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September 21, 1939 |
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THURSDAY, SEPT. 21st, 1939
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Mrs. Harry Huseby was a Dickin-
son caller on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Olson were
visitors in town on Thursday. Mrs.
Olson attended the ladies aid at the
Lawrence Gobel left Friday after-
noon by bus for Moscow, Idaho where
he will attend school this term. Law-
rence has completed two years cf work
at the Dickinson College and will fin-
ish at the Idaho school.
Mrs. W. J. Dixon and Mrs. Vlc John-
con were callers in town Friday. They
were also Beah callers the same day.
Lawrence Lamire was a visitor in
town on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Uetz and Charles
returned to their home on Friday after
a three weeks visit with relatives in
Harry Olson was a caller in town
on Saturday morning. I
Orville Dodge and Rodney Shoen1
came up from Dickinson on Friday toI
epend the weekend at home. They re-I
turned on Sunday to attend school
4at the college.
Mr. Robert Coutts of Beach was a
business caller in town on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nehis returned
from their trip to the Black Hills and
othe points in S. Dak. They were ac-
companied by a nephew who will spend
i a~out three weeks with the Nehls be-
fore returning to his home in S. Dak.
Matt Tescher and Fred Gobel were
business visitors in Beach on Friday
Mr. Nordin and Gladys and Mrs.
~Icknell attended the Ladies aid at
the church on Thursday.
Miss Hflda Waldahl spent the week
end at the home of her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard VanHorn were
'Visitors in town on Thursday.
Mrs. Norman Hougse attended th~
Lutheran Ladies Aid on Thursday.
I~ster Dempsey left Friday morn-
for Grand Forks where he will
~roll at the University for the c~m-
tr~ term.
Mr. Johnson and Albert Gallus of
Medora were callers in town Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nehls took Fred
Oobel to his home on Thursday. Mr.
OObel has been staying at the Nehls
home during their absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huseby have
~lobed into the apartment above th~
Drug Store.
Hllda Waldahl and Mrs. Vic Carl-
• on were Beach callers Friday after-
Miss Mary McPherson left Friday
~orning for Grand Forks where she
"Will attend school at the University. Waldahl were gueats of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Victor Thompson of Beach was Emil Kunick on Sunday afternoon.
caller in town on Saturday. . The occasion being little Eugenia Kun-
Mrs. F. D. Waldahl and Mrs. Gus lcks birthday.
Tlmboe entertained the ladies of th~ Eu-ene England left on Tuesday for
Lutheran Aid at the church on Thurs-~_ s.= .....
.... his home in r~ortlano Ore., after
¢tay afternoon A very delicmus lUnCh .......... '
_. __' . _ . ~pcnulng ~ne pas~ mree weeks visit-
• vas servea vy me hostesses.
'ing with friends here and at Wibaux.
Mrs. Margaret Boisen and Eleanor Mr and Mrs. Ralph Kirkpatrlck and
Were Dickinson callers on Friday. sons spent Saturday and Sunday at
Mrs. Margaret LaMlres is enjoying New England visiting with Mrs. Kirk-
it visit with a sister-in-law, Mrs. Hardy patrlcks sister and family.
Of Wisconsin.
Mr. John Malone was a Dickinson
Visitor on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lowman and
Mrs. Grimes of Westerheim were cal-
lers in town on Saturday.
Neff Hogoboon and Fred Smith
•pent Sunday in the Badlands.
Dorothy Wosepka spent Saturday
arid Sunday at her home south of
Mike Lardy and Philip were callers
hi town Monday.
Mrs. Art Reinholz and family left
Thursday for Wapheton where Fred
will attend school this year. They re-
turned on Sunday.
Ray Zinsli was a Dickinson visitor
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Theopolis Kunick,
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kunick, Mrs.
O]ga Lardy and Marion and Mrs. Bert
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gigstad had as
their gutsts on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
'Otto Petersllle and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Rink and children.
! A number of relatives and friends
were entertained at the Matt Tescher
home on sunday evening. The occas-
ion being Mr. Teschers birthday. Thoge
present were Mr. and Mrs. Math Deck-
er and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Zin-
National Champions
In Rifle Drill...
The Newton LeSion Guards are a
sure-fire hit because of their right
combination of precision, snap and
smart appearance • • • and every
Chesterfield you smoke is a sure-fire
hit for More Smoking Pleasure.
sli, Mr. and Mrs. Nistler and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Theisen, Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Tescher and Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Maus
Mr. and Mrs. Marr Reimer and
'children and Mrs. C. Moore were cal-
lers in town on Monday.
I See the sKY RIDERS in Beach on
Saturday, September 23. Ten free
rides; prizes will be dropped from the
Mrs. Alice Kramer returned last
week from Michigan, where she spent
the summer for her health.
Lester Vinquist returned last weeg
to Los Angeles, Calif., after visiting
his parents and family. His brother,
Howard accompanied him for a visit.
Our U. B. pastor, Rev. Beffa, ac-
companied by Mrs. L. H~, Mr&
Kramer, Mrs A. J. Nellermoe and son
Orville were making get acquainted
calls in our community on Wednesday.
Nellie Gifford has returned home
after having been employed at the Art
Krammerer home for sometime.
Mrs. J. E. Metcalf is now residing in
Beach in order to send her son Don-
ald to high school.
A very large crowd attended the
church services at Trotters on sundaY.
Rev. Beffa preached'a very inspiring
serrdon. There will be Sunday school
at 2:00 p. m. and church at 3:00 p. m.
on October 1. All are urged to attend.
Win. Kippley arnved home from
Minneapolis Saturday morning driving
a new 1940 Nash sedan which he pur-
the things that go towards
the making of smoking pleasure
at its best.
This is because Chesterfield
blends the very finest of American
and aromatic Turkish tobaccos in
a combination that brings out the
best qualifies of each. When you try
them we believe you will say...
.j ~ ,I
6 or 8 exposure films dev. and print-
ed for ~Se. Reprints 3c each. 24 hour
service. Welch Studio. Beach tfe
The free coffee and doughnuts that
were served by the Palace Care last
Saturday celebrating the remodelling
of their restaraunt drew a good crowd.
Miss Maylou PomerOy of Glendive
was a vlaltor in ~each on Saturday
morning, coming down to have dental
work done In our city.
Have Leather patches put on the
elbows of your Sweaters at Gilman's
Shoe Shop. Assorted colors. Price 35c.
Miss Carrie Wltztg left Friday morn-
ing of this week for Chicago where she
will be an instructor in the schools
there this year. Miss Witzig was a
week late for her duties because of an
auto accident but had recuperated
considerabley from her injuries before
Mr. AI. Feragen has moved into the
Noble Rooming house making the
change last week.
See the SKY RIDERS in Beach on
Saturday, September 23. Ten free
rides: prizes will be dropped from the
planes by parachutes, chased from Roy Halstead of this city. planes by l~arachutes.
It's HARD b tell.., but EASY to p/ok a winning oil
yOUR chances of picking the future World's Heav~-
weight Champion, while he is still in kindergarten,
ate about as good as your chances of holding the win-
ning ticket in the Irish Sweepstakes. All ring history
proves that no method of sdection can predict which
boy today is the winning fighter of tomorrow.
But when you want a winning oil for your motor. • •
you don't have to depend on second-sight or premoni-
dons • • - you needn't be a lucky guesser. You have
definite knowledge to guide your choice. Here it is:
To do away with all doubt, the great Phillips refining
organization makes this straightforward statement.
Frankly and without reservations. If you want our best
oil, remember we specify that Phillips 66 Motor Oil is
our finest quality.. • the highest grade and greatest
value. • • among all the oils we offer.
Yes sir, many things are hard to tell, but you can
easily pick a winning oil. Just ask for Phillips 66
Motor Oil at the Orange and Black 66 Shield.
Copyright t999, Llo~n'T & M~ TOB~o C~
'~31b" Zeller and Coach Thomas of ~ Emil Vukelic has purchased the
Baker, Mont., were up Friday after- 'lnew 1940 Plymouth to be sold in this
noon to take In the Beach vs Hetthlg- ~communlty this year making the de~
er football game and then spent the IThursday of this week with the Logau
e/en_ing here visiting friends.IAuto Service.
New Seats--- Air.Conditioned
Saturday Matinee at 2:30 p. m.
"Spoilers of the Range"
EDITH. These westerns always please. The
Sons of the Pioneers offer good songs.
Comedy - News
Sunday- Monday- Tuesday
is a stupendous production rating 4 A's
Wednesday-. Thursday
"Good Girls Go To Paris"
RY. Columbia brings these stars together
again and fans are assured of an enjoyable
film. Comedy