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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 12, 1935     Golden Valley News
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September 12, 1935
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THE BEACH REVIEW And SI':N'I'INEL t;UTTb~ REVI!r~3,' OFFICIAL PAPER OF GOlDEN VALI,EY COUNTY AND THE CITY OF BEACH I lll I I I Ill I I /5¸¸! :ii ROY JOHNSON IS REELECTED uo,s HEAO District Governor Kuhfeld Tells Of Recent Trip To Canada .>, I t l .li-~l',i~ 1.:2. !fl:5 BEACH, GOLDI~N VkI,LEY COUNTY. Nt)R'PH t)AI (':)II1'; lit)ilL-(" h(q'c l¢) s~,~' ~;ha[ ('al~ l'I- d !!~' about the IIKILLeI'. All persoils i:h Jiappy C, oup!e Leave For a,,:. ,,,t ,r,.~, ~,, ~.: Sl,,,r, ,,,,, ,,'~,,.i ,,, l)(-' Ill' Minneapolis and I~zlUtll from 28c to 30e per cwt., uiaklug ) [the Yates rate 3W/ic. and from WI- ~baux 31c, the same as at present, IWe are, naturally, greatly disaI~ pointed with the outcome, but feeI los if we entered the controvers~ with two strikes called upon us, bY, Iresson of the fact that the Montana~ interests had conceded that it would be all right with them if our rate~ were increased to the level of theirs, It wilt be our purpose, as soon as time permits, to prepare and subml~ to the Commission petition for recon- Third vice-pres.--Delo Logan Sec.-Treas.--C. O, Halvorson Tail Twister---John Hokstad Lion Tamer~Harry Rice Directors~I. I. Grlndstuen and G. Gilbertson. Lion Kuhfeld moved that the nom- inations close and that the secretary cast the unanimous vote of the meet- ing for the above nominees, whie~ motion was seconded by Lion Russell and carried. The above officers together with C. Overstad and H. Enderle who hold over as directors, and Past Pres- ~ldents Lovgren and Kuhfeld, will constitute the board of directors for the coming year. A directors meeting was called for Wednesday evening, Sept. 18, to con- (Continued to Page 8) --lll~ Three New Teachers On Golva Faculty Seh0ol at Golva opened on Monday morning with a large enrollment. Registration on the first day showed a gain in the grades and the same nnmber as last year tn high school. Several new subjects are betng of- fered In Golva high schoo this year: ;luntor Business Training, I,atln I, and Bookkeeping. There are three new members on the faculty thts year. They are: Mtss Lorena ~Iurd of Golva, Lower grade room. Mr. l~loyd Wilson of Beach, mid- dle grades. Miss Elizabeth WelnandY, of Foun- tain CitY. Wis., high school. Other members of the faculty are: Miss Cecelia MtIler, Beardsley, Minn,, uper grades. D. A. Fraser. Deroit Lakes. Mlnn., l~rtnetpal • ............ 11)t ................ EDKINS NAMED li- P. 3. Edkins has been appointe~ 'to the school board of the Beach district by County Sup't Herman F. 'Dlel~, we are Informed. He replaces ~the late Albert Thompsou. who wa~ l~resident of the-board, Mr. Edklns well qualified for the post and his Selection Is greeted with universal "approval. ........... lip ............... these young people are extremely rates of tax set by Congress are to well known in the county, particular- be in effect. . " n ly In Sentinel Butte and the Alpha The ever norma~ granary pla , ...... (3) - n vzcinity, anu tnev nave a large host which contemplates the holding o ...... oi " ..... ~oz zrlenas wno j n m wishing them farms of reserve supplzes oz certain . . non,perishable crops for use in per- e i;nan;lienisSthevery nauru es . dau hter of Mr iods of possible shortage, anu to pro- . ..... g . . " tect both farmers and consumers''-""----" Seltot;. rLita;.M;;;o%ri. ;7.oqttOof om undue price fluctuations, is m-L r .. - J Sentlnel Butte and is a graduate of or orated in tne [arm program. c p ........... ,-- the Sentinel Butte high school hay- (4) Provision zs mane zor l~m~t~u~ imports of competing farm products when they materially interfere with adjustment programs. An annual ap- propriation equal to 30 percent of the customs recelpls, estimated to yleh~ about $90,000,000, is made available for the purpose of subsidizing ~x- ports, domestic production, diversion of surpluses from normal channels of trade, and for flnaucing adjustment payments. (5) The procedure for marketin~ agreements is clearly outlined in ac- cordance with needs which have be- come evident since the original Act became law. Potatoes have been made a basic commodity and provi- sion is made for specific control methods fat" this crop. T111 FOURTH DiSTRiCT PRES~ CONVENTION AT DICKINSON li- The Review editors drove to Dick- inson last Saturday and there attend- ~d the fourth district convention of the North Dakota Press Association. Several state officers were present for the gathering, and an excellent conwmtion was held under the flue supezWision of Mrs, Beatrice Mann, publisher of the Dickinson Press, and president of the fourth district group, who was host for the meet. The affair, which was held at Bag- dad pavilion, began with a tasty luncheon and an interesting program, after which the business meeting was conducted and several good talks were enjoyed. Officers for the coming year were chosen, this area being honored in the selection of D, ~. Moffatt, progressive young Medora publisher, as secretary-treasurer of the fourth district. __fill- B. GIRL WINS II~ Violet Brown, of Sentinel Butte, is the' winner of a $2 casli prize in the natiomwlde ,Make It YourseW' con- test condn0ted by SeaZ~ Roebuck and Co. MiSS Brown was awarded one of five fourth regional prlm~ in ing also attended college in Dickin- son. Harold is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Ziebarth of Alpha, and was also a student at Sentinel Butte for some time. Attendants at the wedding v~ere Milton Zlebarth as best man and Ruth NUnn as brides- maid. Tuesday morning the young couple left, along with Milton Ziebarth, for various points on the west coast, ex- pecting to be gone all winter. Milton will stop at Selah, Wash., where he will be employed, and the others will go on in a new car Harold recently purchased. Next spring they plan to ~return and Harold will again locate at Alpha. ~__II||- 8ADDLE BUTTE HOMEMAKERS II The Saddle Butte Homemakers club will meet at the home of Mrs. J. O. Ramstad on September 19th, at 2 p. m. ........... ,Ill ............... Andy Kinney Band Coming T?.Evergreen Another treat Is In store for dance fans of this vicinity on tomorrow, (Friday) evening, when Andy Kinney and his o~chestra, "Knights of tre Modern Dance," appear at Evergreen Park for a dance engagement. They also carry a floor show, which fea- tures Georgia DeLowe, talented or- iental, tap and comedy dancer, This double attraction should prove quite a drawing card. and local lov- ers of~ the terpsichorean art are look- ing forward to a pleasant occasion. lilt MRS. HERMAN DIETZ HONORED Mrs. Herman Dletz was very pleas- antly surprised last Thursday after~ noon when a number of her friends from the U. B. MissionarY SoCiety dropped in to spend the afternoon in visiting in her new home. The guest of honor was presented with a beautiful linen tablecloth. To eem- plete an: ,enjoyable afternoon a: lielou~ two.course lunch was ~rred ,by :the ladies, " • , ,--llll- " ~ ~b ' Mi~e Dorothy', Holienb~k ta vice." Application was maae in April, j Procivs' Have Established 1935, attd the patent was issued on jsiderati°n of this matter in the hOD~ Good Business In 'August 27 with eight elaims as No. ]that we may still get these rates ~2,012,508. The patent was assigne0 Jd°wn where we think they shouId he', Past Year to the Halstead Corporation of Beach.haveF°r theto acceptPresent'the°f rulingC°urSe'of wetheWll|iu, .... [: ...... ~ Mr. ttalstead s filter comprlses a terstate Commerce Commission, bu~ The Dakota-Mot~tana Hide & Metal housing having a well f~)r fllterlng~please be assured that we will carry, liquid at the bottom. This housing' is the fight as long as any pouiblltt~ {2o. last week moved into its new substantially cylindrical, and extends remains of accomplishing our end. location across tee street from the horizor~all~, with the well at the Farmer's Elevator and the Beach bottom. The ends of the eylindrlcal Very truly yours. J. C. Winter, Traffic Expert, Grain Co., and have prepared ti~eir houMng are closed, with the excep- building to handle an expected in- tion of inlet and outlet openings, The Ibove communication was l~ crease in volume of busiuess this $ormed in Olntpo~ite ends near the response to a request made by thei fall. top of the housing. A body of finely Review for further information on Several months ago Joe and M. J. divided metallic ribbon is provided ifi the matter, and carbon copies of the Prociv, proprietors of the bt'siness, the housing near the outlet end. and letter were mailed to one or two bought the former Luntzer tailor between this body of metallic rffa15oh other newspapers of this vicinity. shop building and moved it to the and the inlet opening is formed a The first letter received from the new location. Since that time they tunnel shaped baffle, resembling steel (Continued to Page 8/ have had a crew of men at work re- wool. A combination fan aud scoop It,- pairing and adding to tile structure, is rotatably mounted between thls Herlin Slocumb Wed The front part of the old buildin~ funuel and the inlet opening. has been remodeled, providing a, Tn operation, the flow of air thru To MinnesotaGirl handsome office, whiIe the larger[the inlet opening causes the fan to ------~ -- back room will be used as a store irotate, scooping filtering liquid from The many friends here ~f Herll~ room for metal and junk. A large ithe well at the bottom into the fun- Slocnmb, formerly of Beth, will b~ new room. extending tke full length nel. which extends horizontally, pleasantly surprised to leari$ 'Of hl~ of the building has been added to This causes the air and gases to marriage on August 10to Miss Hazel the west, side with ample space to mix intimately with the filtering li- Philipson at Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, drive two largte trucks in and still quid. The air aud gases then pass The happy couple left bY car for the have plenty of storage space for thro~igh the body resembling steel west coast immediately ~ollowing' the hides, furs, etc. This room has a wool, where impurities are removed, ceremony, where they will make thel~ concrete floor with a drain ao that and are then free to pass through home at Seattle. Washington. it can be used for dressing turkeys, the outlet Herlin is well know here. having and other work of that sort. Later tn FINE TRIP TO PARK attended the local high school, from the winter it is planned to put up ..... ~ ..... which institution he was sYadnated Ill one or two pnore buildings on the ad- Rev. Elltnger and key. Strong 1924. ]He then attended Carieton ~oI* jacent lots. took another party of boys to Yel- lege and was a member of the grad- The Hide & Metal Co., which has lowstone Park last week, leaving a uattng class from that schGol tu 192~, offices here and at Sidney, Mont., week ago Monday aud returning last He is aIsn a graduate of Columl~a has enjoyed an excellent business in Friday. The boys wile went with University where he took work fol- the last year, having shipped from them were as follows: Kolth and lowing his grladuatlon from CarletOno Beach in that time 10~A carloads of[ Kent Arnold of Beach; Paul Ras- For the past five years l~erlln hall turkeys, 11 truckloads of chickens0 nine carloads of metal, etc., aboutlmussen' Harmon Olstad and John been a hlgh school instructor &~ Connell of Modern: Donald Miracle Bellingham, Washington, while MI~ 40 truckloads of hides, and approx-lj of Dickinson: and Leo Brown, George Phtllpson had been teaching tha~ imately $7000 worth of furs. This Sheen, Earl Allstott and Walter same length of time at Sleepy ~Ye, fall they will do custom dressing o~ • ~Wassman of Sentinel Butte. They This year he will teach at ~eattle. turke s and plan to do brininess ~lth Y ' I report an excellent time all arouna Herlin was very well thought o~ all points in eastern Montaua and[ o . ,~ ,~,~ ~m ~,,.,~ ~,~ -~ k ~ and ..n .u ................ ~ .... here and all who know him will jOEl= western North Da eta.. l membered, key. Ellinger and hls in wishiug him and his brtde a full Stanley Proeiv is manager of the associate, John Strong, are to he share of suecess and hapPhless. Siduey office and has charge of the highly commended for devoting thelr ............... '"' ............ business iu that territory, time to trips of this nature, thus on- LINEMAN !~ ELECTROCUTED At present, the company has reP- abling many young fellows to see AT SENTINEL BUTTE THUR~ resentatives iu various towns in worthwhile things sUCh as Yellow- --II -- addition to their main offices, and stone Park, where otherwise it would Albert Greening, 30, of Mlmaea~. the proprietors expect to have deal- be Practically impossible to do so. ells, a lineman for the Montana-Dak- ers in all neighboring towns In the ............... uu eta Power Co,, was electrocuted late very near future, besides a road FRIENDLY NEIGHBOR8 MEET Thui'sday afternoou while workt~ crew of ab~t ten men. --fi-- on a line in Sentinel Butte. when he ..... . ttg__.~ ....... The Friendly Neighbors club held touched two wires making a fatal ¢' =Peter Golltet went ~b Gardner, N, it~ last meeting on Thursday, Sept. contact. He was taken down by feI- Da'k,. on Sunday, expiring to'return 5. at the home of Mrs. Howard Vau low worker~ and doctors and oth~ s~metlme :Festerday~,'(-Wedne~daY): " Horn with 11 members present. The administered artificial resFlratlon for~ ~__tll~.-~. next meeti~g:~wffl be held at Mrs,; two hours but their efl'ort~ 'were fll.b DANCE to Andy Kl~ney'm orcheSt- ~John Berg's :a~ Whteh time electl0n~0f il~". : ....... " " ra, with a fine floor shOw in addition, ol~cera will t$1t~ place: &ll meni'~erS the at ~REEN PARK. Friday, are urged to ~e pr~ent, .