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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 12, 1935     Golden Valley News
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September 12, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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DANCE to Andy Kinney's orchest- held a ge~-together at the church David Dietz and George Coyle went Frank ~mok and ~; with a fine. fioori~~ in addition, ':l~asement~truesday evening. A social to the river Monday to buy some in Sidney Tedt~ at EVBRGRI~EN ~RK,, ~ ~iday, ~as held, games played: " and a gen-!garden truck ....... September 13, ~ ~'a! good ~ime had. A delicious Mrs. Harold Hollar was on the Charlie Smith on- Kathleen Boisen left° on Thursday lunch was served at the close of the list Tuesday. supper Tuesday evening morning for Winona, Minnesota, evenings entertainment. Junior Cook was a caller at Ha~ and sons from Gel- where she .will ~ttend the school of Amber (}rimes and Mary Wilson[old Hollar's on Tuesday. from WYoming. esa this year. were shopping in Beach o~ Monday. I Mrs. Eva' Dietz and Mrs. Conbo}, All a~ad SOn returned last week Mr. and Mrs Sewell Mason and ~helped with the housework at Mrs. ~veek~ for a two weeks vacation in Seattle, small son left the first part of the Dietz' Tuesday. North I~tkot~ Washington. She began her teachi~ wee~,'~ for Grand Forks where Mr. llem-y Coyle went home Tuesday severaJ MaYa hqltre in duties at Medora on Monday. Mason will resume his teaching du. from herding sheep for Hollar ann old friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown of' ties at the University. Allen. Robert Morris took his place. Mrs. Alfred Trei~t~r and Spokane, Washington, arrived on Myrtle Johnston will leave on S~t~t~- Mr. and Mrs. Gee. C0yle were ! C'harlie Smith and son Saturday to visit old friends here. day for Jamestown where she wil! callers at Harold Hollar's and David Clutlqea and George g~nded the fair Mr. and Mrs, Brown were former enroll at the college for this term. Dietz' Tuesday night. WedneadaL residents of Sentinel Butte. i The ~Rar Society will sponsor a Our school opened Wednesday .Wlflt from Golvs, tesche~ Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and Patty'guest day Thursday, Sept. 19, at the Miss Conley teachink. All of the is making her Ann spent Sunday in Sentinel Butt~, home of Mrs. A. P. Boisen. Every- children have not enrolled yet. ~eank gook home. visiting at the Boisen home. one is invited. Math Brown is trucking his wheat Mrs. J Treater assisted with ' Dorothy Wosepka visited her si.~- The work aid of the Congregation-, to town this week. the past wesT* ter. Mrs. Paul Wagner?Sunday. a] church will meet at the home o~ Mr. and Mrs. L S. Rathbun are Ztnsli home during Mr. Polly Burhans, Kathleen and Mar-~Mrs. W: E. BUrhans Thursday at- the parents of a son born in Beach She returned home garet Boisen drove to Dickinson oh terneon. Sept. 12. Friday at the Louise Benson home. r evening. Wednesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gilbraith Mother and child are doing fine. Mrs. Henry WoJohn and Theressa Lievens spent Friday and spent a few days the past week via-I Mr~ and Mrs. Gee. Coy]e were ov- ltfng at the llome of Mrs. GUbraith's Sunday visitors at the Saturday visiting at the A. R. Mtl. lpArents' Mr. and Mrs. C. H., 3~ah' ernightl quests at the VanHorn's in home and Mrs. Alfred Ueck- let ho~J~e in [~each. err. Eugene LaMeres tsassisting at the Eaton. They were enroute from Den-I Sentinel Butte Thursday. Frank Zook had a crew of men Boisen store. ! ~ ~ver, Colorado to Livingston, Mont. I "There wereschoolhouseChUrch serviCeSsundayat theat'. , where Mr. Oilhraith Is engaged in the lWesterheim silo at his farm. D~mald Sogler is ~tmployed at the drug business, i ternoon. Rev. C. P. Brown of Dick- Win. Ueckert were Hogoboom garage, inson will continue to "hold services the home of Mr. M~. Desmond Hominoid left Satur- Miss Virginia Burns returned Sat- through the week each night at 7:30. and Mrs, Jimmy Johnstone north o~ day for Medora after working at the urday from Minneapolis where she Math Brown moved his children ~0 Selttl~ Butt e.~Mond~y. Everts home for the past few months, spent the past two months visiting Sentinel Butte Sunday where they Georgte S n~|th started high school Verda Smith is taklm¢ her place at and also taking a course in tap dane- will do light housekeeping and go to Monday. present, lug at a special school. L Mrs. Alfred Ueckert and Harry Smith and W. E. Burhans Mr. and Mrs. John Ablidinger and school. J. S. Rathbun, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Monday morning for Velva wer~ r~oaoh business visitors on sou Nell of Rhame spent a few days Minotr~ on business. Eleanor Sunday. visiting at the W. J. Burns home, Ho]lar. Mrs. W, R. Conboy were Ueekert a~panied them to Bls- The Sentinel Butte schools open- Mrs. P. S. Oallagher Igt the first shoppers in Sentinel Butte and Beach marck wh~ she will attend business ed on Monday morning with a fair of the week for points in Minnesota on Saturday. sized enrollment, and Wisconsin, where she will visit ' ' Ernest Feldman and The Nunn family has moVed into relatives for a few weeks. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR LiGNiTE COAL FOR GOLDEN VALLEY and Irene, Mr. and rooms over BUrns' store for the George Lemire, who left recently COUNTY. Dykins, Mr. and Mrs. winter months, together with Mrs. Lemire for t'he .~l NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Win. ~Iollar sad Mr, and Mrs. Win. Guy Lee and Henry Lehmann were west coast region, writes from Klam. the Board of County Commissioners Ueekert allvattended the auction sale Beach business visitors on Friday. 1,qth Falls, Ore.. that he has secured of Golden Valley County, North Da. at V~n H0rn's Monday. Mr. Kennedy was in Beach on bus-I employment with the Weyerhaenser kota, will receive bids for the fur- ntshing of lignite coal for the County enertained the tness on Monday. }lumber tnterestg and will ~pend the Court House and for relief clients in last TUesday at- The Congregational Sunday School twinter there... Dakota.Beach andSaidSentinellignite eoalBUtte'mustN°rthbe at her home. , , , , screeched and free from dirt, mineral and slack and to be delivered in Math ~escher from north of Sen- ~lt~,~t~,~,,t~**~,~t~dt~ ,~**~~dt~t~@~x~ ~uch quantities and at such times final Butte was down in this neigh- as coal is required for the use in saint Court House or for delivery to :of the week doing Camel's Hump Alpha News rellef"¢llents during the fiscal year to end June 30th. 1936. Sealed bids will be received up Kramer finished harvesting ~,~-~e~e~/r-~@~@-~.~**ee ~44t~t~**dt~*g-~/r~*~e~t the hour of 2:00 o'clock. P. M. :o CO his Oov~ farm Monday. Sunday dinner guests at the Lars Lewis Tungavlk and daughter Ruth October 3. 1935, and may be left with the County Auditor at the County ............ IIH. Ness home were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. and Louise Otremba were in Dic~ Court House in Beach, North Da- _ , ~, '~'~ ......... RoSa. Each bid is to be accompanied ,, Nelson and family from Beach, Mr. son Thursday making arrangements by a certified cl~eck in the amount Bonnie View andMrs. Ross Johnstone and baby for school where Ruth will attend o-rlP2L00 to insure that the success- fu]~ b|dder will enter into contract Ronald, and Carl Orosegbauer. Teacher's College this fall. and furnish bond in the sum of ' ~ ~: The Friendly Neighbors club met Bobby Hogoboom spent several $200.00 for the faithful performance ' e . of said contract. Checks of unsue- The Y, C. L. of th Boxtnie View at Mrs. Howard Van Horn's on daays visiting his grandparents, Mr. cessfui bidders will be returned to ¢ch~o l~e!d their first meeting last Thursday, September 5, with quite a and Mrs. M. B. Hogoboom. them at the close of the opening of their new officers few attending. Mrs. Donald L~nsing of St. Cloud, bidderbids andwlll betheretainedCheck OfuntllSuccessfUla con- Mrs. Clyde Myers and Pearl and Minn., arrived Thursday for a two tract is entered into and approved Dunder the boys motored to Beach on Friday. weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. o~bY the Board of County Co~nmission- era and good end proper bond fur- Howard Schauer Martha Berg was helping Mrs. and Mrs. Win. Carew. ~nlshed. Milton Ziebarth, who is working "The Board of County CommiE- , ~sioners reserves the" right to reject Secretary, Frank Duader John Berg cook for threshers last near Yakinh, Wash., arrived at ~! ar~v or a~l bias. Tfedtt~re~, ~h,n~st Schauer week. .... Dated at Beach. North Dakota. Yell Leader, Clartce Ra~kln C a r I Grosegbauer returned on home of his parents Saturday morn- this 10th day of September, A. D. and Marian Sehauer Thursday to resume his school du- ing for a short visit. 1935. were vi~t~ ties ~at the Camels Hump school Mr. and Mrs. Wellner of Oskos~a. MINNIE E, SMITH Auditor, Golden Vaney County View ,school on which opened on Monday. Wts., are visiting at the M. B. Ho- Sei~t. 12-19-26, Oct. 3. Dorothy Brier was an o~ternight goboom home. Mrs. Wellner is Mr. Braden, acompanied bY visitor with Muriel and Lillie Ness Hogoboom's sister .... - ~ednesday ~r on Saturday. The White family, and Margareh her slster~ Mrs. Flo~ti • A large "crowd attended the sala Harold and Milton Zlebarth, Anna- ATTENTION ! nolle Nunn and Clarence Jesok were' on to her school the Constant Van Horn farm Monday. lvisitors at the 0t~o Johnson home on We have taken over the barber ,.1~ D, Mr. and Mrs. Lars NOSE, Lillie, Mr. l~'ank Noble and Murtel and Delores a~d Mr. and'Sunday" z business formerly operated by Mr. Mr. al~d M.V~ Roy McCaskey were Mrs. Llnfred NOSE" were bu'siness Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Scherman and Merles Adler across from the de- &mollg th'6~ "Who attended the fun- callers In Sentinel Butte Thursday. family and Louise Otremba were pot. Your patronage will be aP- oral Of Albert Thompson. Marjor|e Myers, who is staying [Beach visitors on Monday. prectated. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gebhart arrived with her aunt, Mrs. Floyd Houck. in] Edward Eide took in the show at We also specialize in ladies' and : week and are visitln~ Beach, is attending high school. I Beach Saturday evening. . children's haircutting. sister, Mrs. Mr: and Mrs. Win. Ueckert were] Mr. and Mrs. Jack F~sching were former dinner guests at Jimmie Jihnstone's at White's Th,,rsda~ afternoon. Harris Bros. Gebhart was on Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. Edward Flannaga~ E.L. HARRIS J.R. HARRIS at the N~tds and Callendar Marie Berg helped Mrs. Jim and Mr. and Mrs. Art Roberts of Johnstone during threshinglast week. Bismarck were weekend guests at teh ~ ~, Robert, Raymond and MarJan Alger Brier visited with Billy and Jens Gronning home. Cecelia, Joe Roy Houck on Saturday afternoon. Heartiest congratulations are e.~- went to Beach On Friday evening a group of ':tended the newlyweds, Mr, and Mrs. friends surprised Bud Myers in h°n°r I-hr°ld Ziebarth" THINK a of his birthday. Those attending. ............ !IIt atthe Win. Braden were Mr. and M#s. George Franzon Diaz Cross Treasured Possibly the greatest treasure In to her home at Beach a~ld family, Mr. at~d Mrs. Page Cape Town's museum is the remnants We Deliver or Pay the Pod- Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kirk- of the iron cross which was set up patrick and children. Mr. and Mrs. by Bartholomew Diaz, when in the age on ALL CASH Russel Brown and" children and Lento year 14SG, he tun,led at Luderitz on Mail Orders Beach, No. Dak. Pelissier. Playing cards was the at- ~is met~orable t'oya~'e to and rosa0 RoY. E.--liT" Anderson, Pastor nighttractt°na Oflovelythe evening.lunch wasAr°undservedmid'af- the (~,npe of ,Io,,(l llo[)e. ,, ~,, ,, rl ~,~1~,,, ~ ~nday tmhool ................................ 10 a. m. ter which the guests departed wish- ing Bud many more happy returns of the day. TIRED, WORN OUT, SENTINEL BUTTE, N. DAK. Dolores Ness visited a few days NO AMBITION worship at llq0 a.m. last week with her Sister Mrs. Ross II1: Johnstone. She returned home on , HOW many Thursday. ~, ' women are , o .tor Mr .d and l 10 A. M. Churc}~ Seh6t~l Don and Pauline and Bessie motoredi ~~ selves around, all OPTICAL SPECIALIST at II A.M. i to Beech on Saturday where the lay l~a ~/redout with pe~. Christian Endeavor t ter received a permanent. ~~' odic weakness and ~~ pain? They should Tip Van Horn was serioltsly hurt ~ know that Lydia p.m. I~tdtesAld last week~'henahorse fell on h,m ~? E. Pinkham'sTab. 6 61LBERTSON ThU1~ay 7:80 p. re.i hurting his chest and arm. He is ~ lets relieve pert- l p, m. C. E. business staying at the John Grin3m home in odlcpainsanddls. aid social ~aeeting. town. . comfort. Small size only 2~ cents. 1 Word was received that a fine s0~ llllnois,Mrs" Dorsieuyt "lWilliamshad no°f D anville,ambltlon Glasses fitted--Any broken len~ ] was born to Mrs. Howard Benner and was terribly nervous. Your Tab- duplicated; ~Frames repaired. (Y/IIT~OH [ (formerly Pearl Van Horn) in Hon- !.e~,h~lped my per/odE and built me l olulu on Sept. 3. up. T/~ them next month. Beach, N. D., First door out Norma and Ramona Myers got a. hi. Permanemts in Beach Friday. of Overetad's Hardware store. ) 11:00 a m, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Van Horn Thursday 7:30 p. m. are moving to the C. Van Horn house ~ and Mr. and Mrs. Llnfred Ness will - • , , , , ,,, ,, , , , IN ~HRIST Howard Van :Horn N~ ~ ~ Walker who Is teaching We exchange wheat for [ m~rI~, Wo~lll~ thd Twin B~ltte ~school is boarding at -' i no.rd van. ~r.'s. DAKOTA MAID FLOUR , ]I. Soebty ........... ,i~ ru~sZ..,,,,,t ~or c~=- Will accept as low as 50 lb. CHmu earl greatly in, kind and wheat Ha~e, Past~" lndla gives 25 Westerheim F REE GAS! Enjoy The Convenience' Of Gas In Your Home! The fallowing amount of FREE GAS will be credited to the customer's gas bills in 12 equal monthly in- stallments for the first 12 months following the in- stall~lti~,n of a.~v of the following appliances: FREE GAS! Furnace Burners ........................................... $ 36.00 Furnaces and Boilers 36.00 Circulating Heaters ......................................... 18.00 ~Ioor Furnaces ...................................................... ]8.00 Wbter Heaters (Storage) ........................... 12.00 Water Heaters (Tank) .................................. 9.00 Radiant Heaters ................................................... 6.00 Gas Ranges 6.00 Hot Plates ..................................................................... 3.00 $10.00 FLAT CHARGE ON GAS SERVICE LINES Not Exceeding 100 feet Estimates given on all other installation, work HOTIIII LESS THAI I MOIEIH PRICES $33.50 AND UP PAYNE FURNACE ~sL~mafl~Curn~s~d Fl~. A large variety of types and sizes of Quad Circulating Heaters. Prices from $26.00 and up Attractive Models In Radiantfire Heaters PRICES $12.95 AND UP Special Terms~9"Sc down and No. 307 hdh~lke $I.00 per moneh PLAN SPECIAL RENTAL We will install the proper gas burner in your present Coal furnace for $1.50 down and $1.00 per month. WATER HEATERS Storage Tank Type, Cor0plete Unit ................... $24.00 Also the new Super Culti Non-Coil Heater __ $11.00 SPECIAL TERMS TO SUIT YOUR OWN CONVENIENCE ON APPLIAHCES AHD IHSTALLATIOH CHAR6ES Montana-Dak:ota Powe[.Co.