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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 21, 1939     Golden Valley News
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September 21, 1939
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SEPT. 21st, 1939 LOL. L,, and Carl Thomas, who are the Dickinson Normal this were home over the weekend at home of their parents. Warner and Margie Nistler and Otremba visited last Saturday Paul Thomas home in this city. A carload of steel was unloaded here week for the Montana-Dakota Co., which was taken to Glen- where they are building a new Mr. and Mrs. "Happy" Ayers left week for Auburn, Wn., where will be employed this fall a fireman on the N. P. l~ilroad to move the heavy fruit crop in the They will return to Beach time late this fall. & new Uarco cashier has been in- at the Lovell Implement Co., is indeed a fine machine and a convenience in bookkeeping. ~ed chicken supper at the Meth- church Friday, Sept. 28th. Don Hathaway and Knut Evans from Fargo Tuesday morning this week where they had gone to Vern Hathaway, Tommy Hudson Jerry Keohane, the two former the A. C. for their first year Schooling there while Jerry will his work at the A. C. this was completed the past week !Bow Bill Kippley is the owner of which was formerly own- A. Weiting. The residence has by Mr. and Mrs. Ben who will move this fall the Kippley family moves ~o Dolly Oas and Mrs. Sue Smith to Glendive Tuesday after- where they spent several hours and Mrs. Wm. Hartley and son left last Saturday afternoon for where they will make their and where Mr. Hartley will be by the bakery there. During few months. Mr. Hartley was employed at the Sunlite Bakery city and his place will be taken Kelley of St. Paul, Minn., started to work there the first of Week. Wolf Is now driving a new car which he purchased last from the Johnson Motor Co. of city. They drove to Dickinson last to drive the new car back. Selmer Musical Instruments YOU CAN GET IT AT BUTTE DRUG brugs-Kodaks -Eooks - StaUonery THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS A new sidewalk is now being put Election of officers for the coming Ted Kurkowskl went to ~ ~ Miss Vera Hesch was a guest of Miss on the north side of the track by a year will also be held. last Saturday by truck to bring home Marcella Kukowski at her home east crew of WPA workmen who have put There will be a hamburger fry after a new Wheatland Disc plow Sunday, of town Sunday. in a considerable amount of concrete which was taken by Henry Feldhusen, during the past few weeks, the meeting. All young people of high for his farm. Mr. and Mrs. Art Llffring of Mis- school age and older are invited. I soul~, Mont. are here visiting Mrs. ~ Supper conference Monday, Septem-;i S~l-. PAUL'S LUTH£RAN Liffring's sister, Mrs. Minnie Soren- ber 25th. Rev. George O. Parrish, the ! V.H. Dlsse~ Pastor sen. district superintendent, will preside at Divine Services 10:00 a. m. , the conference. The congregation is Sunday School after services. METHODIST CHURCH invited to supper at 7 p. m. There Grant ~ Moore, Pastor Will be no charge for the meal. THANK YOU Sunday school 10 a. m. Chicken supper at the Methodist We wish to thank the Co~y Cote Preaching service 11 a.m. church Sept. 28. Serving starts at 5 management and force for the fine { Epworth League 6:30 p.m. p.m. ;refreshraents served us following the i football game last Friday. , Choir practice Wed. 7:30 p. m. l Epworth League 6:30 p.m. Fried chicken supper at the Meth- ' ---Coach ~Sevland and Boys. This service Will be led II-is Page. od~st church Friday, Sept. 28th. | | | | l l ! l | | ! | | Features of the New "IN'" and "M'" Farmalls • Patented automatic steer° in~-wheel cultivator gang shift. Clean cross cultiva- tion at 4 or 5 miles an hour. • Finger-tip auto-steering, Brakes can be operated sop- arotely for making short or pivot turns--or as a unit on the road. • More than 30 hlgh-grade ball and railer bearings 19 rawhide spring-loaded dust and oil seats. • Can be equipped with "Lift- All," whtch lifts and lowers machines, or front or rear sections, on either side. • Adjustable whee~ tread- for all row-crop requirements. • Most complete hne of quick° attachable machines. • Comfort-- sitting or stand- mg. Adjustable sponge-rub- ber upholstered seat. • Clear vision, Smooth stream- lined design enables you to See your work. • Balanced power Smooth- running 4-cyhnder, valve- m-head engine, with Tocco- hardened crankshaft full force-feed lubrication, and replaceable cyhnder sleeves. Brilliant performance and Qrnoztng economy on No | tractor dostillate and other tractor fuels. • F~ve-speed transmission, Four field speeds, plus a 16- mite road speed (on rubber). VOrtable governor- you con COntrol driving speeds with- in "inches per hour." TNE NiW SMALL FARMALL-A with "%"IJLTI -Ytl~ON" PAGE 5 Have Leather patches put on the elbows of your Sweaters at GUman's i Shoe Shop. Assorted colors. Price 3~. PARIS-INSPIRED j. DRESSY i FROCKS - $8.95~, i Success-assured fashions! All the lines, colors that Paris ro- claims! Shirred bodices, - tin~ o waists, - bustle bows, - sasn • waistlines, - gold jewelry trims. ~ Others from $5.00 to $19.95 . | I' ~Ma?La~!Be~tt '! Rosew'nl y y Rose _o " With three of the country's out- mm standing coat lines to choose mm from you are cetain to find the mm one you want! ..... mm Our new fall and winter coats look expensive....feel lux- urious....but the price will appeal to that. thrifty, practical streak in your nature....You can have that "Million Air" from pocket money ! PREPARE YOUR CAR NOW For Winter Driving with PRESTO N E It will not evaporate and your worries will be over with. It's cheaper this year $2.65 per gal. Let us fix you up NOW W. C. SCHULZ Lff~D LF%PROINATB OI~D-"E"--K %Ru~rI :Gn tUe eRdL' EAA~ D" GPLEoR ~Ia~i~n OCTOBER linings. $11.95 to $39.75 = SATURDAY SPECIAL! B With very cash purchase totaling $10 or mgre we will i give a FREE pair of our regular $1 Rollins Runstop Hose l ,;" Mildrella Shoppe • ~each North Dakota • Last month we introduced the small Fmat~XL~-A wath its great new feature, "'Culfi -Vision." i Here's your first view of the little fellow's big brothers--FAmasLL-H and FARMALL-I~ --spic and span from the Harvester factories, raring to go! You'll get a real thrill when you take hold of one of these steering wheels, give the smooth 4-cylinder engine the go.ahead, and put a new FAa~ALh through its paces. Here are three bears for work--blg size, ~ddk size, ~ size! You'll fiadeach one a go-getter in every inch and ounce. Step out ahead with your choice Of the new F, phooe m foi the full ~7. SakJy ~,~,d] about the ~y, ~l~y, po~e,, ~,ffon~, ~ igd~~ grit ~ae;,,-It~rs~tu~ about the mw low ~,umau. i~ic~ Cam. '" ~ ~%~ L n. ~. ~-~* ,',J IMPLEMENT COYPANY GOLDEN JUBILEE ANNOUNCED BY WEEK BEACH STANDARD OIL DEALERS ~ S~gTH SERVICE STATION LOGAN AUTO o~ERv'c~..,~.- HODGIN SERVICE STATION Sept. 23-30 For one week only, we will offer these amazing specials. l. With Every Oil Change, we will do a grease job for--- only 59c 2. 2'Gallon, Can of Stanolind Motor Oil for 9gc 3. Liberal Allowance on Batteries- $2.00 for your old battery in exchange for a new one 4, Discounts on Atlas Tires and Tubes as high as 50 pct'