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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 10, 2009     Golden Valley News
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September 10, 2009
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September 1,0, 2009 Page 5 Hello from your friends at the Manor. We are enjoying the beauti- ful weather and watching the fields around the area being combined. We had our Mass on Thursday morning followed by exercises and then we went downtown for shop- ping and appointlnents. For activi- ties we had trivia and made fresh fruit and pudding parfaits. Some of us played Rummikub. On Friday. Marlene and Lorna did our hair. Loretta Tescher brought chokecherries and visited while we had coffee. Ken Thompson came to spend time with Dottie lngalls, and Ardyn Mattson came to see Racheal Ganser. Deb Weninger visited her mother Marvel Musselman. and Marcella Olson from Sentinel Butte visited Juanita Baird. Pastor Warren and Bey Maxted had devo- tions, and Gwen Lorenz was the pianist. Saturday morning we did our exercises and had coffee in the afternoon. Violet Schmeling cele- brated her birthday on Aug. 29. Pearl Olstad's visitors included her daughter Phyllis Jessen and three granddaughters and their husbands. Sunday afternoon Agnes Schemling came for coffee and vis- ited several of her friends. Gertrude Jacobs had her brother Alan Springer and his wife come for a visit. John and Vicki (Bruski) Ed and Gretchen Wheeler of Tacoma. Wash.. were host and host- ess to a Saturday evening dinner at the Golva Bar and Grill where Patti Lorbecki prepared a delicious meal for the following guests: Charley and Marilyn Carlson and Gerald and Judy Curl. all of Beach: and fi'om Golva were Brad and lvv Maus and Madison: Mayor Darin Maus and Laura and Kirby; Rick and Linda Stoveland. Jacob and Sammy, Jim Schillo had an unfortunate accident while jacking up a trailer. He had to have some stitches, and everyone is glad he is doing OK. Pregenzer visited Florence Miske. Don Tescher from Sheridan, Wyo., came to gee his mother Lorraine. Mimi Hutsell brought brownies for afternoon coffee. Ed and Ethel Dietz's daughter visited them; they had a new great-granddaughter Amanda born in Spokane, Wash. Tuesday morning we had exer- cises and Adoration followed. Don and Joan Berger came to see Florence Miske. St. Paul's Lutheran Church members came to play bingo with us. They bring great prizes, and we are so thankful they take time to spend time with us. In the evening Pastor Hojnacki led devotions, and Gloria Ueckert played the piano for our hymns. Loretta Tescher brought chokccherries and green beans. During Manor Makers on Wednesday during our Fun With Food day, we made "inside out" sandwiches. Margaret Allen and Margaret Walz took the bus to Dickinson for the day. Lorraine Tescher is our featured Manor fi'iend, as told by her daugh- ter Carol Doris (Lorraine) Pendleton was born to Samuel and Mary Pendleton on Feb. 19. 1926. in Mills. Wvo. Her family moved north of Sentinel Butte to the Gordon place. Lorraine started school at a tender age. She walked 5 miles to school are Kirby Maus, Jacob Stoveland, Nathan Fischer. Anthony Weinreis and Hunter Weinreis, Hettinger won the game, bm the Beach/Golva boys gave a good show- ing for themselves after a slow start. Linda Howard drove to Ptentywood, Mont.. and met her brother. Ron Howard there and brought him back to Golva for a visit with his mother. Eva Howard. and brothers Gary and Mark and other relatives. Bernice Kreitinger celebrated her birthday with all her family home except everyday, and graduated from Sentinel Butte High School. After graduation she got her teacher's certificate and taught school. On June 20, 1946, she mar- ried Tom Tescher and together they had 10 children. They lived north of Sentinel Butte on Tom's home place for many years. Lorraine took care of the ranch while Tom was on the rodeo trail. She took care of the ranch, raising children, animals and every fall she would can garden produce, make jam and venison. She was a good mother to her children and she "mothered" many of God's creatures back to health. She traveled to a few rodeos with Tom, and when the children were older they attended the local rodeos. She was a great cook and she welcomed everyone to her home and a home cooked meal. Her first question was "Are you hungry?" She and Tom lived briefly north of Beach on the Elliot Ranch near Beaver Creek. They purchased the Bill McCarty ranch south of Medora. where they lived until they retired to their new home built behind the butte south of Medora. They moved to the Manor in the fall of 2005. Tom passed away in 2008, and Lorraine still lives at the Manor and has a smile for everyone she meets. Moose sighting A moose on Sept. 1 stands in a shelterbelt in south Fairfield in this photo taken by Jim Ramsey. Judy Ramsey had spotted the animal in the early morning. "It took a moment to realize it was a moose," she said. It wasn't long before everyone in the area was out moose watching. The animal continued to move south. Two moose were also reportedly seen sou)hwest of Belfield, and are said to be on the move because their Missouri River habitat has been flooded in recent months. (Courtesy Photo) lunch at the Golva Bar and Grill along with Donnie and Marie Nistler and Christine Finneman. rd number of cars After lunch they retired to Christine's home and played cards. On Thursday afternoon. Bernice Kreitinger and daughters Ceil Stedman. Mary Weinreis and Rose Kreitinger left for Denver where they will attend the wedding of Chuck and Ann (Kreitinger) Bush's daughter on Saturday.' Joe and Arlis Kreitinger and Bruce Kreitinger left Friday to attend the wedding. nter bump-and-run WIBAUX. Mont. - A total of 69 cars were involved in the bump- and-run and derby events during the Wibaux County Fair, which includ- ed 25 derby, 33 limited BNR cars and 11 modified BNR cars. The 44 BNR cars are the most Call if you have news: 872-3633. ~ they have ever had, according to Did you ever notice that the dif- • event organizer John Sokoloski. 2nd Place - Roddey Zinda 3rd Phtce - Derrick De Haan LIMITED BNR: (locals drFving from Wibaux were Tyler Hutchinson) Heat #1 - Bob Jones, Glendive Heat #2 Max Blanchard. Hathaway Heat #3 - Aspen Kuehn. Et~alaka 'Geiss, Thompson wed Amanda Rose Geiss and A. J. Thompson were married June 6, 2009, at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Mandan, with the Rev. Chad Gion officiating. Parents of the couple are Brent and Deb Geiss. Bismarck. and Paul and Pat Thompson. Beach. Grandparents of the couple are Russell and Sundra Geiss. Mandan. and Don and Vallie Ballard. Beach. .Attending the bride were: Cassie Geiss, maid of honor, Bismarck: Dawn Henriksen. Bismarck: Sage Tescher. Beach: and Cindy Myers. Bismarck. Flower girl was Isabella Thompson. Richland. Wash. Attending the groom were: Dr. Trent Thompson. best man. Richland, Wash: Wade Farbo. St. Peter. Minn.; Ryan Thompson. Beach: Matt Y staas. New Rockford. Junior groomsman was: Jeb Kaelberer, Bismarck: and ring bearer was Drew Henriksen. Bismarck. The bride and groom are attend- ing college at Bismarck. The bride is employed at St. Benedictine Nursing Home. Bismarck. The groom is employed at Scheels Sports. Bismarck. The junior high boys lootball Rose of Bismarck. Ann Bush of ference between dogs and cats is I Dave Bertelsen,Wibaux Fair Board Heat #4 Bryan Badley, tea,n from Beach and Golva went to~,, ~ Miles City was a~uestat Bernice's), ~ that clogs come ),,he,, they arei, member, reported that the atten- Glendive : Correotions Hg~tinger for their first game on from Tuesday to Monday). On called~ and cats take a message and dance was als0 a' record'. " Hard Luck M~ai'li"- Jason Miller. t't t , Mdfft~y mght. Pla3 ers ~rom Gb*f~a Tuesday she w~as guest of hoTtor~at get back to vou,¢~ DERBYf (2"Oht Of ~a~h heat G endi'~e .................... ' _~.-: . ,. ~ advance to championship) Locals C ~aln 1st - Jason M]ller ' In a page 3 brief in the Sept. 3 Land stewardship program deadline is Sept. 30 What is the new CSP? The acronym stands for Conservation Stewardship Program. Authorized through the Food. Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (2008 Farm Bill). Congress ren amed and revamped the former Conservation Security Program completely to improve its avail- ability and appeal to agricultural and forestry producers. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will administer the program, and provide financial and technical assistance to eligible producers. Participation in the program is voluntary. CSP provides opportunities to both recognize excellent stewards and deliver new conservation. Eligible lands include cropland, pastureland, rangeland, and non- industrial private forestland. Conservation benefits derived from maintaining and enhancing natural resources will improve water and soil quality, assist In addressing global climate change, and encourage environmentally responsible energy production. The signup for CSP is continu- ous. and applications on hand Sept. 30. will be considered for 2009 funding. Producers must address at least one resource con- cern at the time of application and a priority concern by the end of their contract as the minimum treatment requirement for program eligibility. The entire operation must be enrolled and must include all eligible land under the appli- cant's control for the term of the proposed contract. CSP offers participants two possible types of payments. There is an annual payment for installing and adopting additional activittes. and maintaining, and managing existing activities: and supplemen- tal payment for the adoption of resource-conserving crop rota- tions. Producers interested in CSP are encouraged to begin the applica- tion process by completing a pro- ducer self-screening checklist. which is available on the CSP Web s i t e w'ww.nrcs csp. This checklist will help determine whether the new CSP is suitable for them or their operauon. Producers with questions should stop by or call their NRCS Field Office. from Wibaux/Beach driving were Ivan Hansen. Dale Peplinski. Ryan Feldmann, Alex Begger. Alex Maus. Heat #1 Neil Moore, Baker Jay Smeltzer. Glendive Heat #2 Mike Wood. Sidney Derrick De Haan, Baker Heat #3 Darren Moore. Baker Rick Brown. Glendive Heat #4 Donny Wood. Sidney Jim Miller. Sidney Consolation Round Larimie Kowalczyk, Edgar Roddey Zinda. Glendive Championship Round I st Place - Neil Moore 2nd - Cody Brown, Baker B Main 1st - Brett Johnson. Glendive 2nd - Doyle Becker, Plentywood A Main 1st - Aspen Kuehn 2rid - Bryan Badley 3rd - Dan Eslinger. Minot 4th - Merv Johnson - Bloomfield 5th - Doyle Becker 6th - Trent Hess, Miles City" MODIFIED BNR (Locals driv- ing were Monty Beeler. Wibaux) Heat #1 Winner - Lander Novak. Colstrip Heat #2 Winner - CJ Yochum A Main I st - Bob Jones, Glendive 2nd - Lander Novak 3rd - Pent Stratton. Plentywood 4th - Greg Russell. Billings editions, regarding an Aug. 26 crash on Interstate 94, the identities of the drivers were switched. The brief should have also said that driver Noll stated he fell asleep. Noll was issued the citation. The identity of each driver had not been clear in the report the News office received. In the page 1 story regarding the puppy that was allegedly beaten to death, the date of the incident was Aug. 14. On page 8, the 4-H photo, sec- ond from the left-hand corner. depicts Bern Zachmann, not Dan Zachman. Incorrect caption infor- mation had been provided. Assistance Available lmm( Professionally managed by Call Sandy Prairie Homes Management 872-4248 1-888-893-9501 TTY- ]-800-366-6888 (;( hiropractic ( linic Natural Health Center 110 Central Ave. S. Beach. ND Dr. Jake Dr. Kylie Holkup Simnioniw Holistic services offered include: • Applied Kinesiology • Acupuncture • Nutrition Consultation • Cranial-Sacral Therapy • Foot Orthotics • Pediatric and Pregnancy M, W & F - 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. T & Th - 7 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Sat.- 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. 1-701-872-7520 BEACH St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Rev. David Richter Mass: Saturday 4:00 p.m. and 10:30 a.m., Sunday St. Paul's Lutheran Church, LCMS Rev. Scott Hojnacki Sunday Worship - 10:15 a.m. Sunday School - l 1:15 a.m. First Lutheran Church - ELCA Pastor Paul Peterson Sunday School - 8:10 a.m. Sunday Worship - 9:30 a.m. Beach Evangelical Church Pastor David McGuillion Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Worship Sunday - 10:45 a.m. Prayer Service - 6:30 p.m. United Community Church Pastor Warren Maxted Sunday Worship - 9 a.m. BELFIELD St. Bernard's Catholic Church Rev. Shannon G. Lucht Saturday Mass: 4:00 p.m. Saturday confessions, 3:15-3:45 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m. Sunday confessions 7:45-8:15 St. John's Ukrainian Catholic Church Rev. Taras Miles Divine Liturgy: 8 a.m on first, third and fifth Sundays, 10 a.m. on second and fourth Sundays St. Peter's Lutheran - LCMS Rev. Scott Hoinacki Worship Service: Sunday 8 a.m. Belfield Lutheran - ELCA Rev. Roger Dieterle Sunday School (all ages): 9 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Daglum Lutheran Church - ELCA Rev. Roger Dieterle (Located 25 miles southeast of Belfield) Sunday Worship - 11:45 a.m. on first and third Sunday of each month First Presbyterian Church Pastor Kathleen Chestnut Sunday Worship: 8:30 a.m. Beifieid Baptist Church Rcv. Robert Hlibichuk Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday Bible Study: 10 a.m. Belfieid Church of God 781 Milissa Ave. Pastors Harold & Marge Sundgren Thursday, 7 p.m. FAIRFIELD St. Demetrius Ukrainian Catholic Church Rev. Taras Miles Sunday Divine Liturgy: 8 a.m. on second and fourth Sundays, and I 0 a.m. on first, third and fifth Sundays GOL VA St. Mary's Catholic Church Rev. David Richter Mass: 8 a.m.. Sunday MEDORA Medora Lutheran - ELCA Rev. Roger Dieterle Sunday Worship - 8:30 a.m. Sunday School: 3:30 p.m., Wednesday Union Congregational Church June. July and August only Silvernale-Silha Funeral Homes 221 N. Meade Ave. 204 South Wibaux Glendive, MT 59330 Street 406-377-2622 or 1-800- Wibaux, MT 59353 368-2690 406-796-2421 or 1-800- 892-6424 53 lstAvenue S.E. Beach, N.D. 58621 701-872-3232 or1-~00- 892-6424 JAMES J. WOSEPKA, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Licensed In North Dakota and Montana 41 Central Ave. South P.O. Box 970 Beach. North Dakota 58621 701-872-4321 Sunday worship - 10:30 a.m. St. Mary's Catholic Church Saturdays 6:30 p.m. May 3 - end of Oct. SENTINEL BUTTE Trinity Lutheran Church Pastor Paul Peterson Sunday Worship - 8 a.m. TROTTERS Trotters Church I st and 3rd Sunday of each month WIBA UX United Methodist Church Rev. T. C. Chatman Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Calvary Temple, Assembly of Go( Pastor Andy Lam Sunday Worship 10:30 a:m. Sunday School - 9:30 am. Trinity Lutheran Church - ELCA Pastor Paul Peterson Sunday Worship I 1 : 15 a.m. Christian Fundamental Church Pastor .leremy Stradley Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Stmday Worship 1t a.m. Buckboard inn Beach ND • 701-872-4794