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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 20, 1951     Golden Valley News
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September 20, 1951
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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1951 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. PAGE InlHllnUl [ ]lllllillilil [ D]lillllllil[~lllllllllltl [~ ItilllllllllC|llllllllln Trotters News i ~llillllllti[ )itllllt lUll['Jt IIIIIIflIII[]IIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIII[.]IIIIIIITW (Crowded Out Last Week) Norman Nellermoe purchased a br::nd new Buick car last week. The P. V. Moores'left on Sun. morning for Valley CiW, where Dinis will remain to attend Te~- (:hers College this year. They planned to make Mrs. Moore's parents and other relatives near Fargo. a brief visit, before they :eturn home. We understand that Mrs. W. 3. Campbell is now assistant ;:ost mistress. frATEMTANT OF TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT FOR PUBLICATION Receipts In General Fund (Anlounts Received by School District Treasurer between July I, 1950, anc~ June 30, 1951) A. Cash in General Fund (in hands of District Treasurer _ and excluding Sinking Funds) July 1, 1950 ........... 216"/.11 dM[]L Total amount of Genera] Fund money invested in United States War Savings Bonds as of July 1, 1950 ................ 500.00 &]~2. Grand Total cash on hand and money credited to General Fund (Total of items A, AI, /kII) as of July 1 } 1 ~ ........................................................................................ 2667"11 1. Total amount received during year from State apportionment ............................................................................... 464,84 2. Total amount received during year from (County Share) County tuition fund ................................................... 586&98 $. Amount Received during year from State Equali- zation Fund ............................................................................... b. H.S. Tuition ........................................................ $1575.00 c. (State Share) County tuition fund for ele. payments ........................................................... $102"/.'/§ Total of (a, b, e) ........................................................... 2602.75 5. Amount received during year from taxes levied by District School Board (General Fund) ................ 14,805.22 6. Amount received during year from other Revenue Receipts ............................................................................................ 822.50 12. Amount received from other non-revenue receipts 23.90 ~. Total amount received by School Treasurer during the C, year (Total of items 1 to 11 inclusive) .................... 24,583.19 ~¢fan¢i Total amount received by School District Treasurer including cash on hand (Item AIII and Item B) .......................................................................... 27,250.30 F.XPI~gDITUrREs OF GENERAL FUND Amounls Paid During Year for ihe Following Purposes I. General Control ........................................................................... 254.09 2. Instructional Service ........................................................ 12,628.43 & Auxiliary Agencies .................................................................... 349.36 4. Operation of Plant ........................................................... 2420.'/"/ • S. Maintenance of Plant ............................................................ 167.74 6. Fixed Charges .......................................................................... 245.47 7. Capital Outlay ................................................................................ 37J14 8. Debt Service ................................ • Total Amount Paid During school Year by District _ _ Treasurer ................................................................................. 18 115.95 L CAtg~ on hand in General Fund as of June 30, 1951 (Item G., Treas. Report), including Cert. of De° posit and U. S. War Bonds) ................................................ II,,134.40 CAJH BALANCES IN SPECIAL RESERVE, BUILDING AWD ~_ . ~LECREATION FUHDS on hand in Special Reserve Fund (3 mill Emergency--- Sec. 57-1901--57-1908 N. D. Rev. Code of 194&--See. 57-1907--57-1909 1947 Supplement) As of Jm~ 30, 1951 (Item P. Treas. Report .............................................. 1015.42 J 1 WARRANTS 18S3~'D l~tl~ra~ Issued u y 1, 1960 to June 30 1951 (Item B, Clerk'sAnnual Report) .............. .'. .................................... 16,115.90 SPATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, ) )ss. County of Golden Valley ) Lone Tree School District No. 6 ) ~.I do ~.lemnly swear that ~o the best of my knowledge and l~.J.lef the ~?nm is • .u'ue and correct report of all moneys received and paid out by all School ~lTea~w~. ALVIN FASCHING Treasurer of Lone Tree school District No. 6. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of July, 1951, J.L TSCHIDA "COUNTRY CLUB" SEDAN 2 Sensational Prizes EVERY WEEK 5 Kehinator Ilonm Freezers O 50 slo Think how thrilling it would be to win one of those sensational prizes! 67 prizes every week for the four weeks in September • • . 268 prizes in all! Just picture yourself behind the wheel of one of those red-hot Nash "Country Club" Sedans! Or imagine one of those wonderful Kelvinator Refrigerators, Rleetrle Ranges or Freezers in your kitchen! There will be ~8 lucky winners! One of them could be you! ]~ box tops to send in! No jingles to write! It's the easiest in the world ! All you have to do is visit o~ur store, get Frame free official entry blank, and complete this simple state- l~tt in 100 words or less: "I Hke the Keivinator Refrigerator beelu~e..." You'll find full contest rules on the free official blank. Enter the first week's big contest now, today! Be sure to come in for the Fair this week end, Friday and Saturday. We wish to congratulate Mrs. Don Metcalf on winning the refrigerator in Raisler's recent contest. We have been informed that Mrs. Jack Tasker won a fifty dollar credit prize in a similar contest held in Sidney. We extend congratulations to he her, also. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Omley .are announcing the arrival of a son, Clair Brett, on August 25. Mrs. Omley is making her home with her mother in Oklahoma City at present while Eddie is in the armed forces. Pvt. Edward Crook informs us that he is now on the rifle range and that some restrictions are no longer in effect, so that his life as a Marine is a bit easier. The heavy rain last Monday, caught quite a few people away from home. The folks near Smith Creek got a real downpour of from two to three inches, so that travel wasn't very pleasant. While going to Sentinel Butte on Monday, Miss Phyllis Gray and the Boyces car were caught in the rain and mud and so spent the night at the P. V. Moore home. There were many others who were battling mud- dy roads, too. Mrs. Carlot Nellermoe is tea- ching school in Montana this year. The Gene Gunkels, A1 Fran- zeus, Del Thorp, Freddie Crook, the Kyle Sperry f~mily, Harold Go~dale and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scott attended the rodeo at Dick- inson on Sunday. The Norm,an Nellermoe family attended church services at Skaar on Sunday. Two more high school stu- dents from Trotters are George and *Fred Boyce who are atten- ding Sentinel Butte High School. Bobby Boyce is a beginner ~his year and is attending school in Sentinel Butte. Mrs. James Scott is teaching a school near Carlyle, Mont. this year, To Wibaux Oil Well--- Mr. and Mrs. Leland Rice and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Raisler and families drove down ¢o see the Wibaux Oil well last Sunday and also went to Amidon to see the burning coal !nine but the river was too high to cross. Advertise in the Golden Valley NeWs NOTICE OF LEASING OF STATE AND SCHOOL LANDS All State school Lands in C-olden Valley County that are unleased, and those upon which the leases expire with the year 1951 will be offered for rent at a publle leasing sale to be held in the Court House at Beach, North Dakota, in said county, on the 1st day of November, 1951, beginning at 10:00 A. M. o'clock. All such lands will be leased to the highest bidder for a term of three to five years. The first year's rent, plus the legal leas- ing fee. must be paid in full on the day of the sale. A lis¢ of such lands to be offered will be on file with the Treasurer of said county for public inspection not less than two weeks before the day of the leasing sale. The Board of University and School Lands reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Bismarck. North Dakota. this 22nd day of August, 1951. J. O. LYNGSTAZ), Land Commissioner (August 30 to October 25) NOTICE FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, THE Golden Valley News the ~ at Octob~ ~, will receive sealed bids for Record Books, Legal Blanks, Tax receipts, Office and Primary and General Elec- tion supplies, F. O. B. Beach, North Dakota. All bids are to be sealed and a certified check of One Hundred Dol- lars, ($100.00) must accompany each bid. All bids are to be addressed to the County Auditor of Golden Valley County and are to be filed not later than 10:00 o'clock A. M.. Tuesday, October 2rid, 1951, at which time bids will be opened. All checks will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders immediately af- ter the opening of the bids. The cer- tified check of the successful bidder will be retained until the filing and approval by the Board of County Com- missioners, of a contract and bond in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00). Contract to be dated April 1st, 1952, to April 1st, 19~3. The Board of County Commissioners reserve theright to reject any or all: bids. Dated at Beach, North Dakota, this 5th day of September, 1961. SEAL MI~N;IE E. SMITH. County Auditor, Golden Valley County. (Sept. 13 - 20) CITA~CE HEARING PROOF OF FOREIGN WILL. STATE OF NOR-~--DAKOTA County of Gelden Valley IN COUNTY COURT Before Hen. Guy Lee, Judge IN THE M.AT~ER OF THE ESTATE OF ALICE M. DAVIS, DECEASED. Phosa D, Broderick, ) -vs- Petitioner, I S~xth Church of Christ, Scl-) entist, Minneapolis, Beryl ) Souder, Davis Beeman, and all ) other persons interested in ) the Estate of Alice M. Davis, ) deceased, ) Respondents. ) THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA to the above named Respondents, and all persons interested in the Estate of Alice M. Davis. deceased: You, and each of you, are hereby notified that Phosa D. Broderlck of Minneapolis, Minnesota, the petitioner herein, has fried In this Court a copy of the Last Will and Testament of Alice M. Davis, deceased, and the probate thereof in the State of Min- nesota duly authenticated, with its petition praying for the admission to Probate of said document as the Last Will of said deceased, and for issu- ance to W. L. Eckes of Beach, :North Dakota, of Letters of Administration with the Will Annexed thereon, and that said petition and the proofs of said purported Will will be heard and duly considered by this Court on Tuesday, the 2rid day of October, A. D., 19@I, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the Court Roams of this Court, in the County Court House in the City of Beach, Golden Valley County, North Dakota. And you, and each of you, are hereby cited to be and appear before ,this Court at asld time and place and show ca~tse, if any you have, why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted. You are further notified that the residence of the said decedent at the time of her death was in the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota. Let service of this Citation be made as required by law. Dated at Beach, North Dakota. this 7th day of September, A. D., 1951. BY THE COURT: GUY LEE, Judge of the County Court. (SEAL OF COURT) W. L. ECKES, Attorney for Petitioner. Beach, North Dakota. (September 13 - 20) . IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM O. DEHMER, DE- CEASED. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, Executors of the Last Will and estate of William O. Deh- met, Late of the vicinity of Sentinel Butte, County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having elalrc~ against said decendent, f~o exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within three (3~ months after the first publication of this notice to the County Judge of Golden Valley County, at his office in the Court House is the City of Beach, North Dakota. NOTICE is hereby further given that the time and place fixed by the Court for hearing and adjusting such claims are the 26th day of December A. D., 19@I, at ten o'clock A. M. In the Court Rooms of the County Court in the Court House in the City of Beach in the County of GolOen Valley and State of North Dakota. NOTICE is hereby further given to all persons interested in said es- tate to show cause, if any they have, at said time and place, why any and all claims so presented should not be allowed and approved for pay- ment. Dated this 10th day of September A. D., 1951. ROBERT DErI-IM:ER PETER SC~ Executors of the Estate of William O. Dehmer, Deceased. W. L. ECKES Attorney for Executors Beach, North Dakota. (September 12 - 19 - 26) For Better Health MINERAL STEAM BATHS DEEP HEAT OF DIATHERMY COLONIC IRRIGATION and SWEDISH MASSAGE SHENKO'S Health Clinic Phone 61 Beach, N. D. 44-tfc Out Always and is as sincere as our food" delicious Our Specialty--Fish and Chips Tastefully prepared, seasoned just right; the perfect meal these autumn days. Serving Every Prime Ribs of Beef Choice of Fowl Virginia Baked Ham Choice of Salads Open Daffy 7 a. m. to 3 a. m., Sunday--noon to 8 a. m. We specialize in banquets and luncheons, call for ap- peintment; We can serve any number. New Chef--Eddie Dulony--specializing in choice steaks and seafood. Call 2651 for reservation& Mr. & Mrs. H. Atkinson, mgrs. News Classified Ads Bring Quick Results 00O | , Individual Room Heat.Circulation...Makes Floors Warm As Ceilings...Gets More Usable Heat From The Furnacel...Yet So Simple... So Easy To Installl These Two Grilles Are All You See in the room.. • yet between them in the wall takes place a most amazing heating action that gives you a better heated home. It's Called a BtENO-AIR. There is nothing else like it-- 0nly Coleman has it! BLEND-AIR Is More Than A Warm Air Duct Systeml It's a totally new way of using and distributing the heated air from the furnace. It provides individual heat-control for each room. It Renews The Warmth in the room in a matter of seconds. It keeps temperature from floor to ceiling within a vari- ation of just a few degrees day or night. It Stops Waste of Heat at the ceiling-it makes use of this heat to keep the floors warm. You Get More Even Heat, more useful heat,more comfort than was ever possible before, because BLEND- AIR blends and distributes heat better, Actually SA ES on Installationl Yet-you may find BLEND-AIR actually cuts instalktion cost, e0mpared with 01d.faehl0ned systems. What Is The Magic Power Hidden In The Wall Between These Two Grilles? Let Us Show You.I See Us And Find Out l Come in-let us demonstrate the new C,oleman Automatic Furnace with BLEND-AIR today. Learn the difference in e nfort-learn how better heating may Cost you le, ssl Beach, N. Dak. 12 i ,, , , ,