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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 20, 1951     Golden Valley News
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September 20, 1951
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VOLUME NUMBER 15 ___ Military Honors For M. Hudecek, Korean Casualty Pfc. Marion "Bill" Hudecek, 8on of Mrs. Martha A. Hughes of Beach, who was killed in ac- tion in Korea February 12, 1951, will be returned to Beach this Saturda3 morning, and military last rites will honor him at ser- vices at the Evangelical United Brethren church, Rev. J. S. Corn- Ierth officiating; tentative dates ~ be either this Sunday or Mon- dav, depending on when out of ~:ox{,n relatives can arrive. Rohan Funeral home is in charge of arrangements, and friends may ~ecure definite informRtion by contacting them. A military escort, composed of members of the local Harley Salzman Post, no. 5, of the Am- erican Legion, will meet the train the remains will arrive on, and they will also participate in the tast rites. Sgt. Andrew Alloe is accompanying him from the Oakland Army Base, Oakland, Calif., as the government-pro- Vided escort. Pfc. Hudecek served with com- Pany K, of the 9th Infantry re- glment, since being called up last summer with the reserves. Prior to that time, he served two Years at various posts throughout th% country, following his en- listment in New England, N. D. A brother, Harvey, is also in ser- Vice, serving with ~he navy, at submarine base at New Lon- don, Conn. , List Winners Of BEACH, GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2{), 1951 NUMBER 1 Rohan Sale Proves People Like Bargains Apparently everyone loves a bargain, judging from the busy Rohan truck seen these days hurrying to deliver merchandise purct~ased during their big li- quidation sale which is now in progress. Those hauling their own purchases are given a nice discount for doing so. This week several more items have been added to the sale, see ~heir large ad elsewhere in this ~:dition for details Lt. Don Wischow Still Photo Officer Lt. Donald Wisehow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wischow of Sentinel Butte, is assigned to the Material Div., Wright Air De- velopment Center, Wrigh,t Patter. son Air Force base, Dayton, Ohio, where he is a still photo officer, handling all photography for the base. He attended the Air Force Photo School for 12 weeks, at Ft. Monmouth, N. J. Another to join the already large number of local men en- route to duty in the far east will be Richard Dreher, son of Mrs. Irene Johnstone of this city, who will leave in a few days for Japan, after visiting here for a week. He is trained in bridge ounstruction work. Benjamin Michels, son of Mr. :and Mrs. Ben Michels of Beach, who was home on fBrlough for 24 days. left this Wd~lnesday to report at Ft. Lawton. Wn., pos- sibly for overseas duty. Capt. A. J. Decker. in Korea more than one :,'ear, is enroute tome no~, on the rotation plan. Carroll Bragg Dies Stanley Halver Gets Hunting Laws In Masters Degree At Billings Thurs. 'This Weeks Issue "B tte ranchin area re This week the News is carry. ncl U g , ", • " " . Carroll W. Bragg, formerly as- ceived his m, asters Ueeree in en- mg the Governor's Proelamat}on ::ociated with the Golden Valley gmeering this summer, from theon the North Dakota hunting News. succumbed at a Billingse,..~,~ rT,,~v,~r¢~+,, a* ~ustin 'Vex laws tot the (.Dining se~ son. hospital last Thursday Sept 13 ..... ,~, .... ~,~ ,_~:" ~ "" '-- " Members of the Golden Valley • t~ ' ' " ' as lie and ms Wile were house I -~ r ". ,, ~ " , , " " - " from a heart ailment; he had en- .,(~ests at his rmrents home last i w ilaliie cLul) are again remmuea ,ered the institution on Sunday.":.. ~, ..... ;,,~,,. w.;a .... nnd l~,av of the pelenmal problem o Funeral services were conducted in, on the followin,- Wednes-~ farmer-hunter relations, a prob- the Settergren chape,, Satur for Los An-eles Canf l em that oannot he so,ted over- day, Sept.-13, wuth Rev. "I. F. where he will be employed as lmght: but every .club member Rutledge Beale, pastor of the a civil engineer at the Dou~,lascan ao nis parr m netpmg to :iryt.Co gregat onal church of" Aircraft p~'ant. Prior to visi~'ing better r !a.o2s='.... an our fwmtmg. Interment was mane the ttalvers here, they stopped . because pracucat)) ...... in the Billings cemetery, over in Boulder' ColD where ,~untmg Is on prtvam Janu. acre Mr. Bragg was born Aug. 2. they Were ,,uests' of her' n'trents ::re a few suggestions all club 1919, at Miles City, Mont. He fo~a wee~ ~" " members are asked to remem- w::s stricken with polio when 9I ....... her. If at all possible, ask per- years of age and was brought!£~ . ][~ • t]~_ mission to hunt private land. {o Billings for treatment. In 1930 ! ounl;v fair 1o Most every farmer will be more he went to Spokane, Wn., where i d th:m glad to give you permis- ~e learned the printing trade. !~__ ___ ~ ....... sion. Don't forget to close gates. and on April 5, 1942, he was mar- ' KJtp~][]. IOIIIOI'['OW Be careful around farm build- ried to Miss Virginia Miller of ~t iw~s During ttae dry fall season Be~zeh. at Las Vegas. Net. They The llth annual Golden Val- Mways remember fire is a great made their home in Los Angeles, Calif., several months, then moved to Beach for the winter of 1944-45, and then to Billings, Mont., which remained their home. Survivors include his wife, a son, John Lee, a brother, Robert ley County Fair will open here (omorrow, Friday, with the judg- ing of the livestock and exhi- bits at the fair grounds to start at 9 o'clock a. m. All stock must be on the grounds not later than 7 p. m. tonight. At I p. m.'the participants will Bragg, H, ardin, thTee sisters, Mrs. ~ather at the Lincoln grade Raymond Hildebrand, Glendive, school building with the Beach Mrs. P. :I. Kane, Butte, and Mrs. band under the direction of Ro- Morris Farrell, Billings, Mont. ger Stolberg to lead the .parade. Mr. Marshall Miller and Mrs. Everybody should be on time Mary Miller of this city attend- ed the last rites there. Mrs. ]ohn Schillo Succumbs Sept, 17 Mrs. John A. Schillo, Beach, hazard, be sure to put out all fires 'and be careful of cigaret- tes. This week end the antelope season opens and on Saturday, Sept. 22 a good many hunters will be taking to the field in the three hunting units of western North Dakota with high-power- ed rifles. There .will no doubt be accidents of some kind but it is up to the individual hunter to take every preaution. as the parade will start at exact- ly 1:15 and not a minute later. Tabulate Wheat The first event at the grounds following the parade will be the w,t. Tri 1 R hs hallard of this city furnishing a esu the pig. Hall and Son of Trotters The FFA Chapter in coopera- have just informed the fair tion with ~he N. Dak. Expert- board that they have a wild merit Station has conducted they are also bringing in to turn wheat trials for the past 5 years. "Cavalcade of Stars Coming" The "Cavalcade of Stars" a musical show with other acts will be shown at the Legion hall this coming Saturday night at which time two shows will be presented ,t.o the public. Every- body will want to hear Mickey Cochrane,• the 11 year old pianist, who is internationally known. There will be other musical num- bers by professional stars plus a baton twrilling act that is one of the bests, on the road today. The sound car will be out this coming Saturda:~ afternoon giv- ing you all the information con- cerning the "Cavalcade of Stars" to be held at the Legion hall. Be Game From Baker The Beach Bucs vcon their season's opener here last Fri- day night when the)' defeated the Baker squad by a score of 20 to 0. The scoring started late in the l'ir.s~ period when Chas. Peterson, Beach's right Tmlf back snatch- ted a fumble out ,of the air on [Baker's five yard line and went across without anybody laying a hand on him. The extra point was made when Don Kukowski caught ,a pass in the end zone. Bill Bares playing left half back scored Beach's second touch-down in the second quar. ter an~t the second extra point was made by Higby plunging the line. At half time Beach held a 14 to 0 lead. The third quarter was played or. fai, rly even terms but near the end of the quarter Bares got away for a long run that set up Miss Cole.Stephen Sleight Nuptials Historical Old Post Chapel ~ Fort Sill, Okla,, was the settl~ for the wedding Monday, Sep- tember 10, of Miss Nancy M,arb lyn Cole, daughter of Major and Mrs. K. J. Cole, Milnor, N. Oq to Cpl. Stephen Sleight, j'r., ~1% of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen I, Sleiffht, Beach. A Lutheran pa~. tor, Chaplain George O. Taylor, officiated at the double ring ceremony. They were attended by h~l¢ parents, Maj. and Mrs. Cole. 'Phe bride chose a white,, frock, street length, made with a fitted l~- dice and full skirt, trimmed heavy linen lace, worn with & small white hat and white ~C- cessories. Her flowers were & shower bouquet of Amerita~ Beauty red roses. The bridegroom wore his gray dress unifovlTh with a white carnation bouton. niere. Following the ceremony, a wedding dinner for the brtdl~l party and a few friends v~a~ served at the Fort Sill Office~ Club• After their honeymoon, the couple will be at home a~ Fort Hood, Texas, where the bridegroom, a registered phar- macist, is stationed. The Coles and Mrs. Stephen J. Slei~ht's family have been life- long friends, all residing in Mll- nor. Major Cole, a dentist at Mll- nor for many years, was recall- ed to active duty Aug. 20, this ye,ar; he also served four yea~ in the South Pacific area during the past world war. Rainbow Girls Install Officers