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Page 4 Golden Valley News September 7, 2017
:Notice to Creditors provement Project. Contractor'sAppli-
cation for Payment No. 1 in the amount
Court File No. 04-2017-PR-00005 of $238,518.81 was reviewed. Gerving
IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF moved to approve Contractor's Appli-
'BILLINGS COUNTY, STATE OF cation for Payment No. 1 to Knife River
Corp, second by Walworth. Motion car-
In the Matter of the Estate of George ried unanimously. Benes moved to sub-
'T. Welsch, Deceased.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that mit Requisition for Payment in the
ithe undersigned has been appointed amount of $238,518.81 to the Bank of
personal representative of the above ND, seconded by Gerving. Motion car-
ried unanimously.
estate. All persons having claims New Business:
against the said deceased are required Correspondence from ND Depart-
to present their claims within three (3) ment of Health was read. Benes moved
months after the date of the first publi-
cation or mailing of this notice or said to submit the Request for Project Infor-
mation to the Drinking Water State Re-
:claims will be forever barred. Claims volving Fund Program, second by
:must either be presented to Lois I. Walworth. Motion carried unanimously.
Welsch, P.O. Box 121, Medora, ND There was discussion on the re-
58645, as personal representative of
the estate, or filed with the Court. moval of trees in the alley of 4th Ave
NW between 8th and 10th Street. Gerv-
Dated this 16th day of August, 2017. ing moved to grant permission to the
Is~ Lois I. Welsch adjoining landowner to remove the
Lois I. Welsch, Personal Represen- trees at the landowner expense as was
Susan E. Johnson-Drenth (05387) originally approved at the meeting on
July 17, 2017. Mayor Losinski sug-
~*op~on P. Astrup (07863) gested seeking legal counsel to deter-
JD Legal Planning pLLC mine if that was allowable. Motion died
902 28th Street S, Suite 2 for lack of second.
Fargo, ND 58103 No other business was brought for-
Telephone: 701-364-9595
Fax: 701-364-9596 ward. Gerving moved to adjourn, sec-
Emaih ond by Walworth. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Email: Walter Losinski, Mayor
Attorneys for Personal Representa- Jill Schatz, Deputy City Auditor
tive (September 7)
(August 24, 31, and September 7)
Billings County
Notice School
ADOPTION Minutes of Annual Meeting
Golden Valley County, in coopera- A work session of the Billings
tion with the North Dakota Department County School Board was held at 3:07
of Transportation and Federal Highway p.m. MT, Tuesday, July 18, 2017, at the
Administration, is planning the replace- DeMores School in Medora. Present
ment of Bridge No. 17-104-11.0. The were members Joey Kessel, Stacey
bridge is a single-span steel through Kessel, Mike Klatt, and Julie Reis. Also
truss bridge that was constructed in present were Principal Shae Peplinski,
1910 and reconstructed in 1947. It is Assistant Principal Danielle O'Brien,
approximately 60 feet long and 15.7 and Business Manager Tammy
feet wide and spans Beaver Creek. The Simnioniw. The board and administra-
bridge is located along Gorrell Lane ap- tors reviewed plans for Prairie expan-
proximately seventeen miles north and sion and determined the changes to be
one mile east of Beach, North Dakota. made. The work session was ad-
The State Historic Preservation Of- journed at 4:45 p.m.
rice has recommended the bridge as el- The annual meeting of the Billings
igible for listing on the National Register County School Board was called to
of Historic Places. This means that prior order at 5:00 p.m. MT, Tuesday, July
to construction of a structure at this site, 18, 2017, at the DeMores School in
the County must make the bridge avail- Medora. Present were members Joey
able to any responsible state, local or Kessel, Stacey Kessel, Mike Klatt, and
private agency willing to take over, re- Julie Reis. Also present for all or part of
!ocate and preserve this bridge at a new the meeting were Principal Shae
location. Peplinski, Assistant Principal Danielle
Any organization willing to "adopt" O'Brien, Business Manager Tammy
the old bridge would have to agree to Simnioniw, Dan Schaff with KLJ, Mar-
maintain the bridge and assume all fu- jorie Jensen, and Kami Kling.
ture legal and financial responsibility. M/S Stacey Kessel/Klatt to approve
This existing structure is in use now and the consent agenda, which included the
would need to be relocated after con- Minutes from the June 12 regular and
struction of a new structure, which is July 11 special meetings, the attached
scheduled to occur during the 2019 check list, and the addition of five items
construction season, to the agenda. Motion carried unani-
Any interested groups should re- mously.
spond by September 21, 2017 to An- Building Fund
drew Krebs, Project Manager; KLJ; 149 06/20/2017CERBERUS
(701) 456-3174; andrew.krebs@kl- SECURITY $10,181.09; PC Box 290; Dickinson, ND 150 06/2012017 DAKOTA
58602. FENCE $2,522.50
(September 7 and 14) 151 06/20/2017 KADRMAS,
LEE & JACKSON INC $6,500.00
Meeting notice 152 07/13/2017 DAKOTA
FENCE $2,522.50
General Fund
18684 DENNIS
O'BRIEN $8,758.26- VOIDED
18690 GARY
MEDUNA $5,591.00- VOIDED
18704 KATHY
18720 OLSON'S
18722 PETER
1,8750 DENNIS O'BRIEN $847.26
18751 JOHN MARTEN $150.00
18752 KATHY MALKOWSKI $138.00
18753 KILLDEER SCHOOLS5,547.50
18754 LORI NOBLE $43.87
A regular meeting of the Beach City 18755 NDSBA $2,710.71
Council was called to order by Mayor 18756 OLSON'S SERVICE $559.80
Walter Losinski on August 21, 2017 at 18757 PETER ODERMANN $237.72
7:00 p.m. Present when the meeting 18758 SMART COMPUTERS $48.75
was called to order was City Council DD JULY PAYROLL $14,994.33
Henry Gerving, Dell Beach, Mark 18759-18764 JULY PAYROLL
Benes, Jeanne Larson, Wade Wal-VENDORS $5962.46
worth, Engineer Kenzie Robertson, EFT JULYPAYROLLTAXES$4787.41
Deputy City Auditor Jill Schatz and EFTAFLAC $297.16
guests Andy & Carrie Zachmann. 18765 AUGUST'S
Minutes: CABINET SHOP $180.00
Minutes of the meeting on August 7, 18766 BLUE CROSS $1,445.98
2017 were reviewed. Benes moved to 18767 CITY OF MEDORA $525.88
approve the minutes, second by Lar- 18768 DICKINSON PUBLI $2,151.63
son. Motion carried unanimously. 18769 DOLLYWOOD
PWS Report: FOUNDATION $45.73
Public Works Superintendent 18770 ESAND $70.00
Michael Braden was not available at 18771 GEIGER'S LANDS $492.30
this time. 18772 GLORIA PFLEPSEN $21.56
Auditor Report: 18773 HORACE MANN $319.14
In the absence of the City Auditor, .18774 JESSIE BERGER $17.12
Mayor Losinski reviewed Nunberg's 18775MARCO $183.25
written report. Larson moved to amend 18776 ND INSURANCE
the Sewer Fund Repairs Budget from DEPARTMENT $5,999.30
$5,000 to $20,000 due to increased ex- 18777 NDASBM $50.00
penses, second by Walworth. Beach - 18778 NDHSAA $235.00
yes, Benes - yes, Larson - yes, Wal- 18779 NDSBA POLICY
worth - yes, Gerving - no. Motion car- SERVICES $900.00
ried. 18780 NDSOS $400.00
Committee Report: 18781 PIONEER $457.81
Sheriff's Report - The Sheriff's Re- 18782 RESP $1,350.00
port for the month of July consisting of 18783 SMART
12 calls and 2 citations was reviewed. COMPUTERS $6,000.00
Sheriff Steele discussed the Law En- 18784 SW WATER $72.87
forcement Budget as well as semi- 18785TAMMYSIMNIONIW $102.65
trucks using 2nd Ave NE. 18786 WAL-MART COMM$51.38
Engineer's Report - Kenzie Robert- 18787 WEST DAKOTA $648.59
son reported on 2017-01 Street Im- EFT JP Morgan $27096.33
The meeting of the Southwestern
District Board of Health will be held
Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017, at 3:30 p.m.
at the Southwestern District Health
Unit, 227 16th St. West Dicksinson, ND.
The meeting is open to the public.
(September 7)
City of Beach
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Peplinksi then noted that the agenda system which is more costly was re-
item she added under Other for Princi- cently renewed, but efforts are under-
pal report was for a resignation. M/S way to obtain a refund.
Stacey Kessel/Klatt to rescind Stacey The board was informed that Klatts
Kessel's previous motion. All in favor, will have a high school student in the
With all added agenda items now fall and the board was asked which
identified, M/S Stacey Kessel/Klatt to turnaround this student should be
approve the consent agenda, which in- picked up. Klatt declared a conflict of
eluded the Minutes from the June 12 interest. M/S Stacey Kessel/Reis to
regular and July 11 special meetings, allow Klatt to participate in discussion
the attached check list, and the addition and vote on this matter. All in favor.
of five items to the agenda. Motion car- M/S Stacey Kessel/Reis to table a de-
ried unanimously, cision until the August meeting when
The board discussed changes with transportation policy was on the
Dan Schaff of KLJ that they would like agenda. All in favor.
made to the preliminary drawings for The NDSBA policy services agree-
the Pralrie expansion project. Schaff ment is up for renewal at an annual
will have the design changes ready for maintenance rate of $900. M/S
the Augustmeeting. Reis/Stacey Kessel to renew the
Dan Schaff also provided the board NDSBA Policy Services agreement. All
with the design of the hallway replace- in favor.
ment tiles, lighting, and heating. A new tobacco free policy was pre-
Simnioniw informed the board that the sented to the board. M/S Stacey
total cost would be approximately Kessel/Reis to rescind the current To-
$23,300. This did not include the re- bacco Free policy (ABBA) and to ap-
placement lights for the ~°,.,ot=,~,'~ af- prow th~ f;,o* .,.~a;,o ~f tho new policy
rice and the workroom. That quote was ABBA with noted changes. All in favor.
not yet available. M/S Klatt/Stacey Kessel to approve
Simnioniw discussed placement and Policy Board Regulation Tobacco-Free
design of security camera at the front Schools & Workplaces Violations by the
entrance at Prairie. It was the consenL Public (ABBA-BR). All in favor.
sus of the board to position the cam- M/S Klatt/Reis to designate the
eras in that area to allow for the Billings County Pioneer as official news-
potential of replacing current doors with paper for the District. All in favor.
a solid door in the future. Simnioniw M/S Reis/Stacey Kessel to desig-
provided two quotes for replacement of nate health care professionals at San-
the sidewalk grates and removal of two ford Health, Wellness Chiropractic, and
tree grates at DeMores School. Mar- CHI clinics for DOT required health
tin's Refrigeration and Welding's quote physicals, and Performance Truck Cen-
was for $2,540.46 (including $50 for ter, Westlie Truck Center, Wallworks
painting). Krebs Welding provided a Diesel, Nelson International, Harlow's,
quote of $1,800 for unpainted sidewalk and Guy Tessier for DOT inspections of
grates. M/S Klatt/Reis to approve the buses. All in favor.
request to replace sidewalk grstes and M/S Stacey Kessel/Klatt to appoint
remove two tree grates at DeMores Principal Peplinski as District represen-
School and award the project to Krebs tative on the West River Student Serv-
Welding for $1,800. All in favor, ices committee. All in favor.
O'Brien provided the board with a M/S Klatt/Reis to establish the an-
quote from Allan's Decorating for re- nual meeting calendar for the 2017-18
placement of blinds on several windows fiscal year with regular meetings sched-
at Prairie. Another vendor had been uled for the second Tuesday of each
contacted and came out and measured month at 5:00 p.m. except for the July
but did not follow up with a quote. M/S annual meeting which will be held the
Klatt/Stacey Kessel to approve award- third Tuesday in July. All in favor.
ing the project to Allan's Decorating for M/S Reis/Klatt to appoint Stacey
the quoted cost of $6,533. All in favor. Kessel as District representative on the
O'Brien also reported that the sur- Roughrider Educational Services Part-
vey of the Prairie School property and nership governing board for the 2017-
the construction of the fence on the 18 school year. All in favor. M/S Joey
northwest end was completed. Allwent Kessel/Stacey Kessel to designate
well and the fencing job looks good. Lynn Arthaud as alternate on the RESP
Simnioniw informed the board that board. All in favor.
an air compressor on an air condition- M/S Klatt/Reis to appoint Business
ing unit at Prairie had gone out and the Manager Simnioniw as the authorized
compressor cannot be replaced without representative for Title Programs for the
replacing the entire unit as the unit has 2017-18 school year. All in favor.
become obsolete and cannot function M/S Klatt/Stacey Kessel to desig-
with a new compressor. A new air con- nate First State Bank of Golva as de-
ditioning unit will cost $6,902 for equip- pository for regular working accounts,
ment and installation. M/S Reis/Klatt to with investments to be made through
hire Martin's Refrigeration & Welding to Choice Financial Bank of Belfield, First
replace the air conditioning unit at the State Bank of Golva, or Edward Jones
quoted price. All in favor, public fund investment program. All in
The board reviewed a proposal from favor.
Valuations Northwest, Inc., to do an as- Kami Kling presented a letter re-
sessment of the DeMores and Prairie questing that she be released from her
buildings which would be used in de- contract for teaching preschool at
termining replacement cost for insur- Prairie. The board reviewed the policy
ance purposes. M/S Reis/Klatt to regarding release from contract. M/S
approve the request to contract with Klatt/Reis to release Kling from her con-
Valuations Northwest, Inc. for $1,535 tract with 4% of her base salary as-
for construction valuation plus $900 for sessed for liquidated damages. All in
travel. All in favor, favor. The board expressed regret that
M/S Stacey Kessel/Reis to approve they were losing her and thanked her.
the investment report for period of for her service in past years.
1/1/17 through 6/30/17. All in favor. The preliminary budget for the 2017-
The board reviewed the 2016-17 tu- 18 school year was reviewed. M/S
ition report. Reis/Stacey Kessel to approve a pre-
M/S Klatt/Stacey Kessel to approve liminary budget for the 2017-18 school
the District tuition and transportation re- year with noted changes and with the
ports for period of 7/1/16 through exception of the 12% increase in gen-
6/30117. All in favor, eral fund levy which will be decided
M/S Reis/Klatt to approve theafter theAugust 29 public meeting. All
pledged assets report from First State in favor.
Bank of Golva. All in favor. The board scheduled the public
M/S Stacey Kessel/Reis to approve meeting to propose a tax levy increase
the DPI annual financial report for fiscal for 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 29 at
year ending 6/30/17. All in favor, the DeMores School in Medora. The
At 7:05 p.m., M/S Reis/Klatt to ad- regularAugust board meeting date and
journ the meeting for the 2016-17 fiscal time will be changed to 5:00 p.m. on Au-
year. All in favor. The meeting was gust 15 at DeMores School in Medora.
then immediately called to order for the Stacey Kessel gave the RESP re-
2017-18 fiscal year with Joey Kessel port stating they were interviewing for
seated for another three-year term. an Executive Director soon.
Members declared conflicts of inter- Correspondence from ND School
est as follows. Reis and Klatt had no Board Association, John Syminow, and
conflicts of interest to report. Joey the Historical Society were read bythe
Kessel reported that Joe Kessel, his fa- board.
ther, is a County Commissioner, Joey Kessel stated his concerns for
Danielle O'Brien, Assistant Principal for the meetings being so lengthy. All pres-
the School District is his sister-in-law, ent discussed options.
Jennifer Kessel, Kindergarten Teacher Stacey Kessel stated that with the
for Prairie School is his wife, and Vickie activity vehicles being donated, there
Johnson, Counselor for the District is needed to be procedures in place for
his wife's aunt. Stacey Kessel reported usage and tracking mileage. The Prin-
that her husband is on the board of di- cipals stated they WOuld develop pro-
rectors for Creative Energy which pro- cedures for that and monitor usage.
vides fuel for the District schools. M/S Reis/Klatt to adjourn. All in
Arthaud was absent so no conflicts de- favor.
clared at this time. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Election of officers was conducted. Joey Kessel, Vice President
Klatt nominated Lynn Arthaud as presi- • Tammy Simnioniw, Business Man-
dent. No other nominations were pre- ager
sented. M/S Stacey Kessel/Klatt to (September 7)
elect Lynn Arthaud as board president.
All in favor. Reis nominated Joey
Kessel as vice president. No other
nominations were presented. M/S
Reis/Klatt to elect Joey Kessel as vice Please support"
president. All in favor.
Principal Peplinski and Assistant your local
Principal Boswell discussed the follow-
ing with the board. A revised Interven-
tionist Job Description was reviewed, merchants
Action was tabled at this time. Upcom-
ing events and training were reported
on. Peplinski would like to purchase a
different alert system that is compatible
with Power School data. The cost is
$250 for setup plus annual fees of
ninety-nine cents per student. The old
£ S ~ I. g 9 L 17 6
6 17 g L £ £ ~ I. g
I. 9 Z g It 6 £ £ g
Z i~ S 6 £ I. g g It
A public notice is information
It 6 £ g g Z £ ~ I.
infoming citizens ~f government
9 g L It~ S 6 £ /. activities that may affect, the
g /.It£ I.~ g 6 £ citizens' everday lives.
g £ 9 £ 6 t,I./.g Public notices have been printed
I.6 g /.g Itg £ in local newspapers, the
trusted sources for community
JeMsuv information, for more than
-- n~loons I(I)laaNt 200 years.
by Linda Thistle Solution below
8 7 9
5 3
6 8
9 8
1 8 3
6 1
8 4 7
3 9
4 6 1
Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way
that each row across, each column down and
each small 9-box square contains all of the
numbers from one to nine.
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• • • HOO BOY
This weekly puzzle is brought to you by:
T&A Seeds
Beach, ND
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History Alive! featured
at Chateau de Mo
MEDORA - A.T. Packard, the free History Alive! programs ex-
editor of the "Bad Lands Cowplore the lives and times of
Boy," will appear Sept. 9. Por- decades gone by, combining the-
trayed by Donald Ehli, Packard ater arts with history. The 20-
will discuss his life as the newspa- minute monologues are based on
per editor from 1884-86. original letters, diaries, and other
All performances will be on the documents, many from the
veranda of the Chateau at 10:30 archives of the State Historical So-
a.m., 1:30 p.m., and 3:30 p.m. The ciety of North Dakota.
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Golden Valley News/Billings County
P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621
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