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Beach, North Dakota
September 5, 2019     Golden Valley News
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September 5, 2019
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. . . o . . . . Page 4 Golden Valley News September 5, 2019 Hearing Notice IN DISTRICT COURT, BILLINGS COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA In the Matter of the Estate of Joel M. Wilkinson, Deceased. Probate No. 04-2019-PR-00014 Brian W. Boppre (ID #07482) Boppre Law Firm, PLLC 2151 36th Ave SW, Suite B Minot, ND 58701 Telephone No. (701) 852-5224 bboppre@ Attorney for: Margot Wilkinson NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Margot Wilkinson has filed herein a pe- tition for Adjudication of Intestacy, Adju- dication of Priority for Appointment of Personal Representative and Appoint- ment of Personal Representative of the estate of Joel M. Wilkinson, deceased. Hearing has been set upon said Pe- tition on the 24th day of October, 2019, at 8:30 A.M. at the Courtroom of the above named Court in the City of Medora, County of Billings, State of North Dakota, and any person may ap- pear and be heard. In order for any objections to be con- sidered, objections to the Petition for Adjudication of Intestacy, Adjudication of Priority for Appointment of Personal Representative and Appointment of Personal Representative must be in writing and must be filed with the Court and the attorney for the petitioner no later than seven (7) days prior to the date set for hearing. Any such written objection must contain a concise and thorough account of the facts upon which the objection is based. Dated this 19th day of August, 2019. Brian Boppre (//07482) Boppre Law Firm PLLC 2151 36th Ave. SW, Suite B Minot, ND 58701 (701) 852-5224 Attorney for Margot Wilkinson (September 5, 12and 19) Meeting Notice Notice of annual Billings county Rural Fire Protection District annual budget meeting, to be held September 12, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. at the Medora rural fire hall. (August 22, 29 and September 5) Notice NOTICE OF NAMES OF PERSONS APPEARING TO BE OWNERS OF ABANDONED PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing persons, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, may be entitled to property (not real es- tate) which has been presumed aban- doned under the Unclaimed Property Act (NDCC Chapter 47-30.1). The Act requires all businesses to file annual re- ports of unclaimed property. These names are from the most current an- nual reports. Previously reported prop- erties which have not been claimed can be viewed at: https://unclaimedprop- *=Medora **=Fairfield Burning'Hills Emporium Po Box 456 Chakraborty Bhaskar Po Box 198 * Clyde Beth T Po Box 487 * Clyde Samuel Po Box 487 * Firmansyah Andri Po Box 597 * Huang Tingting Po Box 198 * Krogh Rodney W 1303 126th Ave SW** Kuhn Brian 12803 20th St SW ** Lamppa Zach Po Box 647 * ND Cowboy Hall Of Fame Box 137 * Propagand Arts 4771 Courtright St* Stverak Jason W Box 24 * For information concerning this property, or for ADA auxiliary aids, con- tact the Unclaimed Property Adminis- trator via e-mail ( or on the Website at unclaimedprop-, or at 1707 N 9th St, PO Box 5523, Bismarck ND 58506-5523. (701- 328-2800). (8/2312019) Jodi Smith Land Commissioner (September 5) Notice , NOTICE OF NAMES OF PERSONS APPEARING TO BE OWNERS OF ABANDONED PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing persons, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, may be entitled to property (not real es- tate) which has been presumed aban- doned under the Unclaimed Property Act (NDCC Chapter 47-30.1) The Act requires all businesses to file annual re- ports of unclaimed property. These names are from the most current an- nual reports. Previously reported prop- erties which have not been claimed can be viewed at: https://unclaimedprop- *=Beach ***=Sentinel Butte ****=Golva Bishop Bart PO Box 524 ~ Bishop Madeline D PO Box 815 * Callaway June 508 4th St SE * Dietz Ashlynn 302 6th Ave SE * Donald E Taylor Inc PO Box 14 * Erickson Vicki PO Box 636 * Estate Of Myrn Farstreet 621 1st Ave NE * Farstveet Estate Of Myrna PO Box 171 * Hammerstrom Chad L 15120 Pipeline Rd *** Harpster Gayle 180 Elliot St *** Heckaman Kayla 535 1 st Ave NW * Jandt Larry PO Box 144 * Larson Shauna PO Box 72 * Macoleni Matthew PO Box 324 * 'Makelky Hillary R 15571 Square Butte Rd *** Meyers Roxanne 456 4th Ave SE * Muruato Natalie L PO Box 306 * Oppegard Nathan PO Box 481 * Overbo Crystal PO Box 936 * Pitts Troy PO Box 573 * R B Enterprises PO Box 32 * Rathbun George R P O Box 952 * Rathbun Mary P O Box 952 * Remillong Donald F 425 2nd Ave NW * Shaw Joshua Craig PO Box 894 * Shumway Zane PO Box 172 Steiner Michael 5240 Alpha Rd *** Szudera Steve PO Box 486 * Watson Ken 14 3rd Avenue SE * For information concerning this property, or for ADA auxiliary aids, con- tact the Unclaimed Property Adminis- trator via e-mall ( or on the-Website at unclalmedprop-, or at 1707 N 9th St, PO Box 5523, Bismarck ND 58506-5523. (701- 328-2800). (8/26/2019) Jodi Smith Land Commissioner (September 5) City of Medora City of Medora Minutes Of Special Meeting August 7, 2019 (Subject to Council Review and Approval) Meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by Mayor Todd Corneil. Present were Council Members Doug Ellison, John Tczap, Kinley Slauter and Tracy Sexton. Preliminary Budget Review - Auditor Ridenhower reviewed the progress on preparation of the 2020 Budget. The focus for the meeting i5: Preliminary 2020 Budget Re- view/Approval Ambulance Replacement request - Marcia Lamb, Mitch GUseth, and Kyle Michels reviewed the plans for replac- ing ambulances. They requested the City approve payment of $255,000 which is the City's share of the cost,which can be paid to the County in 6 annual installments of $42,500 begin- ning 8/8/20. There was consensus that the ambulance replacements are needed and the annual installment pay- ments will be a priority in the budget process. TRMF Point to Point Park request - p.m. by President Kinley Slauter. Mem- bers present were Jim Bridger, lan Con- nors and Doug Ellison. Minutes from the July 16 meeting were presented to the Board for ap- proval. Bridger made the motion to ap- prove the minutes as presented, Ellison seconded. Motion passed unanimously. NO. 19-35 NAME: Sandi Frenzel LOCATION: 250 3rd St PROPOSAL: Add new deck to back of house. Add on to existing fence. Sandi Frenzel requested approval for a flag pole in the front yard on the north side of the lot away from the side- walk and trees, and to replace light fix- tures on the front of the house with fixtures similar to what were there. Con- nors moved to approve the application for the deck and fence as presented and to approve adding a flag pole and replacing light fixtures as requested, Et- lison seconded. Motion passed unani- mously. NO. 19-36 NAME: Russell J. Mitchell LOCATION: 685 2nd St S PROPOSAL: Replace current meta! skirting with insulated skirting panels. Skirting panels have a plastic sur- face over Styrofoam. Connors moved to approve the application as presented, Bridger seconded. Motion passed unanimously. NO. 19-37 NAME: Gary & Rita Edland LOCATION: 425 Broadway Ave. (Roger Vanvig house) PROPOSAL: Install lattice around decks. Bridger moved to approve the appli- cation as presented, Connors sec- onded. Motion passed unanimm,~lu NO. 19-38 NAME: TRMF LOCATION: 424 6th St. (Block 17 Lots 1-12, 21-24, Block 22 Lots 1-4, 21- 24) PROPOSAL: New constructio0 Point to Point Park Plans for the mini golf feature were presented. The current mini golf course will be removed and replaced as de- scribed with nine holes around the cur- rent swimming pool (these will be ADA acceptable) and nine holes added on the east side of the street around the Slant House. Features will be repre- sentative of the area. The plan is to start construction on the mini golf this fall. a presentation on the Park and related TRMF is requesting approval of the lay - requests from the City were discussed out and elements' Of the" mini golf at the August 6 Council Meeting, and it was agreed the budget aspects would be discussed at today's meeting. TRMF projects that the Park will bring more people to town and fill more motel rooms so the Park will be good for Medora and increase City revenue. Sit, ter commented that supporting the Park might benefit the City more than the current spending on the City Pool, and he clarified that projected income im- pacts from the Park have not be quan- tified. Ellison Commented that he can see how the Park can benefit the City but he questions if the City can afford to provide financial support at this time. Comeil stated that he feels the Park is a good idea but it isn~ a good time for the spending as the City is working to replenish after the investment in the la- goon and we have already cut several significant projects from the budget. Corneil supports partnering with the County and TRMF to see what can be done to obtain grants and funding in the future. The consensus is that the Coun- cil supports the Point to Point Park proj- ect and will work to find ways to support it. Ellison moved the request from TRMF for $1 million to support Point to Point Park infrastructure be dined as thespending can't be accommodated in the 2020 Budget, but the City will review options to support the Park project in the future, SExton seconded. Motion passed 3 to 1. 2019/2020 Revenue Projections were reviewed and discussed. We ex- pect to be on Budget with our 2019 Total Revenues and we project 2020 Revenue to be similar to 2019. Pro- posed expenditures were reviewed for clarification and input. 2018, 2019 and 2020 Project Lists were discussed. 2019 and 2020 Project Lists were prior- itized and updated with projects priori- tized for completion in 2019 and designated to be included in the 2020 Preliminary Budget. The pipeline from the tank to 6th Street will be flow tested next week and an assessment made on its condition. It was requested that Beach have Rural Water review our water and sewe situation and present to the Council on what they feel should be our greatest concerns. The Ambulance replacement pay- ment will be included in the 2020 Pre- liminary Budget. The Revenue Budget for Utilities was adjusted to reflect pro- jected increases from rate changes. The Spending Budget was adjusted to include the Ambulance replacement payment and align to the 2020 Projects which were prioritized for inclusion. By consensus the 2020 Preliminary Revenue Budget was approved at $1,930,860, the Expense Budget was approved at $2,265,834, and the mill rate for 2020 was approved to remain the same. The Auditor will provide this information to the County Auditor by Au- gust 9. THERE WILL BE A BUDGET HEARING AND APPROVAL OF THE FINAL BUDGET AT THE COUNCIL MEETING ON OCTOBER 1 AT 6:00 PM. The. next regular City Council Meet- mg will be September 3 at 7 PM. Slauter moved to adjourn, Ellison seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:35 pm. Attest: Todd Corneil, Mayor Attest: Gary Ridenhower, City Auditor (September 5) Notice MEDORA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Official Proceedings on August 20, 2019 (Subject to board review and approval) course, signs and building siding will be approved separately. The City Engi- neering will review and sign off on de- tails to assure compliance with City -regulations and the Development Agreement. Connors moved to approve the design and elements/props of the mini golf course with signs and siding to be approved when presented, Bridger seconded. Slauter stated that as an em- Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pair the storm drains and gutters at the intersection of 1st Street W and 2nd Av- enue SW as well as the sidewalk along the entire block. No decision was made at this time. Dietz request City Council consider waiving fees at the landfill for blighted buildings that are demolished as part of community enhancement. Consensus was an application should be made available for individuals re- questing to have the fees waived. Dietz would review and present to City Coun- cil for approval. Auditor Report Gaugler reviewed her written report. Gaugler reviewed the financial report for the month of July. Benes moved to approve the financial report as pre- sented, second by Wolff. Motion carried unanimously. Benes moved to approve payment of $2,111.25 to John Deere Fi- nancial for lease of a tractor, second by Larson. Motion carried unanimously. Engineer's Report 2019 Sanitary Sewer Project- En- gineer Klein's report was reviewed. Gaugler provided financial information on the project. At this time, it appears the additional funding that was secured for the project will not be needed. Sheriff's Report The Sheriff's Report for the month of July consisting of 14 calls, 2 warnings and 5 citations was reviewed. Committee Reports Zoning Report Larson reported the Zoning Board held a Public Hearing regarding a Re- quest for Conditional Use at 105 Cen- tral Avenue. Currently, the property is zoned Commercial 2 but is being uti- lized for residential purposes. The Zon- ing Board plans to meet with the property nwner again before making a recommendation to the City Council. Next Zoning Board meeting is Septem- ber 16th. Census Count Committee Larson reported a local group is being organized to bring awareness on the importance of every resident being accounted for during the Census. original Complaint is filed with the Clerk of the Distdct Court in the County in which this action is commenced. 3. This action relates to the foreclo- sure of a mortgage upon the following described real property in the County of Golden Valley, State of North Dakota: All of Lot 1, excepting and excluding the North 50 feet thereof, and the South 50 feet thereof, Block 9, Hunter's First Addition to the City of Beach, Golden Valley County, North Dakota. Property Address: 329 3rd Avenue Northeast, Beach, ND 58621 The Plaintiff is not seeking a per- sonal judgment against the above- named Defendants. Date: June 3, 2019 /sJ Benjamin J. Mann Benjamin J. Mann 376 East 400 South, Suite 300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Tel: 801-355-2886 Fax: 801-328-9714 Emaih benjamin @ hwmlawfirm,com Bar Number: 08371 HWM: 55393 (September 5, 12 and 19) Notice to Creditors STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA IN DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BILLINGSSOUTH- WEST JUDICIAL DISTRICT In the Matter of the Estate of Donald A. Stigen, Deceased. Probate No. 04-2019-PR-00013 MACKOFF KELLOGG LAW FIRM Office Address: 38 Second Ave E Dickinson ND 58601 Telephone Number: (701) 456-3210 By: Olivia Krebs, Attorney #08743 Emaih okrebs @ Attorneys for Personal Representative NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Unfinished Business Personal Representative of the above Law Enforcement Contract for 2020 estate. All persons having claims - Zachmann moved to approve the Law against the said deceased are required Enforcement Contract with Golden Val- ley County for the year 2020, second by Benes. Motion carried unanimously. New Business At 7:30 pm, a Public Hearing was held on an Application for Approval of to present their claims within three months after the date of the first publi- cation of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presented to Sharleen Stigen, Per- sonal Representative of the Estate, or Zoning Change submitted by Troy & filed with the Court. Melanie Viner on b(~half Of Robert ~ Dated this 23 day of August, 2019~ Weeks for property located at Hunter's Sharleen Stigen, Personal Repre- 1st Addition, Block 2, Lots 1-5 (176 First sentative Street NE). The request is to change 13066 15th Street SW, Fairfield, ND zoning of the property from Commercial 58627 2 to Residential 1. Larson moved to(September 5, 12 and 19) open the Public Hearing, second by Zachmann. Motion carried unani- mously. Gaugler mentioned notice was sent to twenty-five (25)property owners Hamilton that are within 150' of the area being ployee of TRMF, there is a potential for considered for re-zoning. No other com- conflict of interest. Since there is no di- ments were made, and no written com- r e - e ,= e c e rect and substantiai personal or pecu- ments were received. Benes moved to U niary interest in the matter, I intend to participate as necessary in the action. Motion passed unanimously. Misc. Business* Chris Dorfschmidt and Anna Killian from the State Historical Society pre- sented plans for the Coachman's House Project which will be starting shortly. The Project is to raise the build- ing and repair it as. it was damaged in the 2011 Flood. There will be little visual change The Historical Society wanted to assure that the City is aware of the project which should take about a month. The Commission expressed ap- preciation for the communication and cooperation. Chris Dorfschmidt advised that a contract has been signed to have the previously removed section of the De- Mores Park wall replaced as close to original as possible using the original stones. Construction is expected to start in mid-September. The Commis- sion appreciates the update and action being taken to return the wall to as close to original condition as possible. Related to the opening on the Zon- ing Commission, the City Council direc- tion is to post a.notice at the Post Office for qualified candiddtes to express in- terest, appoint a replacement for Justin Ell, and work to identify candidates to replace lan when required. Connors moved the meeting be ad- journed. President Slauter declared the meeting adjourned without objection at 6:55 pm. ATTEST: Kinley S!aut.e~',o president ~ ATTEST: Gary Ridenhower, City Auditor (September 5) Beach City Council CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS PUBLISHED SUBJECT TO THE GOVERNING BODY'S REVIEW AND REVISION A regular meeting of the Beach City Council was called to order by Mayor Henry Gerving on August 19, 2019, at 7:00 pm. Present when the meeting was called to order was City Council Andy Zachmann, Bev Wolff, Jeanne Larson, Mark Benes, Public Works Supt. Randy Dietz, City Auditor Kim- berly Gaugler, guests Marcus Knutson, Dr. Jake Holkup, Sue Finneman, Janie Rathbun and Rachel Keohane. The Pledge of Allegiance was re- cited. Roll call was taken Marman and Walworth were absent. Mayor Gerving called for additions to the agenda. Dr. Jake Holkup request to be added to the agenda regarding maintenance and drainage on 6th Street SE. Mayor Gerving approved. Minutes Minutes of the meeting on August 5th were presented. Zachmann moved to approve the minutes, second by Lar- son. Motion carried unanimously. PW Report PWS Dietz reviewed his written re- port. Benes moved to approve the pur- chase of product in the amount of $6,700 to treat lagoon cells 3 and 4 for an algae problem that has developed, second by Zachmann. Motion carried unanimously. Dietz reviewed a quote from Novotny Construction, LLC to re- close the Public Hearing, second by Larson. Motion carried unanimously. Larson moved to approve the Zoning Board's recotnmendation to change the zoning of Hunter's 1st Addition, Block 2, Lots 1 -5 from Commercial 2 to Resi- dential 1 and extend the rezoning to in- clude lots 18-22 of this block, second by Benes. Motion carried unanimously. Janie Rathbun, Parks & Rec Man- ager and Rachel Keohane, Beach Park Board member request $15,000 from the City Sales Tax Fund to offset unex- pected expenses throughout the sum- mer. Benes moved to amend the City Sales Tax Fund transfer out from $10,000 to $15,000 for the Beach Park Board, second by Zachmann. Motion carried unanimously. An Application for Raffle submitted by Post Prom was reviewed. Benes moved to approve, second by Zach- mann. Motion carried unanimously. The proposed "Believe in Beach" Strategic Plan 2019-2022 was pre- sented. Wolff moved to approve the Strategic Plan for 2019 - 2022, second by Larson. Motion carried unanimously. Zachmann moved to approve payment of $30,000 to JM Strategies, LLC for completion of the Strategic Plan, sec- ond by Larson. Motion carried unani- mously. On September 6th a noon lunch meeting will be held at the Com- munity Center for anyone wanting to learn more about the Strategic Plan. Dr. Jake Holkup shared concerns about the drainage along 6th Street SE vice president of NALA TULSA, Okla. - Melissa J. Hamilton, advanced certified parale- gal (ACP), of Bismarck, was re- elected to serve as vice president on the 2019-2020 board of directors of the National Association of Legal Assis- tants (NALA). The elec- tion took place electronically with the re- suits being an- nounced at NALA's Con- ference & Expo during the annual member meeting in Scottsdale, Ariz. Hamilton is employed as a para- legal in the Civil Litigation, Natural Resources, and Indian Affairs Divi- sion of the North Dakota Office of Attorney General, representing state agencies, officials, and employees in legal actions, including administra- and 5th Avenue SE. He request that a tive hearings, state court lawsuits, qqg term plan b~ de v~lol~d for main- federal court lawsuits, and appeals, tenance. " ifcludiia challefige~ tO the coris'tittl- No other business was brought for- ward. Benes moved to adjourn, second by Larson. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Attest: Henry Gerving, Mayor Kimberly Gaugler, City Auditor (September 5) Summons IN THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY IN THE DISTRICT COURT, SOUTH- WEST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Freedom Mortgage Corporation, Plaintiff, V. John Means a/k/a John D. Means, and any person in possession, and all persons unknown, claiming any estate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the real estate described in the oomplaint, Defendants. SUMMONS CIVIL NUMBER: 17-2019-CV-00003 1. To the above mentioned Defen- dants including all persons unknown, claiming any estate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the real estate described in the complaint. tionality of state laws. She is origi- nally from Fairfield. She has over 25 years of legal ex- perience working for the state of North Dakota, including legal assis- tant/paralegal positions with the N.D. Department of Human Services Legal Advisory Unit, the N.D. De- partment of Transportation, N.D. Department of Human Services Child Support Division and N.D. Supreme Court Law Library - N.D. Legal Self Help Center. She also worked as a claims analyst at N.D. Workforce Safety and Insurance. Hamilton is active in local and national paralegal associations. She~ has served as the chair of NALA's Professional Development Commit- tee, NALA Region director, NALA treasurer, and NALA secretary. She has served in various leadership po- sitions in her local paralegal associ- ation, the Western Dakota Association of Legal Assistants. 2. You are hereby summoned to ap- pear and defend against the Complaint Erickson u~ -'~ra~ua~es in this action, which has been filed with the Clerk of Court and is herewith served upon you, by serving upon the from NDSU undersigned a copy of an Answer or other proper response within twenty- North Dakota State University one (21) days after the service of this this summer awarded 321 degrees. Summons upon you, exclusive of the Included was Bailey Marie Erickson day of service. If youfail to do so, Judgment by default will be taken from Beach who graduated with against you for the relief demanded in honors with a bachelor of science in the Complaint. The agribusiness. Bike accident results in fatality By News/Pioneer Staff TROTTERS - Cora Wagner, 19, of Lisbon died on Sept. 1, off road near Beaver Creek Road in McKen- zie County about 17 miles east of Trotters. Wagner was driving a 2014 Honda CRF150F dirt bike south- bound on a trail. She lost control of the bike and was thrown to the ground and was pronounced de- ceased at the scene. She was wear- ing a helmet, the N.D. Highway Patrol said. Alexander man dies in crash By News/Pioneer Staff KEENE - A 52-year-old man from Alexander died in a Sept. 2, crash on McKenzie County Road 2, about a mile east of Tobacco Gar- dens, the N.D. Highway Patrol said. The Kenworth truck that the man was driving was westbound and was pulling a tanker trailer. The driver failed to negotiate a curve in the roadway and the Kenworth ran off the roadway into the south ditch. The Kenworth overturned onto its top and the trailer jackknifed. The Kenworth came to rest in the south ditch, facing west, with the trailer next to it. The driver sustained fatal injuries during the crash and was pronounced dead on scene. The crash occurred at about 2:15 p.m and the road surface was saturated and slippery from recent rainfall. The man's name was to be re- leased after the notification of rela- tives. Rider thrown off motorcycle By News/Pioneer Staff ALEXANDER - Jacob Hingtgen, 23, Williston, was traveling north- east on County Road 16 and was ne- gotiating a curve when he lost control of his 2008 Honda motorcy- cle on Sept. 1, a N.D. Highway Pa- trol media release said. He was thrown off the motorcy- cle and landed on the roadway. He was wearing a helmet. The crash oc- curred at about 5:53 p.m. about 10 miles northwest of Alexander and the weather conditions were clear. He was transported to CHI St. Alexius Health in Williston for non- life-threatening injuries. Motorcycle accident results in injury By News/Pioneer Staff ALEXANDER - Nick Armour, 23, Williston, was traveling north- bound on U.S. Highway 85 on his 2014 Harley Davidson motorcycle and was changing lanes from the passing lane to the fight-hand lane when he lost control of the motorcycle, the N.D. High- way Patrol said. The crash occurred at about 6:10 p.m. on Aug. 30, about two miles south of Alexander. The road condi- tions were good at the time, the Higtlv~ay'Patrol Said. " Armour was thrown from his mo- torcycle and sustained serious injury. He was airlifted to Trinity Hospital in Minot for his injuries. He wasn't wearing a helmet. - Center (Continued from Page 2) Sept. 19 from 7-8 p.m. at South Heart Elementary. In Belfieldthis will be on Thursday, Sept. 26, from 7-8 p.m. at Belfield Elementary, and for Billings County on Thursday, Sept. 26, from 7-8 p.m. at Belfield Elementary. The center will be holding ses- sions for parents starting in October titled Love and Logic. These ses- sions will begin Wednesday, Oct. 2, for a six-week series. Supper will be provided from 5:30-6 p.m and ses- sions will go from 6-7:30 p.m. at Lincoln Elementary in Beach. This series is free but registration is re- quired by calling West Dakota Par- ent & Family Resource Center at (701) 456-0007 or toll free at 1-877- 264-1142, or e-mail by Tues- day, Sept. 24. This program is pro- vided by 'West Dakota Parent and Family Resource Center in collabo- ration with Golden Valley County Extension and Lincoln Elementary.