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Thursday. September 14, 1944 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE FIVE
, ,, ,,,
Harvest Dance at Alpha - riday Eve., opt. 15th
01d and New Time Music. Good Time For Everybody. C Out and Celebrate Our Bountiful Harvest.
Sentinel Butte
Mrs. Byron Hogoboom called on
Alma Rink Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Dixon and1 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Odland and
d~dld~n . were Sunday visitors of ~ Beverly were Sunday visitors at the
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nelson. I Hazel Reed home.
It's Serious
To change our state constitution when
so many of our voters are .out of the
state serving our country.
Let's wait until our boys and girls get
back before making this drastic change.
Vote N 0
November 7
On the second measure on the sep-
arate ballot which would amend the
Norlh Dakota state constitutionand put
cities in the liquor business.
(Pol. Adv.)
,While It Lasts!
~ ~ ~Ve, in order to cut down our stock before moving
to our new location, are offering our Paints and
varnish at Special Low Prices! Chi-Namel Paint is
manufactured by the Minnesota Linseed Oil and Paint
. Co., and Is the finest money can buy.
' The. best pigments thoroughly ground in aged
linseed oil make possible this fine paint.
A bright red, liquid barn paint which challenges
all ~competitive first-quality paints for durability and
covering capacity. An unusual value at a special sale
Super House Outside Paint in 5-gal. lots ~..69
Super House Outside Paint in 1-gal: lots f~..89
Super House Outside Paint per quart - 89¢
"Evered Barn Paint in 5-gal. lots ,- - $11,(~.
Evered Barn Paint in 1-gal. lots .... ~1.7S
Paul Wagner was a Wlbaux btmio
~ess caller Tuesday.
Mrs. Dick Sechrist and children
have moved into the former Schultz
Mrs. Jennie Dempsey was a visit-
or a~ the Jas. Downs home on
Mrs. Paul Wlschow left Wednes-
day evening for Dale and O~kosh,
Wis. to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tangen have
moved into the Congregational par-
sonage for the school term.
Ruth Relnholz is staying at the
John Sanders home while attend-
ing school.
Mrs. Mary Lehman arrived home
Sunday after having spent the past
two weeks visiting at Seattle, Wash.
Cecil Adams returned home from
Hettinger on Monday and will be
employed here during the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Lars Vanvig fff
Medora visited at the Otto. Peter-
home Wednesday afternoon.
Ellis Stecker and Charlie Purcell
vere business callers in town on
Mrs. Adolph Klaus returned from
Miles City, Mont. Sunday, where
she has spent the past week
Mrs. Bert Waldal and Mrs. Ber-
tha Waldal were dinner guests at
the Bill Gardner home in Beach
Pfc. Win. Decker left Sunday for
Camp Barldey, ~xas after spend°
ing a short furlough with his par-
.enrs and other relatives.
Ike Allen arrived Tuesday from
Clinton, Iowa, where he is station-
ed in an army hospital, to spend
a 12 day furlough with relatives.
Charles and Peter Wagner arriv-
ed Thursday from Iowa to visit at
the home of their sister, Mrs. Math
Dietz, and other relatives.
Mrs. Sam Muckles and family
enjoyed a visit with Mrs. Muekle's
sister recently. She left Wednes-
day for her home in ILlinois.
Mrs. Gladys Hanson arrived home
on Monday from Deer Lodge,
Mont., where she spent 12 days
visiting and attending to business.
Miss Eleanore Gigstad left Fri-
day for Canton, S. D., where she
will attend Augustava Lutheran
High School this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mlkeison and
terns arrived home from Minot,
where they ~pent the summer, a
week ago Monday, .to resume sohbol
duties a~n.
Norman Haugse and John Hen-
hold left Wednesday to spend sev-
eral weeks st various points in
Montana, where Norman expects
to find relief from his Illness.
Miss Jeanne Martin left for
Minneapolis Wednesday on a busi-
ness trip. She was' an overnight
guest of friends in Dickinson, en-
The Taylor Cook family have
moved into town again for the
school months. Clara Franzen and
John Claire Rathbun are staying
there also.
Betty Armstrong, Ramona Myers
and Kay Wright have taken light
housekeeping rooms at the Susie
Goldsberry home for the school
Mrs. Math Dietz was hostess to
the Catholic Altar society at a
special meeting held Thursday af-
ternoon at her home. Lunch was
served after the meeting.
Margaret Decker arrived from,
Spokane, Wash. a week ago Satur-
day to spend several weeks visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math
Decker, and to recuperate from a
recent illness.
Mrs. Nell Hugoboom was hc~tsss
to the Congregational Ladies Aid
and several guests at her home
Thursday afternoon. After the
meeting a delicious lunch was serv-
ed by Mrs. HOgobeom.
Mrs. Mike Thelsen and Eddie,
and Gwen Fetersilie and Gwen
Cook were DiCkinson shoppers on
Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Dletz were also in D1cklnson on
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Post of
Oltte visited at the Elmer Rost
home Sunday. Mrs. Elmer Rost
and Bonnie returned home with
them after having spent the past
Week visiting at Ollle. Charlotte
Bohn took care of the telephone
office dtWing Mrs. Rost's absence.
School was opened Monday mor-
ning with the following teachers in
charge: H. F. Mikeison, superln-
tendent; MISs Ethel Mlkeison, prin-
cipa! 4nd mathematics; Miss Alma
Leusscn of Valley City, high school
subjects; Miss Helen Higley, 7th
and 8th grades; Miss Dorothy Dahl-
Shingle Stain in 5-gal. lots, per gal. $I1,~ ke of Dickinson, 5th and #th grades;
Shingle Stain in 1-gal. lots .... ~1.~----,---~ MIss Jennie Lambert of Lisbon, ~wd
and 4th grades; and Miss Doris
Eist~ ,of Granville, 1st and find
Fex Flat Wall Paint per gallon - - - ~..00 grades. .~ ~, ~: ~: ~
Mrs. Wilton Nelson was hostess
Rex Fiat Wall Paint per qu~c - -. - - - ~ to members of the Oct-to-gerber
Inside p~t De;:~lon ~- - - club and several guests at her home
Friday afternoon at their r egul~r"
Coat-O-Lite Inside Paint per quart~': -~ ~- - 87¢ soclaiwith Mrs.meetlng'EtheIBridgeHaugseWasandPtayea'Mrs.
Ruth Carlson winning Ist and 2rid
" KRch-N-Tint Gloss, Paint per gallon - - ! S~,98 prizes for members and Mrs. Ber-
Klteh-N-Tint G~ss Paint per quart , * - - 87¢ boomtha Oookreceivedand MrS.lst gndD°r°thY2nd HoSe-prizes
Rapido Enamel per quart - - ' - - - eL0S lunchrespectivelYwas servedf°r Mrs..A del~AoUSNelson
at the close of tl~e afternoon. The
next business eneeting will be held
.... " - ~ " " " 3S~ atMrs,the homeNormaOf MartinAlma RlnkentertainedOn Frt-
Sash Bla~ per pint day evening, September 29th.
Floor. Enamel per quart - - -- " - ,98¢
members of the Study club at their
Floor Enamel per pint - : .... ~ first meeting of the season at her
home Tuesda~r evening. Roll ear
Porch and Deck Paint per quart - " " " 6O~ ber'sWas respondedfavorite flowert° withandeach mem-
Casine Paste Paint per gallon - - Sg.TS the meeting a
for which Mrs. Dorothea Hogoboon
.... was awarded first prize for the
-~_ -~ nk~t bouquet
~ Lenore Smith gave a program o]~
flowers and their
contest was put on b]~
I I [ I I m i
A Weekly Published Every
Thursday by
N. C, SHIPMAN. Businmm Manager
~ntered as Second Class matter at
"he Postofflce at Beach. North Dakota,
October 7, 1936, under the Act of
March 3, 1897.
Page Lockwood Myers was born
at Rowena, S. D. on October 3rd,
1892 and died August 18th at the
Dickinson hospital. In 1897 the
family moved to Sioux Falls, where
he entered the Whittier school at
that pl~ce and later graduated with
his class. His class motto proved
to be his guide through life: "Climb
Though the Rocks be Rugged."
During his boyhood days, he was
a regular attendant at the Jordan
M. E. church services and Sunday
School and was a member of the
Loyal Temperance League at that
place. He was always gh obedient
and trustworthy son. In 1910 he
came with his parents to live on
a homestead near Medora. Being
an outdoor lad, he became actively
thrilled with this great west. No
day was too long, no task too hard
to tackle, and when he met with
difficulties he reasoned, "There
must be some way out; for I must
climb though the rocks be rugged."
Thus he plodded on and in 1924 he
married. He was a loving husband,
a devoted father, a good neighbor.
and a good friend. And when he
was told his life was to be short---
that. he could not be with us long~
he fought desperately to prolong
his life, hoping agslns~ hope to be
spared, but Page Myers' life work
was ended.
His Master called him Home, and
we know the Golden Gate swung
widely open, as the Savlour's greet-
ing fell upon his ear: "Well done,
thou good and faithful servant,
enter thou, into the realms of the
blest." And we are sure, oh, so
sure, that our Page is resting,
sweetly resting, where no pain, no
sorrow ever comes.--His Mother.
Sealed bids for furnishing lignite
coal and kindling for the~ Oison,
Valley View, Lee and Nelson rural
schools and the High School and
Hall lp Sentinel BUtte will be re-
ceived Up tO 6 o'cl~k "P. M. on
Saturday, October 7th, 1944. Kind-
ling to be cut in stove Wood lengths.
The Board reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
By order of the Board.
John I,. Honnold,
Clerk. ~,~,
The Farmers Elevatar Company
of Sentinel Butte wil~:~ecelve seal-
ed bids for all the s~lVd~e on burnt
Elevator site in Se~. tinel Butte,]
North Dakota,
Bids will be opened September
18, 1944, at 9 o'clock P. M.
The Board reserve~ the right to
accept or reject any~lb~all bids.
Farmers ]~e~ator Co.,
Sentinel ~utte, N. Dak.
It Is suggested that ~tf you send
Just one box to your serviceman
that you have sever~,1~smaller, in-
dividuaUy wrapped packages inside
the larger one. Five small pack°
ages are more fun tha~ Just one.
Mailing Boxes
ONLY 10¢
of the day of such service, and in
case of your failure to appear or
answer as above required, the Plain-
tiff will take Judgment against you
by default for the relief demanded
in the Complaint
Dated at Beach, North Dakota,
this 19th day of August. 1944.
You, and each of you, will please
take notice that the above entitled
action is brought for the purpose
ef quieting title in the Plaintiff and
deprivin~g you, and each of you, of
any ana all interest in and to the
following described lands situated in
the County of Golden Valley, and
State o~ North Dakota, to-wit:
The Northeast Quarter (NE~)
of Section Nine (9), and the North
Half of the South Half (N~S~)
of Section Ten {101, in Township
One Hundred and Forty-one (141),
North of Range One Hundred
and Four (104), West of the 5th
P. M.
and of determining adverse claims
thereto, and that no personal claim
is made against you unless you appear
and defend in this action.
Dated this 15th day of August
Attorney for Plaintiff
Beach, North Dakota.
{Aug. 17, 24, 31: Se~t. 7, 14, 21, 1944)
W. C. Schulz, Plaintiff, {
Clinton c. Lord. Frederick )
E. Near, George Meek, Mar-
tha I. Darby, Florence Hou- )
den. Brownton State Bank. )
a corporation, the unknown )
Heirs of W. S. Davis, De-
ceased, Waiter S. - Davis, )
Minnie Smith. as Adminis- )
tratrix of the Estate of
Mary Adelaide Davis (also )
known as Addie Davis), )
Deceased, and all other per- )
sons unknown claiming any
estate or interest in, or lien )
or encumbrance upon the )
property described in the )
Complaint, . . )
De~enaants. )
You are hereby summoned and
required to answer the Complaint
of the above named Plaintiff. which
is on file in the Office of the C~erk
of the District Court of the Sixth
Judicial District in the County of
Golden Valley and State of North
Dakota, and ~o serve a copy of your
the subscriber
answer thereto upon
at his office in ~he City of Beach
in said County and State, within
thirty (301 days after the service
of this summons upon you, exclu-
sive of the day of such service, and
In ease of your failure to appear
or answer as above required, the
Plaintiff will take Judgment against
you by default for the relief de-
rounded In the Complaint.
Dated at Beach, North Dakota, ~his
5th day of August A. D. i944.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Office and Postoffiee A~ |
dress: Beach, North Da~ '|l
kota. ~I l
You, and each of you, Will please
take notice that the above entitled
action is brought for the purpoge
of quieting title in the Plaintiff and
depriving you, and each of you,
of any and all interest in and tQ
the following described lands and
premises situated in the County of
Golden Valley and State of North
Dakota, viz:
Lots Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine
(9), Ten (101, Eleven (11), Twelve
(12), Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14),
Fifteen (15), Sixteen (181, Seven-
teen (17) and Eighteen (18) in
Block Eleven (11) of Near's First
Addition to the Clt~"e of Beach,
North Dakota, as the same is
~latted and the Plat thereof on
le and of record in the office of
the Register of Deeds of Golden
Valley County, North Dakota,
and of determining adverse claims
thereto, and that no personal claim
is made against you unless you ap-
pear and d6fend in this action.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Beach. North Dakota.
(August 10, 17, 24. 31" Sept. 7. 14, 1944)
Glen R. Olson. )
Pla~tiff, )
• vs )
Central Securities Company )
a corporation Beach State )
Bank, a corporation, Ed- )
ward D. Shriner, The Cen- )
tral Mortgage Company, a )
corporation. Joseph W, )
Moore, Administrator of the )
Estate of Lucy Jane Slay- )
ton, Deceased, William Bur- )
ton, Susie K. Arnold, J, I. )
Case Threshing Machine
C o m p a ny (Ineorporatad), )
and all other persons un- )
known claiming any estate
or interest in, or llen or
encumbrance upon the pro-
perry described in the )
Complaint, )
Defendants. )
You are hereby summoned and re-
BW -~u~w~w'~ 'Ir~lrq~1"TJ'q qutred to answer the Complaint of
• [' l "i 14 I.IR l II " the above named Plaintiff, which
U ll II J~ J~J~t~U is on fll~. in the o0ffice of the-Clerk
of the ~utstrlct Co of the Sixth
Judicial District i~ the County of
=:___--:---=7---:- :~---:::=- Golden Valley and State of North
.-.~= Dakota, and to serve a copy bf your
.. -~, . ~- answer thereto upon .U'~ subscriber
~ o, at his office in the City of Beach,
S U M M O N S '-~ in said Count~aftand rState, within
thirty (~lO) ; day~ the', rite ~rV/ce
State of North Dakota of tht~ autumns upgn you, ~.~in-
County ~ Golden y~.~ .......... ." sive of the aay of mmh service,
/Xt tr,~xmt uour~ ann In ease o, your. 'failure to~
Sixth Judicial District appear or ar~w_er _as a~ove requir-
Catherine Ue~z, ) ed, the Plaintiff wUl lrke Judgment
plaintiff ~ against you by. o e~ault for She re,
vs. ) lief demanaed m me uomplmnt. •
Joseph Uetz, .the. unknown ) Dated at Beach, North Dakota, this
heirs of Josep~ uetz, ]L'triel ) 14th day of A~EA~- D. 194A.
Sykes, the unknown hen, s ~ . Ju."lr~ r~ o~.~_
of Peter Uetz .deceased, ) [ Attorney ~or l-mmt~
Bertha _C. Dflley, John ~ l" Office .Posto~ce Address:
also known as Aule.Bo tz. ) [ m u •
Peter Boltz, the unknown ) I TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFF.N-
heirs of Frances Uetz Boltz. ) I DAI~'I~: ......
deceased, Mary Uelz, Anna ) You ana e.acn o~ you, WIll pl.e.ase
Uetz, Nick Uetz, Henry ) l take nouce that ~e a~ove enttuea
Lowe Chas. L. Jacons ) action .is brought f?r t~e_~urpose
L. M. Ford, A. J. Gilman, ) !~ ql.uetiug utie , &la%~r~ ann
and all other persons un- ) Iepnvmg you,., an ea . t you,
or interest in, or lien or ) ne zolxo~ng escn ~s d
encumbrance upon the pro- ) )rem.ises ,~x~uated in St~ae ~oO~.t~ of
described in the veto- ] ~aolden vattey ann s r~ z r~orm
) aKor~ VIZ: ~
Defendants. ) " Southwest q t~r~.r (SW~/4) of
OF NORTH DAKOTA Section Four (4), theNortho Half
ABOVE NAMED DE- North Half of
Plan now to attend the Pall F~tr I
I I ii I i i I I I I It