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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 21, 1944     Golden Valley News
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September 21, 1944
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THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS VALLEY ! .... I WS X Week~ Published ~very ~U~y by The LmmN co. L ~ SZ~PMA.W, muMm~ Mamhset ~* D. 161~DOUGPJ~, I~p2. ]htlred as Second Class matte_r at P~tofflce at Beach, North Dakota, ~ber % 19m, under the Act of Mar~h & 1887. ~y, .p~ inch - $ ~tract, ez wee~, men - ~o ~o~ per llne ...... .I0 ot ~anb, i0 lines - - - 1.00 ~tively no exceptions will be on the above rates ..... BDIBCI~P~ON Z~,YEB mind WMmux im4 Fe~m ~unfl,a, Year ........ ~50 ~m ~ of North Dakota: No m,b~Hptions accepted ~or less than slX months ii FI~DF~g an unexpected and pro- drouth, the ~ie~ of stocker feeder cattle will probably be tO those of last year. Who hold o~ t~ving feed- ers on a demoralized market $1 to h~~ht lower than last are apt to be disappointed. ~t the feed picture will be is delaying the farmers' decision ~nd iS a fear of governmen~ rul- dtreeUveL Op/nions of range and cornbelt as to stocker and feeder ~ are wide apart. P~e n~n ,~um~ tO contract calves xor ~Octo- dellvery below last year's ~lues. cornbelt feeders are lookin~ ~ cattle and are apparently await- of the corn crop ~ their needs. I will Win out depends Weather, corn and wheat ~ ~md t~ stm of ~. l~- ~mt Showers in the Great Plains ~te t lint wheat p~tures may be attune, ~ an outlet for and feeders to compete with the cornbelt demand. ~e conditions are excellent means that steers will come market ~atter t~n usual unis~ IN I~ll STATELY STEAMBO~TS" STERN'WHF.ELER.S ANO SInE'WHEELERS- 8EGAN 10 PLY THE RIVERS, HELPED BUILD THE MIDDLE WEST. THE BULK OF TRAFFIC WAS STILL DOWNSTP-EAhB, AN £LL-AMERIGAN PLAT]FORM Among the other tbAngs that the dictatom can~ be expected tO tm- derstami about our American waY of doing things is how we can be hammering the daylights out of them with both flsts--m~ still be arguing vic~ently over who is going to be our next PTesident! That's the way we do it~-~d do !TWICE THE WITH GOOD COWS ~y replacing his average qttality cows with young dairy cows bred for high milk production Alfred Riskedahl, farmer near Braddock in Kidder county has doubled pro- duction per cow and is getting a higher butterfat test. Rlskedahl started improving his IADY DAY Right well I mind the Harvest time In Ireland far away; The beauty of that distant clime On blessed Lady Day. To see the people going to Mass All in their best attire; Regardless of their rank or class Would any soul inspire. The afternoon went quickly on As some had news to tell; And others for the day had gone To visit Holy Well. In evening came the music sweet With jigs and reels galore; And then to make the day complete We'd hear the songs of yore. So my heart goes back to Ireland In a special sort of way; Each year in Harvest time so grand On blessed Lady Day. Note: The above poem was writ- ten by Mary B. Cushing, daughter of Mrs. Nora Bartley and the poem was published August 12th, 1944 in the Irish World and American In- dustadal Liberator, Chicago, Ill. The kids are told to take an in- terest in tim garden, and anyway they are interested in it when their !baseball is knocked in among the plants. ------V~ There will not probably be any complaint of lack of interest in the churches on the nights when they serve chicken suppers. ~V~ Service men home on furlough may now receive a gallon of gaso- line for each day they are home up to 30 gallons. --~V-- SUMMONS. State of North Dakota ) )ss. County of GoldeninValleYDistrict Cou)rt Sixth Judicial District Ralph Mosser, ) Plaintiff, ) vs. ) Theodore C. Gasho, W. K. ) Barnes, Interstate Securl- ) ties Company, a eorporaUon, ) Nichols & Shepard Corn- ) pany, a eorporaUon, Dick- ) Lnson Grocery Company, a ) eorporation, John Leakey, ) Oliver E. Olson, Richard ) Moore, The Merchants Na- ) Uonal Bank of Saint Paul ) a corporaUon, Benjamin F. ) H • r r I e k, Sylvanus M. ) French, all other persons ) unknown claiming any es- ) tat~ or interest in, or lien ) or encumbrance upon the ) ~roperty described in the ) complaint, whether as heirs. ) dev/sees, legatees or per* ) sonal representatives of ) Florence C. French. for- ) Florence C. ) You are hereby summoned to answer the Complaint in the above entitled action, which is on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Dis- trict Court of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, and to serve a co~;y of your Answer upon the subscrib- er at his effice in the City ot Beach, County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, within thirty (30) days after the service o~ this summons upon you, exclu- sive of the day of such service, and in case of your failure ~o appear or answer, Judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Dated at Beach, North Dakota, this 23rd day of August, 1944. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Postoffice Address: Beach, North Dakota. NOTICE TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- DANTS: You are hereby notified that this action relates to the following des- cribed real estate situated in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, to-wlt: West Half (W~) of Section Twelve (12) in Township One Hundred Forty-four (144) North, of Range One Hundred Three (103) West, of the Fifth Principal Meridian, and that the object of this action is to determine and declare the heirs of Florence C• French, for- merly Florence C. Herrick, DeceaS- ed, and to quiet the Utle of the Plaintiff in and to said property, and to wholly exclude you, and each of you, therefrom, and that no per- sonal claim is made against you, of any of you, except such of you as appear and defend this action. Dated this ~3rd day of August A, D. 1944. 3"OHN KEOHANE Attorney for Plaintiff Beach, North Dakota. (Aug. 24, 31; Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28, 1944) SUMMONS STATE OF NO~tTH DAKOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY ) IN DISTRICT COURT SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Glen R. Olson, ) Plaintiff, ) vs. ) Central Securities Company, ) a corporation, Beach State ) Bank, a corporation, Ed- ) ward D. Shrlner, The Cen- ) tral Mortgage Company, a ) corporation, Joseph W. ) Moore, Administrator of the ) Estate of Lucy Jane Slay- ) ton, Deceased, William Bur- ) ton, Susie K. Arnold, J. I. ) Case Threshing M a c h i n e ) C o m p a n y (Incorporated), ) and all other persons un- ) known claiming any estate ) or interest in, or liem or ) encumbrance upon the pro- ) perry described In the ) Complaint, ) Defendants. ) THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOV~ NAMED DE- FENDANTS: Sunday is not the day of worship J It takes a good acrobat to it should be, but a good many folks I a record for high kicking, but some are down on their knees changing knockers can come near maki~ punctured tires, one for continuous kicking. Ill STATEMF.NT OF TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT FOR PUBLICATION Receip~ in General Fund A. Cash in General Fund (in hands of District Treasurer and excluding Sinking Fund) July 1, 1943 ........................ $1337.T~ 2. Total amount received during year from appor- tionment of County Tuition Fund .................................... $ 120.74 3, Amount received during year from State Equali- zation Fund (Total of a, b, c and d) ................................ $ 326.15 b. Teacher Unit ........................................................ $186.15 d. Per Pupil payment ............................................ $140.00 3. Amount reeeive£1 during year from Taxes Levied by District School Board ........................................................ $ 430.19 6. Amount received during year from other Revenue Receipts (Total of a, h, c and d) ........................................ $ 26.20 b. Tuition from other districts ........................ $ 26.20 B. Total amount received by School Treasurer during the year (Total of items 1 to 9 inclusive) .................................. $ 90&~ C. Grand Total amount received by School District Treas- urer including cash on hand (Item A and Item B) ........ ~l.ff/ EXPENDITURES OF GENERAL FUND Amounts Paid During Year for the Following Purl~es: I. General Control. (School Officer's Salaries $65.52)....-$65.52 2. Instructional Service. (Teachers' Salaries $732.80 Text Books $65.54 Teachers' Retirement Fund $16.00 Federal Tax $47.38) ...................................................................... $ 861.7= 4. Operation of Plant. (Fuel $55.00 Light, Water, etc. $1 12.00 SuppLies $2.34) .................................................................... $ 69.34 5. Maintenance of Plant. (Repairs to Buildings $25.42) $ 2.5.42 6. Fixed Charges. (Insurance $2.00 Miscellaneous $8.27) $ 11.27 D. Total Amount Paid During School Year by District Treasurer .............................................................................................. $103~L~ E. Cash on hand in General Fund as of June 30, 1944 (Item G, Treas. Report) ................................................................ $LI07~ WARRANTS ISSUED Warrants Issued, July 1, 1943 to June 30, 1944 (Item B, Clerk's Annual Report) ............................................................... GENERAL INFORMATION CONCERNING ~DEBT OF DISTRICT~I03~'~ g (AS of June 30, llNi4) Warrants Outstanding (Item E. Clerk's Annual Report) ........ $ 73.02 GrandSTATET°tal DebtOF "'NOR;rH'""]I~'~'6;~X: ................ i: .................... $ 7~m County of Golden Valley Divide School District No. 8 ) I do solemnly swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the within is a true and correct report of all moneys received and paid out b~ me as School Treasurer. VIRGINIA BROWN Treasurer of Divide School DLstrlct No. i Subscribed and sworn to before me this lIth day of July 1944. NATALIE J. ADAMSON, Co. Supt. STA~ OF TRF~J~URE]R'S ANNUAL REPORT FOR Receipf~ In ~Gonerai Fund A. Cash in General Fund (in hands ~of District Treasurer and excluding Sinking Fund) July 1, 1943 ....................... 2. Total amount received during year from apporo tionment of County Tuition Fund ..................................... $ 143.02 3. Amount received during year from State Equaliza- tion Fund (Total of a, b, c and d) ........................................ $ ~.~0 $. Amount received during year from Taxes Levied by District School Board ....................................................... $81F/~ 6. Amount received during year from other Revenue Receipts (Total of a, b, c and d) ....................................... $ ~01.~ a. Tuition from patrons .................................... $ 78.73 b. Tuition from other districts ...................... $I~.00 c. Interest on bank deposits (Bond) ........... $ 12.4~ d. Seh. Pol. Fin & Pen. & Int. & Int. & Inc ..................................................................... $574.83 B. Total amount received by School Treasurer during the year (Total of items I to 9 inclusive) ................................... C. Grand Total amount received by School District Treas- urer including cash on hand (Item A and Item B) ........ EXPENDITURES OF GEHERAL FUND I. General Control. s ]~bq)enm $142.~)) ................................; ........................................ $ 4~.~ 2. Instruetional Service. (Teachers Salaries $5322.0:1 Text Books $137.76 Library Books $61~ Supplies $174.64 Teaehers' Retirement Fund $163.01 Federal Tax $700.60) .................................................................................. 3. Auxiliary Ageneies. (Transportation ~1'.11) . .............. ~:ff 4. Operation of Plant. (Fuel $610.8@ Light, Water, etc., $24.20 Janitor's wages $'/44.8@ Supplies $231.87 Fed- You are hereby summoned and re- ~ired to answer the Complaint of eral Tax $6.5~) ................................................................................ $1817.40 • above named plaintiff, which 5. Maintenance of Plant. (Repairs to Buildings $23.38) I ~.~S is on file in the Office of the Clerk 8. Fixed Charges• (Insurance $28.56) ..................................... 2~ !of the District Court o~ the Sixth 7. Capital Outlay. (New Equipment ~.~0 Miscel- Judicial District in the County of laneous $7.50) .......................................................................... $ R~I~ Golden Valley and State of North D. Total Amount Paid During School Year by District Dakota, and to serve a PUBLIGATIO]~ COE SO]_ cla.¸ t~k SO~ the pUl pl~ E ~r:-21 the "a tl~ exi: L~ ~erure ~:o~n~o~'t:~ th~ b[Kck~ N,~ o~t~• re~,nt~., oil ~orta~,~ ~nd In memory of hie. you wo~/ldn't n~#~tt'~ Pethltl~ 1I~1.~ 1~ L~IC ll]~vl-} low~r (~t~tt~e {~Dlng t/xlfxk~R'd by wRr crec~ Labia. ~tern~aLh ot w~" ~nd Pc0-I ne,c~,.~ity, ltut they do rP~ynt Ray A dreary stone tlu~t would reflec~ !~n~c e~dbtD:m In which c[vlh,latlozt natt(~tal OIl i)~IJcy or |)rice fixing No thought OI joy or living things. ~!i'#~ way bef~:,rc the brutal law of ~lltt prew,tzl.~ or di:mourages corn- Or trope, for which the whole world do~ ea~L d),., * WL;~tever, {t ~L . |)~*~ti~ [t'Otlt N(~king new oil re- sings A~Ie~ica~t~8. Who have ~.~.,n rai~,d j ~'rve-~g whicl} w{)ut(l llt42I'efl.t~,e pro~ in u natloF~ wt te ~r ~ t }~ ~ , ~- ~xt I) flx: