sometimes it is about like moulding pea soup. i il H II i Ill II ill il Ill il ii MI MI III til | II II II a tl a ! GET THIS ELECTRICAL FARM HAND That Won't go Off to War! Farmers Can Buy Fairbanks-Morse Light Plants now ! YES, you can electrify your farm now . . . when you need electricity's help most . . . when its increase in farm profits will repay your investment more quickly. See your county ration board for a priority certificate. i PREWAR : Don't wait for the highline . . , act now while We Have a Few | your need is so urgent. If you can count on highline service later, choose a Fairbanks-Morse ll5-volt A.C. : Light Plant, and you'll get maximum convertibility. | : If you can't expect a highline, a 32-volt D.C. set is | | probably the one for you. : TUBES : | | SEE THEM AT THE :left. N O C E RTI F I- | DAKOTA IMPLEMENTCO. :: CATES NEEDED! : : FRANK HAIGH . BEACH, N. D. | 10--4.50 x 21 : ~':':":":":":