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Golden Valley News
September 17, 2020
Fall is the ideal time to treat many weeds on the noxious this-
tle list, including musk thistle. (NDSU Courtesy Photo)
Fall's a good time
to manage some
pasture weeds
{ Fall is the best time to control
some of North Dakota’s most noto-
rious weeds in pastures and other
grasslands, according to North
Dakota State University Extension
“Leafy spurge and invasive this—
tles can be challenging to control in
pasture and grasslands due to their
extensive root systems,” says Mi—
randa Meehan, Extension livestock
environmental stewardship special—
ist. “In the fall, plants begin to allo-
cate energy to their root systems. As
a result, fall herbicide treatment
maximizes injury to the root sys-
“Proper timing of herbicide ap—
plications is essential for good leafy
spurge control,” says Extension
rangeland management specialist
Kevin Sedivec.
In the fall, leafy spurge is most
susceptible to Tordon (picloram),
dicamba (Banvel and other trade
names), Facet L (quinclorac), Facet
L Overdrive and Method
(aminocyclopyrachlor). Fall-ap—
plied Plateau (imazapic) provides
better long-term control and causes
less grass injury than spring or sum-
mer treatments.
The combination of Tordon plus
Overdrive also will improve leafy
spurge control compared with Tor-
don used alone. Overdrive contains
dicamba plus difluenzopyr, which is
an anti-auxin compound that often
improves broadleaf weed control
when applied with auxinlike herbi-
cides such as Tordon, dicamba and
To achieve the greatest control,
the treatment must be applied at the
appropriate stage of development.
Tordon, dicamba and Facet L
should be applied when the plant
has 4 to 12 inches of regrowth.
However, Method is most effective
when applied at the rosette stage.
Overdrive should be applied prior
to a killing frost. .
Leafy spurge control must be
considered a long-term manage-
ment program, the specialists say.
Research at NDSU has shown that
more of the root system is killed
when a combination of control
methods is used, compared with any
method used alone.
Thistles tend to invade over-
grazed or otherwise disturbed pas-
tures, rangeland, roadsides and
waste areas. Fall is the ideal time to
treat many on the noxious thistle
list, including Canada thistle, musk
thistle and bull thistle. If you are
unsure of what thistle you have,
refer to the NDSU Extension publi—
cation “The Thi'stles of North
D a k 0 t a ”
Control of Canada thistle is usu-
ally greater when treatment is ap-
plied in the fall to plants in the
rosette form. Herbicides that control
Canada thistle in noncropland in-
clude products that contain clopy-
ralid (various), Tordon (picloram),
dicamba (various), dicamba plus di—
flufenzopyr (Overdrive), Method
(aminocyclopyrachlor) and Mile-
stone (aminopyralid).
Fall is the preferred time for ap—
plying herbicides to biennial this-
tles, such as musk thistle and bull
thistle. This allows for application
at the rosette stage, when the plants
are most susceptible to herbicides.
Herbicides should be applied as
late as possible in the fall, but prior
to a killing frost, to allow for maxi-
mum seedling emergence and
rosette size. Seedlings that emerge
after spraying will remain vegeta—
tive until the following spring and
can be treated then.
Biennial thistles can be con-
trolled effectively with Milestone
(aminopyralid), Stinger, Transline
. or Curtail (clopyralid), Tordon (pi-
cloram), Method (aminocyclopy-
rachlor), or dicamba (various) or
dicamba plus diflufenzopyr (Over—
Consult NDSU Extension Serv-
ice publication W253, “North
Dakota Weed Control Guide”
control-guide) for the latest
recommendations for noxious weed
control with herbicides. Grazing re-
strictions vary with herbicide and
application rate, so read the label
carefully before using any produdt.
Photo contest nearing
BISMARCK With the October
deadline for the North Dakota Game
and Fish Department’s Watchable
Wildlife Photo Contest nearing, pho-
tographers are reminded to follow
the guidelines for submitting entries.
Photographers who want to sub-
mit photos to the contest should go
the Game and Fish Department’s
Then it is a matter of providing some
pertinent information about the
photo and uploading it.
Doing so helps both with ease of
submitting photos for the photogra—
pher and managing those images for
Game and Fish staff.
The contest deadline for submit-
ting photos is Oct. 2. For more infor-
Forecast Sponsors:
Farmers Union Oil Co.
mation or questions, contact conser-
vation biologist Patrick Isakson at
The contest has categories for
nongame and game species, as well
as plants/insects. An overall winning
photograph will be chosen, with the
number of place winners in each cat-
egory determined by the number of
qualified entries.
Contestants are limited to no
more than five entries. Photos must
have been taken in North Dakota.
By submitting an entry, photogra-
phers grant permission to Game and
Fish to publish winning photographs
in the North Dakota OUTDOORS
magazine, and on the Department’s
Water recreaticnists asked to
help search for nuisance species
The North Dakota Game and Fish
Department is asking water recre-
ationists and property owners to
check for zebra mussels and other
aquatic nuisance species when re-
moving boat lifts, docks and other
equipment from state waters.
ANS coordinator Ben Holen said
zebra mussels attach to hard surfaces
that are left in the water for long pe—
riods of time, first settling in tight
spaces and areas that are protected
from sunlight. He said this is a great
opportunity for members of the pub-
lic to assist in ANS detection efforts
because the earlier a new ANS infes-
tation is detected, the better the
chance to contain the spread.
“It makes it easier to do a thor-
ough search on equipment when it’s
taken out of the water in fall,” Holen
said. “Pay special attention to wheel
wells, right angles on frames, and
areas otherwise protected from sun—
light. Feel for attached organisms
that have small hair-like structures
holding them in place. Small mussels
can feel like rough sandpaper, and
adults can be as large as 2 inches
Holen said if you think you’ve
found a zebra mussel, take pictures,
write down any relevant information,
such as how many were found and
where, and report it online at the
Game and Fish website, or email Holen atb- Zebra mussels, are
native to the Black and Caspian seas
and were introduced to the United
States in the mid-19808. Since then,
they have caused massive damage to
Upland bird numbers
North Dakota’s roadside surveys
conducted in late July and August in-
dicate pheasant, sharp—tailed grouse
and gray partridge numbers are up
from last year.
State Game and Fish Department
upland game biologist RJ Gross said
results of the annual upland late sum-
mer counts brought some good news.
“We had good residual cover to start
the year, and good weather for nest-
ing and brood-rearing,” he said.
“There were some areas that experi—
enced abnormally dry periods
throughout the summer, but nesting
appeared to be successful.”
Total pheasants observed per 100
miles are up 38% from last year, but
14% below the 10-year average.
Broods per 100 miles are up 30%
from last year and 16% below the
lO-year average. Average brood size
is up 10% from 2019 and 5% below
the 10—year average. The final sum—
mary is based on 275 survey runs
made along 100 brood routes across
North Dakota.
“While these numbers are encour-
aging, it’s important to remember
that bird numbers in the last five
years have been lower than what up-
land game hunters have been used to
Medora police
summary report
Medora police summary report
for August:
- Type of activity: deception, 2;
911 hang-up calls, 3; accident non-
reportable, 2; accident property, 3;
agency assist, 3; alarm business, 3;
animal complaints, 3; bar checks, 21;
citations, 1; general police calls, 74;
juvenile complaints, 2; medical as-
sist, 7; noise complaint, 1; parking
tickets, 9; unlock vehicle, 9; wam-
ings, 16. Total, 159
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This Week's Local Forecast
for many years, due to changing
habitat conditions and the drought of
2017,” Gross said. 1“For context,
these numbers put us about half-way
back to where we were prior to the
2017 drought. Local populations are
building back up, but they are not at
the point yet of spreading out into
new territories. Hunters will need to
find localized hotspots of pheasants.”
Observers in
counted 12 broods and 91 pheasants
per 100 miles, up from five broods
and 39 pheasants in 2019. Average
brood size was six.
Results from the southeast
showed five broods and 41 pheasants
per 100 miles, down from six broods
and 51 pheasants in 2019. Average
brood size was five.
Statistics from southwestern
North Dakota indicated eight broods
and 70 pheasants per 100 miles, up
from six broods and 41 pheasants in
2019. Average brood size was six
chicks. '
The northeast district, generally
containing secondary pheasant habi-
tat with lower pheasantc numbers
compared to the rest of the state,
showed three broods and 22 pheas—
ants per 100 miles, compared to three
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fill gf’
, affix.
the northwest '
needs. Connect with supports, _.
infrastructure, increased costs to
electric and water users, and altered
the ecosystems into which they were
introduced. They were first discov-
ered in North Dakota in the Red
River in 2015 as a result of down-
stream drift from infested Minnesota
lakes. Most recently, zebra mussels
were discovered in Lake Ashtabula
in 2019, and Lake LaMoure earlier
this year.
“Water recreationists and property
owners play a vital role in ANS pre—
vention," Holen said. “Equipment
such as boat lifts and docks are high
risk vectors for spreading ANS, es-
pecially zebra mussels. When trans-
porting boat lifts or docks,
thoroughly inspect, and dry for three
weeks before placing in a different
broods and 15 pheasants last year.
Average brood size was six.
Sharptails observed per 100 miles
are up 54% statewide, and partridge
are up 45%.
Brood survey results show
statewide increases in number of
grouse and broods observed per 100
miles. Observers recorded two sharp—
tail broods and 21 Sharptails per 100
miles. Average brood size was six.
Although partridge numbers have
shown a slight increase, Gross said
‘most of the partridge harvest is inci-
dental while hunters pursue grouse or
pheasants. Partridge densities in gen—
eral, he said, are too low to target.
Observers recorded one partridge
brood and 10 partridge per 100
miles. Average brood size was 10.
offer a brief break from caregiving. «
- Verna D. Schatz, 91 , Glen Ullin',
Sept. 7
' Kenneth "Ken" Keller, 76,
Dickinson, Sept. 8
0 Marvin Runge, 93, Dickinson,
Sept. 10
- Milbern Christensen, 90, New
England, Sept. 10
' Robert “Bob” Hudson, 67,
Dickinson, Sept. 13
0 Peter Berger, 90, Hebron, Sept.
The deadline for
submitted copy and
stories and all ad
orders is noon on
Fridays. Call 872-3755
or e-mail
Golden Valley News
PO. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621
(U.S.P.S. Pub.
No. 221-280)
The Golden Valley News is pub-
lished each Thursday, 22 Central
Ave., Suite 4, Beach, ND 58621 by
Nordmark Publishing. Periodicals
postage paid at Beach, ND and addi-
tional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address
changes to: Golden Valley News,
PO. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621.
Please allow two to three weeks for
new subscriptions, renewal of ex-
pired subscriptions and for address
Contact Information
- Phone: 701 -872-3755
Fax: 701-872-3756
- 1 year: $38 Golden Valley County
‘1 year: $40 elsewhere in:
North Dakota ,
1 year: $44 out-of-state and
' 1 year: $44 e-subscription
- 9 months: $27 ln-state college rate
The Golden Valley News is a proud
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Newspaper Association.
All content is copyrighted.
Established Oct. 8, 1936
North Dakota
will hold a public hearing to address
proposed adoption of rules to the
North Dakota Administrative Code.
Sakakawea Room
State Capitol
Bismarck, North Dakota
9:00 am. Central Time
Tues., November 17, 2020
A copy of the proposed rules may be
obtained by viewing the website at www.
insurancehdgov or calling (701) 328—
2440. Also, written comments may be
submitted to the North Dakota Insurance
Department, 600 East Boulevard Avenue,
Dept. 401, Bismarck, ND 58505 until
December 2, 2020. If you plan to attend
the public hearing and will need special
facilities or assistance relating to a
disability or due to COVID-19 concems,
please contact the North Dakota
Insurance Department at the above
telephone number or address at least
seven days prior to the public hearing.
‘ DATED this 4th day of Sept, 2020.
Isl Helene J. Herauf
Special Assistant Attorney General
Legal Counsel
N.D Insurance Department
600 East Boulevard Avenue, Dept 401
Bismarck, ND 58505 (701) 3282440
Weather Trivia
"La 9
In weather terms,
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Interstate Cenex
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Monday Tuesday
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Mostly Cloudy
Prccip Chance: I 5‘}
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Precip CIIZIIK‘L‘I 209‘}
Few Showers
Precip Unmet: 30‘s;
Precip Chance: 0‘}?
Pmcip (Trance: 0%
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