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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 10, 2009     Golden Valley News
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September 10, 2009
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Page 6 September 10, 2009 .% Notice NOTICE OF LEASING STATE SCHOOL LANDS The Board of University and School Lands will offer the following lands for lease in Billings Co. Ac Term Rent U NORGANIZED (137-100) 16 NE4 160 5 1038 16 NW4 160 5 1091 16 SE4 153 5 1049 U NORGANIZED (137-101) 36 SE4 160 2 455 36 SW4 160 2 535 UNORGANIZED (138-100) 36 NE4 160 5 1168 36 NW4 160 5 1168 36 SE4 160 5 1142 36 SW4 160 5 1195 UNORGANIZED (138-102) 34 NE4 160 5 631 N 34 NW4 160 5 596 36 NE4 160 5 418 36 NW4 160 5 426 36 SE4 160 5 649 36 SW4 160 5 696 UNORGANIZED (139-100) 4 NE4 150 5 975 UNORGANIZED (141-101) 13 NE4 160 5 817 13 NW4 160 5 783 13 SE4 160 5 744 N 13 SW4 160 5 690 N UNORGANIZED (141-102) 14 N2 less SW4NW4, NE4SE,4 and $2S2 480 5 1649 N UNORGANIZED (142-101) 36 NE4 160 5 479 36 NW4 160 5 491 36 SE4 160 5 470 36 SW4 160 5 428 UNORGANIZED (t43.99) 36 NE4 160 5 965 36 NW4 160 5 1113 36 SE4 160 5 871 36 SW4 160 5 1009 UNORGANIZED (144-98) 16 SE4 160 5 922 16 SW4 160 5 832 UNORGANIZED (144-99) 16 NE4 155 5 1145 16 NW4 155 5 1060 16 SE4 160 5 1142 16 SW4 160 5 1009 N =Knownnoxious weedinfestation. Control requirements apply to all lessees• The public lease auction will be held in the County Courthouse, Courtroom at Medora, ND, on Tuesday, October 06, 2009 at 2:00 PM MT. Bidding will begin at minimum rent. 1st year's rent must be paid in full immediately after the sale. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. For : mdre" information, visit www.~nd.nd~gov or call (701)328- 2800. For auxiliary aids and services, please call by 09/29/2009. 9/1/2009 /s/Gary D. Preszler Land Commissioner (September 10, 17 and 24) Notice NOTICE OF LEASING STATE SCHOOL LANDS The Board of University and School Lands will offer the following lands for lease in Golden Valley Co. Ac Term Rent UNORGANIZED (137-103) 16 NE4 160 5 755GN 16 NW4 160 5 720GN 16 SE4 160 5 417GN 16 SW4 160 5 435G LONE TREE (137-106) 36 NE4 160 5 1115 36 NW4 160 5 1115 BEACH (SE) (139-105) 16 SE4 160 5 3097 (103 Crop) 16 SW4 160 5 3000 (96 Crop) 36 NE4 157 5 850 36 NW4 159 5 803 Z 36 SE4 158 5 753 36 SW4 160 5 1035 WANAGAN (141-103) 12 SE4 160 2 377 N DIVIDE (142-103) 16 E of road 171 1 743 N 16 W of road 149 1 596 N ELMWOOD (142-105) 16 W of Hwy 16 333 5 2004 R 16 E of Hwy 16 261 5 1604 R UNORGANIZED (144-103) 8 SE4SW4; E2 less NW4NE4 320 5 747 16 NE4 160 5 339 16 NW4 160 5 333 16 SE4 160 5 316 16 SW4 160 5 352 ' G = Grazing amendment for range management. N = Known noxious weed infestation. Control requirements apply to all lessees. Z = Water well p ugging requirement. Auctioneer will read specific requirements at the auction. The public lease auction will be held in the Ambulance BIdg at Beach, ND, on Wednesday, October 07, 2009 at 9:00 AM MT. Bidding will begin at minimum rent. 1st year's rent must be paid in full immediately after the sale. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. For more information, visit or call (701) 328- 2800. For auxiliary aids and services, please call by 09/30/2009. 9/1/2009 Gary D. Preszler Land Commissioner (September 10, 17 and 24) Billings County Commissioners BILLINGS COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 4, 2009 The meeting was called to order at 9:00 A.M. with Commissioners Kasian, Arthaud, and Thompson in atten- dance. Arthaud moved to approve the min- utes from the July 7, 2009 regular meeting. Thompson seconded. Others present during portions of the meeting were: Joyce Thompson, Sherry Adams, Steve Dorval, John Hild, Randy Hatzenbuhler, Lon Romsaas, Dave Jurgens, Jim Wosepka, Jay Brovold, Pat Rummel, Don Heiser, Dave Jurgens, Jason Kastrow, Gary Geisler, Lynn Arthaud, Tim Kelly, Paul Douglas, Morey Bang, Corinne Davis. Steve Dorval, Heartland Engineering, met with the board to give them an update on the Blacktail Road Project. The board received the final estimate. Arthaud moved to accept the estimate. Arthaud second- ed. All voted aye. TRMF representatives John Hild and Randy Hatzenbuhler, along with Lon Romsaas from Swenson/Hagen Engineering met with the board to dis- cuss the riverbank restoration agree- ment between Billings County, Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation, and the Natural Resource Conservation Service. Billings County would be the sponsoring agency between Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation and Natural Resource Conservation Service. Kasian moved to enter into this agreement with TRMF. Arthaud sec- onded. All voted aye. State's Attorney Brovold will draft those documents for Chairman Kasian to sign. The board was informed that the amount budgeted in 2009 for the pur- chase of a new fire truck would be short approximately $90,000. The truck is scheduled to be delivered this fall. Arthaud moved to amend the budget with funds from the general fund reserve. Thompson seconded. All voted aye. Sheriff Dave Jurgens informed the board that he checked on the Burlington Northern easement east of Medora that Billings County applied for over a year ago. The check for the application fee was cashed, but BN never did issue the lease. There is a culvert washing out on that road, and Burlington northern claims right-of-way of 250 feet on either side of the tracks. The culvert that is washing out is with- in BN right-of-way. Fire Chief Don Heiser noted that the fire department does use the crossing each year, but at this point a fire truck would not be able to cross over the culvert. State's Attorney Brovold informed the board that Billings County does not have a lease with Burlington Northern, so at this point the county cannot do any improvements on the road. The board asked Dave and Don to check into whether there was a need for the county to pursue obtaining a lease from Burlington NorthernL SOUtb.wes] District Health Unit rep- resentatives Joyce Thompson and Sherry Adams arrived for the sched- uled Health Unit public budget hear- ing. Joyce and Sherry thanked the board for their support and gave a brief overview of their budget plans for the upcoming year. Two commissioners need to attend the joint budget hearing August 27th to vote on the budget approval. Allan Thompson and Mike Kasian will attend that meeting. There are plans for a public flu vaccination day at the Fryburg School this fall. The vaccination for the Swine flu will also be available, and that is a series of two vaccinations, one month apart. The Health Unit also expressed their interest in the old ambulance if the board approves the purchase of a new one in 2010. The board reviewed the tax- able/non-taxable mileage reimburse- ment issue. After discussion, it was determined that the county shops were the com- missioner's main place of employ- ment, and mileage between their homes and their district shop would be taxable. Mileage to Medora for meet- ings and to check on road issues would be non-taxable. Kasian moved to approve this policy. Arthaud sec- onded. All voted aye. The board reviewed the annual contract with Dickinson Public Library to provide library services to Billings County. Kasian moved to approve the contract. Arthaud seconded. All voted aye. Auditor Jurgens asked the board if they would authorize payment of invoices that offer a discount if paid by a certain date, when that date falls before the monthly commission meet- ing. The Auditor's Office would obtain verbal authorizations from all three commissioners prior to making the payment. Thompson moved to approve the procedure. Arthaud sec- onded. All voted aye. The board received and reviewed the annual Financial Report and Performance Report for the Billings County CDBG SW Water Hookup proj- ect. The Billings County employees requested that in lieu of a cost of living increase in 2010, the board consider funding the 4% the employees are required to contribute to the North Dakota Public Employees Retirement System• In doing so, both the county and the employees would realize a tax savings. Kasian moved to approve this request and give the seasonal and part-time employees not eligible for the retirement a 76 cent per hour increase. Arthaud seconded. All voted aye. Tim Kelly with Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson met with the board to present the monthly engineer's report. Gary Geisler, certified appraiser was also on hand to discuss the proposed Ash Coulee Road project. 12 noon - 1:00 P.M. The board recessed for lunch. After lunch break, Tim Kelly fin- ished up with a few more road project details. Jim Wosepka, CPA presented the board with the audit report for the year ending December 31, 2008. The employee code of conduct was also discussed. Jim suggested that every year the employees review the policy manual and sign a sheet that they have done so. Compensatory and overtime poli- cy was also reviewed. Arthaud moved to approve the audit. Thompson sec- onded. All voted aye. Paul Douglas appeared concerning minor subdivision and plat for tract one of the Douglas subdivision. The zon- ing board recommended approving it. Arthaud moved to approve tract one as read. Thompson seconded. All voted aye. Morey Bang and Corrine Davis explained their proposal to construct an employee residential dormitory building on the land they purchased south of Medora. They are also plan- ning some recreational vehicle and tent areas, as well as some small cab- ins. The zoning board recommended approving the plan as presented to them without the addition of the dormi- tory. Arthaud moved to approve the plan as presented to the zoning board without the addition of the dormitory, which is sixteen R.V. sites, four cabins and one single family residence. Thompson seconded. All voted aye. The following permits were received and approved: Construction in County Right-of- Way Permit: Roughrider Electric Coop Sections 9 & 16, Township 139, Range 100 • Taxon LP - Section 34, Township 140, Range 100 The board reviewed the 2010 budget requests that have been sub- mitted. Auditor Jurgens will have the rest of the individual requests and a prelim- inary budget by the September meet- ing to be approved for publication. The board approved the revenue vouchers for the month of July: Zoning Inspector $$75.00 Permits; County Recorder $3,127.50 July Collections; Sheriff $133.00 Civil Fees; Clerk of Court $392.10 County Fees and $6,286.01 State Fees. Revenues for materials and/or services rendered in July: Dorm Henders $446.70 Used Bridge Plank, Scoria & Trucking; Mike Klatt $185.25 Scoria & Hauling; Maynard Burian $92.63 Scoria & Hauling; Flying Y Ranch $577.80 Scoria & Hauling; Dave Reis $92.63 Scoria & Hauling; Joseph L. Kessel $71.50 Insurance; Terry Tachenko $92.63 Scoria & Hauling; Terry Klym $91.80 Fill Sand & Hauling; Maynard Thompson $17.35 map; Howard Olstad $989.00 Scoria; Dennis O'Brien $185.25 Scoria & Hauling; James Adams $10.75 map; Donna Adams $20.00 Floor Lamp; Prosafe Pest Control $118.25 maps; State Historical Society $1,793.54 Chemical/Spraying; Harold Hugelen $3,117.00 Scoria & TruckinHauling; Roger Decker $81.60 Scoria & Hauling; Doug Paluck $347.70 Scoria & Hauling; Stoppleworth & Sons $84.00 Scoria; Hallie Lavelle $71.50 Insurance; ND Dept of Agriculture $3,079.97 Weed Board funds. Revenues for the month of July; Highway Distribution $45,484.13; Interest $14,298.00; Oil & Gas Production $84,522.80; Royalties $41,062.26; Township Rd Distribution $14,491.76; State Aid Distribution $35,209.63; Weather Related Funds $106,602.29; Permits $6,000.00 The following claims were approved for payment: Adams, Donna Recorder - Travel Expense 95591 111.00 Advanced Business Methods Copier Contract 95592 542.11 Alternative Sanitation Haul Waste 95593 141.00 AmeriPride Linen Service. Mat Rentals 95594 42.85 Atlas Windshield Repair Windshield Repairs 95595 252.50 Badlands Diesel Service, Inc. Parts & Repairs 95596 2,311.57 Bares, Virginia Supt. of Schools -Travel 95597 254.00 Billings County Auditor Killdeer Hilltop Home of Comfort 95598 5,000.00 Billings County Rural Fire District Taxes 95599 2,776.78 Billings County Historical Society Taxes 95600 171.62 Billings County Pioneer Publishing 95601 400.68 ~illings County School District hop Rent 95602 300.00 Billings County School District Taxes 95603 65,819.55 Beach Veterinary Clinic S. O. - Boarding 95604 144.76 Beall Corporation Parts & Supplies 95605 38.13 Belfield Automotive Supply, Inc. Parts & Supplies 95606 1,246.64 Blue Cross Blue Shield of N.D. Dental & Vision Premiums 95607 2,128.70 Boltz Construction Blade Roads 95608 5,891.00 Brooks & Associates, C. E. Road Mgmt. Agreement 95609 1,298.00 Brooks & Associates, C. E. Land Use Plan - Travel Mgmt. 95610 238.85 Bomstad Estate, Burnette O. Recorder- Recording Sheets 95611 156.74 Butler Machinery Company, Inc. Parts & Supplies 95612 13.89 Cass County Treasurer Document Preservation Fund 95613 84.00 Cerkoney, Cathy Zoning Meeting Mileage 95614 70.00 Challenger Industries, Inc. Parts & Supplies 95615 1,148.23 Charbonneau Car Center. Parts &Supplies 956162 0 . 9 0 Chesak Seed House Seed 95617 1,139.25 Custer's Cottage N.D. Weed Control Association 95618 75.00 Dakota Ag Seeds, Inc. Chemical 95619 6,748.21 Dakota Farm Equipment, Inc. Parts & Supplies 9562084.98 Dakota Farm Equipment, Inc. J.D. Tractor Buyback 95621 46,675.00 Dakota Insurance Property Insurance 95622 57.00 Dakota Water Treatment Water System 95623 25.00 Dan's Interstate Conoco S. O. - Gas 95624 312.96 Dash Medical Gloves Courthouse - Maintenance Supplies 95625 49.90 Dickinson Press Subscription 95626 155.00 Dickinson Public Library Library Services 95627 3,550.21 Dickinson Tire, Inc. Ambulance - Parts 95628 122.83 DTE, Inc. Parts & Repairs 95629 148.50 Emergency Medical Products, Inc. Ambulance - Medical Supplies 95630 617.10 Farmers Union Oil Company Oil, Diesel, & Fencing Materials 95631 3,903.05 Fastenal Company Shop Supplies 95632 11.53 Ferno-Washington, Inc. Ambulance - Medical Supplies 95633 513.62 Fisher Industries, Inc. Washed Sand95634 790.54 Fujitsu Computer Products Recorder - Scanner Contract 95635 1,495.00 G. T. Geiszier Company Appraisal Services 95636 600.00 Georges's Tire, Ltd. Service Call 95637 277.00 Golden Valley County Social Service 95638 5,111.02 Golden Valley County Worker Comp. Premium 95639 545.54 Golden Valley County Property Insurance 95640 59.56 Heartland'Engineering Blacktail Road 95641 51,148.88 Heiser Electric, Don Electrical Repairs 95642 4,109.38 Hlebechuk Construction, Inc. Blade Roads 9564318,956.00 Honda West Parts & Supplies 95644 4.70 Jurgens, Joan Auditor - Travel 95645 69.50 Kadrmas, Lee, & Jackson, Inc. Engineering Services 95646 282.50 Kasian, Connie Zoning Meeting Mileage 95647 133.00 Kasian', Mike Commissioner - Mileage 95648 162.70 Kelly Inn - Minot Supt. of Schools - Travel 95649 110.00 Kessel, Anita Zoning Meeting Mileage 95650 79.00 Kevin's Auto & Truck Repair Shop Supplies 95651 27.00 Krush, Paul Zoning Meeting Mileage 95652 158.20 LaDuke, Joe Zoning Meeting Mileage 95653 70.00 Lindbo Welding Service Cattteguards 95654 1,742.50 Lyle Signs, Inc. Road Sign Supplies 95655 164.18 Mid-American Research Chemical Courthouse - Maintenance Supplies 95656 129.75 Martin Construction Biacktail Road 95657 249,278.24 Matthew Bender & Company, Inc. Legislative Updates 95658 793.30 MedMedia Ambulance -EMSTAT Renewal 95659 250.00 Midstate Telephone Company Courthouse - Telephone Service 95660 976.93 Midstate Communications Supt. of Schools - Telephone 95661 40.91 Miss0ur, L, Valte.y~ P~etl]..0/eum, ~f;,,.~C~s, Oil, & Diesel Fuel 9"5~62 10,175.88 Napa Quality Auto PartsParts & Supplies 95663 48.98 N.D. Newspaper Association N.D.S.U. Extension Service Ad 95664 157.50 N.D. Association of Counties 911 Taxes 95665 201.78 N.D. Cowboy Hall of Fame Meeting Room Maintenance 95666 200.00 N.D.P.E.R.S. Health Insurance Premium.95667 27,905.45 N.D. State Treasurer Clerk of Court Fees 95668 6,288.15 N.D. Assoc. of Assessing Officers Tax Director - Conference Fees 95669 180.00 Nelson International Parts & Supplies 95670 255.13 Northern Improvement Co., Inc. Omega Mix 95671 1,955.00 O'Brien Welding Magpie Bridge Repair, etc. 95672 2,891.61 Off Road Software, Inc. GIS Software 95673 1,400.00 OK Tire Stores Tires 956743 1 0.8 6 Oyhus Land Company Scoria Lease 95675 50.00 Pitney Bowes Credit Corporation Postage Machine Contract 95676 349.08 Prairie Lumber Company Construction Materials 95677 5,792.49 Prairie Supply, Inc. Building Repairs 95678 126.16 Probuild Ground Stakes 95679 78.00 Pump Systems, Inc. Parts & Supplies 95680 947.56 RDO Equipment Company Parts & Supplies 95681 225.53 Redman McJunkin Corporation Parts & Supplies 95682 196.40 Roughrider Electric Cooperative Electricity 95683 2,545.00 Roughrider Speed Center, Inc. S. O• - Equipment 95684 419.99 Runnings Supply, Inc.Parts & Supplies 95685 456.86 Southwest Business Machines Office Supplies 95686 847.30 Schmidt Repair, Inc. Parts & Repairs 95687 326.03 South Heart Auto Service Parts & Repairs 95688 194.95 Sherwin - Williams Paint Supplies 95689 65.01 Smart Computers & Consulting Computer & Printers 95690 2,958.97 Snyder Repair & Service. Tires 95691 205.82 St. Joseph's Hospital Ambulance - Medical Supplies 95692 5.75 Stein's, Inc. Courthouse Maintenance Supplies 95693 139.31 Superpumper, inc. S. O. - Gas 95694 43.99 Southwest Grain Cooperative Chemicals 95695 126.71 Southwestern District .Health Unit Taxes 95696 950.37 Southwest Water Authority Water Usage 956977 83.41 Southwest Water Authority Taxes 95698 310.73 Swanston Equipment Corporation Parts & Supplies 95699 866.87 Tczap, John Zoning Meeting Mileage 95700 70.00 Texas Refinery Corporation Parts & Supplies 95701 460.80 Thompson, Allan T. Commissioner - Mileage 95702 44.00 Tom's Heating Service Heating Equipment 95703 4,518.40 Tom's Service Center Parts & Repairs 95704 385.90 Verizon Wireless Cellular Service 95705 170.22 Wai-Mart Courthouse - Maintenance Supplies 95706 348.22 Western Fire & Safety, Inc. Safety Supplies 95707 98.74 Westlie Truck Center Parts & Supplies 95708 716.36 Wilson Supply, inc. Parts & Supplies 95709 4.98 Wolf Dennis E., M.D. Autopsy 95710 500.00 Wosepka, James J. C.P.A. 2008 Fiscal Year Audit 95711 7,645.25 Zolt MedicalCorporation Ambulance - Medical Supplies 95712 o 120.00 N.D. Division of Community Service Eagle Ridge Lodge 95713 83,648.81 RDO Equipment Company Replace Check # 95481 95714 2,387.80 AIItel Cellular Service 95768 428.04 American Family Life Assurance Premium 95769 674.82 Consolidated Internet Service 95770 238.45 Dell Commercial Credit Computer Equipment 95771 702.94 Discovery Benefits, Inc. Administrative Fees 95772 85.00 Discovery Benefits, Inc. Premium 95773 1,918.35 Information Technology Dept. S.C. - T-1 Line 95774 436.60 Medora, City of. Courthouse - Utilities 95775 263.86 N.D.P.E.R.S. Deferred Comp. Premium 95776 4,039.00 N.D.P.E.R.S Retirement 95777 10,627.00 N.D. Teachers Fund Retirement 95778 208.70 Prudential Deferred Comp. Premium 95779 50.00 Qwest Telephone Service 95780 302.84 Reservation Telephone Cooperative Telephone Service 95781 55.51 Visa Waddles, Software, etc. 95782 2,607.92 (September 10) Notice Notice of Proposed Tower Construction CE Verizon Services Corporation doing business as Verizon Wireless is proposing to construct a new telecom- munications tower located immediate- ly southeast of 105 2nd Street Northeast in Beach, Golden Valley County, North Dakota. Theproposed tower will be a 100-foot monopole tower. Any interested party wishing to submit comments regarding the effect the proposed telecommunications tower may have on any historic prop- erty may do so by sending such com- ments to J. Shepard, Terracon Consultants, Inc., 3535 Hoffman Road East, White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110. (September 10) Hamilton were present for this hearing. ! Sherry discussed their proposed Notice Notice of Proposed Tower Construction CE Verizon Services Corporation doing business as Verizon Wireless is proposing to construct a new telecom- munications tower located northeast of intersection of 16th Street SW and US Highway 85 near Fairfield, Billings County, North Dakota. The proposed tower will be a 250-foot self-support lattice tower. Any interested party wishing to submit comments regarding the effect the proposed telecommunications tower may have on any historic prop- erty may do so by sending such com- ments to J. Shepard, Terracon Consultants, Inc., 3535 Hoffman Road East, White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110. (September 10) Golden Valley County Commission GOLDEN VALLEYCOUNTY COM- MISSION MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS AUGUST 4, 2009 9:00 A.M. Chairman Dave Quale called the meeting to order. Commissioners John Thompson and Harley Steffen were present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve the July minutes and Commissioner Thompson sec- onded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. States Attorney Peterson updated the Board on cases that his office is currently handling for the County. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to transfer $100,000.00 from the County Poor Fund into the Social Service Fund and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Thompson made a motion to apply for reimbursement for Oil Impact Grant #Y04501 for $75,000.00 and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld met with the Board and States Attorney to discuss a truck warranty and repair bill. The Board was informed that as of August 1st the State mileage rate went to 55 cents per mile and lodging to $63. The Board discussed complaints that the Sheriff Department and States Attorney have received about inci- dents occurring out at Buffalo Gap Lodge. The Board approved of the Auditor attending an Oil & Gas Producing Counties meeting/training in Bismarck on August 25th. DES~ Director Carrie Law met with the Board to discuss bookkeeping pro- cedures for DES grants and the Board approved of Carrie attending the DES annual conference in Dickinson on September 16, 17 and 18th. 1:00 P.M. was the annual budget hearing on the 2010 SW District Health Unit budget. Sherry Adams, Administrator of the SW District Health Unit, Judy Curl, the County's represen- tative on their board and Gene budget and also spoke about the pan- demic flu vaccination clinics to be held ~ this fall. The Board will attend the : Joint Board of County Commissioners meeting in Dickinson on AugUst 27th ' to approve their final budget requests. : Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld met" with the Board to discuss current and.~~ future road projects and road depart-~ ment issues. 60208 Biue Cross Blue Shield $6,644.70 60209-60210 NDSU Ext. Disb$104.00 60211-60234 Social Serv Disb $5670.28 60235 ND Newspaper Assn $157.50 60236 Rohan's Hardware $12.58 60237 Jennifer Steiner $338.85 60238 Midstate Comm $18.00 60239 Agricultural Comm $11.00 '- 60240 Billings Co Auditor $790.17 • 60241 Braun Distributing $43.86 60242 Boss Office Prod $91.40 60243 Computer Software $340.00 - 60244 Dickinson Tire$756.60 60245GV Co. States Atty $1,612.50 60246 Stacey Heckman$144.00 ' 60247 Industrial Towel $43.79 - 60248 ITD $34.35 ' 60249 Cody Johnson $58.20 60250 Lake Reg. College $65.00 60251 Matthew Bender & Co.$970.30 60252 Modern Marketing $420.06 ' 60253 Northern Improvement $16,195.00 60254 Public Safety Ctr $33.39 60255 Arian Swanson$125.00 , 60256 St. Joseph's Hosp $178.00 " 60257 Steve's Service $125.50 ' 60258 SW Bus Machines $64.50 60259 Dakota Insurance $1,460.00 . 60260 George's Tire LTD $215.00 '~ 60261 Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson $37,135.05 ~, 60262 Lawson Products $435.58 :~' 60263 Michael Todd & Co. $1,577.56 60264-60265 ND DOT$111,301.88 "- 60266 Powerplan $286.92 60267 Tractor & Equip $388.75 f~ 60268 Wallwork Truck Ctr $236.37 60269 Walz Truck Repair $475.40 60270 West Dakota Repair $51.79 60271 Ray Clouse $536.75 " 60272 Wenireis Brothers $2,729.25 60273 GV Co TreasurerS100,000.00 • 60274-60299 Collections ~' Submitted $45,128.18 60300 NDACo $359.70 • 60301 Carrie Law $176.00 ' • 60302 Co. Recorder Disb $200.00 ' 60303 Weed Bd Disb $310.16 60304 Mon-Dak Oil $7,591.71 60305 ND State Treas $5,414.16 60306-60315 Library Disb $1105.58 . 60316 GV County $5,365.30 "' 60317 GV County $5,365.30 60318 GV County $2,988.77 60319 GV Co Treas $637.00 60320 GV Co Treas $3,610.14 60321-60322 GV County $4,426.73 • 60323 Wage Withholding Order $938.00 ' 60324 Weed Board Disb $1,430.00 60325-60334 Cafeteria Plan Disb $2,748.30 ' 60335 AIItel $199.11 60336 Cenex Fleet Card $1,733.80 60337 Conseco Insurance Co.$33.96 60338 Resei'~ation TelephoneS40.00. 60339 Midstate Comm $1,07~06. 60340 C. Recorder Disb $250.00 ". 60341 MDU $949.59 ~ 60342 City of Beach $502.00 - 60343 Ceil Stedman $176.00 ". 60344 Aflac $646.59 ~ 60345-60347 Weed Bd Disb $9,360.35 " 60348 Co Recorder Disb $25.00 -. 60349 Co Recorder Disb $266.00 11205-11256 County ', Employees $57,460.95 ii ATTEST: Cecilia Stedman, Auditor David L. Quate, Chairman, County Comm Chairman Quale declared the meeting adjourned at 2:30 P.M. (September 10) Golva Public School MINUTES GOLVA SCHOOL BOARD Bus Driver Interviews June 3, 2009 PRESENT: Transportation Committee members Gene Weinreis and Dick Goodijohn were present. • Paul Schmitz and Julie Zook were also present. The Transportation Committee met for the purpose of interviewing appli, cants for the additional bus route posi-. tion. Applicants Mark Bosserman and Ron Volk were interviewed. Discussion. (September 10) " Golva Public School MINUTES GOLVA SCHOOL BOARD Transportation Committee Meeting~ June 17, 2009 :~ 7:20 PM ? PRESENT: Gene Weinreis~- Paul Schmitz, Dick Goodijohn, an~ Julie Zook. VISITORS: Larry Schulte and Robert Nistler. Bussing: Discussion regard': ing bussing. (September 10) Golva Public School MINUTES GOLVA SCHOOL BOARD Transportation Committee Meeting. June 17, 2009 7:20 PM PRESENT: Gene Weinreis~ Paul