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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 20, 1951     Golden Valley News
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September 20, 1951
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/ ..o ITIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1951 111~ - .... OF SEPTEMBER 22 Take advantage of these dollar saving values. Come in and see the large selec- lion of beautiful new 1951 Albrecht Furs, which Mr. Henry Twite, the AI- brecht Fur Specialist will have for this Special Event. THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH. N. D. 12illl(]llHlllllil!£~iUHl!lllll[]llJHUg~It[]li|lllllllll[,~lllIllHllll[~ Ollie News i :]llllllllllllC|llllllllllll[311llllllllll[]llllllllllll~lltlllllllll[~lllll Sunday School 10 a. m. Evening Service 8 p. m. \V(.:lnesday Prayer Meeting 8 Rev. and Mrs. Auer, Mr. and ,Izs. Henning Steen and Gloria visited at the Dulane Wang .,ome Friday evening. The W. S. W. S. held its reg- ular meeting at the Ross Camer- on home Thursday afternoon. After the business meeting, the ram was presented by Mrs. Cameron. A lovely lunch was served by Mrs. Cameron assist- ed by Mrs..-Terry Cameron. Mr. and M,rs. Fay Shepherd were Thursday dinner guests a~ the Buck Shepherd home. Sunday dinner guests at the Pat Plummer home were Mr and Mrs. Paul Thoemke and fa- mily. ,Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bryson from Glendive were Sunday guests at the Cliff Beach home. Grandma Wang and Art were Sunday dinner guests at the El. mer Wang'home. Aiternono call ers were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Plum- met and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thoemke and child,ten, Mr. and Mrs. Dulane Wang and son, Mr. and Mrs. Henning Steen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Berg and children, Rev. and Mrs. Auer. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smact from Longmont, Colorado, were week end house guests at the home of Mr. Smart's sister. Mrs. Ross Cameron and family. A family get-together was enjoyed Saturday evening for supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Buck Shepherd. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cameron and son. Colin Cameron, Alan Cameron, Lolita Yokley, Mr. and Mrs. Smart, M,r. and Mrs. Ross Cam- eron. The Ollie lobrary is open every Wednesday from 2:30 to 4:30 with Mrs. Pat Plummer Select your fur coat Now. A small de- librafian. Francis Madler entertained M,r. Posit will hold your selection. Buy your and Mrs. Henning Steen, Gloria ad Donald to SaCurday supper furs on CUMMINS personalized budget in Baker Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rose and Carol were dinner guests Satur- or lay-away plan. No carrying charge, day of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Berg and family. . Mrs. Percy Bryson, Mrs- Pat . • * * * Plummer. Rev. and Mrs. Auer attended W. S. W. S. Institute held Tuesday at the Evangelical United Brethren church in Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bryson were Gtendive callers Saturday .:rid Sunday, where they attend- ed the wedding of a friend. Mr. and Mrs. Dulane Wang and son called on the aPt Plum. mer family Thursday evening. Charles Madler. Sr.. was a sup- ~er guest at the Henning Steen home Tuesday. Sunday dinner guests at the Vie Berg home were Mr. and Mrs. Bud John..on and daughter Arleta Berg returned home with the for an indefinite stay. News Want Ads Bring Results! Plan to attend the Golden Valley County Fair, Sept. 21-22. ImHIHHIIIImlIHIIHIWWWmlmlHIIIIIIIIIIIII"IIIIII"IIIII"IIIIIIIIIIIII"III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII E - FOR ALL YOUR - YOUR HEADQUARTERS __--- - Guns -- Shells -- Cleaning Rods Thermos Jugs- Duck Decoys Hunting Jackets- Hunting Licenses Fact Most Everything You'll Need For The nuntin, g Season. Beach, North Dakota PAGE SEVEN _ ,~ ~ .... ; " SUPPER CONFERENCE AT. ]Fishing Party--- I I oft werc ~Ull{,I:V ~[~CFrlOO~'I and .~ _"ph~ News ,ll~uper guest'~at t~eler home AndrewKoh. JTROT'rERs SEPT. 28 j A fishing party coml)o~ed of t " J The annual Fall supper con-[Randy Meeks, Ward Johnson, i A birthday party was held at [ference of the Billings and Gold- Fred Reinecke, Frank P~.eler, and ..... i the Bud C]ouse home Sunday ~ en Valley inter-6enominational Earl Carlson of W.ibau× and Pa.ut The Homemakers met with t sepkas, Jesoks, Karnes John- Mrs. Alice Clouse on the ]lth. ~laons, John Irons. Burys, Schmel- with all members present. !:~ilc those present were, Wo- church Council is being held at Drake 6t this city, left for lake Ao~oboom .and Wosepkas. Mr. ,and Mrs. Wal~ter Sch-I Sunday. They had fairly good /artz and family and Mrs. Eli- luck, catching a nice st,ring of the E. U. B. in Trotters, N. D., beginning at 6:00 p. m., on Fri- day evening, September 28th. The supper is a free covered dish arrangement, with the Trot- ~ers church furnishing tt~e hot dishes and beverages; the visi. tors the sandwieh~s and des- serts. Rev. Cornforth is the host pastor. This annual affair usually ,has quite a large attendance of the men, Sunday school officers and teachers, young folks and their parents. It was hekl last Fall at Qu 'Appelle, Saskatchewan, Ca- nada, last Satu~rday where they pl, anned to spend about six days fishing. The men are making the trip in two cars. 10-Yr. Renewal-- Another to join the increasing number to renew their subscrip- tions for ten years Tecently is Mrs. A. Weinach~ and her dau- ghter and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miehels, all of whom spend their summers in this community, where ]~Ir. Michels zabeth Schwartz were dinner .,uests of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Clouse Sunday. Mrs. Karnes Johnson and children left Friday for the Twin Cities, to attend her brother Art's wedding. Mrs. Gloyd Bury and children and Mrs. Bertha Bury were Baker shoppers Saturday. Birthday Club met with Hilda Drewniak o nthe 13th. honoring Mrs. Nick Gamroth. Miss Edith Carew is visiting her sister at Miles City for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Scherman. Jr.. and family of Glendive were Sunday guests at the Scherman home. Mr and Mrs. Lewis Drewniak and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Drewniak and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fasching and daughter were Sunday dinner guests at the LeRoy Faschipgs in Golva. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Casy were Sunday supper guests at the Fritz Fasching home. Clara and .Harold Olson called at the Lewis Drewniak home Sunday. 'Fred Kramer was a guest at the l~aym~nd Faschings Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. l~aymond Fas- thing and girls and Mr. J. K. NOTICE! A Singer Sewing Ma- c.brae Co. representa- tire will be m thin ter- ritory weekly. For service or repairs write 112 fourth St. Bismarck, N. D., or Phone 1306, Bis- marck, N. Dak. Perch and several large catfish, the largest weighing 16 lbs. Fred is having ~he big one froze so he can show it to Clyde' Polley when he returns from his trip ~o the World Series. From Miuoula--- Mr. and Mrs. Harris Gilman of Missouta arrived here last Sat- urday and ,are visiting relatives and friends here in Beach. Medora. An out-state speaker will deliver the address of the evening. Speci, al vocal numbers will be furnished by the church- es. An attendance banner will be awarded to the church with the l.'rgest group in attendance. Mrs. Marian McCutch~n of Medora is the Sec.-Treas. Rev. H. E. Lacy of Beach Presiden~ and Rev. J. R. Boggs vice.president. has farming interests. Mrs- Wein- acht and Mrs. Michels and son will leave this coming Tuesday, Sept. 25. to return to Long Beach, Calif.. with Mr. Miehels follow- ing later, after he finishes up his fall work. To DLckinson--- Arian Clocksin and Mrs. I~)n Hardy were Dickinson shopper~ last Saturday. Let us fill your Burner Fuel and Propane Tanks Now. Get your anti-freeze now. We have a complete line of permanent anti-freeze and alcohol- batteries- tires. Don't forget the County Fair, September 21- 22. Bring the whole family. Make our station your headquarters. Leave your car or truck for an oil change and grease job. Clean Modern Rest Rooms UNION Beach, North Dakota Wibaux, Montana Located 1 mile East of Wibaux, on Highway No. 10 ' ~:~j~:~:.:~:::.~:" : : ..:::=======================================================. ;:"': "> '::~:~i:!:~:];~i:~Ji:~i~:~:i.::??~!~i:!.!:::~::.i:~::i~:'~:~J~:~j~" ..... !~iiit::~:~:/:.:~::~::~i::~i~:~:~i~i~i:~i~:~#::;~:~* Where The Crowds Go Just DANCE Good Muic bv The Rhythmairs Playing New and Old-Time Tunes SUNDAY- DANCE -- Babe Wagner Band Columbia recording artists, featuring "Cliff", king of the concertina. Treat the family--eat with us in our attractive dining room where the food is always so good you want to come back for morel DiniM room open Sundays, 1 p. m. to 2 a. m. week days from 6 p. m. to 2 am.