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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 21, 1944     Golden Valley News
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September 21, 1944
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Ads to Our t Advertisers ! 1 '+ w., THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Our Adverti~n~ i Merit Your Patronage | VOLUME NUMBER 8 BEACH. GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY, SI~PTEMBER 21, 1944 I NUMBER 52 I News of the Week In the Sentinel Butte Community Mrs. Hazel Reed was a Beach business caller Thursday evening. Donna Kirkpatrlek spent last Monday night with Beverly Rink. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders were Dickinson visitors Saturday. William Connell was a Medora visitor Sunday. Mrs. Cecil Tangen visited at the Petersille home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Victor Johnson was a Sun- flay visitor of Mrs. Carl Moen. Mrs. Paul Wagner, Dorthea Wis- chow and Alma Rink were Dickin- Daniel Bohn has accepted a job at the Butte Drug store and started work last week. MM2c Henry Olson was a dinner guest at the Byron Hogoboom home Friday evening. Hank is stationed at San Diego, Calif. and is spending a short leave with relatives at Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner and Alma Rink were Saturday evening visitors at the Albert Wosepka and T. A. Wosepka homes. Kenneth and Dorothy Wosepka accompanied them to the A1 Wosepka home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rost had as their dinner and supper guests Sun- day Mr. and Mrs. Christ Rost, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rost, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Baker, Carl Rost and Emil Ferrell, all of Ollie, Mont. Among those who attended the rodeo in Glendive Saturday and Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest son shoppers Friday. Nelson• Mr. and Mrs. Howard Van Mrs. Ed Dletz spent Thurs~lay in Horn, Lydia Dunder and brother, Beach visiting her mother, Mrs. Mr. and and Mrs. Jimmie John- Vera Wassmann. I stone, Mr. and Mrs. Art Reinholz, Mrs. Ed Qualle and family have Ruth and Mary Margaret and Mrs. moved Into the Smith house during lFred Reinholz, Bettie Armstrong, ~he school term. and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Uetz and Mrs. Adolph Klaus returned home Charles. from Miles City, where she spent --v-- ahou~ a week visiting. Mrs. Jennie Dempsey and Mrs. WIBAUX NEWS ~lmer Rost were Beach shoppers Thursday. Mrs. R. Pritchard and grand- Mrs. Fred Retnecke, Cor. daughter of Glendive called at the .a Bert Waldal home Thursday. Mrs. Paul Wagner spent Wednes- Mrs. Frank Drake of Glendive day afternoon visiting Dorothea visited here last Wednesday. Wisehow. The Missionary Society met at The Rev. Eugene La Meres of the club house Thursday afternoon. Minot was a caller in town on Mrs. Eli Swartz served lunch at "thursday. Red Cross Friday. Mrs. Alma Rink, Beverly and NormaD Hazlewood made a trip Kermit were Sunday visitors at the to Sioux Falls, S. D. last week. Mrs. Louise Bilyue spent several Lars Vanvig home in Medora. ] Mrs. Fred Smith and Bonnie idays last week at Marmarth. N. D :Smith visited Mrs. W. R. Campin Mrs. Ray Scammon entertained 'Sunday afternoon. ~her sewing club last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Nell Hogoboom were Frank Beeler arrived home Sun- Sunday dinner guests at the Frank Say from Great Falls on a 15-day Sartz home near Beach.. :urlough. Mrs. Inga Carlson has been as- :~r. and Mrs.-Kenneth :Jeeters of ~sistlng at the JOhnson care thet :~::nd~vc v:sited at the Guy Halt past week. :.~e last Wednesday. Mrs. Robert Wyckoff and children :~.-~. Albert Pickering came home were Sunday Visitors at the W. T.! "om the Beach hospital last Mon- Brown home. t -v cvening. Mr. and Mrs. Art Reinholz and Dorothy Marie Scott, who has Ruth were Dickinson callers on vcn ill in the Beach hospital, came n~me last Monday evening. Friday. Hgrman Dletz spent several days Mrs Mettle Meyer returned from last week in Great Falls. Mont. on Washington after several weeks business, visiting there. The Nelson school opened Mon- Mrs. David Dick brought her day morning with Mrs. Paul Wag- mother. Mrs. John Carlson, home net as teacher. This school has frcm Wolf Point Wednesday. been closed for several years. Mrs. Lute Meek, Jr. left last Mrs. Cordia Wallace and Stanley Thursday for Tacoma, Wash. to be ~f Beach spent several days last close to her husband's army camp. week visiting Mrs. Myrtle Bicknell Sgt. Arthur Larson arrived Mort- at the Roy Doyle home. day from Fort Harrison, Ind. to Donald stecker left for his home visit ~ mother. sat Hailiday Saturday after having Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Manning and spent the summer with his grand- daughter and Mrs. Claire Samson parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stecker. were in Miles City Friday on Herman Dietz and family, Math lbusiness" Dletz and Charles and Peter Wag- Miss Marjorie Sokaloski has been her spent Sunday sightseeing in the visiting relatives and friends for Roosevelt National Park. several weeks, leaving for Billings Mrs, Susie Goldsberry returned this week. home Sunday after having spent Mrs. James Griffith and children the past two weeks working near came home last Sunday from Miles Wibaux. City, where they spent several Mr. and Mrs. Math Teacher and weeks with relatives. Mack Ritehie brought a truck family and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Zin- sli attended the rodeo in Glendive Sunday. Alvin Teacher took part in the rodeo• Mrs. Dayton Edson of Spokane, Wash. spent several days last week visiting at the Glendora Homing, F. D. Waldal and May Fisher homes. Pfc. Win. Johnson %rrlved Satur- day from Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. to spend a short furlough with his l~arents, Mr. and Mrs. Hjalmer Johnson. Quite a few from here attended the show in Beach Sunday evening. Lyle Petersille arrived home Sat- urday from Joliet, Mont., where ne has been employed. . _ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Waldat ann boys spent Saturday and sunday[ at the Louie Lardy home in Glen-I •live. They also attended the fairI while there. { Ted Kirkpatrlck retu~ed homeI on Saturday after hawng spent aI week at the Robert Blome home in l Wibaux, where he assisted with/ threshing. Little Wealthy Ann Gauser had the misfortune of falling on a blg rock Saturday and cutting a deep gash in her head, which necessitat- ed quite a few stitches to close it. Mrs. Fred Reinholz and Mrs. John Sanders were Beach shoppers Saturday. They also brought Mary ~dl~. olz home to spend the week- Mrs. Win. Gardner and Marion of Beach and Mrs. Paul Wagner ,+ spent Friday evening at the Alma Rink home. Mrs. Bert Waldal and Mrs. Nell Hogoboom also called there that evening. Miss Shirley Peterson arrived here Saturday. from Washburn to spend several days visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Downs', and her sister, Mrs. Russell Brown, and fame. The sad news has been received here fl~-at the 21-month-old son of ~[r. and Mrs. Frederick Kautz, Jr. of BilHngs was burned while play- ing at their home last Wednesday and passed away Friday. Mrs. :Kaut~ will be remembered here as the former Marie Knopp, who grad- ~ted from high school here with the class of 1940. Sincere s~mpa- thy is extended the bereaved rela- tives in this time of sorrow, by the entire community.. load of apples from Bozeman Wed- nesday and then was a guest at the John Mengel farm Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Welsh and Russell, John and Harry Mengel were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Roy Mengel at Baker. Mrs. Hazel Drake and son Don- ald and daughter Joy, and Bob Johnson and Ethel Roe|d, all of Glendive, visited here Monda.y. Mrs. George Balough, enroute to Trenton, N. J., to join her hus- band, visited her mother and father] Thursday. Mrs. Sutherland rode as[ far as Dickinson with her. I Mrs. Ed Skaar and two sons, Sigb and Albert, visited friends here lastI week. Albert left for Billings to~ visit for a short time before going on to California. Miss Evelyn Morgan came home Thursday from the Beach hospital after having her appendix removed. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Scott made a trip to Dickinson last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harley WaSslnk and baby and Mrs. D. Wassink of Baker called at the Burton and Albion Welsh homes Saturday enroute to Glendive. The Eastern Star Chapter met Tuesday evening .at their regular meeting at the Masonic hall. Mrs. Norman Hazlewood and Mrs. Alger Meek served lunch after the meeting. The Lions held their regular meeting Monday evening and be- fore the business meeting Mes- dames Norman Hazlewood, Randy Meek and Ariey Helvik served din- ner. Guests of the club were Stan- ley Trollope and Frank Beeler. Marian Hanson brought his mother. Mrs. Alda Hanson, home last week after she had spend five weeks in Great Falls at his home. He is spending some time helping with the harvesting at the Halvor Dahl farm. Among those who attended ser- vices in Baker .the past week to hear Dr. and Mrs. Riley from the Northwestern Bible school of Mln- nea+polis were Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Ooossen. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Scam- mon, Mrs. Burton Welsh and Rus- sell. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Wood- house, Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steele. Rev. Goossen was ordained Sunday as a Baptist minister at Baker. ' ' ' 6 IPlease Notice! Anyone having an account against the present publish- i era of the Golden Valley News, are requested to pre- sent the same before October 1st. Also any individual or firm knowing themselves to Ibe indebted to the Golden Valley News, are requested to make a settlement before Oc- Itober 1st. THE PUBLISHERS. ;=-==- --:====== -CARLYLE NEW~====[ Lucille Higby, Reporter Mary Jane IAndstrom left for Missoula last Friday to attend Nor- mal school. Lonie Vanatta took Mrs. Venetia to Miles City a week ago last Tuesday to see a doctor. Leroy Moline was a business caller A Weekof Community [ TROTTERSNEW ] Gossip From Westerheim The Dick Pendleton family were Beach visitors Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Johnstone and Gene were Beach shoppers on Saturday. North Dakota's 1944 lamb crop is estimated to be 748,000 head, 10 percent below 1943. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson and Ichildren enjoyed the show "Swing Fever" Friday. night. Emil Kunick and Dick Pendleton are through combining and are now busy stacking feed for. both farms. Mrs. Wendell Youells and Mrs. Ed Stecker were shoppers In Glendtve on Saturday. Don Wright made a hurry-up trip to Sentinel Butte Thursday to order gas for the A1 Allen threshing rig. , Johnnie Clair Rathbun has a job after school hours, helping Jiggs at the Standard service station. Lydia Dunder and Wanda Van Horn were Sentinel Butte visitors in Carlyle Wednesday of last week.[Wednesday evening. Jack Jakobson left for Missoulai Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stecker, Judy Tuesday of last week to wdrk there. Hoeck and Charley Purcell were Mistake: Benny Kreuger is not shoppers in Beach Saturday night. working for Billy Lindstrom; he says he is going, to or is, working for Bob Carew. Hope I'm right this time t A potluck dinner w~s held in the t basement of the U. B. church last Sunday• Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Ken- n'edy of Canton, Ill. were there as guests. The following were entertained as dinner guests at the home of Mrs. May Anthony and her daugh- ter Lois a week ago last Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. peter Weinreis, Mr. and Mrs. John Schmeling and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fulton. Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weinreis and daughter. Two more. local girls teaching this school term are Gertrude Rising at the Fischer school and Marlys Lutts southwest of Wfllard, Mont. Rev. and Mrs. Wetzel and daugti- ter were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fulton Tuesday of last week. The U. B. Ladies Aid was held at the home of Pearl Hammond on Thursday of last week. Visitors present were Mrs. Ed Kreuger, Mrs. Ed Hartse, Mrs. Jim Gannon, Mrs. Herman Bargfeld and Mrs. Bessie Jakobsen. At the close of the after- noon a lovely lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Earl Higby was hostess to the Beaner Valley club last Thurs- day. A committee was appointed, with Mrs. Rudolph Lutts as chair- man, to attend to the starting of a Red Cross home nursing course in Fallon county. There were a few visitors present, Mrs. Claude Lund, Mrs. Tom Fulton, Mrs. Jim Gannon and Mrs. Ed Kreuger. After the meeting lunch was served. There were 32 young folks of various ages and sizes at the home of Mrs. Charlie Fulton on Saturday afternoon. They were the group that belongs to the Junior Church, of which Mrs. Fulton is the leader. They finished up their work books on China and then had a picnic under the trees. These young folks and their leader have given $9.74 towards Chinese relief. V FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH O. L. Olsrud, Pastor Tel. 154 Beach: Sunday School 10 A. M. Services at 11 A.M. Sermon theme: "Divine Help for Humanity's Distress." Lutheran Brotherhood at the Ir- vin Thompson home this Thursday at 8 P. M. A confirmation class will be start- ed this Saturday at i0 A. M., Sentinel Dutte: • . Ladies Aid this Friday afternoon with Mrs F D. Waldahl and Mrs. J. Johnstone ~ h0sesses. Young peoples meeting Sundoy at 8 P. M. Garner: I.~dies Aid entertained by Mrs. Olsrud at the parsonage this Friday at 2:30 P. M. Carlyle: Services at 2:30 P. M. Confirmation class at 3:30 P. M. -V EMERGENCY CLOTHING DRIVE An emergency clothing drive for women and children in liberated areas is being sponsored by the local churches from ~eptem- ber 21st to September 25th. Only one shipment frdm Beach will be made. I.~ave all clothing at tl~e parsonage of the united Brethren church not later ti~n Monday, September 25th. This+ iS~ a r~tl~nal drive and everyone is urged to gWe give generously. clothing an~Iv_' ..... . good OVERNIGHT GUEST~ HERE , , Mrs. Thor F01kvord,0f +:Ska~ ar~ Miss Mac Folkvord Of Washington, D. C. were ~. overnight -guests at the Mrs. Mary Johnson home+ om Tuesday of last Week, 'enroute to Washington, D. C.- Miss Folkvord, who .is secretary to Senator Wheel- er of Montana, was called home last week by the death of her father, Thor Foikvord. Mrs. Folk- vord is accompanying her daugh- ter to Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cook drove in to Sentinel Butte Friday P. M. after Jean. Win. Rathbun accom- panied them. Mr. and Mrs. Math Brown were shoppers in Beach Friday, bringing the children out to spend the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cook were visitors at the Rathbun home on Thursday evening, as were George and" Don Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Van Horn and family and Lydia and Chuck Dunder took in the rodeo at Glen- dive Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. A. H. Allen returned home Wednesday evening from the hospi- tal, where she had spent a few days. Her son, Junior, and Vera Hess brought her home. " ' Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rost visted at the Harold Lowman home a week ago. Mrs. Rost remained a few days longer than Arnold and spent her time canning vegetables. Marlyn Cook drove to Sentinel Butte after her mother, sisters and brothers Friday evening after her school day at the Olson school was finished. Pete Wirtzfeld is helping Don Evans with his combining in section one. Webb Alien and Carl helped the John B~rgs finish their com- bining Wednesday and Thursday. Dad Allen and Corporal Ikey were out visiting in the commun- ity Thursday. Seems good to see Ikey walking with just the aid of a cane• Peter Haveriuk and' Wanda Van Horn are taking correspondence courses in high school subjects. Miss Dunde of the Lee school is their supervisor. Bettie Jane and Peter Haverluk were Sunday visitors at the Rath- bun home. Gladys and Lorraine Pendleton also visited there Sun- day P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright and family visited at the Harold Low- man ranch Sunday. George, Don and Jay spent part of the day getting a load of coal. Webster Allen, Jr. is helping his uncle. Albert Allen, thresh, as is Calvin Dempsey. Bud Cook helped Tuesday and Wednesday, returning to his high school studies Thurs- day A. M. An old Chinese proverb goes, "I complained of having no shoes until I met a man who had no feet." We should all stop and think of this old proverb when we start to feel sorry for ourselves. Tommy and Vlvian Rathb .~n helped Eugenia Kunick ce£earate her birthday Thursday evening. So we are late again with a happy birthday, but here it is anyway, Eugenia. Durwcod Wagner of the river spent the past weekend, September 9-10 helping his dad rotmd up cattle. Durwood wishes dad had cattle to round up every weekend. as Durwoed says he doesn't like city life. The Math Brown harvest crew were busy cutting and shocking their cane and millet on the Hoff- man place this week. Due to the shortage of help Mrs. Math Brown joined the crew and did her share of shocking. They eertalnly have a nice field of feed there. The, Teacher boys, Alvin, Tommy and .Jhnmie did their part in fur- nishing entertainment at t~ae rede~. held at Glendive Sat~ ana SUnday. Although Alvll~ didn~t place for any priz.e moneY, ~ rodo his two+ buckersto a stand-still. Alvin had a little hard luck in th? w)ld horse race, _His horse Jump. tl;m fence, and fell. Alvin managea ~hold him down until help arriv- • to ; nnsaddle the horse. They drove the horse back in and re- saddled him and Alvin still man- aged to place 4th in the race. Alvin had his left arm sprained sonm way in the fracas so he spent the night in the Beach hospital, but was up and looking for more excitement Monday morning. Tommy won $15 riding bareback horses and Jimmie $2 for cow riding. Joan Teseher and Betty Armstrong accompanied the boys to Glendive. How is your subscription? Wendell Youells and Hilda Rourke were Sentinel Butte and Beach visitors Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Stedman and children were Sentinel Butte callers Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Clarence Satre and son visited at the Halvor Olson home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jandt, Jr. and small children were Beach shoppers Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lowman, Lila Lee and Jimmy Joe were Beach visitors Tuesday, as was Mrs. Ed Carney. Webb Allen has spent the better part of the week in Beach. in Dr. Herm's office having dental work done. Hjalmar Johnson of Sentinel Butte was in the community Tues- day trying to locate some one who had young pigs for sale. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Maus were Beach callers Friday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Math Teacher of Sentinel Butte. Gladys and Lorraine Pertdleton had Sunday dinner with Kay Wright and Leona Johnston at the Geo. Wright home. Wanted by Charlte Percell: a new pair of glasses with good strong lenses, before he sorts out anymore sheep for Ellis Stecker. Quite a few of our young folks attended the harvest dance held at the Alpha hall Friday night, and all report a very good time was had. In naming the high school stu- dents of this community, we left out Elnora and Robert Johnson and Wm. Jandt, III, who attend Beach high school. Howard Van Horn attended the cattle sale in Dickinson Monday and bought himself some feeder calves. Bert Waldahl trucked the calves from Sentinel Butte to How- ard's ranch. Paratrooper CharUe N, Allen has arrived a~ Fort Benning, Ga. His at the J. C Penney store in Beach. Mrs. Carrie SperrY is feeling some what better now, we are pleased to report. Lieut. George E. Omley was a dinner guest at the P. V. Moore home on Wednesday. Kyle Sperry and Fredwin Crook completed their threshing Jobs last week. Mrs, Ralph Mosser returned from Grand Forks recently, where she attended the silver wedding anni- versary of a sister. Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Moore and Doris motored to Beach on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Moore consulted the doctor again. The Trotters school opens on Monday, September 18, with an en- rollment of eleven, we believe. Miss Clara Skaar is teacher again. A fair sized crowd attended church services on Sunday, when Rev, Kenney preached a fine sermon. O. K. Omley, son Eddie and daughter Geneese called on friend., around Trotters on Monday P. M. They were supper guests at the Bert Sperry home. After visiting at the Kyle Sperry, Bert Sperry and Bob Stevens homes for some time, Ve Sperry and son left for their home in Washington, last week. S-Sgt. and Mrs, Glen Metcalf left on Thursday P. M. for their home in Minneapolis, after about a two weeks visit at the J, E. Metealf tmd the Bert Sperry homes, The walls of the Trotters school house have been painted, and the floors have been oiled, so the build- ing is clean and fresh for the ne,w school term. Webbs Willing Workers will meet at the church parlors on Friday P. M., September 29th. Rev. ~Iow- land will also hold quarterly con- ference then. GeneeSe Omley .visited at :the Crook home until Tuesday eyeningl when she returned to ,Beach. to re- sume her work. She plans to "leav~ next week for Bozeman, Mont:, cousin, Paratrooper Henry E. Allen where she will begin her training is also stationed there• Each boy as a cadet nurse. has been sent the other's address, Miss Grsc.e Sperry left on Sat- and here's hoping you can locate urday for Fort Lincoln, Neb., ~here each other, boys. she is employed, after spending, a There is quite a little grain in week visiting at her parental'home pries on the ground, although the Miss Nora Belle Sperry left' on men are trying their best to get Monday evening for Bismarck to th~ grain all hauled in as fast as resume her duties• after spending a there is room at the elevators, pleasant week at the parental Bert either in Sentinel Butte, Beach or Sperry home. Chama. Lieut George E Omley arrived at Mary Rathbun and Charles went! Trotters on MOnday from La Junta, to Beach Tuesday wlth Mr. and! Colo. to spend his furlough with Mrs. J. A. Wright. Charles went this relatives and friends. He stay- to consult the doctor about his ~d at the Crook home until Wed- broken arm. We thought Dermis nesday evening, when he left for was to return home with us but Los Angeles. Calif. to visit his sis- Dennis will remain in the hospital ters and a brother there, before he News Notes of the Golva Community During Past Week Miss Joan Orstad was a weekend visitor at the home of Miss Eunice Boehike the past week. Mrs. Dorothy Hess and Mrs. Ju- lius Larsen were Beach callers on Friday of the past week. Ed Eide left on Tuesday for his home in Washington after spend° ing the past summer visiting here. Mr, and Mrs. Victor Bares were dinner guests at the Arnold Beach home at Carlyle on Sunday. Mrs. Dorothy Hess and Kenneth Wosepka were dinner guests at the Julius Larsen home on Sunday. Mrs. Flora Funk left Saturday for a trip to Rhame. where she will spend a short time visiting with friends and relatives. Fred Cook and Anna May Madi- son were Sunday dinner guests at the Alice Fischer home on Sunday of the past week. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Higgins made a trip to Bismarck on Monday, tak- ing' down Harvey, who plans to enlist in the U. S. Navy. The Misses Vera and Margie Wicka were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Madison for several days during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smlth and family of near Sentinel Butte, and Mrs. Mabel Smith were visitors at the Annie Kirkpatrick home on Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Davis of north of Trotters were visitors of their daughter, Mrs. Cora Zlebarth, on Friday and Saturday of the past week. Mrs. Mary Heitbohmer arrived here Wednesday night from Chi- cago to spend the nex% few weeks tlsitlng at the home of her sister, 'Mrs. Alice Fischer. 'Victor Bares had the misfortune of having a fiat tire on his truck on Monday. Vlo says it's the first one he's had since he got home from the Army, Too bad, Vic. Bet- ter luck next time. A lage number of the people of this community attended the har- v'est dance in Alpha on Fi'iday eve- ning. Everyone reported having a fine time and all enjoyed them- selves. Mr, and Mrs. Otto Unger" and son stopped here during the past week to visit with friends. MI'. Unger formerly worked at the Golva airport and is now on his way to Alaska, where he is to be employed. Word has been received here that Mrs. Shoen arrived In Sioux Falls, S. D. safely and that she had stood ~he trip fine. Mrs. Shoen states that she likes her new home very much and also that the weather there agrees with her just fine. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bares were until his burns are completely healed. Win. Rathbun of this community and Roy Kittleson of north of Beach reported to the Selective Service board Saturday and were g~ven orders to leave on the early morning train Sunday for Fort Snelling. Both boys say they are crying for the Marines. Hope you make it boys. The Marines could use tough nuts like you two. [ Guess we are lucky in GoldenI Valley county to have rural teach- ers enough to go around, as we seeI by the paper that the county super- intendent of schools of Mortonl county reports that 40 percent of[ Morton county's 129 schools are + without teachers. We understand that the Plain View school in this community is the onlyschool in this county without a teacher. ] An education, boys and girls, is| one thing no one can give you un- less you are willing to work for it, but having once got it, it is some- thing no one can talee away from you. How about surprising the l~ar- ents with some A's on that report card? Of course, If you aren't in the habit of bringing home A's and said parents hearts are weak, better break it to them gently. Gladys Pendieton had the misfor- tune of losing her wrist watch on Sunday afternoon. Although Oladys and other parties searched all over where Gladys had been the last few hours, before noticing the loss of the watch, they were unable to locate it. It being a present to her from her mother made the loss greater, at least to Gladys. We all hope said watch shows its face to some one soon. Mrs. Ed Stecker, mother of Mrs.' Wendell Youells, arrived from Ta- coma, Wash. Tuesday to visit her daughter and old friends. Mrs. Stecker is an old time resident of this community, so she'll have to make her visit a long one to .be able to gree~ all her old friends, and before she leaves, she will be able to add,manT ~ew.. friends to her list, as a friendly person such as she always draws new f~iends to them. MARK WORCI~STEI~ BAGS HIGHEST NUMBER OF COYOTES Mark Worchester, Golden Valley county government coyote hunter, has' the record of bagging the hlgh- eat number of coyotes in the state, 211 coyote@ in 20'2 days of work. returns to La Junta to be assigned, dinner guests at the Joe Popiel Fddie was so happy to be home lmme on Sunday of the past week, again and onlv wished that he Mrs. Hugo Kreitinger and chfl- could remain longer. We do too, dren were Sunday dinner guests at Eddie. the Frank Kreitlnger home this V [ past week. t,' arner Sgt. and Mrs. Snodgrass of Port- land, Ore. l~ft on Wednesday to return to their home there after -- - ~;pending a f~w days visit!ng at the Albert Strietz was a caller at the home of Mrs. Snodgrasss parents, Joe Dietz home Sunday night Mr. and Mrs Joe Hartse of near Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marquette were Carlyle Mrs "Snodgrass is the for- Beach shoppers on Saturday. " mer Ruth Hartse. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dietz and fam- The baseball game that w~:~ fly were Beach callers on last Sun- ed between Alpha and G~ daynight. . . ", Sunday afternoon was W~ +~ rmcnard Dietz started high school Golva. It was stated in this Monday, September 11th, at Beach. last week that Alpha was to play He spent this weekencl at.his h.~me, the Minnesota team but instead Matt ~rause was a caller at the number of the Minnesotan s played Fred .Wassmann home on .Saturday 9n the Alpha team against Oolva. morn~g. .... .t I~ was a good game, though, oo ny ana ~eorge ~ull and V Fred McManigal were callers' 'at i -- the Joe Dietz home Sunday, . COLLECTION OF CLOTHING Glenn Alistat and Herman WaSS~t'FOR EUROPE IN GOLVA mann called at ~the Fred Wa~s- • mann home on .Monday' night' "and + In accordance with at, urgen~ al~ Tuesday afternoon. .... : ...... peal of the United Nations Relief Mr. and Mrs. George Stull and and Rehabilitations Administration, Pal and Mr. and Mrs. '~ohn Stull the Golva territory, which includes and David were Sunday visitors, at Lon~. Tree, Garner and Bullion the Fred McManigal home. • .- .Butte townships, will begin the cat- George Wassmann, Jr. returned to his home in Beach Thursday from the !~red+ Wassmann. home, where he has been employed ,all summer. Mr,. and+ Mrs. F~.ed ,Vlassn~ and Mrs. Johnny Johnson and Miss Lois Wassmann were Sunday night supper guests at the Joe :Die~z home. .. The Misses Dolores and Joan Or- stad began their school duties at the Golva school on Monda~ m~r- ning, September 11: They and: ~l~s Euniee Boehlke occupy the"l~oy .leetion of clothing for the war- stricken peoples of the countries of ~Europe. The drive begins Sel~ .tember 18th and ends September 30th. , Distribution ~f clothing will be ¢0n'ducted by the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation ~- '~rati0n free and on the basis of need~ Th.,e collecting depot will be St..Marys basement hall, in Oolva, +V ,Joe" Dixon of Sentinel Butte, one 6f: the real oldtlmers of tlils part ., of North Dakota, was a visitor ~I1 Noll +house in.Golva. ~'each last week. Joe arrived Mr: and Mrs, Joe Dietz an~+ el'dl- what is now Beach in 1893 end was dren were BeaCh .shoppers ~Id~y. amnloved on the section here, later _.~r. and Mrs. George 8tu~l"~a~d ~01~ ~to Sentinel BUtte, where he ~al and + Mrs., Johnny Stull 'and "w~]~"~ section foreraan for many David were G01va shopperson .Sa~- ~ars. He was ~0 engaged in the uraay ai~ernoon *' ' Utte • " ' " ' ~ "" 'hotel busineSs at Sentinel B • - V +A z '.e all of the early day w~eiCs ~tsit with his sen at Lov~ dents of Golden Valley County and W" o las .... : ' ? i can+ relate many interesthtg ~- ~y • . ~ t~aturaay, morning.:W~l_e cpunts of early day activitie~ mere , l~e was Invited to : ~PoWeli:"' + V - - - Wyo .... where .he was + the' guest,-' ,," speaker at the Rotary clul~, He .re~'}, ~A' F~II SUpper Conference of PrO- ports crop conditions ~ery. ~'in },te~i~ant Oht~ches Uniting Will be that part of the country:,~:itl~eing~held at the Methodist Church in a beans, sugar beet and frult ~mln,.'|~;V~batlx Th .ur .sday,+ sep.tember'o28th, try. He also reports- tons of' ~pples|All pe,r~ns m.terestea .In o~ y ung going to waste due ~ the shc~agelpeopies chrmttan eaucatlon are of labor to harvest them ... ]urg~i to attend, i October 6th and 7th Beach Fall Fa r and Festival, Sponsored by Farmers and Business Men of the Community. Watch for the List of Entries and