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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 14, 1944     Golden Valley News
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September 14, 1944
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+i~¸ + + ~ PAGE EIGHT THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, September 14, 1944 with the Farmers Union-- for your children. At local meetings and at ca raps, they learn of the past struggles of farmers; how they can better meet the farm problems of the future by working--and playing--together. Your membership in the Golden Valley Co. Far mers l nion gives your children an opportunity t o participate in Farmers Union Junior work. i ii i ii II IIII I I III I I| I II I How is your subscription? The P.E.O. will hold a rummage sale on September 29 and 30. 50-1tc Dan Sutherland of Wibaux was a business visitor in Beach Friday. dress, $7.90 at Penneys. 51-1tc --_o KolbJorn Bye of Medora was a in To row'$ World business caller in Beach Saturday. mot A LARGE assortment of Ladies Dresses. Penney's new line $7.90. The Beach Homemakers club will You hear some talk about how- freedom and our rights-not just meet with Mrs. Chas. Haijsman on when the war is's going to be bad feeling between ~ldiers and civilians; how the country will be divided into those who fought in uniform and th6se who stayed at home. Well, maybe you saw that let- ter from a soldier overseas, in erie of our big magazines. It ~dd that men in uniform aren't ~xinking any such thoughts-- any more than folks at home are. The most important thing is, that we're a//engaged in one ti. tanic struggle to preserve our + as soldiers or civillans-but as A meric arts / From where I sit, that attitude is going to Win the war--and win the Peace too. If we can respect the rights of others--whether it's their right to enjoy a glass of beer, or to vote the .way they please--we've got a mighty sound foundation for our peace- time world. Copyright, 1944, Brewing Industry Foundation I I I I II Tuesday, September 19th. Mr. and Mrs. Oswin Schmitz and family were Beach and Wibaux callers on Sunday. FASHION RIGHT in Ladies ~Dresses by Austeile. $7.90 at Penneys. 51-1~ Mr. and Mrs. Ole Thorson have moved to the John Kalknum apart- ment. Frank Nehis recently enclosed the porch of his home and now has a comfortable sunporch. Billy Klppley and Dick Mac- Dougall speht the weekend at Wahpeton. Mrs. Katherine Marman and COAL USERS Coal is becoming very difficult to get, due to car and labor shortage. We have a large number of orders on file, but have no means of making City Deliveries at this time. Therefore, parties who have placed orders with us and others who contemplate ordering coal, will have to make their own trucking arrangements, as we cannot guarantee delivery of any coal. We expect some coal in this week or during the coming week and trust that even though everyone is busy that they will get their coal when notified that it is here. We will do our best to contact the parties in the order in which they have placed their orders. Our storage space is very limited and if coal is not taken from the cars upon arrival it only tends ~to hold up all deliveries. The longer we wait the less coal we get, so let's try to work together and see that no one suffers this coming winter for lack of fuel. OCCIDENT ELEVATOR LEO TOBIAS, Agent BEACH, N. D. I J You're Always Fashion Right in 7.90 or family of Glendive were Beach visitors on Saturday. Mrs. John Keohane will entertain the Woman's club at her home on Monday, September 18th at 2 P. M. The Saddle Butte Homemakers club will meet with Mrs. Rudy Ramstad Thursday, September 21. Mrs. Rex Miller and children of Milwaukee are visiting at the par- ental Marshall Miller home. Mrs. Nora Bartley is leaving soon for a visit with her daughters in Chicago, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stecker and Marlyn were visitors at the Butter- field home Saturday evening. The Beach Homemakers club will meet at the home of Mrs. Dominic Kukowski Tuesday, September 19. Mr. and Mrs. Aud Nunn from the Little Missouri river country south of Medora were Beach visitors on Tuesday. Mrs. Robert Coutts returned Sun- day from Minneapolis, where she had spent several days "attending Market week. Mrs. Tommle Hudson and son of Glendlve visited at the T. E. Hudson home last week ,returning to Glendlve Sunday evening. Miss Mary ]~thel Ollman took a vacation from her work in the Far- mers & Merchants Bank last week and is now back to work again. The Social Hour club will meet with Mrs. Joe Weinreis on Tuesday afternoon, SePtember 19th. Roll call: "How Did Your Garden Grow?" Med0ra visitors in Beach Tues- day were Mrs. Don Short and chil- dren and Mrs. Emma Lawson. Mrs. Lawson visited at the home of ~er daughter, Mrs. Roy Noyes. Improvements in the residential district this week include new shingles on the Ben Thompson residence and a new coat of paint on Mrs. Harp's residence. Mrs. Andrew Helm and Mrs. K. K. Farstveet left Sunday morning for a few weeks vacation on the west coast. They plan on visiting friends and relatives in and around Seattle, Wash. and Portland, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Algulre and daughter Mary Jane left Monday morning for Farlbault, Minn., w~ere they will visit for a few days. Miss Aiguire will remain at Faribault, as she will teach at St. Mary's this coming year. Miss Cycile Hagen, teacher in the loeal school, received word that her brother, Waldemar H~gen, of Hil~- borG, was killed in action in France. Pvt. Hagen had served In the army two years before going oversea~ this summer. -Assigned with a recon- naisance unit, he participated in the invasion of France. Word has been received here from Mrs. Melvin (Butch) Nelson, sister of Pvt. Ted Blake that he is now stationed somewhere in Mr. and Mrs. John H. Will and son Larry of Seattle, Wash., are new residents of Beach. Mr. Will is in charge of the Assembly of God church. Mr. and Mrs. Will have purchased the house next to the Catholic church, which they are repairing and painting prepara- tory to moving in. Mrs. Otto Hanson, district deputy went to Dickinson on Wednesday in regard to the School of Instruction of the Eastern Star which will be held in Dickinson September 21st, with the Beach chapter as hostes.~ chapter. Mrs. Hanson was accom- panied by Mrs. P. J. Edkins, local secretary. Ben Butterfield and daughter Jean of Riehey, Mont. came Frid+~y to see his mother, who has been ill, and to see his brother Ward, and Zona, and friends. They left for their home Sunday evening. Ben had over 600 acres of wheat that promised 40 and 45 bushels per acre but was all cleaned out by the hard hail storm and tornado which wrecked many buildings in Rlchey and through the country. Ben was lucky to carry insurance. The 16-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hammond had a very narrow esea~e from drowning last week. The youngester wan- dered away and when Mrs. Ham- mond missed him she found him in the creek running a short dis- tance from the Hammond home. He was unconscious when found and Mrs. Hammond, using her Girl Scout training, worked with him for nearly ten minutes before he regained consciousness. The young- ster suffered no after effects and still likes the water. Word has been received that Miss Cecilia Schieffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Schieffer, has com- pleted her basic training and en- doctrinatlo~ course at the Naval Training school (WR) The Bronx, New York and has received orders to report for f~ther instruction at the Naval Training School, a yeoman's school at the Iowa State Teachers college, at C~dar FaiLs, Iowa. Miss Schieffer is ~. graduate of the Bismarck Junior college and ~'.~s formerly employed with the Dakota Public Service at Bismarck as a bookkeeper. The story is told that a Minn- esotan died and went to heaven, and on his first day there, St. Peter was showing him around. Everything was Just grand, there wasn't too much rain, there was no hay to pitch nor cows to milk, the weather was fine for combin- ing and in +f~c[ there wasn't a bit of fault to 6e found with anything. But in one part of heaven, the[ Minnesotan noted a big burly Nor-[ wegian in chains, in quite a rage [ and strUggllng to free himself. Curiously he asked St. Peter who] that was? St. Peter replied: "Oh[ that fellow. He's from North Da-[ kota and he wants to go backt' ~ ' 'V ! UNITED BRETHREN ~CHURCH I D. E. I~_nney_, Pastor [ " "The Little Church with the Blg l Welcome. ] Sunday, Sept. 17: 10:15 A. M.,I The Mm-ning Worship service. 11:1~1 A. M., Bible Study classes for all] • ages. Wednesday, Sept. ~0:~ An All Church meeting, beginning with at 'pot luck" supper at 7 P. M., and l following with a meeting at 8:00I o clock, where some of the past l year's activities, and the comlng year's plans, Including the financial budget, will be presented and 'discussed. " V ~C~NGREGATIQNAL CHURCH John R. Roberts, Pastor Beaeh: Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. Worship service at 11:00 A. M. Pilgrim Fellowship at 7:30 P. M. Choir practice Wednesday Garner Lois Wassmann visited at the Loyde Wassmann home on Wednes- day night. Mrs. Joe Dietz and children call- ed at the John Stull home Wednes- day night. Mrs. Fred Wassmann and Mrs. Loyde Wassmann and Carolyn were Golva shoppers on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dietz and fam- ily were Beach shoppers on Friday afternoon. Homer Madison delivered gas in this community on Thursday mor- ning. Mrs. IAoyde Wassmann and Caro- lyn and Mrs. Walter Wassmann- and Jerry were Beach shoppers on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Fakier and Jackie were supper guests at the Fred Wassmann home on Tuesday night. Mrs. A] Wosepka and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wass- mann were Beach shoppers on Friday, Miss Lois Wassmann and George Wassmann, Jr. spent the weekend in Beach at their home. They re- turned to the Fred Wassmafln home Sunday night. The Strahon school opened on Monday, September 4th, with Miss Lois Wassmann as teacher, and with 13 pupils enrolled. Miss Wass- mann is boarding at the Fred Wassmann home. Mr. and Mrs. Loyde Wassmann and Carolyn made a trip tO Baker on Saturday afternoon to get Mrs. Wassmann's sister, Mrs. Andrew Treistad, and two children, who arrived there from Sioux Falls, S. D. on the train Saturday night. Mrs. TreLstad and children will spend a couple or three weeks visit, ing at the Loyde W~ home. Willys builds the economiml England. Pvt. Blake Joined the at 8:00 P. M. paratroopers over there and has Sentinel Butte: Worship service received his wings. His family are at 2:00 P, M. now living in Vancouver, Wash., Medora: . where he was employed before en- Sunday School at 3:{)0 P.M. DI Trl~ ItDl Tf' tcring the armed ~ervicas. Worship Service at 4:00 P.M. L~U l |~ IJ|RU~LI ~~'~ ~ ~ -. . - -_- :~ ._ ~,~ ~'-.~,~ +;~ ~.'~ LEARANCE : ;ALE! :+ STocK REDUCTION AND SATURDAY, SEPT. 16 to SATURDAY SEPT. 30 Hundreds of Articles Including LIGHT AND HEAVY HARDWARE FARM AND HOME SUPPLIES MUCH OF OUR DISH AND GIFT STOCK AT ]~ OFF Start Your Holiday Shopping Now! G Hardware "The Quality and Service Store" Glendive, Montana FARMEILS! See~us for Light Plants and Water Pressure Systems AND RACE MEET SE . 16-17 Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wassmann and Jerry, and Mr. and Mrs. John Fak- le and Jackie were Sunday visitors a~ the Fred Wassmann home. V SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Sabbat~h school 10 A. M. Church service II A. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8:00 P.M. Mrs. R. H. Broderson of Dickin- son will present the first lesson of the Home and School association at the 11 o'clock service, speaking on the subject, '~ooperatlon--an Essential Trait in Character Build- ing." The public is invited to attend. FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH O. L. Oisrud, Pastor tel. 154 Beach: Rally Day at Sunday School 10 A. M. New members and visitors will be welcomed. Services at 11 A. M. Sermon theme: "Suc- cess in Life." There will be a re- ception for the public school teach- ers following services. If weather permits, this will be a picnic on the parsonage lawn. Mrs. Richmond and Mrs. Oisrud will entertain the Ladies Aid this Friday afternoon at the former's home. The Luther League will have its meeting at the City Hall Wednesday, September 20 at 8 P. M. Sentinel Butte: SerTices at 9:~0 A. I~ Sunday School 10:30 A. M+ Garner: Services at 3 F. a~. Protect Your Wi.ter lik~u~-- Several Kinds q! Fruit Now l PEARS Wash pre-cooled, extra fancy & fancy $J.69 ORANGES cal o a valenclas Doz. 21¢ SWEET POTATOES iow Jersey 2 LB.:!9¢ S BABY FOOD "m"7' e, m -..+. n,e+_. _