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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 20, 1951     Golden Valley News
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September 20, 1951
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE TWO THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N.D. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1951 Lies ockNutrltlon'" Ryd • • PROCLAMATION session limit 6 birds. " v er and the Story of SoI[ C of NORI~I&N BRUNSDALE. PINNATED AND SAGE GROUSE t onservatl0n. Governor of North Dakota --DEER No lvleet at WlDaUX to th. and p,acea NINTH: !,at ..... ------'-- wl~ra Upland Game Birds, certain the season toe me nuntmg.- Killing ft~dmml"ing animals, certain spatulas and taking of Hungarian ~'art~age Kay oonnson, ~xtension Range ,%~,AC~E~, | 1~3Ak/~O~T ~ /l~ KSTHELAK£ ~/THAT\I! ~ED? oa ~ and Migratory Waterfowl may shall be from 12:00 o clock noon, c,~n- Specialist, ,Paul Orcutt, Senior PROg~ESSI~6 ~.~ t3t~-" ~ [ CO~PLET~.Ot ~ ~ /IV~t~ FISM,~HE'LL ( | ~ILL ~[] ~I'OLI'f~E i~OT] hunf4~l, taken, killed and possess- tral Standard Time, on ~ptammDt" as. Extension Liv . • E 6~OU~D FO0. THEY'LL [3~ ~%-' 14AYE ~Ot~D ~OO LO~lb~s providing for clog the simmons until Sunset of .~at day. ana co.ntmue .... estock _Speolahst i~ ?$.~C~I:) AI,~D ~ I "~T'f OF" ~") ~I~I~D~ OFF~O ) kH~-~-¢ll ,~L~]~!Et~;'r* On d.r, Sage and Plnnat~t ~m~us~: from noon until sunset o_t each ano ann Dr. laaiver, State Veterinar- t~AD'( FO~FE0.mLrLI~,' ~.d~ [ tP.I~i~'AT;O~ ~-"~ |[ Pgt~ACI~E:I~T.] ~ Ik~YOLlY m~tIprohiblting theshipmant of gazne every day until .~m~tot l~.ovesm~orz tan from Glendive, will be on ._ ~ ~~ ~ NA~-'/ / ~g' /I~)ILLI~AKE/~)P.E~--~/x~-~]I~II~..__.,/ l~dsof thebYst~tar'mlntsof Northt° 9olmSDakota.outsiaa shootingS' followmg; exeePtana ta~tngta-a-t me nourS.ungaz,an r'ar~- hand Sept. 17 to discuss live. "~ . I ~----~ ./ l'e ,IL~°~a~ -..~.d~~l~ By virtue of the authority vestedridge shal, be from one lml.t hoursi~ock feeding, diseases, and ~- , i~.~ I~ ' ~~ :ll~~~~ll,~ in me as Governor of the State of before stmsdse unm suns~ Otw~~ North Dakota under the provisions of Saturda~ ate Sunday faUmg .- . range nutrition in general. Ray ~ ' ~l~,,~h. g ~L~'~ remain open until 12:0~ o'clock mid- ~ " v.oo,o ,o, o. =oo = ooe o.. ,,, o o.o.., =_... 1 I(( uoor rnzes 0[ a.w lever thirty ctays prior to such entrance [ above described area, A two day's uat~f 18, l~l, but shall be closed from [ ~~J~~~ ~] ! J] into the State. Proof of such vacci-| bag limit may be posse s=s.ed. ..... 12:00 o clock midnight, Central Stan-, I~~!~J~l fl T~ELFTH P~ That ~ne ~; t~on must be available and must I . :. "" - le ' * " dard Timm of Fobruary 25, 195~t untllll~ ~ ]~~.ll~ Af .~ n m Q n m ~nei l~,l~r~ Mi~nteh4~ be shown to ga~ne warden or peaee] huntmg, taking a~l killing_at _.mal~e May 16, foilo~rlng. Any Crappies, I{~~÷:::'~l] JJ .~ v l~e a~aog----'~ 1~o ~mae9 ~a~ a.~avv ~v~g~a~M~l~al~ officer upon request. | Pheasantsonly, sna[t oe i~r:ua~c~ ~I~411TH: Shsrptailed G~o~: That | from It:00 o~Iock noon, ~ntrai Stem- Bluegills, Sunfish, Rock Bass or Perch] ]~~.~]I ~f --- the semen for the hunting killing and~ dard Tin%e, on (~t~o~ ~4 u~,~LSles~t~emt taken regardle~-s of size must be I~~;:I ~ On Man "'" "- taking a Shsrptailed Oro~e shall ]:)e/ of that nay, ana_sna., --~..----,~--"-"e'" kept ~md counted in creel' limit. Be- . uay anu r rlQay Dli nL. from 12:00 o'clock noon, Contrail Sfan-/ noon until sunset at eactt a.u ~v ,7 cause populations of some fish are / I .~" t t~.u~ tUll l~ OUt IUUl I} ~\ dard Time. on September 28, unUll day until sunset of Noyaml~r 4: ff~or deemed to be sufficiently large in ]1 times as much work since I] )) sunset of that day, and continue from [ lowing; except ~at the nout-~ most waters of the state, creel limits ; _ .. - .~ .;:-- -2=--_= I ./ .... . noon until sunset of each and every| shooting and taking Pheasants shall shall be suspended on Perch and ll we gOt nlm that King Koil [I ~,~ . Ill Irl |/r ]l/! • day until sunt~t of November 4, fol- | be from one half hour before sunr~ Crappies in all waters of the state for } Mattre.~s. I ~ L " | H | | . I¥| /-I ! lowing" except that the hours for[ until sum~t of o mch =Sa~rd~_~'oa~t the seasons of 1951-1952. L - - .......... . 1' ~{ ~- ~-~. U .I ~ ~.~. &r~ .am & q EIGHTEENTH: Bait and Transpor- ~\ __ • ...... shooting and taking sharptai]ed grouse | Sunday falltng w tmtn.m~,l~ectio~"~ live carp as bait, and unlawful to ~k*~. /) WIbaux, Mont. lawrence H0ffman, prop. shall be from one half hour before| ~a~on as presermea Ul ulm .'~_ , taflon" It shalt be unlawful to use t r fish l ~ ~llg.gll IJ~ 1t7 3 sunrise until sunset of each SaI~y| and that MI counties ann parrs Oa~ liberate live nunnows o" othe " ~% and Sunday falling within the legalI counties 17mS ~,guth and ea.S~ogtthe open seat~n as prcscribed in this sac-1 b~unoary oegmnmg at a po.,~ to any waters other allan tl~ose from ..... alan; and thal all counties and parts] west bank of the Red River direct~ which they were originally taken, or I ogeh N |~.L- ~-~ - ,~ of counties lying west of a boundary] east of State Hig1~way Number 46, to transport any live fish, except ....... * ~ ,, sltx~. ~ ,, P" /armed by .~tate Highway Nt~mber 3 | thence running west on State Hgffh- ornamental or gold fish, from or into --- - beginning" at a point at fhe Canadia~l'; way Number 46 to the Junction of the State of North Dakota. Border and running south from that State Highway ~umDer ~6 8ata ~l.a~eNINETEENTH: Cloaad Fishing Areas: p~int to its junction with State High- [ Highway Number 1, thence south on The fillowing waters shalt remain way Number 7 at Hurdsfield North I State Highway Numoer ~ to its lunc-closed to the taking of any fish for ~ , Dakota. thence east on State High- [ tion with State Highway Number 13 at the years 1951-1952 unless opened by :~ way Number 7 and U. S. Highway r Verona North Dakota, thence west a subsequent Executive Order or Proc= / Number 52 to their junction with U /on Sta'te Highway Number 13 to itslamation; North Lemmon Lake ano S. Highway Number 281, thence south]junction with U. S. Highway NumberWolf Butte Dam in Adams County, .;~ on U. S. Highway Number 281 to the 1 281 at Edgeley North Dakota, thence Baldhili Dam in Barnes and Griggs !- South Dakota State Line shall be i souU~ and east on U. S, Highway Counties, Amor Dam and Spring Lake open to the taking of not more than i Number 281 to the South Dakota in Bowman County. Frettum Lake in three {3~ sharptailed grouse in any] State Line; silall be open rathe tak- Kidder County, Coldwater Lake ha on day, A two day's bag limit may ing of not more than two (z) mate McIntosh County, Danzig Dam in be possessed, " I Pheasants in any one day. Only oneMorton County, Lake Elsiein Rich- In all other parts of the state in d't 'S ba Hmit may be possessed, land County, Lynch Dam in Steele • - t ' Y g County, Homme Dam in Walsh c]uding all areas marked or deslgnat- I The hunting, taking and killing of County, Sykeston Dam in Wells Coun- ed as refuges, sanctuaries or rest areas i Pheasants shall be prohibited through- ty, and the Heart River and all trib- in the. open area, the hunting, kilhng out the year 1951 in all other parts! utaries from the Heart Butte Dam to ann T~Klng at ~narptalieo c~rouse : of the State of North Dakota not son Da m Impoundment. ;:. ~nlt t)~, ~rohibited. } Oc~eribed In Sections Ten and Eleven, its headwaters, including the Dickin- HUNGARIAN PAHTRIDOE ) including all areas marked or desig- The following waters shall remain '- ENTIRE 6TATE--Open Season Sept. noted as refuges, sanctuaries or rest closed to the taking of the fish de- :~ 2S-Nov. 4, noon to sunset, except half ~,reas in the open area. scribed for the years 195t-1952 unless ):our htHore sunci~e to sunset Sat. and THIRTEENTH." Badgers end Skunk~: opened by a subse~tuent Executive !i~i: Sun, Daily bag limit 3 birds. Pos-That the season for the hunting, tak- Order or Proclamatmn Lake Hos- kins in McIntosh County: closed to the taken of Northern Pike and for- Beach, N, Dak. age fish or bait minnows, ~ppiag- S pringbrook Dam in Williams County; crowed to the taking df Northern Pike. TWENTIETH: Migratory Waterfowl: That the seaso~ for hunting, killing, and taking of all species of Water- fowl permitted to be killed by law sltall be from 12:00 o'clock noon, Con- lral Stlndard ~Ltne, (X'~obar 5, 1951. to one l~our befot,e sunset of that day, ann shall continue to be open from one half hour before sunrise unto one hour before sunset of each and every day following; until ons hour before sunset on Novombor 25, 1951, following; and that the taking and possession of such Waterfowl shall be subject to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act Regulations governing the ~ak!nff and. 1~ssession of Mlgratory watertow~ aurmg the year 1951. T%VENTY-FIRST: Bag Limit: That not to exceed five singly or in the aggregate of all species of Ducks combined, except Wood Ducks, and not to exceed five Geese, two of which may be Canada. Hutchins, Cackling or White Fronted geese, or a c~mbination of any two of the above species may be taken in one day. The other three geese, or the entire daily bag. may consist of any other species. TWENTY-SECOND: Possession: That the possession limit of Ducks shall not exeeed a two day's bag limit and tLat the possession limit of Geese shall be a single day's bag lhnit. Migratory Waterfowl may be possess- ed lot a period of 90 ~tays immedi- ately otter the close of the season when properly tagged showing own- er's name. address and hunting 11- ccrxse number. TWENTY-THIRD: Federal Duck Stamp: That ;,~C~ ~.,:~..o~ sixteen (16) years of or over, wi~o shall hunt. k~il or L,ke ~ligratory Waterfowl, shall have in his possession a Federal Duck Stamp for the year 1951, vali- dated by his s~gnat=,re written across the face thereoL in ink. TWENTY-FOURTH: Trespass and Refuges: It ~s furtl~er provided that t tiae purchase of a hunting, fishing or| trapping license does not give the j holder thereof the privilege of tres-t passing on privately owned or on [ lndian Reservation lands withcmt the l permission of the individual land- I owner, Indian Agent or the Trlball Council. Upland Game Birds, game animals, or migratory birds shall not be taken at any time, by any means, I from. on, or across any highway, road, } trail, or other right-of.way, whether] public or private, within the exterior J boundaries of any duly established] state game or national wUdlife-re-[ fu . l • TW'EMTY-FIFTH; It L~ furth~w ¢!1-I r~ that the foregoing order be l published once in the official nev~-I +paper of each ootmty with~ the Stam l of ,North ~ o~ or prior to tlael • first day of O0tober, 1961.. I Giv~ ull~ ray h~ a~ ~ Qt~tl of the State of North Dakota at l u~t, 1~t. I ilomom nnmamM.n I O~verm~, State =t North D~l~t I ATTEST: ~ M#.LL I Secretary of State. I tt