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Page 2 September 10, 2009
Fay B. Evenson
GLASGOW, Mont. - Fay Bell
Evenson, 95, passed away of natu-
ral causes on Sunday, Aug. 30,
2009, at Faith Lutheran Home in
Wolf Point, Mont.
Fay was born March 17, 1914, at
the family homestead north of
Beach. the daughter of William and
Levina Houckl She attended several
country schools, graduating from
eighth grade in 1929.
On June 28, 1936, she married
Orval Clarence Evenson in Beach,
and they moved to this area, living
in Park Grove and New Deal until
1940. They farmed the Charles
Whisennand place north of Fort
Peck for five years, then purchased
the Biddle homestead in 1945 and
farmed there until 1988. when they
moved into Fort Peck.
She was an active member of the
Fort Peck Lutheran Church and
taught Sunday School there for
many years. Fay enjoyed garden-
ing. sewing, crocheting and playing
Rummikub and Yahtzee.
Survivors include two sons,
Orwin Evenson and his wife
Marlene of Dalton Gardens, Idaho,
and Kenneth Evenson and his wife
Ronda of Glasgow; four daughters;
Dorothy Skyberg and her husband
Allyn of rural Fort Peck; Karen
Bender and her husband Dale of
Glasgow; Janice Fakler of Havre:
and Eileen Flickinger and her hus-
band Chuck of Opheim; a sister,
Eudora Ekland of California; 16
grandchildren. 27 great-grandchil-
dren and one great-great-grand-
She was preceded in death by
her husband of 53 years, Orval
Evenson, a brother, Earl Houck;
two half-brothers, Ray Hamlin and
Jesse Houck: and three sisters,
Ruby Bamnger, Pearl Houck and
Frances Hoffman.
A service was held Friday, Sept.
4, at 10 a.m., at the Our Redeemer
Lutheran Church in Nashua, Mont.
Internment was at Galpin Cemetery
in Fort Peck, Mont. Bell Mortuary
of Glasgow was the mortuary in
North Da_kota Game and Fish
Department big game biologist Bill
Jensen is currently working with 44
landowners in 24 hunting units
across the state who would like to
host antlerless deer hunters in 2009.
"'The current list of landowners
has more than 540 openings for doe
hunters," Jensen said. "We will con-
tinue to add landowners and doe
hunters over the next several
months, and by time the season is
over with we could match more
than 700 antlerless deer hunters
with about 50 landowners."
Landowners. participating in
2009 are located in hunting units
2C, 2D, 2G2, 21, 2J1, 2J2, 2K l,
2K2, 3A2, 3A3,'3A4, 3B3, 3C,
3DI, 3D2, 3El, 3E2, 3FI, 3F2, 4A,
4B, 4D, 4E and 4F. ,
"The program is designed to
direct antlerless hunters to specific
areas to reduce deer depredation
problenas in the fllture," Jensen said.
"It is not intended for buck
BISMARCK - State weed control
officials say that the noxious weed,
absinth wormwood, appears to be
spreading in parts of North Dakota.
"Weed officers and producers are
telling us that they are seeing more
and larger infestations of absinth
wormwood, especially in western
North Dakota," said Agriculture
"The program is .designed to direct
antlerless hunters to specific areas to
reduce deer depredation problems in the
The Game and Fish Department
first started working with landown-
ers in developing a contact list in
2006, and the program has been
very successful, Jensen said. "In
fact, several landowners have now
dropped out of the program
because they have developed solid
relationships with hunters the past
few years that they now welcome
them back every year," he added•
"This is how we intended it to
Interested hunters can get their
name on a list of possible partici-
.... Bill Jensen
pants by accessing the Game
Fish Department's website at
gf.nd,gov. Hunters who do not have
lnternet access can call the depart-
ment's main office in Bismarck at
(701) 328-6300.
Hunters will provide their
address, hunting unit(s) where
they hold valid antlerless licenses,
and if using rifle, muzzleloader or
bow. In addition, some landown-
ers are looking for hunters who
use a shotgun with a slug barrel
for land located near residential
From this list the department
Commissioner : Doug Goehring.
"There have also been reports of this
plant being sold at some retail loca-
tions inthe state."
Goehring urged producers to
report wormwood infestations to
local county or city weed officers,
and he also asked retail and whole-
sale garden suppliers to stop selling
absinth wormwood.
A perennial, flowering plant with a
strong"sage odor, absinth wormwood
is covered with small, inconspicuous
hairs that give it a grayish appearance.
It usually grows to about 3 feet in
height but can be as tall as 5 feet. Its
leaves are light green to olive-col-
ored, 2 to 5 inches long and divided
will select the number of hunters
landowners have agreed to host.
These hunters will be sent the
landowner's name, phone number
and any information relating to
the landowner's specific situa-
Not everyone who signs up will
end up with anew place to hunt,
Jensen said, because not everyone's
schedule will match up with a
landowner's, and more people will
likely put their name on the list than
there are landowners.
North Dakota's 2009 regular
deer gun season runs from Nov. 6-
22. In addition, a special herd
reduction season in units 2C and
2D is open from Sept. 25 - Oct. 1,
and another in units 3El, 3E2, 3F1,
3F2 and 4F is open from Oct. 2-9.
The archery season extends from
Sept. 4 through Jan. 3, 2010; the
youth season is from Sept. 18-27;
and muzzleloader runs from Nov.
27 - Dec. 13.
into two or three deeply lobed
leaflets. Small, inconspicuous yellow
flowers appear in July and August.
Each plant produces several thou-
sand seeds and can also reproduce by
its roots. It rapidly infests pasture and
rangeland as well as disturbed sites
and roadsides, reducing available
nt hon
The selection committee of the
North Dakota Agricultural Hall of
Fame is asking the public for candi-
date suggestions for the 2010
inductees - men and women who
have made the wheels of agriculture
Individuals are eligible to be
nominated if they satisfy at least
The deadline for suggesting candi-
dates is Dec. 1.
Those who want a nomination
form or more information on the
North Dakota Agriculture Hall of
Fame should contact the North
Dakota Winter Show office in
Valley City by calling 800-437-
0218, by mail at P.O. Box 846.
Loebsack, D-Iowa, recently joined
the American Health Care
Association and National Center for
Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) in
honoring Beach native and PLG
Inc. President Patricia L: (Baertsch)
Giorgio now resides in Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, and was presented
with AHCA/ NCAL's prestigious
Joe Warner Patient Advocacy
Award by Rep. Loebsack at a recep-
tion on Capitol Hill.
"Pat Giorgio has dedicated her
life and career advocating on
behalf of Iowa's seniors," said
Loebsack. "She creates a home for
them where they can maintain their
independence while feeling safe and
supported. Pat is a compassionate,
driven, and dedicated leader in her
community, especially in the wake
of last year's floods. I value her
input as I work in Congress to pro-
vide quality care to seniors so they
two of the three re uirements" be at Valley Cityt ND 58072 or by e-mail •
least 45 years did, retired form an at n0rt]aciakotaw; ....... ...... : •
I fill IIII ['11' ii' lIT IIIl]ll II ;; : I
agricultural related career, or accu- N0mihation forms are also avail- . :>;,.~; i;r'~,~ ~:,i: least 20 yea s fservice able..o ,/ "the. • Web site. at ' Please,., :,,,,., ,,, ,,,
to the ag industry in North Dakota.,
support your local
Heart River defeated Danielle Iverson, 3 Aces, 13
Richardton-Taylorlastweek, Digs: Miranda Kadrmas, 10
three games to one. Attacks/Kills, 19 attempts, 6
Scores of the matches were 19- Blocks: Kaycee Hutzenbiler, 4
25, 25-22, 25-17 and 25'19. Aces, 17 Assists: Shea Slnlplex Leasing of Jamestown
Jamie Kubas, 11 Digs: Laura Shypkoski, 7 Attacks/Kills, 14 IsSeekingOTRDdverslnour
Steffan. 9 Attacks/Kills, 17 Digs; Attempts.
v IIP~'-- SIMPLEX gLF~01K = provide. '
• Assigned Trucks
• Good Home Time
iiii i ii • Dental and Medical Benefits
I Lake Agassiz Regional Development Corporation, a non-proft I ContaCt Dave at 1-800-252-6451
I economic development organization based in Fargo, has ]
I Small Business Admin_istra_tion (SBA) Microloan funds I
I available to lend North ?_akota-based small businesses. [
I Loan needs Up to _$_.3.5,000 can be considered.I BADLANDS Aucno~ .
I F ication or additional information, please contact [ ACIDS - 19 I:l ds
I Randy Kingsley at (701) 235-1197 or ema!l, him at I Monday, October 19, 2009-1:00 p.m.!NIT}
I Information and appfications are I Auceo. Lot.ate: M lor Community Centel'- Medlora, ND
The Myers Southern Cross Ranch is an expansive 4,665 acres featuring irrigated crop land along The Little Missouri~
I ~ available_on theirwebsite ( I
River, native grasses and flowers, towedng bluff~ and impressive meadows. The current owners have made significant 1
Lake Agassiz Regional Development Corporation is an equal opportunity lender, financial improvements to the road and bridges, fencin9, livestock facilities and housing amenities. The LittteMissouri I
River and the Beaver Creek alone make this one of the most attractive ranches in western North Dakota. This ranch J
features Bighorn Sheep, ElK Mule Deer, and Pheasants. This ranch wilt be offered in 19 separate parcels or as an entire I
unit. Contact Andy Mrnak at 701 206.1095 for more information or view the entire offering at or call I
Pifer's at 218.47 7.1968 for free catalog. [
H greatly appreciated.
• " t, te sounlem ean h, owner J
]'his sale is m~ by Pifef's Auction & Realty, KevIn PifetJ~D #715. The owner(s) reserve ~e [~ghl tO rejec.t any aqd all bids. All ~t~r~ments I
Pifer's 877.700.4099 [
can age with the respect and dignity
they deserve."
AHCA/NCAL bestows its annu-
al Joe Warner Patient Advocacy
Award on association members who
share the same compassion and
commitment to frail, elderly, and
disabled Americans as the late
Heritage Enterprises President &
CEO Joe Warner for whom the
award is named. Giorgio still holds
the position of administrator of one
of her company's Evergreen Estates
communities, which began with two
thcilities in 1993 and has grown to
include three residential care facili-
ties and 32 independent senior
housing apartments. A former presi-
dent of the Iowa Center for Assisted
Living, Giorgio serves on NCAL's
national board of directors, chairing
NCAL's Quality Committee.
Giorgio also shares her expertise as
a member of AHCA's Quality
Improvement and Disaster Planning
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110 Central Ave. South, Beach, ND
(Across from Bank of the West)
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Fixed Annuities • Index Annuities
IRAs • Long-Term Care Ins.
Bruce Ross
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(701) 872-3075 (home)
a $BDC
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Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
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80/49 74/48 75/48 78/52
Precip Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 0% Prec!p Chance: 5%
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Sunny Partly Cloudy Mostly Sunny
79/51 77/51 82/54
Precip Chance: 0% Precip Chance: 10% Precip Chance: 5%
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