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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 17, 1931     Golden Valley News
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September 17, 1931
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE BEAOH. N. D. ADVANCE THE BEACH ADVANCE W, P. CUSHING, EDITOR AND PUBLI$11ER Men~ber National and State Ed/torlal Associations PUIL|I]W~D AT BEACH. NORTH DAKOTA, EVi~RY THURSDAY I~tored at postofflce at Beach, North Dakota, on May 8, 1908. as second class rmttter Iiubserlptlon# in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Minnesota. $2.00. To all other states. $2.50 Address all communications to the BEACH ADVANCE, Beach, North Dakota THE AUVANf~E IS A REAL COUNTY NEWNPAPER I%I~HT WHERE YOU AR~E! .O Right where you are, if you'll get-up-and-glt, And hustle and rustle and do And put your heart in lt. and never say quit-- There's plenty of good things for you! The prizes are waiting right there to be got; You'll find them wherever you are, By proving if you're a "go-getter.'" or not-- A "flash-In-the-pan"--or a star!" The croakers are croaking about the "hard times." And how things are hopelessly "punk;" They're mourning the shortage of nlckles and dimes. But that kind of Junk is the bunk! And while they are buzzing about biz being bad, The "wise ones" are hopping about. And coPpLr~ the prizes right here to be had-- And putting old "hard times" to rout! It's always hard times, if you're thinking that way, And prospects are gloomy and blue, ,~. But, while the sun's shining, if you will make hay, You'll get what is coming to you! Don't let hard times floor you, and steal your good rep; Don't dream about "green fields alar;" We know you're a winner--now show us some pep-- Make good on the jab where you are! James Edward Hungerlord. WE ARE GETTING ON We noted with considerable interest that the large crowd that gather- ed in the court room 'Saturday night to hear Senator Nye and Congress- Sinclair was about as cosmopolitan as it would bc possible to make it had the audience been hand picked. There were old time rampant Leaguers there, just as rampant old line Independents, also a few Dome- crate of various persuasions, and all listened to the speakers with in- terested attention. This is as it should be. two distinguished gentlemen hold high offices as representatives of the state, and it is a good sign that those who opposed them political- ly, as well as those ,who supported them, )vent to hear their views and to form Judgments on their work. A few years ago only the political backe[s of speakers would go to hear them, but, thank goodness, voters have realized that open discus- aion of any subject by any office holder or candidate is a good thing, and to form a proper Judgment the officials or candidates should be seen and heard, whether or not their platform is in harmony with the hearer. And it is pleasing to believe that the old rancor is gradually being evaporated out of North Dakota politics and that men and women of f~n~ can gather together to hear speakers on all sides of issu~ without taking a battle ax along to slaughter ali who in the least disagree with the speakers. We are getting on, politically and in every other way. IT'S ALL RIGHT WITH U,S ----0 We were much edified to hear last week that our "darned boosting for the town and county has at last got its reward" in the coming to town of a rival print shop, the boosting having brought a number of other businesses to town and thus such work brought the chicken home to roost; that "Beach was all right as thh~gs were in the old days," and the at~phere did not need any revivifying. We don't seem to feel half as bad as the party quoted because a com- peting business has come in. If any business has not brains and pep enough to ~and up under competition it deserves to be run out. We haven t a kick coming. Anyone and everyone has a right to locate wherever he pleases, and Just because location here of another paper wlli probably make us hustle harder, is not grounds for us to want to take a club to the new enter- prl~ or to ~ up a howl because of its coming. On the other hand we extend the hand of fellowship to the new paper and the boys who are running it. When we get so we can t boost early and late for our town and county, we'll nell out for what we can get and go to Squeedunk Corners, where "all 18 quite on the western front,' and no boosters exist to disturb the even ~or of our ways. __ PATRONIZE THE HOMrE I~OLKS ----o----- There are many itinerant merchants abroad. They come into a com- munity today, sell thelr goods and are gone tomorrow. Fargo' people who buy from them have no comeback in case the goods prove unsatis- factory. Every purchase made from an itinerant merchant is injuring the local merchant who pays taxes to maintain the city, county and stat~ government, Who backs our improvement programs, who supports our schools, and who is called upon to do the hundred and one other things which every business man is expected to do for thc advancement of his community, says the Fargo Forum. Continuing it says: There has never been a time in recent years when it was more import- ant that our people show their loyalty to home merchants. ~roperly suFported, thdy can be very essential cogs in maintaining employment at good level. To remember this, and act upon it, is therefore most timely. And don't forget this: one of the best ways to co-operate in building Fargo is to co-operate with local merchants by patronizing them. If we bought all our good~ from itinerants, the city soon wouldn't amount to much. 0 OUR HIGH "SCHOOL INTERESTS Golden Valley county Is blessed with three fine high schools, each with an excellent corps of teachers and with buildings well equipped with material things for the better conduct of the work in hand. 'these in- stitutions are returning dividends to the ))eople, ,with excellent interest on the Investment, as a steady contribution of the taxpayers, and are a credit to the three towns. Beach, Sentinel Butte and Golva. We sometimes think that not enough interest is taken in these splen- did~.achoola by those whose money makes them possible, and to further Chat interest and keep the parents and pupils posted ms to the work be- i~ done and the other activities of the schools we will hereafter have a de.meat containing, weekly or semi-weekly, as the schools furnish the infornmtion, details of what they are doing. We bespeak for this d¢l~xtment the interest of parents, for, as our school taxes are the high- we voluntarily shoulder, the development of these institutions should be of major importance, and they cannot develop that full fruition of efforts put forth by faculty and student without the keen interest of the parents and others contributing to their support. There was general wonderment Saturday night over the great crowd of Peo01e on Beach tsTeets, in spite of the fact that a big crowd was at the court lmuse to hear the Nye and Sinclair speeches. The theater and the stores did a rttshing business and It wa~ not until a late hour that the people went home. This should teach we peoPle that in a sense we pla ed the rc l of host to riend and that no sto e and Persons in the Current News BRIEF NEWS BEAUTIFUL BLOOMS. A good friend, who desired that the name should not be mentioned. last Saturday brought us in a beau- tiful bunch of snap dragon and some of the handsomest gladiolas we have seen this year. which gift is very much enjoyed and has made many of our callers green with on- vy. We are very fond of flowers and are never so happy as when our desk has a bunch of them to admonish us that the world Js full of beauty if we can but train our minds to realize and appreciate the fact. BROTHERS MEET. Jack Lindt was taken by last week when a man and said "How are you, Jack?" and had to ask the er who he was. It turned out be Fred Lindt, Jack's brother he had not seen for 20 years, who resides at San Francisco. Lindt had been in Minneapolis iting old scenes and was way back home via Butte, where was to pick up his wife, there, Jack was mightily to see the relative. Mrs. R. W. Johrtson and chil- dren have returned from their it to the old home in KentuckY. 1--The newly reconditioned battleship Arizona passing tltrough the Gatin locks of the Panama canal on its way to Join the Pacific fleet for annual maneuvers. 2--William H. Beck, who has served as sec- retary and assistant secretary to the last four secretaries of state and has now been appointed consul gen- eral at Ottawa. 3--Prof. W. A. Cogshall of Indiana university who has definitely located the exact center of pop,darien of the eo.u~t.r1" ne~ Lint.on. Ind.. at a~ ~bandone0 strip .~in~. WANT CLUB NEWS, We will apprecite it very much if the homemaker club secretaries oI the county, and the secretaries ot the 4H and other clubs, will send us accounts of their meetings. Some of the club secretaries have been just fine in doing this for us and if all would follow suit it would be telling the folks news of most in- teresting proceedings. If the offic- ials will be prompt in sending in the news as soon after the meet- ings as l~msible the story will be sure of getting in the current is- sue of the paper. Too often we get such news on day of publication when we cannot get it into type, and. besides. "news is only news when it is news." DINED TEACHERS. Mrs. L. R. Menke was hostess Friday evening at a very pleasant dinner to the lady teachers of the schools, after which bridge was ~he amusement of the evening. NICE STOCK OF AND OTHER PLANTS----GET YOURS WIIILE STOCK IS COMPLETE i he BOSTON FERNS ....... RUBBE~ PLANT .. 2~ ZEY~ANICA PLANT ... I~ ASPIDISTEA PLANT .. 1~ii ENGLISH IVY PLANT . NARCISSUS BULBS, 2 for 5¢ should be left unturned to make the coming to town of these good folks A CHEERFUL JINGLE. Charles Samscl. son of Oscar --. b~*~- ---~..~,~^ ~,-~ ~-+-r~stin~ Several old subscribers renewed amsel of this city went to Baker their su'bscnption thm week saymg a ew days.ag0 and ~s now the -- - tha~ +*'e "~' ............ ** ....... manager oi tne large vaugnn~l~a~s- FURNITURE DEPT. We are glad that Congressman Sinclair reads the Advance. ior evi- bt~t~ ~hat "~the~° cannot .... ~t a~(inc dale store at that place. Charlie's ..... ~ art f gc o g friends congratulate him and pro- A (~ ..... $~ ~ dently he has profited g~eatly- thereby. Sa~uraay nign~ ,a in'go p, o without. ....... the Acivance, which, is nice dmt." ~n~-a~ ....... ne wm ma~:e gooo. Thls .~. UVI~IDLati ~ his discussion oi- tt'he Farm" • bill and boa~d"thisand others cr andthingSof" re tltingcourse~ wet° factS~U~r thatt° nearthe, dollan°t tOps mentiOnlook mightythe eriS Oneand ofthethepositionlargest carriesSt°res m" wlt!~Bak'it _ agriculture reflected the views expressed in P P , , ~.good to us, too, at this time. a large responsibility .... are. gratified' that our missionary work is so effective in such a hion "" quarter so to speak I ' ' I mm It is reported that another taxpayers' meeting with the county corn- [ missioners is in the offing, but the cause thereof is unknown. If such a I meeting is contemplated the time and place should be broadcasted, so that all who care to may have an opportunity to be present. Such meet- ~ m mm • - ings arc legitimate and there ts n° rea's°n f°r n°t playing with the cards l _~~~ all on top of the table -- -- " / pmuu Senator Swanson is the most optimistic man we know of. He want~ 1 the League of Nations to do something about the low price of silver. / --c ~ The m • baby ants have a lot of fun a/iding ?ver lt. I Pnrn mnmv estate firm will be opening uP Greenland as a summer resort, i my mm ~ mm m n u ~ n --0 7 td i • There seems to be an overproductionof everythingitl the t tli e [ States just now, including hot air. -- o I Stt Remember the good old days when they used to adjourn politics be- ! tween seasons? ! :_ JOHNS, IN MOT01 CO'S ------------- ...... I .............. , • B, ONN IEVIEoW. 1 BRIEF NEWS nl l UfI DITAAUm"n-- ............. I PAINTEB THE DEN. Mr. and Mrs, A. F. Doblar and l A bunch of Lions broke loose Olaf Abraham attended the .~peccheslfrom their town cages last Frid~D' .... given in Beach Saturday evening] and wandered out to their den. I ..... I.-- ~1~ it / ~1 A at the court house by Senator Ger-[ known as Kill Kare Kaml), and did i ~)? I mtfl, I t# ~I ~ ~ I U aid P. Nye and Congressn~an J. H: ]a job of fixing up tile l~)acc m ~0,~ ] Vttal~Ull UI awm e~t~um ktt u n o Sinclair. Mrs. Olaf Abranam anuisnape, as tney arena t.nLs ever ~ ] ~J • and family spent the same evening |to show the Lionesses and teachers I at tim Doblar home with Miss Glad- { of the local schools what fine I yce Doblar. , [housekeepers they are and what a I ~ ~ as = = -- Miss Claricia Giffordspent Saw-|good supper they can provide when _'4 m vmlm, mm h A,OAH|,.-- 1 ] rtainin s)irlt moves them I mm~mmm v mmmm tmmmv~ Ill ~llt;i IIU v mmmmm urda nl ht at the Charley Scha~, the e, te g I • , ~ -~ ~,~ hnm~i g / [ The camp building was repainted a , I- -- ,t~ "-~M'is's Natalie Horsman, wh~' is|lovely battleship grey and the floors ' L , ,,, ,,=, staying at the home of Mrs. ft. C.| and seats likewise done in artistic i• - -~ Roof, spent the week end in ~each. [ fashion, so that everything will be Mrs. Ellis Ayers was a ~'hopper / spick and span for the fine enter- A J~ ~I~' ~' I/'~ AI E'D E'IY iJ in Beach Saturda Her aughter tainment arranges for on tns ~ • ~#~••, ]~, ]•~[ #l w ~- =a ~-_=' Francis Brown, is attending H~gh|opening meeting ox ~ne hans yea'. school in Beach this year'.and stay- | ~ , ~ ing at the home of he, sister, Mrs./ ....... ~,.,,~,, i while attending s ool"--at-Ollle,|be -..-- . -, .w e-:÷,ale- pan unuu nr. n Montana. / | ber 24, bv Mesdames ~ ~ Y • . , Mr and ]~rs/Roy McCaskey|and James H. Hardy at the home / spent" 'Wednes~ght and-~iirs- | of the former. ~ ~ • ~ / ~ ~ • • ~, • ~• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • • ~ ~mm day at the nkNehls hoYne.[ " ~m~|u~ ~W~el'~te~:~tl ay. A GREAT BIRTHDAY m Mr McCaskey lsted Mr Nehls in'repairing ~N~d " four azs Mrs. Franz _]~eele_r and .daughter | One hundred and forty- ye' "~ / Mary spent Saturday night at the| ago today George Washington ," home' of the forme~:s sister Mrs | transmitte~l to the president of the~ ¢ ¢/~ --- - George Beeler ' "1 Continental Congress the new con- k T .... TL ..... I_ .I I . Ervin Gifforci is employed at the|stitution of the Ur~ited States of \ /rffi £ uuw • iirougn tile rora factory Olaf Winger home aturesent |America, and the event is vein, ~ ~'raT:e~¥ at~tr~t~orhonBndrn~l::~/:~ae~i~/~d~am~o~C)vtne~tra~2~ilat~i~c~'i~! iT~otU~r~lp~Scot~f~f:P~::llo~erJh~,w~irlde~tV?~ty~ue ~';rt,planJt::r~y Y~:~ereNt°:gt~:l~ngt homes near Dickinson. They have|, e. _ ..... y ..... • been employed near Wlniston for~ tree peopm, and the zac~ ~!~a~ i~ , ,~ , . , . s e ast with the former's required but fqur months f r Come ,rid see ~here and how Americas most Impular motor car ~s built. 0nly when brother Val Rioter on a road Job | compilation anti adoption .m c n- you ~e and hear how efficiency, economy and craftsmanship have been put rote , ome tim ~ ' ' " o " • . ~, . ' ,,.~-,~_..,.= ~..~..~ .^,. r~:'~.~isidered a wonoer~ul wnen we volmne production can you realize how so much extra value can be given ill the Ford J~, ,i. ~t~:,~Ju~u ~.u ou. ~.~tt~ remember the montns necessary • • ch N e and car wathout increase in pace attended the spee es by . [ to get through congress any import- " " Sinclair at the court house ~amr-| ant measure An idle hour given day evening. | to the reading of this great docu- . . The sympathy . of the corn T| ment is a most profitable l)roceed- " " reunify is expensed to ~ne Lrr.-~,~ Lyons' and Chas. Ruedinger' ram-I""~" flies in their recent bereavements. There are many other features on display that in themselves make this. Specie! Ford Exhibit well worth a visit. You will learn about the safety of the shatter- proof glass windshield, the strength of the sturdy Ford steel-spoke wheels, the comfort of the Houdaille double-act/rig hydraulic shock absorbers, and the brill° HELPED THE TREAS~[tY. The several shows at the Bijou theater given as benefits for the American Legion Auxiliary were liberally l~atornized and as a con: sequence "~ha depleted treasury m the Auxiliary was greatly benefit- / DON'T FORGET THE PEN-| SLAR ONE CENT SALE AT/~ MENKE DRUG CO, THUIKS~I FRI.-SAT., SEPT 17, 18, 19.~// / AGENT ~. // TIIE HOME OF THE .~' TIlE OIL THAT LASTS DISTRIBUTOR OF THE POPULAR AND ECONOMIC WHITE EAGLE GASOLINE C'ALL 69 OR 108-K PROMPT SF, RYI~E COURTEOUS TREATMENT ted. Don't miss the new Ford De LvLxe Body Types. Distinctive in line and color. Smart in their new appointments. Rich and luxurious in their interior trim and upholstery. You will be interested, too, In the reasons why so many manufactur- ers and stores have chosen the rugged Ford truck and the swift Ford delivery cars. lance of the Rustless Steel. Phone I