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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 21, 1944     Golden Valley News
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September 21, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE FODR THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, September 21, 1944 I 6AL~-8 burner ker~ene FOR SALE---19~ Chevrolet coupe, 1 furniture. Mrs. just overhauled, good rubber. il-2tp Phone 169R, Beach. 51-2tp" S~ he~i of'sheep. Ewes ~ SALE- One barn 14' x 20~ Sam in good condition. See E. Orr, 51-2tc Beach. 52,- ltp FOR SALE--Two 9 x 24 tires, tubes FoR SALE~II5 head purebred and and rims. Logan Garage, Beach, mixed bred ewes. Write or see 4@-tfc Pay Brown. Beach. 52-3tp acre farm, @sod FOR SALE---Good eoal4bf~. water, Mr~ Ellis Mrs. C. Lorenz, Box 24, Golva, N, D~o~" 52-1tp N.D. 52-2tc FOR BALK--Young maa's saR, size mede~ house. ~ 18. ALl wool, like new. ,One overcoat. Inquire at Golden Vai- • ley News office. 49-tf SiS Zoo][ house. See Erne~ Moore, FOR ~ }~S~ft OUver GraJ~n FOR S~r telephone poles Beach. 51-Ttpl Master C~m~ne. May be see at and split cedar post. Hanson ] Cabin Camp in Belfleld. Bob Lumber & Hardware Co., Golva, S~:r~'hoqBe to be[ Porter, Belfleld Cabin Camp. North Dakota., 38-tfc m0~ See J~ck Ballard, BeaCh,~ Will be there until Friday N.D. 51-tic [ noon. 53-1tp SALE-- Number Three ', 320 Acre Farm located 1V2 miles northeast of Golva, There are about 250 acres or more of crop land. and about 80 acres are ready for Summerplowed, close to market. Come in and see me. BEACH, BARNEY PIESIK NORTH DAKOTA W-H.Y-? RY FALL---finds some outside life insurance Beach. He is here today and gone tomorrow. Where will he be when your policy be- comes a claim, or when you want informa. tion on that policy? Buy your life insurance from a local agent who lives here and who contributes to your community. UECKERT, Dist. Mgr. FRANKLIN LIFE INSURANCE CO. [I I I I FOR SALE--10S acres of mtandi~ corn, most of it safe from frost and fenced for sheep. Buddhaupt, Beach, N.D. 51-4tp WANTED TO BUY--Hereford cows and calves, yearling steers and fat cattle. Want place to winter 100 head of calves. Clyde Dietz- man, gen. del,, Beach. 51-2tp FflUND--Whlte gelding, came to my place about August 1, Brand- ed on left shoulder. Owner may have same by paying costs. Paul Wehrman, Sentinel Butte. 52-25p FOR SALE~ acres of land in southwestern Golden Valley Co., $½-35-136-105, near Alpha. Taxes paid. Priced to sell. Terms if needed. Inquire of Luella Lee, Decorah. Iowa. 51-tfc FOR RENT---960 acre farm, 620 acres under cultivation, balance good pasture, or also additional 700 acres cultivated land. Party must live on farm and have required equipment. Locati~ 6 miles east of Oolva. Victor Renstrom. 52-1~p WANTED--Alfalfa and Clover seeds. Outright purchase or pooling plan. Top price or liberal ad- vance. Drop us a card and our buyer will call. Grimm Alfalfa Assn., Fargo, N. D, On Highway 81 short distance north of junc- tion with I0. 52-4te RANCH FOR SALE--In Golden Valley and Slope counties, N. D. 7,840 acres of deeded land and thousands of acres of leased land. Complete set of good buildings, electric lights and many miles of woven and barb wire fence. Plenty of water -- springs, dams, and creeks. Hay bottoms, in fact, 5000 acres or more could be farm- ed on the deeded land. 3000 ewes, 300 head of cattle, or both can be bought with this ranch. Deeded land $5.00 per acre with leases thrown in. This ranch could be conveniently divided into a number of small ranches. TION SALE FARM FOR SALE---640 a. dryl~nd farm, good buildings. Am leasing 480 a. 25 miles west of Sidney and 12 miles north of Lambert. Antoni Dombrowski, Route one, Lambert. Mont. 51-2tp METHODIST CHURCH Pay McClure, Minister A Friendly Church with the Gos- pel Message. Sunday School 10 A. M. Worship 11:15 A. M. Epworth League 7:30 P. M. Wednesday: Junior Choir rehearsal 7 P. M. Adult Choir rehearsal 7:30 P. M. Bible Study 8:15 P. M. Remember--V-Day will be O-Day in our church. At 8 P. M. there will be a service of Thanksgiving and Praise for victory and a request for Divine Guidance In formulating and administrating the terms of peace. ~-V.-- ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH V. H. Dissen. Pastor Sunday, September 24: Annual Mission Sunday. Divine Services at I0 A. M. Sunday School at 11 A. M. The Rev. Elmer Moeller of Bis- marck will preach the sermon. Tune in the Lutheran Hour every Sunday at 9 A. M. over K2~R, Bismarck. ---V IN APPRECIATION We wish to express our thanks to all our friends who so generously offered their help and blood dona- tions, for all the lovely cards and flowers received, and especially to .the members of the hospital staff during the recent lllness of our wife and mother. Ellsworth Orr and family. RUPTURE SHIELD EXPERT HERE H. M. SHEVNAN, widely known expert of Chicago, will persop~tHy be at St. Charles Hotel, Dickinson, Wednesday, only, September 27, from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M, Mr. Shevnan says: The Z0etic Shield is a tremendous improvement over all former methods, effectmg immediate results. It will not only hold the rupture perfectly but in- crease the circulation, strengthens the weakened parts, thereby clos- ing the opening in ten days on the average case. regardless of heavy lifting, straining or any positlon the body may assume no matter the slze or location. A nationally known scientific method. No under *straps~ and absolutely no medicines or I medical treatments. • ] Mr. Shevna~ will be glad to de-I monstrate without charge. Add. 6509 N. Artesian Ave., Chicago Large incisional Hernia or rupture W. C. Howard. Real Estate Bro-!following surgical operation espec- ker, Wibaux, Mont. 51.tfc tally solicited. V- - On Friday evening the Sodali!y [of the B.V.~. 'iopened St. Johns Hall as a Diihe,A-Nlte club for the high school sthdents'and invited guests. They had dancing, ping- pong, Chinese checkers and several other, games, and they served food and soft drinks throughout the evening. i ............. , /I IIII~ 1[ Having decided to quit the farm because of ill health, I will sell at Public Auction, 1 mile South of Sentinel Butte, 1 mile East and abouto7 miles South, on WED., SEPT. 27th LAME STEER GOSSIP CLUB said real property pursuant to said Judgment and decree, I, Ray L. Zinsli, Sheriff of Golden Valley Court- The Lame Steer Gossip club met ty, North Dakota. will sell the here- at the home of Mrs. G. O. Hemnes inafler described real estate to the last Thursday. Those present in- highest bidder for cash at public eluded Mrs. C. E, Winkleman, Mrs. auction at the front door of the Court House in the City of Beach, Bill BOOth, Mrs. Roddie Kimblo, County of Golden Valley and State Mrs. Philip Wlcka, Mrs. Bill Bruski of North Dakota. on Monday, the and Diana, Mrs. M. P. Grifflth, 16th day of October A. D. 1944 at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore- MrS. Joe Bruski and children, Mrs. noon of said day, to satisfy the said H. C. Larsen, Miss Amy Sartz. Mrs. Judgment with interest and costs thereon, and the costs and expenses known and described as follows, to.- wit: Lots- Three (3), Four (4) Five (5), Six (6), Nine (9),.~n (10), Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) of Section Six (6) in Township One Hundred Forty-four (144) North. of Range One Hundred Five (105), West of the Fifth Principal Meri- dian, in Golden Valley County, North Dakota. together with the hereditaments an~ appurtenances thereunto belonging o'r in anywise appertaining. Dated at Beach, North Dakota, The Following Described Property: i i * SALE STARTING AT 10:00 O'CLOCK A. M. Free Lunch at Noon. Please Bring Your Own Cups FARM MACHINERY and TOOLS @ 1 New 12-ft. McCormick Deering Press Drill; 1 McCormick Deering 10.ft. Tandem 1 P & O 4-bottom Plow; 1 P & O 3-bottom Plow Breaker; 1 New 25-ft. Flexi- 1 10-ft. Drag; 1 10-ft. Basin Tiller; 1 10-ft. McCormick Deering Power as new; 1 McCormick Deering Hay Rake; 1 New McCormick Deer- Cultivator; 1 New 5-ft. McCormick Deering Mower; 1 Case Horse 1 Brand New Grain Tank; 1 McCormick Deering Manure Spreader, Wagon; 1 Iron Wheel Wagon and 1 Good Hay Rack; 1 New Grain ; 1'New McCormick Deering 1Vz h.p. Pump Engine; 1 Good Grindstone; 1 New McCormick Deering Corn Sheller; 1 New All 'Stainless Steel McCormick Deer~g Cream Separator; 1 315-gal. Gas Tank; 1 Hog Chute Loader; 1 Hog Crate; Chicken Wire and Barb Wire,~" 3 Rolls New Snow Fence; 1 Stone Boat; 1 Ladder; I Galvanized Water Tank; Vise and All Other Tools. 200 bu. and,more Clean Van Gard Seed Oats; Potatoes; :'12 acre Field of good Falconer Ear Corn; 7 Stacks of Settled Prairie Hay, Created Wheat Grass Hay. 9 years old, Work Horse; 1 Bay Gelding, 10 Y.~S old, WorkHorse; 2 Collars; face Milch ~ow4 years old, fresh 19; I Herel~ord Milch Cow, Milch Cow, 4 years old, fresh old, fresh June 14; 1 Brocke Face in March; I HeRford Cow, 5 years old, fresh in years old;~'l Yearling Heifer; 2 Hereford Calves; Registered Hereford Bull; 3 Early Spring Pigs. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES @ as new, with Cedar Shelf below; 1 Good Dresser; 2 Beds; 6 Chairs; 1 New Easy Rocker; 1 New Sewing Rocker; 1 Singer ; 1 Wash Stand; 1 Large Kitchen Cabinet and good as new; I New Perfection Oil Stove; 1 New ~Vernois 1 Ironing Board; 3 Large Linoleum Rugs; Lamp; Lanterns; 1 Radio Cabinet; 1 ; Chickens; Many Other Articles too Numerous to Mention. to be Removed until Settled for & Howard,: Auctioneers Casimer Brusk[, Mrs. Philip Wicka, Jr. and children, Mrs. J. W. Gray, Miss Mary Sartz, Mrs. John Wlcka and children, Mrs. Leonard Sartz, Mrs. Ada Wojahn and children, Mrs. Nels Waarst, Mrs. Leonar~i Carlson and Mrs. Emil Wallace. A l lovely afternoon was spent and a very nice lunch~ was served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Roddie Kimble. CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity to thank the many kind friends and neighbors who so kindly as- sisted us during our recent bereave- ment in the death of our husband and father. We wish to thank all those who sent floral offerings, for the spiritual bouquets and sym- pathy cards and we especially wish to thank Father Schflowski and Father Hake for their kind words of comfort and help. Mrs. Mike Kierzek and family; Mr. and M~-~, Max Beggar and fam- Ily; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miesaloski and family. ---V- NOTICE OF SPECIAL EXECUTION SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That by virtue of a Judgment and Decree in Foreclosure rendered and g~ven by the District Court of the Sixth Judi- cial District in and for the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota. and entered and docketed in the office of the Clerk of said Court on the 16th day of September A. D. 1944, m an action wherein Annina Mueller was Plaintiff and Tillie Bun- yan, F. P. Runyan, J. R. Waters, ahd all other persons unknown claiming any estate or interest in, or lien ira" encumbrance upon the real estate described in the Complaint, were I Defendants. wi~erein it was adjudg- ed and decreed that there is due and owing to the Plaintiff upon the note and mortgage therein described. together with costs and disbursements to date of judgment and statutory attorney's fees, the sum of Twenty Eight Hundred Seventy-Nine and 74- 10~ ($2~79.74} Dollars. which Judg- ment and Decree. among other things. directed the sale by me of the real estate therein and herein described to satisfy the amount of said Judg- ment with interest thereon and the costs oOf~ sale, and by virtue of ? Writ Special Execution to me is- sued out of the office of the Clerk of said Court and under the seal of said Court directing me to sell Genuine Gillette Safety Razors $2.98 Prewar! BUTTE DRUG BEACH LIVESTOCK MARKET FRIDAY AND SATURDAY September 22nd and 23rd : Will take ~ many hogs as you may deliver, at ,the~ "following prices: TOP HOGS 150 to 240 lbs. - ..... $13.50 of sale, or so much thereof as the 16th day of September A. D. 1944. RAY L. ZINSLI, toPr°eeedSwill satisfy.°f said sale applicable lhere- Sheriff of Golden Valley The premises to be sold as afore- County, North Dakota. said pursuant t o to said Jud~ent and JOHN KEOHANE Decree and said Wmt and to Attorney for Plaintiff . this notice are described In said Beach, North Dakota. Judgment, Decree and Writ and are (Sept. 21, 28; Oct. 5, 1944) ill I II ALLYOUR. VITAMINS one tiny capsule 4F Ea~ BAX m~ppli~ at least flae full adult minimum daily ~eClu~emeat of ~he tmpor~m~ vilamin~ needed in hu- man nutzifior~ No need ~o take several lableLe a day. And why take a prod. uc~ conlaining only a Jew vitamins? Costa l~m lhan 3~¢ a day to/ake B~]L IlegES$Oli'S BAX 1]lEf~ Vrl'Anall |APSDU[ 15 DAYS' SOPPLY .... 69~ 30 DAYS' SOPPLY... $1.23 UO DAYS' SUPPLY ... $1.UU DAYS' SUPPLY...$4.7$ SLEIGHT'S CITY DRUG A 47"$1CON0 TEST ON ELECTRONICS ANO ELECTRICITY IN RAILROADING Q. Thirteen messages are carried simultaneously on a single pair of wires, by new Northern Pacific communications system. Fact or fiction? A. Fact. Electronic vacuum tubes enable three tele- phone conversations and lcn telegrams to ride on one circuit.., a marvelous new aid to railroad operations. :, .:,:. : :.:..: :.. ~ ~:::~:~;~..,~..~ , ~. ~: ::{:i:::::i:::[:::~~- "~;}::... .'..,ii Q. N.P. shop "doctors" use Q. Electrical fencing, installed magic powder to diagnose in mountains byN,P., is used "that tired feeling" in Ioc6- to discourage foolhardy motive parts. Fact or fiction? climbers. Fact or fiction? A. Fact. Iron filings, used with A. Fiction. It's a safeguard for electronic Magnaflux, reveal trains, flashing instant "stop'" internal fatigue spots. "Sick" signal if moving rock touches metal is instantly scrapped, any part of the fence. ............ ,...~=================================================================================== __,,.~,,~.:.~:~:~.~ii:~:~:~!~}~i~!~!~}~:~:~,.'~ .~;~..:>.':*."~"'~':~.,:~:~