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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 12, 1935     Golden Valley News
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September 12, 1935
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msmrtk, Sept. s--~ov~, walt-{ erKE. Welford has wired a formal{ prOtest to the Interstate Commercel Commission in opposition to a pro-] posed preferential rate reduction on~ flonr and gf'Mu products milled in] the Twin Cities from grain originat-i ing In the Southwest or in Canada on traffic destined to points east of Chicago, without according a like re- duction on wheat originating in North Dakota, Montana, or South Dakota. Railroads operating between Minn- eapolis and Chicago have filed, to become effective September 10th. a reduction h'om 12 cents to 8 cents per hundred pounds in the proportion- al rate oll wheat products~ from the Twin Cities to Chicago when file shipment is destined to a poin~ be- yond Chicago. applying, however, on- ly nu wheat originating at points in Nebraska. Kansas. Colorado, Okla- l~6ma and Texas, or on wheat nlovillg fdom Duluth to Minneapolis by rail. Thn latter provision for the purpose of applying on Canadian wheat im- pot~ed via Duluth for milling at Minn~aooli~. The Board of Raih'oad Commissioi]- era of North Dakota, who have been actively resisting this rustier for some lime. have also flied a wire 1)retest supplemented by a formal petition for snsDension of the oh- jectionable rates. The railroads had asked the Inierstate Commission for authority to publish the rates on ~mrt notice, which would lave de- nied interested parties an opportun- let t~:Dvotests against their establish- ment. The Board opposed this action, ~rging that the facts had not been fairly presented to tile Interstate Come, aMen and that the North Da- kota interests should have an oppor- tunity to register their protest. The Interstate Commission said that the rates might be published on 15 days notice, giving the opposing Parties an opportunity, however, to object to their becoming effective. It is represented by the Board that the effect of the proposed reduction woud be the narrowing of the market for spring wheat grown in North Da- kota by reason of the encouragement thus given to the use of low grade southwestern wheat on the Minne- apolis nlarket and tending, together with the wheat imported from Can- ada, o supplant the spring wheat pro. duced by North Dakota growers. £n effect, it would also restore to the Twin Cities a long tl~e prefer- ential adjustment eyrir North Dako- ta mills, which was condemned by the Interstate Commerce Commission tn the recent Grain Rate Case and I II [ I ]_ I COAL! The Popiel Coal Mine will be open and ready for bus- iness... September 12 V- T RUDY SCHAUER Prop. ....... ---7_ - '- "- -" .... - ........ r Grain abolishe~t!ly~ !, 1935. It ap~a~8 tO~atl:thls m~e iJ kUp- plemental to the position of Minne- apolis milling interests that much of the light weight wheat produced in North Dakota this year is unfit for milling and fixing grades and prices at a level far belSw that for norma~ Greater Grand Forks Traffic As3od- ation, and the Chamber of Comm:~rce at Fargo. 4,~3overnor ~Velfor,! ha~ asked the governors of Minnesota. South Dakota and Montana to jofn with North Dakota interests in sUp- porting file request for suspension. ................. sill ............... RUSSELL PREPARES GRAIN CHART --11 Sev~raI inqoiries regarding thatch- er wheat has come to county agent Russell's office during the past week I requesting as t,,) yields information ill comparison ~0 cei'es a.ud lnarquis. Mr. Russell si~tes that thatcher i whea| is a new wheat developed at the UniVersity farm at S~. Paul, Minnesota. This wheat is well ad- apted to the heavy soils of Minne. sots and eastern North Dakota. However, the trials made in North Dakota since 930 do not show any improvement over ceres as far as yield is concerned. Mr. Russell feels that farmers who are interested iu improved seed Dickinson Lady Re- turns From Trip tl Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Burns of Sen- tinel Butte spent the weekend at Dickinson Where they visited with Mr~ Harve Robinson, sister of Mrs. Burns. Together with Mrs. Klinefeltei" and Mrs. guck~rman, also of Dickinson, Mrs~ RoMns0n;returned recently from a tour of the east, where they visited various points of interest. At Ann- LOSES RATE FI6HT (Continued from page 1) Board follows: ,It has come to my attention that your paper has become interested In the current controversy resulting :~rom the proposal of the N0rtlt~ Pacific Railway Company to:incr~ase 3 cents per cwt. the present 28 cent ratet on grain from Beach to Minn- eapolis and Duluth. This proposal as you Probably know came about by reason of the ROY JOHHSOH ELEGTEO (Continued from Page I) sideg:a ~'pI~: Of ~pnization pro- posed by 'the Iffterngtlonal organiza- tion, and to discuss activities to be sponsored this year. ~Fhe- entertainmen~ committee aP- pointed for this meeting will hold over for the next meeting which is to be Ladies Night and will presumably be held in the pavilion at Painted C~nyon east Of. Mgd~ra if , ,present plans materialize. weight wheat, it being an apparent spells, Md., she visited the U. S. readjustment of grain rates from Lion Russell talke~ of beautifying attempt to supplant wheat grown In Naval Academy, where her son was North Dakota and Montana to the the city by planting more trees amI the northwest with that originating recently enrolled for a five year terminal markets on July 1st, 1935. shrubs and suggested that a commit- in Canada or the southwestern Un-!course of training The privilege of The Board of Railroad Cmnmission- tee De .appointed to mvestigate the ited States l attending this institution ls extended era of North Dakota fought this case lp°ssiblhty of plantin~ trees below' - " , n " N t the dam west of town Action In support of these pleas annually to t~o young men of the ,all tim way o behal[ of or tl Da- • '- I ........ m - "- a kota -~oduc(ls The lead'ustmentI This matter will be referred to the for suspension of the proposed 'ached-~state an(l tne cnolce zs a(te after , " ' P' ~" • ": J . , l u plopm commfltee ~hen the varmus ules has also been taken by the. Stale :thorough examination l)ased on the which came a)out the 1st of J ly • " " • • Mill and Elevator, Grand Forks: the Imental and phymcal fitness of the,. gaw~ Beach ,~ reduction ,)f 3e per cmmmttees have been named. 100 weight oi). wheat from the farm- IIT~ ........... applicant. His selection speaks well 'for young~Robinson, and the many h'ieuds of the family from his birth, 1)lace at Sentinel Bu~,ie rejoice with them over this signal honor. At Washington. I). C.. Mrs. Roh ins,m visited wflh C. L, Dawson, also formerly of Sentinel Butte. and one time state's attorney of Gohten Val- ley COllllly, MI'. Dawson has a l:OSl- Hen wilh the department ,:ff jvstice nr the natimfs capital On the Atlantic seaboard. Mrs. ll, flHn.~mn visHod tlw spot where lbe PilaHms first landed ,m American M~ore~. The New England stare n 4d a carrie(air fascination for Mrs. Rob- insou as ill(, home of lwr early fore- raillery. Sh,? is a memher of the Daughters of the American Revolu- titm. the lineage of the Elliott family been traced back 1o the Rev- oluHonnry fathers. A vial| to the Empire State build- in{,~ in New Ym'k City ~allest in the wnrld with its 102 stories, was also on the itinerary of the trip. and to- gether with the many uther points o~ Interest, made the trip a memoral)le one for the visitors from North Pa- l kota. _ .................... llll wheat would do better to start some ~÷,,,:~-~,~.,~:..x-~--~:--:w~-.~-.,~--x--'--:-:--~--'::-÷>-'.-:-'~-.~ new strains of improved ceres in the • Garner News county. New and better stratus of] ceres have been developed at the l .......... ..:-::,.,~..,,.v..,,~.:.,:...,, .-,,~: .--~ Fargo Experiment station. He said ' ...,:-~,::x-.,¢-.: ,.:o. ,... ~...~., ~ ~-.~.r,.-.~ .... it is possible that a small quantity Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wo~ssmann aixd of improxed seed (Ceres) could be family, John and Willis Stull and secured for a few farmers who would Leslie ttoward were Modern visitors cr 3lc rate while it left the rate from Yates. Montana. immediately across the border, unchanged. Thls hrou~ht about severe complaints fl"om Montana i~terests who. l)v the way, did no~ take an active part in the reheariug of the grain case, It was ,,lain~ed fhat m'ain produced in east- cvn Montana was t)ein~- hanlod to (.lev:~tors in North Dakota and ship- D,';t iron/ North Dakota points. \Vv wtq't, approached several week.~s ~:a~) with tlle proposal that this sit- ualit)lt I)e relnedied hy an increase in :,%rib Dakottt rates. Tile Montana Hath'cad COllll~tisRion called ~s on |he telephone and urged that we t!RF~,O |O such ~I}. illeFOaSO, \\re re- }}Hod ihat such a concession was im- possible for us. it being our convlc- lion tllat the logical remedy was a reduction in the Montana rates. This was followed by a formal pctl- ,ion filed by the Northern Pacific R~ihvay with the hlterstate Con]- morce CommisMon in which they asked for an amended order increas- ing" Beach and certain other west- ern North Dakota rates. For your information we attach a copy of our reply from which we believe it is evident that our position is w~ql founded. I greatly fear that the Montana Commission made a grave mistake and one that may be costly to us in practically conceding to the Inter- state Commerce Commission that their situation could be well rem. agree to take special care of it to Sunday. -~ [edied by an increase la rates in see that it does not become mixed Clara Walter and Dorothy Wass-~:~'2 .......... .... l-eti ' , ~_ ~Norta IJaKota In me course or cor- with otner stratus or va~ ca. mann Earl Allstot Rooney ~noen . " ..... M- r'u--ell has ~re~aled the I _ _' _ . ' ...... I responaence with ~ar. ~Javzs, Man. r. ~ ,~ v v " ~ana lxeo t~rown tmgan scape/ in ~eut- . ._ ........ followin^ table showing the yleldl ....... lager or tne ~eacn Co-operanve t~ratu g inel tlutte on lvlonuay w ...... I Company c suggested that it would comparisons of Marquis, Ceres andI Mr and Mrs GIen Allstot ann. Th-*~t'er ~t the six "ex~eriment sta .. " ..... "_. _ _ i be helpful if he and other elevator ~sa ~ ~" " girls anu I:IIIL wassmann returnea ..... " I-'" w" -~ k t t f them~ operators In that vic nlty 1re me tions in North Da o a, hree o i home on Friday from the fair at t ....... " "" te n art and three tn the l ~mterstate t~ommerce t~ommmsion ai- m me eas r p ]Sidn;Y'and Mls George Wassmann rect a strong protest against any in- western part. ' ' " " " " crease in our rats from that vicin- Eastern North Dakota Stations land family were visitors at Joe Fargo 1930-34 incl, Average Dletz' Sunday. Marquis 28.0 Ceres 31.4 Thatcher 29.1 EdgeleY 1930.32 InCl. Average Marquis 18.0 Ceres 22.2 Thatcl~er 23.7 Langdon 1930-34 Incl. Averag~ Marquis 22.4 Ceres 26.8 Thatcher ~8.7 Station Average Marquis 22.8 Ceres 28.6 Thatcher 26.5 Western North Dakota Stations Dickinson 1930-34 incl. Averag~ Marquls .10.4 Ceres 12.6 ThatCher 10.6 Mandan 1930-31-32-34 Average Marquls 11.3 Ceres 14.0 Thatcher 12.9 Williston 1930.31-3~-33 Average Marquis 12.3 Ceres 14, 4 Thatcher 13.7 Station Average Marquis 11.3 Ceres 13.7 Thatcher 1~. 7 --!111 Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Cook were ~hopPers in Beach and Sentinel Butte on Friday. DANCE to Andy Kinney's orchest. ra, with a fine floor show in addition, at E%rEROR~EN PARK. Friday, September 13. , Trotters News --Il- l Luther Hodgiu recently enjoyed a !visit from his niece, Miss E~ther Itodgin. of Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Voyne and Mr. am! Mrs Lawhead were Sunday afternoon ~,_,l~osts at the Stevens honl. ltollis Bishop was a visitor at the A. J. Xellermoo home this week. The people of the Lutheran church at Skaar will hold their dedication servi,'es on Sunday. Sept. 15. Ev- eryone is iuvited to attend any or alI of tho all-day services. Mrs. W, B. CIark and daughter ret~lrned to their heine in Beach on ~unday after a three weeks visit ~ith relatives here. Mrs. Carrie Sperry returned Sun- (lay from a six weeks visit with her son and familg at New Art. Ore. / Mrs. Joe Lemire visited at the Fred Wassman home T~esday and Wednesday. John Stull visited at the Fred Wassmann home laast week. Walter Wassmann and Earl Allstot returned home from the Yellowstone National Park Saturday morning. Andy Went called at the Gem Stull home on Sunday. Roy Harmon vistted at the John Waiter's Place Sunday. -I111 FORO SHOW WELL ATTENDED iF----- Approximately 1000 people visited the Ford show at the Johnson Motor Co, last Friday and Saturday to view the talking moving pictures and the cut-away V-8 chassis on display there, Shows were held" Friday ev- ening and Saturday afternoon and evening, at which time several in- teresting feature pictures were dis- played dealing with the new auto- mobiles. Illl. CARD OF THANKS --li We wish to take this means of ex- tending our sincere thanks to our friends for their many acts of kind- ness and words of sympathy in our recent bereavement, the death of our dear father. ~Randal, Victor, Borgne and Evelyn Thompson. I111 The Past Matrons club will sponsor a card party at the Masonic Temple next Wednesday evening, Sept. 18. Whist will be played. ~r~l _ _ L ..... J ...... See and Ride in the New Plymou h At the ity. I might say that the petition filed by the Northern Pacific Rail- way asking for an increase in North Dakota rates was V-'~ry plausible an4 quite convincing although we believe we have the facts on our side. Among other things they endeavored to give the Commission the impression that the grain produced in Golden Val- ley County was negligible, that the Bad Lands practically cut off that part of the State from other produc- ing parts of North Dakota, and that so far as grain rates are concerned it should be a part of the Montana adlustment. We sincerely hope our reply will bear some weight with the Cereals- alert. Yours very truly, J. C. Win~er Traffic Expert. We need a good. rustler county' to :represent us. All work. Cash commissions Must have car. See pamphlet office of this paper, then C. Keown; Sheridan; MEN WANTED for routes in Billings and Slope ~Wrlte today. Rawleigh Co., NDI-12-SB~ Minneapolis, Learn Auto Mechanics, Acetylene and Electric Diesel Motor, Practical catalog. HANSON AUTO Box 1780-X, Fargo, N. D. WANTED--Girl to do housework. Mrs. Lyle tlnel Butte. CHIMNEYS CLEANE office buildings, $2.00 for Call Review office. VAN BRUNT JOHN DEER~ are better and last longer. spring Van Brunt drills could bought on account of the mand. If you don't believe Jim Hardy, the Michels dozens of others. i7000 Van Brur~t orders :not be filled, More Van Brunt ~are sold than 3 other make~ btned. There is a reason• , ley Implement Co., Ollie, and Golva. WANTED--Cook at the Valley Hotel_ WANT middle-aged lady fo~ keeper in home with two Hugh Chaffee, Wibaux, 133. THOMPSON'S WE D]~LIVER PHONE] See Our Canning Fruit Before You Buy. the Best. Prices right. POST TOASTIES, 2 LARGE PKS, 1 PINEAPPLE, NO, 2 1-2 CAN BISQUIGK, LARGE 32 OZ, PKS, DILL PICKLES, 1 MILK, IGA QT, JAR 4 LARGE CANS BAKING 1 COOKIES, LB, PK, GRAPE FRUIT, 2 NO, 2 CANS MAXWEL[ HOUSE COFFEE,?. LB CAN All Kinds of Fruits and Vegetables It See Sale Bills For N To the rhythmic music of ANDY KINNEY And his Orchestra, "Knights of the ModernDance" Evergreen Park BEACH, NOR~ DAKOTA ? Friday, Sept. 1 AUTHOP~IZ£D PLYMOUTH AND CHRYSLER DZALlgRS See their fine floor show featuring GEORGIA DE LOWE Orient, Tap and Comedy Dancer ega! mee t Sa turn, of tl Year Men wa~ grou] deles bers Huds of p "chos~ come ether F Thr :ranch beauti ~the re farm 1 ~.Club r t~lort]