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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 20, 1951     Golden Valley News
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September 20, 1951
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1951 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. PAGE FIVg Friday Eve., September 21st At Golva Communitv Hall Music By Rhythm Ramblers Everybody Welcome! High school girl wants work for board and room. Inquire at News office. 52-2tp SALE--A new six ply 6 x 16 Ward deluxe tire• and a 5 ~ube under.dash auto radio. H. E. Lacy, Phone 183. Beach, N. Dak. l-ltp POR SALE--1 large size Norge fuel oil heater. Reasonable. A. Wospeka. 51-3tc POR SALE--22 x 36 McCormick • ~Deering tractor. $380.00 takes It. See Frank Lechler, Beach, 14. D.I 1-2tp ~RR SALE---'38 International Panel. Good tires. $75. Glenn Siler. 47- tfc ~NT WORK---will baby-sit eve. nings, 25c until midnight, 35c after midnight Delores Hel- lickson, Beach Section House, Beach, N. Dak. 1-2tp SALE--Gun tTpe oil burner for furnace including 265 gal. oil storage tank. Jerry Morl. [arty, Beach.. N.D. 52-2tp SALE--w , Loke horses~ When you come to see them please let us know a day or two aklsad of ,time, Tescher ~os.. Sentinel Butte, N: D. 1-2tp SALE-- Barley Hay. See DWight Beach, Carlyle, Mont. 53-3tp IPOR SALE---Minneapolis .Moline !~ctor, completely overhauled, good rubber, and four row cul- ¢ivator. Can be seen at raond,s Ga~rage in Wibaux. 1-3tp FOOD SALE--American Legion Auxiliary is sponsoring a food sale at the F. T. Reynolds Store. Saturday. Sept22nd at 1 p.m. l-lip FOR SALE--ll ft. Deluxe Phil- co Refrigerator. two years old. First class condition. Mrs. Don Metcalf, Trotters, N. Dak. 52-2tp FOR SALE---I~49 Plymouth Club Coupe, in perfect condition. Priced reasonable. Geo. L. Raisler, Beach. N. Dak. 1-2tp For Prompt & Courteous service see Ed. Susa for your gas and oil needs, Permalub Motor Oil will free those sticky hydrolic valve lifters you're having trpuble with. 46-tfc FOR SALE~---Live ducks, $1.25 each. Richard Nagel, Beach. 1-2tp FOR SALE-- W.-C. Alll-o Chal- mars, complete with two-row cultivator. Model D. Case Tractor, Bill Melvin. Beach. 51-3tc FOR RENT--3 room apt., partly furnished. Joe Peplinski Apts•, Beach 1-2tp FOR SALE.--Combination bottle gas stove. Seven units kitchen cabinets. Gracen Bruski, Wi- baux. 49-5tp FOR SALE--~ f~. x 72 ft. b~tld. ing with 10 ft. plank floor, porch on two sides. The front half has been insulated. Lo- cated in Ollie. Inquire Bert Hudson, Baker, Mont. 52'-3tc FOR SALE--Beds with slxings, dishes, banquet vable linen. hand embroidered linens. house plants, and miscellane- ous articles. ¢ome and see them. Mrs. Daisy Rice. 1-1tp TIlE MARKET, AS ALWAYS, IS OPEN TO ALL AND I INVITE YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE. THANK YOU! Will buy hogs in Beach, Friday, Sept. 21st, and the $ollowing Friday, Sept. 28th in Wibaux. ~_ -_L_:: - -- ----- " "- ~--~lil~lD!m~;~l~,~P'~r~J' Last week we paid the following prices: CLOTHING STORES--Expanding so~tline organization now of- fers outstanding opportunity for qualified individuals to be- come established in a clothing store of their own. Minimum capital requirements, good lo- cations, favorable l~ases. We hxve a complete merchandis- ing program which offers trained men to help you es- tablish your store. For details write Edward A. Orman, 208 S. W. 7t~ St.. Brainerd. Minn. 1 -ltc FOR RENT--- Sleeping room in modern home. Mrs. Minnie Sorensen, Beach. 52-2tp FOR SALE--Remington portable typewriter, noiseless model. slightly used $60. Glen Met. calf: see evenings. 1-2tp FARM" FOR SALE---603 acres well improved farm. one mile east of Dickinson on Highway No. 10. Very reasonable, terms are offered. Fisher Graham Agency, Dickinson. North Da- kota. 52-3tc FOR SALE--Johr~ Deere "'A'" Tractor. Very good sha,pe and clean. $750-00. One "WC" A1- lis-Chalmers, $900.00. Sold. One ".RC" Allis-Chalmers, 2. plow tractor. $450.00. Just what you need for light jobs, mow- ing, cultivating or pulling grain drill or a 2.bottom plow. One Rod Weeder, like new, on good rubber tires. $90.00. One New Holland Hay Baler, corrf- plete wibh motor. This baler was bought new this season and has been used but very little. $2000.00. One John Deere "D" tractor in very good shape, $300.00. C. G. Johnson, Beach. 1 -ltc FOR SALE--16 gauge Winchest- er model 12 shot gun with six boxes of shells, $60.00. Geo. E. Smith Beach. 52-2tp FOR SALE--Two milch cows, milkisg now. Phone 2F22 Golva or see Nick Martin• Sentinel Butte. 52-2tp FOR SALE--One heLlS secHon of farm land ,known as the Haf- ner place, south of Beach. See or write W. L. Ecke~, Beach, N. Dak. 52.3tc ]FOR SALE -- Modern 6-room house, lose to downtown. See or writ~ ,W~, L. Eckes, Beach, N: Dak: " ' -' 52-3tc P. E, O. RUMMAGE SALE-- will be held Friaay and Sat- urday, Sept. 28-29, at the Beach Legion Hall. starting at 9 a. m. each morning. 52-2tc FOR SAL~--12-acre farm out, side Beach city limits. Nine roorr, house, good barn, two brooder houses, well and pump house. 18 x 30 ft. good stone garage. Melvin Nelson, Beach, N. Dak. 52-2tc FOR RENT--Small Apt. Phone 191• 1-2tc LOST---Sept. 1st between 10-12 p. m. the right arm of a Da- venport. Color wine or burgun- dy Lost between Belfield and Glendive. Finder please write to 305 N. Sargent or call 511M, Glendive. 1-1tc FOR RENT--Modern basement living quarters, Mrs. Julia Kalkman Beach. 1-1tp FOR SALE---Blond dinning room set. buffet china closet, table and 4 One 4 burner gas stove, Mrs. W. J. Power. In- quire at Red Owl Store, Beach. 1- tfc LOST--1 pr. glasses in black case. one lens chipped. Please return to Mrs. Geo, Oas. Beach. N Dak. 1-1tc FOR SALE--I~60 International three quarter ton pickup. Priced at $500. under purhase ~rice of new one. Will sell for cash or trade for cattle. Inquire at Albin Begger farm located 1 mile northeast of St. Philips. 52-2tp FOR SALE--_ Columbia buck lambs. See Geo. or Henry Hil- debrant, Beach. 52-2tp Thurs, Sept. 20. AT THE HOME OF MIKE THEISEN Sentinel Butte Serving Starts at 4 p. m. PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED Sponsored by St. Mary's Altar Society of Sentinel Butte YOUR WATCH DOLLAR BUYS more satisfaction when you purchase from an authorized jewelry store, handling such quality watches as Elgin, Hamilton, Wyler, Benrus. Watches" guaranteed. Beach Jewelry D. Bubl itz, Prop. ~~nt~s~ls~.~m.m.mmmmmm.muH.,u~m.m..n~mmmnmm'mmmmm~"mm'"~ " ' ii H BUTCHERS ii • .............. 240 to 270 $19.25 Ji H 270 to 300• $18.50 i] i] 300 to 350 $17.75 $100.00 350Up ................... $17.00 SOWS 330 Down .................. 330 to 370 .................. 370 to 400 .................. 400 Up ................... Stags, Heavy, 70 lbs. dock .... Stags, Light, 40 lbs. dock .... $17.50 $16.50 $16.00 $15.50 $14.00 $14.50 ALWAYS PAYING ~IGREb'r MA~l~rr PRICES ir~Olllli !$1 • ? .... ": "Z::- "- m N.,]~ ON A || Trade In Your Old Machine SPECIALS We Electrify your present head $19.50 l uttonhole attachments .... $9.95 Patch-O-Matics .............. $3.50 SEWING Monday is your last day to bring in your Sewing Machine Head§. Factory Representative At e Return Home--- Mr. and Mrs. Pete Thill and son Ed. and wife left Thursday for their homes in Remsen. Io- wa after visiting several days at the J. P, Thill home; Pete being Jim's brother and Ed. his nephew. FOR SALE--1949 G. M. C. Pick. up. Ed. Fahlscrom, Phone 4F2. 1-2tp Birthday Party-- Saturday afternoon Karen Stecker had as her guests the girls of thefourth grade who helped Karen enjoy her 9th birthday. Krren received many lovely gifts among them being a lively white and black puppy from Diane Halstead. Relatives and friends were also supper guests of Karen. CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opI~rtunity to express my sincere thanks to everyone who visited me. sent cards, letters and flowers while I was a patient at the Johnstone Memorial hospital, with special thanks to Dr. Bush, and members of the hospital stall for their fine care. Mrs. H. H. Burchette To all children up to 12 years of age--a plane will drop balloons, many containing valu- able coupons which can be redeemed at Beach stores for merchandise. PRIZES SPONSORED BY: pRICES| Tokay -- Flaming Red Grapes, 2 pounds 29c Sunkist Valencias -- (252 Size) Oranges, doZen 39c FARMDALE CHEDDAR 2-LB. BOX .CAMPBELL'S TOMATO M ROSE SLICED STREAKED WffH bEAN R~L GOLD RED OWL ~3~.O~ "--21' HARVEST QUEEN RED OWL ENRICHED 1 -LB. BAG 50-LB. BAG Red Potatoes, 10 pounds . 35c Cabbage, .pound ... 7c Crisp California Iceber Head Lettuce, 2 heads 25c CARNATION EVAPORATED LUCKY LEAF 20-OZ. CAN SLICED APPLES STRAINED & CHOPPED BABY FOOD GERBER'S 3 27, QUICK OR REGULAR 48-OZ. PKG. QUAKER OATS REGENT FACIAL TISSUE ,oo 29¢ REDEEM YOUR COUPON AT RED OWt DUZ BUY DEFENSE BONDS