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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 7, 1950     Golden Valley News
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September 7, 1950
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TaURSDAYI SErrEMBER 7, 950 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. PAGE SEVEN 15 MUSIC Sen t tinel But ._____. e the home of Mrs. Flaig's sisters Mrs. Chas. Bohn here and Mrs. 'Howard Stockwell at Beach. Mrs. Walter Dixon and Mari- lyn and Mrs. Bud Lardy spent Sat. at the Sidney fair and drove Jerry Brewer .and son of Holly- from there to Williston, N. D., wood, Oalif were house guests *o spend the week end wi ,Mrs at the E. R. Kennedy home last Dixon's son Jim and wife. week white visiting friends here. Jerry and his mother were for- Eddie Theisen arrived home ~from Missoula, Mont., for a 10 met residents here. day visit with his parents Mr. Mrs. Math Teacher and Mrs. and Mrs. Mike Theisen before Roy Kittleson were ~hostesses at returning for the fall term at Stanley parties at their homes tthe University there. Tuesday afternoon and evening l respectively. I Beverly Rink has accepted em- ployment at [the Cozy Care in Mr. and Mrs. Otto Flaig and tBeach" family of Oregon are visiting at The many friends of Rex Cook %. HEAVENLY? Our Meals are out of this world! Open Daily 9 a. m. to 3 a. m. Sunday noon to 3 a. m. Yes--every dish is a star and the set- vice is stellar, tool You'll readly en. joy every mouthful when you dine here. WE specialize in banquets and luncheons, call for appointment; We can serve any number. and Ann Aberson wish to con- Mrs. Bert Waldal drove to Gol- gratulate them on their marri-iva Monday were she will .teach age in Dickinson on Thursday. ~the upper grades there. She will They will both teach in Hettin- ! stay at the T. A. Wosepka home ger this year. i there. Mr. and Mrs. Howard V anl Evelyn Brindle and friend of Horn were business callers at! Hazen, N. D., visited at the John Broadus, Mont., Saturday. Brown and Robert Wyckoff homes Supt. and Mrs.~ James DeSch- I several days last week. neau and three daughters left by car Friday for points in Wy- oming for a few days visit. Former residents :here who were visitors in town last week were Mr. Balthouser and Mr. Sam Pandergast. Jeanne and Meredith Martin~ left in Jeanne's new Oldsmobile Wednesday for North Hollywood, Calif., where Jeanne will teach and Meredith will enroll in her senior year of high school. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bardwell and family of McGregor. Minn., made a brief visit at the Einar Waldal home Monday enroute to Spokane, Wash., to make their home. Mrs. Hazel Phillips was host- ess to the Get-Together club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Honnold, Lois .and Carol Lee attended the fair at Sidney Friday. I Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Adams Fhave moved into an apartment l in the Ben Maus .apartment house. Miss Coleen Knudson, Almont, who will ~each the 3rd and 4th grades here this year arrived Sunday at the Bob Hall home where she will stay. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Beier of Beach visited at the O. Peterslie home Sunday afternoon• Miss l~ggy Johnson who will teach north of Belfield in a rural school let for her boarding place there Monday• Carl Scherle who is employed at Hysham, Mont., on the rail- road, and Emil Scherle of Bis- marck spent the Labor Day week end with their mother here• VVVVVVVVVVV~" Help Wanted! DIGGER OPERATOR, SACK HANDLERS, PICKERS FOR POTATO EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Rev. E. J. Bott. Pastor Preaching Service, 10:15 a. m. Sunday School, 11:15 a. m. Time of Prayer, 7:30 p. m. Preaching Service, 8:00 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wed., 7:30 p. m. Choir Practice Wed., 8:00 p. m. W. S. W. S. Thursday, Sept. 7, at 2:30 p. m., at the church parlors with Mrs. H. L. Babcock aria Mrs. Nyle Douglas enter- taining. BEACH METHODIST CHURCH J• Robert Boggs, Jr., Pastor BEACH: Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Worship 11:15 a. m. • Wed. 7:30 p. m., Choir Rehear- sal. Wed., 8:15 p. m., Bible Study. Thurs., 2:30 p. m., W. S. C. S. WIBAUX: Morning Worship 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, 10:45 a. m. M. Y. F. 7 p. m. Evening Worship 8 p. m. Thurs., 7:30 p. m., Choir, 8:15 p. m., S~udy and Prayer. EVANGELICAL LU'I'I~t[ ttlti~ CHURCH HARVEST. !loooo- CONTACT Wibaux, Montana , ROBERTR EKRE Orgain & Casler, mgrs. ROLAND RAISLER 50 -2tp KiNSON, N. Our business increased 25% over last year although there are less cattle in this terri- tory in 1950 than in 1949. & Experienced livestock men and expert sales- than handle your cattle. Water and hay in pens pay two commissions. A large number of buyers attend every sale. All these above facts assure you the best possible prices every Tuesday at the IN DICKINSON SALE STARTS AT 10 A. M. We are a new sales but old in ex. "For the Best in the West go Western"-- l very Tuesday. O. L. OLSRUD, Pastor FIRST LUTHERAN BEACH: Rally Day for the Sunday School at 10 a. m. Assemble in old church for opening and then proceed to class rooms. Classes for all ages. Services at ii a. m., Sermon theme, "Led by the Spirit". TRINITY. SENTINEL BUTTE: Services at 9:30 a. m. Rally Day for .the Sunday School 10:30 a. m. CARLYLE: Services at 2:30 p. m., followed by business session concerning buying the U. B. church proper- ty. Ladies Aid at the church with Mrs. O. A. Jacobsen hostess Sept. 13, at 2:30 p. m. ST• PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHUIICH G. HINZ, pastor Ill Lightning Rods Installed Protect Your Build- ings and Loved Ones. FOR FREE ESTIMATE WRITE OR CALL COLLECT Dickinson, N.D., --- Tel. 855 38-tfc @ IF that car of yours has put its best days behind it, there's no time lii e right now to think about starting om afresh with a taut, new, up-to-the-minute motorcar with all its mileage still in it. Missouri Synod ]To Entertain Club-- Services Sunday Sept.10th, Beach Homemakers will ~._ 10:30. l entertained on the regular date, Sunday School, 11:30. September 12. at the farm homo Ladies' Aid and Misson Lea-!of Mrs. Anne Zook. gue Wed., Sept. 13th, 2:30. Mission Festival Sunday, Sept.Here For Fair--- 17th, 10:30; 2:00. The Rev. David Scultz of Oakskela, Sask., Cana- Mrs. L. B. Reed and Mrs. Ellis da, guest speaker. Ayers of Glendive came to .................. Beach Tuesday to shop and to Want Ads Bring Results. attend the fair. We have on hand -- a carload of Butler Galvanized Steel Grain Bins -- easy to erect -- weather tight and have extra strength; in 2200 bushel size. Beach, North Dakota And there's no better place in the world to start than with the beauty pictured here, for a variety of reasons. through -- a husky that can take a lot of years without crying "Uncle i" Then, too-this high-styled beauty is proving to be one of the most economical Buicks ever built-easy on gas, easy on upkeep, easy on you in its soft. floating, light-handling comfort. thOi: cours% you can't see all of • in the-brief span of a trial drive. But you can experience the good solid feel of Buick strength beneath you. You can satisfy yourself on the lightness of the controls, the utter smoothness of Dynaflow, the quick surge of Buick's Fireball power. It even comes with Dynaflow All such things will tell you that Fo .......... Drive* if you like--and Dynaflow this is a car you'll be glad to live r one ruing, mls UlCK mean th-* ....... ill n .... r h -'e ......... ~,~t,,.,.,L . ,~ .ui,.t" ..¢.~_..:_., ~ at jou vv ~,v,~ av With tot a lo,ng time to come- .,t to service or replace a friction and you need only to ask your j treoatt vatve-m-neao straight- clutch and that rear end or trans ......... • .;ah¢ th, t'Q nricorl lawor th-.-- ' " " buick aeaier for a aemonstranon -"-" ". .............. "' mission servicing--even engine to see precisely what we mean. some sixes " upkeep--are cut to a minimum, m For another, it's built with typical , . . . Why not call on him soon to talk t Buick ruggedness through and o,,SvPER.,aSe C . about signing up? ru~*e In HENRY J. TAYLOR, ABC NetworL every Monday'evenlng. YOUI~ KEY TO GREATER VALUE M D WHEN BETTER AUTO~AOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM