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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 20, 1951     Golden Valley News
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September 20, 1951
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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1951 i THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. PAGE THREE ELMER FRANKLIN :he Beach rural community, was WEDS IN OREGON married at his borne " there Elmer E. Franklin. son of ]Vlr. Thursday evening, Aug. 30, to and Mrs. Edwin C. Franklin, of Miss P~atsie Davison of Amity, M cMinnville, Ore., formerly of Rex,. Robert Powell, pastor of th~ I A Showing a champion.., bringing home a blue ribbon from the fair ig the favorite dream of many a farm boy. That's why he spends a good share of his waking hours helping it to come true. He garnishes his calf's ground corn with minerals and mol~ses if it isn't Hcked up clean. He spends hours teaching his baby to lead.., combs and curries its gleaming coat until aching arms eebel. .~l~g~ng drepms and then working hard to make them come true is Amer/¢~ wgy. Th~'s the spirit which mmdormed a wilderness into ~q world s most powerful nation in a little over 300 years. That's the ...~ai~pring which made a peace-loving nation the arsenal of democracy. shat's thehabit which makes our counu7 the land of opportuniw and geeat accomplishments. ~ack in 1837, John Deere's dreams and dogged determinadongave world the first successful steel plow. This new plow unlockedthe • hh of the prairie soil--created a new agricultural empire. Today, • ' John Deere organization is pioneering new frontiers--working Imtke the American dream of a well.fed world a reality. ~eful preparation and lots of perspiration still make dreams come in America. For in this free land, life is what you make it--the future unlimited. Be sure to attend the Golden Val- Icy County Fair and 4-H Sale this week end, Friday and Saturday. Sept. 21 and 22. CO. church of Christ. Amity, offici- ated at the cand[elighted, double ring ceremony. The ?):ide, given in marriage by her father, was attended by her .,ister, Miss Doris Davison, and best man was Joseph err of Portland, Ore•, an uncle of the bridegroom, with Leslie err, ~alem, cousin of the bridegroom, serving as usher. The bride wore a light grey tailored suit with a white blouse, navy blue accessories, and a corsage of red rose buds. The maid of honor chose a maroon suit with beige accessories, worn with a salmon pink begonia cor. sage. The bridegroom and at- tendants wore boutonnieres of :ed rose buds. f , Thirty relatwes and close friends were present for the cere- mony and reception which fol- lowed. The bridegroom attend- ed schools in the Trotters com- munity, and is now employed at a lumber mill in the Cresent city. I Alpha News J ii (Crowded Out Last Week,) Mr• and Mrs. Jack Danes were guests at the A. J. Zeebarth home last week. Mrs. Bill Drewniak and Sally, moved into Golva where Sally goes to high school. Mrs. Raymond Fasching and girls were Sunday callers at the Hubert Schmitzs at Golva. Donald Broekmeyer is visiting his folks Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brockmeyer. Edith Carew called at the Brockmeyer home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Fasch- ing and girls were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Irons Men. night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wojohn are on a vacation to Nebraska and Wyoming• Mrs. Art White called at the Andrew Kohler home Thursday afternoon• Ed. XVojohn is staying at the Fred Wojohn ranch while the Wojohns vre on their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Drewniak were oallers at the Andrew Koh- let home Sunday uight. Mr. and Mrs. John Irons and boys were Sunday supper guests at the Andrew Kohler home. Miss Maxine Wog drove to Eelfield over the week end. .vr l erm n Broekm;yer wm Wibaux 4-H Fair on Sept 20 the Al Plans Completed irons home. Miss Maxine Wog of Belfield , ~:a:'ted her school term at theI The 4-It Council met Friday, Hillside school, ~:.'ei.~tember 7, at which time final Art White and Bud Clouse :cok a load of attle to Dick-in sn Thursday. Gall Johnson spent Sunday night at the Bud Clouse home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schwartz an dfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Gee Wosepka were Sunday guests at the Bud Clouse home and Mr. and Mrs. Nels Langdon were supper guests ~there Wewnesday. j Mrs. Karnes Johnson, Mrs. Oscar Clarin, Mrs. Martha Clouse, Mrs. Bud Clouse and boys were all Dickinson and Belfeild call- ers Friday. Mrs. Martha Clouse is visiting at the home of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Clouse. • . . Unlike ragweed, News want ads are notl~ing to sneeze at . . . Plan to attend the Golden Valley County Fair, Sept. 21-22. plans we:'e made for the 4-H fair which is to be he]d S, ept. 14.15 at the Wibaux County ;nigh school. The Fair board committee is made up of Glenn Seammon, Mrs. Harry Begger, Mrs. Stanley Peplinskt, and Mrs. Roy Gustaf- son, together with the County ,ont. drew up the program for the two day event. All exhibits are to be in place by noon on Friday. Judging of exhibits and booths at 1:30 p. m. Races will be held at the foot- ball field at 1:30 p. m. Girls softball game at 3:30 p. m. Bert Fasching and Jim Hamling will take care of the girls teams. On Saturday, Sept• 15, exhi- bits will be open to public in the high school gym and live- stock on the football field. A 0oy's softball game will be held at 10 a. m. at the ball )ark. Bicycle parade at 11:30 GOOKINO ,, , • • NIEATII This clear, clean fuel bums ~vc~ly, with no unpleasant odors or smoke. It's because TEXACO BURNER OIL is made from specially selected crudes. Call us today! We'll deliva in a hurry l SPACE HEATERS • RANGES • BROODER HOUSES H. KETTNER, JR Beach, North Dakota /,. :n. and 4-It demonstration: i:~ high school gym at 1:30 p. m. Apprec'iation (Irawing at 3:30 and S~vl-, Revue at 3:45. The Harves~ Ball will be held at the 5ham;ock hall in the evening. Move To BisLact~ck--- Mr. and Mrs. R. M. "Mac" Mil. 1,"~ anti c.Ahlren left last Friday :or their new borne in Bismarck, after selling their home here to t~r. and Mrs. Werner Kippley. They were dinner guests Thurs- day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Reiter. The Mil- lers were very ative in the com- munity while they were rest. dents of Beach, Mr. Miller was county extension agent, and Mrs. Miller belonged to several or- ganizations, icluding the Legion Auxilia~'. To Spokane-- Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schill~) and her father, Mr. A. M. Schmitz, left last Tuesday for Spokane w '" ash., to retahves. The Sehillo girls are staying with her mother, Mrs. A. M. Sehmitz. To Billings-- Mr, and Mrs. Albert Still and Eugene and Mrs. Jesse Still spent the week end in Billings to help Yvonne Still celebrate her birthday. Yvonne is the dau- ghter of Mr• and Mrs. Albert Still. She is doing secretarial work in Billings. 4th Birthday-- Four-year old Jani Lynn, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Rei- tel celebrated her birthday last Friday afternoon at her home, with several other youngsters. -"- Illll I Ill l '~i~ , II J CONSIGN 'EM TO SALES Six Good Reasons for Consigning Your Livestock to Glendive: Accurate weights from tested scales by a bonded weigher. Best of sanitary conditions. All pens paved. Water in every pen. The best of hay in every pen. Eastern & Western buyers at every sale. Livestock Glendive, Montana ..._u. j JOHN -pEERE . -., Beach, North Dakota More Express and Through Schedules, More Service to More Plnces,.Than Any Other Travel Way. UP. down, across, and all around America, Greyhound provides fast, comfortable, friendly travel to all the Big Fall Events! Whether you're planning a late vacation, business trip or convention.., a week-end visit with friends andjeladves.., trips to the big cites---the big games--university towns---training camps or other • military centers . . . you'll find that Greyhound gives you a lot more travel enjoyment for a lot less money! CHECK THESE AMAZINGLY LOW FARES[ One Round Way Trip Bismarck 4.26 7.71 jamestown 6.90 12.42 Fargo 9.32 16.79 Grand Forks 11.22 20.19 Minneapolis 14.84 26.73 St. Paul 15•13 27.26 Chicago 23.29 41.92 (U. S. ttut extml ..... .'20 TERMINAL T Beach. N.D. I 180 Horsepower... 125½-1ach Wheelbase • . • Come drive it today! . . . The mighty Fire- Power engine gives this new Chrysler Saratoga line the greatest power per pound of car weight ever offered in an American passenger carl 2 Performance Unequaled at Any Price •.. Even on non-premimn grade gas, the revolu- tiolmry new Chrysler FirePower engine's smooth acceleration and power-in-reserve easily out- perform any other passenger car engine. 3 Power Braidag...0dllow Shock Absorbers ,,. Swift~ smooth stops with up to 2/3 less pedal O $.OO ~i~!i~ .... % . pressure! . . . Steadiness even on roughest roads that gives comfort and safety never possible beforel : 4 Fhld-Matic Drive . . . The safe, easy, flexible driver-controlled automatic transmission which millions of owners today call the most satisfactory of all modern ' transmissions. All h the New Saratoga at No Extra Cost . . • All the above, plus Waterproof Ignition, HemiaphedOal ~mbustlon Chembe Chassis Undercoating, Electric Windshield Wipers, the engineering reason why no other Safety-Rim Wheels, many features othercars American pasl~mger car engine today will have "some day" yours on ~Saratoga howl can match FirePower pedormanee .... NOW ON DISPLAY- Beach, North Dakota