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September 5, 2019
Golden Valley News
Page 5
Week y
Hat Tips
By Dean Meyer
A minimum charge of $7 for 25 words and 10
cents per word thereafter. Classified ads for
give-away items can be published free of
Deadline for all ads: Noon Friday, preceding publi-
cation date.
Phone: 701-872-3755 Fax: 701-872-3756
Western View Apartments, Beach. Two
bedrooms available, all utilities paid, laun-
dry hookups, income based. Call Barbara,
701-872-4102 Non-smoking. Profession-
ally managed by Prairie Homes Manage-
ment, 1-888-893-9501, TTY
1-800-366-6888. $200 Walmart Card (with
12 month lease).
The Golden Valley News is accepting ap-
plications for two vacant correspondent po-
sitions. These are work-from-home
positions and can depend upon an appli-
cant's interests Coverage areas can be
human interest stories, local government,
or high school sports this fall. Call (701)
872-3755 for an application, or send a re-
sume to
The Billings County Pioneer is accepting
applications for a Vacant correspondent
position. This is a work-from-home position
and can depend upon an applicant's inter-
ests. Coverage areas can be human inter-
est stories, local government, or high
school sports this fall. Call (701) 872-3755
for an application, or send a resume to
Beach Public School District is seeking ap-
plications for Activities/Athletic Director for
the 2019- 20 school year. Subject to a
background check. No benefits. Contract
negotiated. Contact David Wegner (872-
4161 ) with any questions. 50-52
CITY OF LAKOTA: FT city superintendent
position, benefits, wage DOE. Contact au-
ditor's office at 108 East B. Ave. or 701-
MCLEAN COUNTY IS hiring oneormore
full-time Patrol Deputies. For more Infor-'
mation regarding this position visit
http://www.mclea ncou ntynd .gov/employ-
a FT, benefited position in Fargo. The
Sales Coordinator duties include generat-
ing leads, building customer relationships,
product development, etc. For full descrip-
tion and qualifications go to: Screening begins im-
mediately. Compensation DOE plus excel-
lent benefit package. Interested candidates
must submit the electronic application.
FT, 10 month position in Dining Services.
Will work occasional weekends Duties in-
clude dining service duties relative to
preparation and service of products. Ben-
efits include: Health, Life, Retirement, EAP,
Annual & Sick Leave, Tuition Waiver, De-
pendent Tuition Discount, etc. Screening
begins immediately-applications accepted
until filled. Interested candidates must
complete online application For job de-
scriptions, qualifications and application go
to: EOE
BORDER AG & ENERGY has an opening
for a Lube and Tire Technician/Service
Truck Operator: Newburg, ND. Responsi-
bilities will be tire service and repair work
on all types of tires from passenger, light
trucks, large trucks to industrial, as well as
basic general service functions on cus-
tomer vehicles. Good people skills, reli-
able, self-motivated and able to follow
instructions. Excellent wage and benefit
package. 701.228.2294, Wayne
FARMERS UNION OIL in Portland is look-
ing for a full-time truck driver in the
propane department. CDL required, haz-
mat and CETP training preferred. Full sin-
gle benefits, paid vacation and 401k.
Pick-up application at Portland station or
call 701-788-3760.
LOOKING FOR THE most complete listing
of ND Media? Get 2019 ND Media Guide
CITY OF ENDERLIN has opening for Pub-
lic Works Employee, Full-Time, Full Bene-
fits, Wage-DOE. Contact Auditor's Office
at 411 Railway St. or 701-437-3476.
ND FARM LAND Values surge upward.
Are you selling or renting? Pifer's Auction
and Farm Land Management. Bob Pifer
701.371.8538. Kevin Pifer 701.238.5810.
Free valuation.
HELP WANTED ads in all ND papers with
NorthSCAN! $160/25 words / 89 papers.
Contact your newspaper or NDNA, 701-
can North Dakota's farmers markets bet-
ter meet your needs? Take our customer
survey at and enter
to win a $25 prepaid gift card. Information
gathered supports farmers markets
statewide. Paper copies available. Call
Acres Absolute, Rapid City/Black Hills, two
running creeks, dams, wells, springs, deer,
meadows, crops, hay, 306x134 Barn. 605-
685-4556, 605-798-
2525, www.PiroutekAuction .cam
will accept bids for two new 2020 school
route buses For additional information or
questions, contact Superintendent Brian
Duchscherer, Carrington Public Schools,
PC Box 48, Carrington, ND 58421, Phone
701-652-3136. Bids due prior to 12:00
noon, Friday, September 6, 2019.
WE MAKE IT easy to place an ad in one
or all 89 North Dakota newspapers. One
order, one bill, one check. We provide the
ad design and tear sheets. Call the North
Dakota Newspaper Association, 701-223-
The Billings County
Pioneer and Golden Valley
News have shared
advertising and have been
sharing the news for some of
their inside pages for about
50 years.
This means the coverage of
your ad ban 't limited to just
either county/Ourprimary
coverage area is western
Stark County and west to the
Montana border. It pays to
by Linda Thistle Solution below
7 1
1 9
4 7
6 7
1 4
3 1
Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way
that each row across, each column down and
each small 9-box square contains all of the
numbers from one to nine.
Moderate OO Challenging
2019 King Features Synd Inc.
This weekly puzzle is brought to you by:
T&A Seeds
Beach, ND
(701) 872-3248
For subscribers, your
subscription's expiration date
is on your address label.
lennett Hou
All Risk Crop & Hail Insurance
211 West Main Street
Ada, MN 56510
16201 Old Highway 10
Sentinel Butte, ND 58654
hougtum@[oreteL net
John Germolus
Wayne Lee
htarisa Carlsrud
This entity is an equal opportunity provider
Licensed Real
Estate Agent
in N.D.
(701) 483-6789; (701) 527-8159 cell;
or suefinneman
Real Eslate Professionals
Still haying in September
It's September. September mind
you. You put up hay in June and
July. Not September. In September,
if you farm, you combine. If you
ranch, you give calves fall shots.
You clean your pens out. You weld
up broken gates and line up feed
bunks. You pull your bulls from the
pasture and practice swearing at
them. You don't hay. Not normally.
I'm not a religious person. Oh, I
was an alter boy for a lot of years
when I was a kid. I still maintain
that if it hadn't been for Schlitz beer
and girls, I may have gone into the
priesthood, but that's another story.
But I think in my studies, I may
have missed one commandment.
"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's
We had finished .haying. One
pretty good cutting in North Dakota,
and two great cuttings at Will's
place in Harding County. Normally
to get two cuttings in Harding
County would take between 3 and 5
years. You don't get two cuttings in
a year. But thanks to 18 inches of
rain (because I had rain insurance)
this year was an exception.
Anyway, we had finished haying.
But a neighbor had a bunch of hay
that they had been unable to get put
up because of the abundance of hay
and the wet weather. And we cov-
eted it. So we took it on shares. All
we had to do was cut it.
I have spent the last week, lying
under a 20 year old haybine, pulling
wet hay out of the header by the
handful. My hands have gotten so
raw and bloody, that by night, I can
barely hold onto a glass. That is
bad. Real bad.
And this hay field is about a mile
and a half from the neighbor's
house. I covet his house too. It sits
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nHOQnS 41NaaM .--
KEY Janitorial
Travis Hauck
Master Electrician
Cell 701-872-6063
Office: 701-872-4083
4131 166th Ave. SW
Beach, ND 58621
Licensed in N.D. and MT
Your local
telephone company
Serving the Beach,
Sentinel Butte & Medora
For service please call
* Carpet andUpholstery
* Strip and Wax Floors
* D aster Cleanup
Residen tlaland Commercial
Ken & Virginia Young
Glendive, MT
Call 406-377-3597
Golden Valley
Manor, inc.r
V~cki Braden, Administrato
Flexible Meal Plans
Assisted Living
Night Security
701-872-4282 or TTY 800-366-6888
I still maintain that
if it hadn't been for
Schlitz beer and
girls, I may have
gone into the priest-
hood, but that's an-
other story.
on a beautiful hill surrounded by
pine trees. He has a wonderful
deck, where he can sit in the morn-
ing or the evening and enjoy the
From his deck, he can take his
binoculars and watch me pull the
wet bundles of worthless hay from
the header. It hurts. It really hurts
to know that he is sitting on that
deck, sipping on a cool drink, while
I have sweat running in my eyes,
blood dripping from my hands, and
bugs crawling down my neck.
Cutting this wet, lodged hay re-
minds me of the story of the priest
that was starting the lawn mower
that he had bought at a yard sale. He
pulled and pulled to no avail. The
little boy, whose father had sold the
mower, was watching with interest.
Finally, the priest turned to the
boy, "How did your dad start this
The boy replied, "He would pull
on it a couple times, swear at it, and
it would start."
The priest said softly, "My son, I
wouldn't know how to swear".
The boy knowingly nodded,
"You keep pulling on that rope, and
you will learn".
Later, Dean
The Golden Valley Manor is a
US Department of HUD facility.
Rental assistance is available to
those who qualify.
for Only $25! Call 701-223-6397, ND /'~~~
Newspaper Association. ~~ .
III "T"'",'
Have so,mething that may be newsworthy,ONSTRUCTION Ill ,=
that you d like to share or submit to the since 1936 III305 N Merrill Ave.
Golden Valley News or the Billings County 701-872-3317 III Glendive, MT
Pioneer! Licensed Contractor
Backhoe & Other Dirt Work, IIIGuns Bought, Sold,
We wont know about it unless you tell us, Design, Building and Supply, III Repaired, and Traded
and we welcome submitted news items! Concretei Stone & Brick, Ill FFR Licensed
It's easy. Just give us a call, e-mail your item Roofing III Emie Huether, Pres.
and a phone number, or mail a photo and the text that goes Furnace installation III
New or remodeling Ill 377-3969
along with it, Building your dreams iiiFirearms Gun Safes
Golden Valley News/Billings County Pioneer: through 4 generations/ IIISmart Wool Ammunition
P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621 Beach, ND 58621 [I[ Reloading. Equipment
Rent this
space for
only a few
dollars a
week. Call
872-3755 for
Rent this
space for
only a few
dollars a
week. Call
872-3755 for
more details
A public notice is information
infoming citizens of government
activities that may affect the
citizens' everday lives.
Public notices have been printed
in local newspapers, the
trusted sources for community
information, for more than
200 years.
(701) 690-7145
PO Box 892
Beach, ND 58621
Residential, Commercial,
Agricultura d trial,
and Oil Field