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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 17, 1931     Golden Valley News
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September 17, 1931
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4~A21~m,~ L SCORIA KNOBS (Mrs. Lloyd Grlfflth) Miss Ruth Holistein has gone ~o Jamestown college where she is ~t ~.'and Mrs, I~r~ Evenson were Shopping both in Beach aml Wi- ~ux on Friday. On Tuesday Mrs. J. W. Gray opened the Prairie View school. On her seventeenth birthday Miss Esther Witthoft surpris- ed by a ntmaber of her rrxends• Mrs. Wltthoft.~erved a lovely lunch to the girls who had presented Miss Either ~'ith tokens of their best wishes for many happy birthday~. The guasts were Ruth Peter son, France~ Broth, Kate Larson, Amy Sart~, Sophie Griffith, Margaret Gustaf~on and Ve_ra Kn__oo.p. Mr.' and Mrs. c, ~.'. wmmemau were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oleson of Yates. Leonard Sartz has gone "~o scnoot in Wibaux. He is staying at the P, eese Owens home. On ~September 10 a special evel~- ing mass was held at the St. Phil- Ill~ church is honor of the r~attiv- |ty of the Holy Lady. Father Kop- snakl also held midday mass at Belfleld on the same day. Mtsa Marlys MdKown of Ollie visited her friend, Ruth Holisteln on Thursday and Friday. ., Mr. and Mrs, Casmier Bruszl v~- lted Mrs. Bruski's sister, Mrs. Steve Koroski on Sunday: . " x Julianna ~ominlsrd began no" studies for her senior year at Wi- baux High school . She is doing light housekeeping at Scotks. The United Brethren Women .~ Missionary society was entertained by Mrs. Harold Morris on Wednes- day afternoon. Mrs. Allen Kastien became a new member. Plans were also made for the care of delegates who come to the church confer- ence to begin this week in Beach. Eighteen pupils resumed tl~eir studies on Tuesday at Hillside View ~cho01 under the tutelage of Mib~ Vera ~ll from north of Wibaux. She is staying at Winkleman's. The Congregational choir had a pleasant practise at the Hollsteln ~alq~ on Thursday evening. Mrs. lq~ollstetn served a delicious lunch. Anna and Clarence Evenson Tommy, Eleanor and Janette Zlel- lnski, George Popiel Mary and Joe StefanowiCh, Ralph Zabro~skl, Henry and Ollle Sokoloski anti El- mer and Marie Wojohn arc at- temiing high school at Wibaux, We ~h~k that so many young people gatng to school from this section in kind of year is very commend- i~ble to ore" territory. We realize Chat many parents are ~iacrificing in order ~b give their children the benefit of a high school education ~md we feel sure that they wllz feel Well repaid some day. Stanley i.~slnskl went by truck to Ekalaka Sunday noon for a load of sawdust to be used for putting up ice this winter. The pupils of St. Phillips school have l~en cleaning up their school yard. They are very enthusiastic- ally finding and bringing various interesting and unique rocks to beautify ~he school grounds. Miss ttaiJsm'~n is to be congratulated for promoting such a project. The Witthoft, Booth and Knoop familles had a picnic and dinner i~t the Beaver Sunday. On Wednesday Frank Wilson ano Cl~rlie Winkteman motored to Wibaux and Olendive on business ~io~ls. Upon their return~'from the ~l)ow in Beach Saturday|evening, A~bin and Amy Sartz an~' Ahce Haijsman heard si~range noises around some of the buildlngs]ln Sartz's ~ard. Investigating| th~ only found an empty gasolibe /tank which had full. la #'the morning they noticed an oI~1~ door on an unus- ed granary. ~l~ey found tracks up to this.bulldir~ but the thieves go~ grain since Mr. Sartz had not put any in this granary. They are warning intruders that they "have now acquired a ten-gauge shotgun mean to use it if the occasion presellted. Other farmers may ao well to keep a close watch, also The Ladies Holy Rosary society of St. Phillips church will serve a chicken dinner from 12 until two ill the church basement on Sep- tember ~). The very reasonable rates of 25 cents ann 35 cents will ~e asked. Plans are being made ~for entm4ainment and the crowd can expect a fine time. ._ The. A_dolph Quade ~alnily stop- pea at l~qsman's on Saturday to see the tractor made by Ar}.hur from an old Ford, This is a very m~erestl~ piece of mach~ery. Mrs, _l~y Kimball has been in town helping Miss Elizabeth Hal- terman with her patients mace Wednesday evening. George Popiel, Henry and Ollle Sokoloskl, Leonard Sar~z, Jullanna ~omln~kl and Russell a~Id Gladys ~r~rum spent the week end a~ home. On Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Holl- stein and family were hosts to Arthur and Ralph Beler, the Hilde- brant, Merle, Lester Ulfers and J. S. Ulfers ,families. l~.ank Wilson and fmnll~ were gue~ at Sunday dinner of Mr. and Mrg, ~rold M~Is. Mis~ Marguerite Hemncss will open the Jordan schoolon Monday as. substitute ~or Mrs. Rocksvold wno is ill, i em Rhode . arn anee ,qml;e well attended Saturday even- mg and a benefit dance 'was an- notmced for next Saturday for Hans JaCobson. DICTATOR OF MOOSE Frederick ~. Zihlman of Cumber- land, ~1,, who was elected supreme dictator •of the Loyal Order of Moose at the ¢on~entlo~ ).~ Atlantic _ , , ,. ,, , ~ , , ,i , , Scenes and Persons in Current News 1--View of llankow, ~'bina. where timusuntls have perished in floods that threaten to destroy the big ('it)'. 2-~--Chfl,lmuse and ISth gre(,n at the l;everly Country club; Chicago, scene of tile national anlateur golf xour- namcnt. 3--Cmlnt Karolsi who formed a government for llungary aRer the resignation of Count Bethlen and his minb~try. CAMELS HUMP Mrs. Ray Drier,, lleporter E,,~, ,.~^,,~ at. ~,~ ........ ~dl~,o.1,, Kinsey and C. D~lthorp homes on ,~., ,~,,~,~,~ ~ ,,,o ~,..~ ..... ~ "~ " I Sunday • L t;y Mr oos steaded a me0tin of, Mr. Mrs/,. B isk s,o t tmporta}]; tn g.o , ". . the coaches of the Northern Mls-I Sundav witl t heir son Ward and cooperation ann teamwork o~ our ^""i S'^"- '~onfeI"n~e ~* ~':~'-: ' ~ "''-- -- ..... ~vtir *via0 ~J "C ~ ab LtlUlllll-| Iamlly lie seh00[ OI Wtl':ti value IS 'IDy ca- soil last Satulda-" Coach W-in " "" '•-- "" .... ." .' ' * ". " • . . ' ' " .y e - ~vlrs ~ees owens el wioaux terpr~se of tlus school ff we don t her-ca of the State Teachers Col [ ,. _. .'s~v U_ .~ . • -- ' "' " ;' ~i- •" - r ~ ~ ' ' ' " "| Calle~on IvY's. Melvin ~artse ill nave evel y In01% ullal xncnlo( c~ • * o'~ • ' ' |ego of that city had char,e of tl~e[ Carlyle Fridav. oackin~i t u,:,, imeeting. At this meeting theyl M{s. Gee. Brungard is reportdd ~one a~ au. , ....... ~took m) the matter of football rules | on the sick list • 15,Ut we lfl}ow that ~l),~}~t~u~l~o that there may be a better an-I Chas. Nelsola" shipped a carload ~s tnere ano we arc ~ 3 els a - , , ' e. g _ "" ' ,d "t nding amon~ schools. I of cattle from Wibaux Thursday to ~O a very succes@lul yearDeC:~use -- I fl.~ ~h~,o.,~. ,~,~,.t.n+~ of it. • I of Se, t,nel • ". " ~ , : " J l o" Mrs. GUS Moline spent the week ~.ome ca~.,s wner,: ,, uaenlsare iwe-I lend with her daughter Mrs Her- vented fr',)m a~L.mni~g Iaigh school l I man Lovle, ss of Baker "" because o:: line (h,pr,~:~sio,-i ~hcrel [ Mr nnd MI:~ S J' Otrar John are also D? ael~ ho )e n sch001 ., ~ ", ,.' '. "- , -'" |and Betty were SUPl)er guests at the graduates of B'H S findin; them- • -- " ..... " "' * " • , .... , ~.. ~ernoon wI~n Mrs ~-earl Co~ err selves nnable to a~tend eoih ge t If .... +-~-, " ~"'~ siX" 'ames ~-f wh's': have taken advantage of exlrolhng I ,~,~.~ ~.~ ..~ all m~m~,,~,.~ ,,,,,,.n ~-.S pest graduates and are thusI [oresen~ and'also four ,guesk~ Mes- makin the most of rnelr oppolrun- I ~ar,~,~e T a~,~,4;c¢,,~ ~ ~h~.~ ~'~ ities to keep tn touch witn senno~ I Kane Mi's Lundine'and Miss Verna work. I (~~.u::~ ~' I Schef'fer "A fine lunch was herr- There is little change in the per- ! x~~!~ i ed mad i)rizes were awarded Verna ~onnel of the faculty, for..the year. 4 ~~ i Scheffer first and Florence Page This is very fol ~tlIldl~e,, ,. irolll the ~ I saen~N,, v,,u. • standpoint of ....... stabfliZlne" the DOilC- Jotmt i'ux l~(ltlt r, chief assistan, Homer and I-L.nrold Owens of Wi- les of the school. It is generally lo M,~i John I Grlllith hi- ten eo~r baux and Miss Variek of Carlyle a~- conceded in the busine,~s world that .... ~-~ .":. ". _,. "-.. • '. ~ . ' tended the movies at Beach Sun- - ~ e re--]]l-('] r01 R "DEW'* llll'~Sl(lll~)l° OI aHllelics, llaSeen St' el~v ~WO 3ears ar : . .qt "e ~ " " I . , th, evening man to ae~ accustomed to the ron- letted by the Pacific e,msl confer i:Iarry ~th is making Dr Brad- line of his duties sufficiently well el}ce to supervise atMdtics there ley eaHs these days wi~h an'infect- to insure his best services. May " ed hand this not, be equall,! true of the .............................. ' -- _ school teacher? No ma tier how .................................. =----:-: ...... --= :: :::-= ................... well a teacher may be trained, it ~s _--_-- : _-7_~_-L ___~' -- I Ill inevitable that some thne must be ........ "~ lost in adjusting herself or himself to the new conditions o~ worlL II ][~r~ ness. Much of the credit, for the return of so large a number of teaching staff is due to Mr. Grind- stuen and his able superintenliencv. The new teachers have come with (Too late for last week.) Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wills were cullers at Ray Brier's on Tuesday and also motored to town. Mat Decker drove to the bad- lands on Tuesday and brought home a load of poles. Howard Van Horn and Russell Call were at Mat Tescher's on business Tuesday. , George Lardv assisted Ray Brier shocking corn a couple of days this week. Kenneth Middleton who has been visiting at the Bud Myers home a few dayls returned to his home at Beach on Wednesday. Sewell Mason and lady friend motored ou~ to Ray Bricr's Tues-i day evening, i Johnny Honnold, a~sisted Nor- man Haugse wit.h his haying on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Kirkpat- rick and baby son motored to town on Thursday. George and Philip Lardy attend- ed the old time dance in town on Friday evening and report a good time. Page Myers motored to Beach on Wednesday. , . Ray Brier had his telephone re- moved last Tuesday by Roy John- son. the manager of Beach. W. F. Brown and Arnold John- .................................. son left on Monday by auto fox- ~---:=: ............. ~. ............................. --4,-,, [Minneapolis, where they expect to ......................... T [ .... [ visit for awhile. i "0 II I Mat Tescher motored to Albert . .. • . ] CARLYLE t Galh,s' Saturday on busines& l ~-~[~Jbt HI~Ti~I ~/'~rl)~d~ll l~lJi01~J~ | ) Misses Loons'and Clara Peterson [ l.~lV~iL4~| It, I I. ~.~ | ~ ~t~l ~.~k~ ~a • ~ ~w ~ | I [ and Russell Brown attended the old | , [ [time dance in town Friq!~y evening. /~ ............ I Mr. and Mrs. John Tsehida and I en y r, nzen rode~orseback to FOREWORD when the "Cowboys" play Belfield I Mr.. Stel)ilens were pleasant viMtors Bt~v~r I~yne~s ~s?r~a~v] ._ , " " Beach on Frida,, Se,)~ 18 a~ 3la~ tnc t,eo. riammond home on l . ,. - ~ . '. . ~l. mason, were The Beact~ Itigll Scho?t ],(~r~- p~m ....... IThursday evening ws~rs on weone~ay evening at nightly club in abo[~t, to en, c~:;~; t~} ~ "Graduation last spring left rourl..Tt.'e Qolva Sunnh!ne society mc}lth~)orl~o(hvBr~riehr°t~i~ited on Wed . ' ill )bS Ix~ W ~ • . , new year.el laatteLIlt l ]his' "• %( 11' we' l]OSl~lon~ 111 the undefeated 1930 weflnevoay Raft a large c1"owa o] nesday" w:ith_~,aWde(C""-'Honnold " I journall~tlc 1 t ". .. ": team to be filled this fall b~, new lmembers and visitors partook of" ' '. _ , . have an added incel}tlvc to our a~d inex~erienced lnatt:rial~ Be-Ithe excellent dinner served by Mrs I .Mrs. l~oy M.~e?s ano children are work.--corhpc~i~ion with ~wo ot.n~r ;--s- ~,f tqlc keen com~)ctition af-IBert Covert at her home Or~e new visiting at he~~ brother's home, higi~ school~, h iorc u~an ever are [or~d'i~a lar;~er smr~J ~he c'oaehImember Mrs Strahon "became a[Paul Laray and family in Sentinel we .going ~ pusl: o~rlJ~~ o~er~e ts tmving cliffiguity "~in pick:rig the I welcome l~rn.ber. Preside ,n~ ~am-Iand Mrs %lorman Haugse sl)o~less 1 '~g ~.-"P" ,. ' ., :' )-" first eleven Indications show that l mona ca mu r, ne 13aec~ing ~o orcter! _ ;,_ -. .... - pieces ot wriung 1or our wceluy '~e ~-,-'~' -,{P ~-- t~eavier ~',~a ,.rO" '[ with the regular business schedule lan~ OaDy were vm~ors "tuesday eve- n z g at the Johnny Honnold home colmn in the Ad~auc~. a~-I-" =It ..... er ~his ........ n 1~* [ Even the Sunshine treasure becomes, • •- ,v ~. ~,-~. ~. Y'~"~ --'~ ~ '~" ' • " R'~ Brier an " • As w~ look ~orwar,t ~ ~nts year It i~ ho~ed timt the Beach eom-llow atocertmn.tlmes, and the prob-I," ;~v - .. ,: d chlldxe, n motored we find that there are ~everal ~}.ec7 munity w~li turn out thi~ falI to]1era o~ some tning beinz done tel~" ~'~",') btumay mornmg ~o oo easarv requisites for success, i~urs,~ bvck t'he 1931 local high school team | vring :~ money for the society ] some snoppmg. . .... , a.s alscu&secL s wnarles Moore was eu~$xng ClO~l~ of all we need an effic'en~ ann b" attcndin~ all'the ~ames poss~Ic | w " .but no action wa,~} ._ ' "; . .. " . _ '. V g The s c ~ne weeps along ~ne reap on ~'ll trustworthy leader in thin enter- Let's be out there nnd ~ixe tl~em ali[ taken, o iety was grieved t.ol~ " "- ' " • ~ : " • ~ , ~ (lay. Xl direr m (luef rln8 o~ hear of Mrs Siferts mlsfoxtune and t')rise--a c " -' "~. " • " ~' " the suppor~ possible.~ Remember[ "'~-i ....... = ................... ;?.,., } Mr and Mrs Bud Myers and fice will bring to,the holdt:r a great they are YOUR boys and YOURI v~'tUu"t;", u~.ex ~a~c~ o~uu~L~ ~,, J,g.,, I 1,~,~' ~" n''~ ~'~ T.~,ro~o'~,u deal of responsioiii~y as ~'cu as lie.n- tea{n. Watch the posters and this l ano a~l were rememocrt~l in souicl,~;';,~,¢~;,:i'~',~;'~_X,\i-,..:~.,:d-~-L..~ or It I~ a l~f)onsID111LY to 1:, paper for notices of a game • • z " " ' -' .... * ~-- c ....... ,k .... ' " " [ Mrs Ors Bcntle~' and sL~tei ,-rIHenrv F~an en and two children cnarge oI 1he Issues xor ea ~lx w e~ , The scueflulearl'*tnge~t ¢0iarlS| .. • . ¢... .~ •'v ~ . , _ .' ".~", _, .~ '_ - • ' " ' ~ w,r IN 1.) ; ,, nlo[oretl Eo L)ICKInSOn Oil buxIc[ay ~;o but it 1s also an honor to bc enos-as follows" I e nor, . ., and Ralp,1 Stacke, [ . .; . ......... • f m near Sentln 1B ,xe~ ws~ ~nexr mo~ner 5,t~.~ t~en~g~ en for that work. W,~ fecl sure Sept. 18--BelfKld at Beach. ] re .'..• e utte, ..... t,-,o-on" "' the h o" that the person who receives the Sept 26---Glendive at Glendivc. | pmasan.r wsl~ors of Verna ~eneffcrl~'.,/-.~''w T. i° "~ "~ ...... _ .... " title of edEor-in-chle~ wlll respona October 3.---Open. I at ller nomc ~unaay. [p~al. we all nope ~or a spccay re- • CO~ el y. witil thc ~t ~l~tte.iS ~l~2iomr,~l£~~ Oct. 9--Dickinson at Die,insert, [ James, the fourteen-year-old no,, I ~,: and Mrs John Honnold and as a caps e ~ ' . g~, '~'. Oct. 17--Ope~. | of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jacobsen %1, ...... ',.,,~ a~,,:~ .......... ;~t ..... Secondly we need the . . - Oct. 24--Dickmson at Beach. I still qmte ill at the Glendlve hos-}Sufida,, at the Dismond Honnold operation of a s~aff wnicn will ~c Oct. 31--Belfield at Belfield. [ pital from a ruptured appel~dix. [honle near Medora on Sunday. Earl and Alfred Franzen stavefl at John Brown's on Sunday while their parents went to Dickinson. Norman Haugsc llel~cd Johnny Hcnnold stack hay on Saturday• E. H. Mason" and John Grmam motored out to the "Elmholm" farm Saturday evening. A small girl asked her mother: "If I grow up will I have a husband like papa?" "Ye,~. my dear," mother replied, "And if ~ do not get married will I be an old maid like Aunt Susan?" "Yes, you will." was the rep~.y. The girl thought for a moment, put her hands to her head and said, "'Well, 1 am in a fix!" WHEN IN MINNEAPOLIS " STOP AT HOT[L RITZ The newest e.proo[ Hotel in neapolis Washtngt at 2rid Ave. S. Clos~ to all bmia~m activities, theatres, Jobbers and retaller~. excellen~ qualiPication.~ ~-~' 7aco- mmendations and are taking up their duties in a way that bespeaks a successful year for themsclve~ and the schooL---E. M. P. Both the boys' and Girls' glee clubs have begun practise ox~ the operetta "Peggy and th~ Piralo.~ which ks to be given this fall. Trv- ouf,s are being Ixe/d foJ" the n~ih- cipal roles, and beck{use of the large number enrolled in the glee. club. competition wit1 be keen for nlace~ |n the chorus. "Peggy and the Pirate" Is o~e of the bes~ known of the operettas by ~¢Iorgan ano O'Hara. ~ team which is oromin- ent in the field of hi~,h school oper- etta composition. The highly ex- eltin~ plot, to,ether with {he tune- ful music. 13romise all those who attend two hours of good. whole- some entertainment. The tenta- tive date set is November 13. so save that date for "Peggy and the Pirate !" At the present time there are /74 students enro/led in high school. HIGH SPORT NEWS Football is in full swina'. Coach JOGs has been dril]ing intensively oll fundamentaL~ and plays ¢~r ov'~ er a Week with one of the largest football squads Beach has had for some years, He is endeavoring to build a team which will make a ~(c~ll ~ppls, in~ for ,at~ ~Penin~ game AT THE FOLLOWING LOW PRICAS: /" / ,.7~,,,"~°*" {::!i{{:i{:{{:{{!ii{i{i{{{{{{":: :"-"-"" ~.,, ~.0, 5,00x19 .......... ['' $7.47 ............... o .............. , ........... , ...... 5.00x20 .................................................. $7.56 5.25x18 ........................ .......................... $8.41 Try our Quality Piston Rings--Accessories of All Kinds VRANNA AUTO SUPPLY BEACH / 250 ROOMS ~ PER DAY '1.'o ,o *4.oo SATISFY! • i I ! I ment Every Well Fed Person Knows! ! SPECIAL Tommy: "Mother, let me ~o to' idea! Imagine wanting to go t the zoo to see the monkeys?" t~see the monkeys when your Aim Mother: "Why, Tommy, what .an [ Betsy is here."--~ver. ± d.75-19 Tire 4.504 Site b made by a manufacturer mail order house~, oil companl~ and other~, the tire manufaetxxrer to the public, usua[l~ becau.e he bufld~ ]him ',b~s~! ttnde~ him own nazne. Fi~e~tone puts him Doub~ ~M~ln~ Every tire manufaetm~! by "FIRESTONE" and ennie* Firestono'a unlimited guarantee and ou~S* doubly protected. ~ Listen to the ]Voice of Firestone Every "0.~ Night Over N. B. C. Nationwido Firestone Service Dealers and Servl Save YoU Money and Serve You res are sold in