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Beach, North Dakota
September 5, 2019     Golden Valley News
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September 5, 2019
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September 5, 2019 Golden Valley News Page 3 Over a six-month period, a 78- School District tax increase proposal explained year-old businessman with a clever wit and superb leadership skills be- To the editor: mills asked for in the general fund basis for projects and expenses. If came less able to talk. The Beach School Board is is 65.86 mills, not used, the money can be saved He gradually became more con- working toward increasing revenue The Beach board is asking for an for large projects, such as new struc- fused and lost his ability to learn new for the upcoming school year. additional $30,000 in the general tures or severe problems that may things, hi the end, he lost his capac- We are currently asking the patrons fund. The board has the authority to arise. We take pride in our build- ity to swallow well and started inhal- for 49.12 mills. The mills generate ask for up to $68,140 (a 5.76 mill ings, and considering the high ing some liquids and food until roughly $567,840. If you followed the increase) in the general fund this school is 46 years old and the ele- finally pneumonia gently shuffled last legislative session, there is a strong year. The anticipated mill value will mentary is 59 years old, we are see- him off this mortal coil. push for all school districts to ask their raise the mill total to 50.49 mills, for ing more projects of repair and Dementia is a progressive deterio- patrons for at least 60 mills. Districts an increase of 1.37 mills, updating each year. We have a need ration of intellect, memory and social have the authority to levy up to 70 Legislators are also adding an in- for more money each year to keep skills which, by definition, interferes mills without going to a vote. cenfive to the 15 schools that are up with the projects, with normal activities and relation- Sixty mills is every district's below 60 mills in the general fund There are other funds that boards ships. It is an umbrella term which in- "fair share," according to the Legis- to increase their respective levies, are authorized to ask for money to- eludes various types and causes. lature. The state figures out how In the future, they will take away an ward. Some of them are sinking and Alzheimer's disease and vascular dis- much money is necessary to educate additional 2 percent from the rev- interest, tuition, miscellaneous, and ease (caused by small and large our students and then subtracts the enue allocated to the district, if a special reserve. Each one has its strokes) make up the hon's share of de- "fair share" amount from the overall district's patrons are not paying own rules associated with it. Some mentias. Other rarer forms of demen- pot of money allotted to each school their "fair share" of 60 mills. It is districts across the state ask for tia include frontotemporal dementia, district. Districts at or above 60 not mandatory to get to 60 mills; money in each fund. The state av- Lewy body dementia, traumatic brain mills get the amount put back in however, districts will be penalized erage number of mills asked of the injury and various combinations of from the patrons and every other more for not being at that level, patrons is 97.97 mills, any of these conditions. district falls short of that amount. In In 1953, patrons voted to start a If you have any questions or Classic Alzheimer's accounts for Beach's case, that is roughly building fund. The vote gave comments, please contact me or any more than 60 percent of dementias. $112,000. There are only 15 schools boards the authority to ask for up to of the hoard members. The public Early symptoms include recent mem- out of 147, in the state, that are l0 mills each year. The board is hearing that the district is mandated ory loss or loss of the ability to learn below the 60-mill rate, and Beach, asking patrons to consider putting to hold will take place at 6 p.m. a new thing. Until very late in the dis- being one of them, is currently $20,000 into the building fund. in Room No. 11 at Beach High ranked 141 out of 147, for the hum- This is anticipated to be worth 1.69 School on Wednesday, Sept.11. ber of mills asked for, in the general mills. The money in the building Superintendent David Wegner fund. The state average number of fund can be utilized on a yearly Beach School District Prairie Doc By Dr. Richard P. Holm ease, people with Alzheimer's usu- ally retain the capacity to walk nor- mally. Gait abnormalities, by comparison, are usually found with most of the other causes of dementia. It is important to note that some peo- ple can have gait abnormalities with- out dementia. (Try to walk a mile a day, if you are able.) The prevalence of dementia in- creases with age. Five percent of those aged 71 to 79 have dementia, while the incidence increases to 38 to 50 percent in those 90 or older. This also means more than 50 percent of the very old DO NOT HAVE DE- MENTIA. Your care provider should evalu- ate and treat, if apropos, some often reversible or temporary causes for dementia-like symptoms. These in- clude depression, low thyroid, certain infections, multiple sclerosis, low blood sugars, too low or too high sodium or calcium, chronic alcohol use, malnutrition (along with vitamin B 1, B 12 and D deficiency), dehydra- tion, bleeding under the lining of the skull of the brain, poisoning from heavy metals or pesticides, smoking, high levels of carbon monoxide (check your furnace), low levels of oxygen, moderate to severe sleep apnea, brain tumors, any major med- ical illness and, last but not least, side effects from certain medications (es- pecially tranquilizers like Ativan or Xanax). Look at that list again and make sure those conditions are con- sidered when you or your loved one is first being evaluated for dementia. Beware of scammers, who are thick as thieves, looking to sell you false treatments. For more credible information about dementia, go to There is no chang- ing the devastating nature of demen- tia but knowing all about it can help. Free produce grower training sessions scheduled BISMARCK - The North Dakota Department of Agriculture has Call your representative about immigration problems s .o lo, training sessions for produce growers across the state. To the editor: cost our taxpayers $113 billion annu- migrants fraudulently presented them- "Fruit and vegetable growers The cost of illegal invasion of im- ally. FAIR includes the cost of U.S.- selves as families in just one year. If and others interested in learning migrants is staggering, born children of illegals because their the move survives legal battles, it will about produce safety, the Food Maywood, Calif a city of 45,000, births are the direct result of illegal be one of the most important steps to- Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) went broke in 20 l0 and fired all of its immigration, ward immigration sanity yet.Produce Safety Rule, Good Agri- ,:mployees and turned police and fire The Department of Homeland Se- Contact your U.S. representative cultural Practices (GAPs), and co- protection to the county. Half of its curity (DHS) is issuing a new regula- (202-225-2611) and senators (202- management of natural resources population was illegal. Santa Ana, tion to overrule a court order (called 224-3121) and urge them to back the and food safety should attend," Calif decided to give free breakfast Flores) that illegal alien children can- Trump administration on this, to en- Agriculture Commissioner Doug and lunch to all 55,000 students (re- not be detained more than 20 days force present immigration laws, and Goehring said. "Attending a session gardless of whether they qualified) at (often called "catch and release"), to oppose any new amnesty or guest will satisfy the FSMA Produce a cost of $39.6 million annually. Most Many iUegals take advantage of the worker laws. A country that doesn't Safety Rule requirement that re- of the students were Hispanic. present situation by "renting" children control its borders is not a sovereign quires at least one supervisor or te- A group called the Federation for with fake birth certificates or other nation, sponsible party on a farm to American Immigration Reform fake identification to show they are Duane Stahl complete food safety training rec- (FAIR) estimates that illegal aliens families. The DHS head says 6,000 Valley City ognized as adequate by the Food and Drug Administration." The sessions will be held: Saturday, Sept. 28, at Dakota College at Bottineau in the Thatcher How to develop a farm food building, McMaster conferencesafety plan room, 105 Simrall Blvd Bottineau In addition to learning about pro- , Saturday, Dec. 7, at the Jon L. duce safety best practices, key parts Wanzek Center for Scouting, 4200 of the FSMA Produce Safety Rule 19th Ave. S Fargo requirements are outlined within Thursday, Feb. 27, 2020 at the each topic. There will be time for Baymont Inn & Suites, 2611 Old questions and discussion, so partici- Red Trail, Mandan (one day prior to pants should come prepared to share state local foods conference)their experiences and produce safety Saturday, May 16, 2020 at the questions. Bowman Lodge & Convention Cen- The sessions are a full day from 9 ter, 207 US-12, Bowman a.m. to 5 p.m. with registration start- Topics to be covered include:ing at 8:30 a.m. There will be a one- . Introduction to produce safety hour break for attendees to leave for Worker health, hygiene and lunch. training To ask questions about either the Soil amendments sessions or the FSMA Produce Wildlife, domesticated animals Safety Rule, please contact Jamie and land use Good, local foods specialist, at (701) Agricultural water 328-2659 or To reg- Postharvest handling and sanita- ister, go tion to You would think that making the prices charged by hospitals and doc- tors available to their patients would be a no-brainer. After all, we've be- come accustomed to knowing the price we pay for cars, carrots, comic books, and almost everything else we buy. Why not knee surgery or appen- dectomies? The medical establishment, it seems, isn't keen on letting the public in on what health practitioners charge for their services. Despite lots of talk about price transparency from gov- ernment officials, including the Trump administration, the actions of hospitals and physicians speak other- wise. "Price secrecy is a calculated strat- egy," says Jeanne Pinder, founder and CEO of ClearHealthCosts, a digital start-up that works with news outlets to disclose the costs of medical care. "All that money collected from over- priced care and mysterious bills goes into lobbying and behind the scenes pressure. They lobby lawmakers and regulators to protect the current sys- tem and to skew it even further to their benefit." That's what has happened in Ohio where the hospital industry and its lobbyists have succeeded in killing two laws passed by the state legisla- ture, the first in 2015 and the second this summer, that would have allowed patients to know the prices of the medical procedures and services they were about to receive. The 2015 law would have re- quired hospitals and other health care providers to give patients an estimate of their costs no later than the same day a procedure or medical interven- tion would take place. The hospitals objected. The governor's office never wrote rules to implement the law, and hospitals and other health care groups sued to prevent imple- mentation. The law was passed as part of the worker's compensation budget bill, and the medical industry argued that it violated the state prohibition on in- cluding multiple subjects in one bill. A lower court judge sided with the hospitals. The matter is now before the Ohio Court of Appeals and likely to go to the state supreme court. This year Jim Butler, speaker pro tempore of the Ohio House of Repre- sentatives and champion of the 2015 law, succeeded in getting a second bill passed that he said took into ac- count the health industry objections. He called it a "much better version of transparency." Health care providers would not give price estimates. In- stead, they would have to notify a pa- tienrs insurance company within 24 hours of scheduling the procedure and disclose what the service would cost. The carrier would then give pa- tients an estimate of those costs. Patients would not have to ask for the information. Butler said that re- quiring patients to ask for a price es- timate is not satisfactory since most people won't do it. In 2012 Massachusetts passed a law requiring medical providers to disclose to patients within two busi- ness days the amount their insurer would pay for a procedure or the hos- pital list price if a patient was unin- sured - but only if the patient asked. It turned out very few did, even though the prices for services like MRIs vary widely. Butler's latest attempt at price transparency has failed, too. Using his line-item veto power, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine nixed But- ler's second attempt at medical price GET ANAD THIS ,event,j or any other need! Contact the ~mr I1 ill transparency, saying his veto was "in the public interest" and citing efforts by the federal government to address transparency. It's important the state not put "duplicative or burdensome regulations on health care providers," he said. What's really at stake for the hos- pitals? Armed with price information, pa- tients not in the midst of an emer- gency may be able to find cheaper providers for their care. With medical prices rising and in- surers demanding larger deductibles and more expensive coinsurance, pa- tients may be looking for all the help they can get. A study by insurance giant United Health Group found that hospital prices for inpatient care in- creased by 19 percent and physician prices by 10 percent between 2013 and 2017. "Hospitals certainly don't want transparency because it will create competition," Butler told me. I've been covering consumer is- sues for decades. Most businesses I've written about have fought gov- ernment regulation. Instead, they've pushed for more information and price disclosure to solve whatever consumer abuse was taking place. As we see in Ohio, sellers in the health care marketplace seem to want neither. (What do you think will lower the cost of care? Write to Trudy at trudy.lieberman Pal mer am aranth found in Grant County BISMARCK - Palmer amaranth has been confirmed in Grant County in western North Dakota. An area farmer contacted his county weed officer about suspect plants, who worked with North Dakota State University Extension to submit samples for DNA analy- sis to the National Agricultural Genotyping Center, where it was confirmed as Palmer amaranth. Palmer amaranth is native to the southwestern U.S. but was acciden- tally introduced to other areas and has devastated crops in the South and Midwest. It is a prolific seed producer that can emerge through- out the growing season. It grows rapidly at 2-3 inches per day in op- timum conditions and is prone to herbicide resistance and multiple modes of action. It is a'highly inva- sive weed that can dramatically cut crop yields. "I strongly encourage agricul- tural producers to monitor millet plantings for Palmer amaranth, as that may be the likely source of in- festation," Agriculture Commis- sioner Doug Goehring said. "With harvest season in full swing, farm- ers are encouraged to scout fields and clean excess dirt and plant de- bris off equipment between fields to prevent unintentional spread." The public is urged to work with local weed officers, extension agents and other experts to identify and report suspect plants. Palmer amaranth may spread through mul- tiple channels, including: contami- nated seed mixes; equipment and machinery movement; animal feed and bedding; and wild birds. Palmer amaranth was confirmed last year in five counties. Those sites continue to be monitored for Palmer amaranth. More information on Palmer amaranth and other nox- ious and invasive weeds is available at industries/noxious-weeds. Please support your local merchants To report a suspect plant, go to or contact your local county weed of- ricer or North Dakota State Univer- sity Extension agent. Put Your Mo.ey Where Your House Zsl local independent strengthen our bu~nesses are~ cornrnu~iy your t~ vatue aad our economy STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA SURPLUS PROPERTY PUBLIC AUCTION 4 DAYS- 4 LOCATIONS MONDAY, SEPT. 9, 2019, 9AM CDT - ABERDEEN, SD - DOT Shop W. Hwy. 12 Selling heavy equipment, vehides, recreational, shop, office, & misc. TUESDAY, SEPT. 10, 2019, 9AM CDT- MITCHELL, SD - 190 Exit 330, 1300 S. Ohlman St. Selling vehicles, heavy equipment, mowers, & office. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 11, 2019, 9AM CDT- PIERRE, SD - Stanley Co. Fair Grounds Selling over 80 vehicles, equipment, recreational, office & misc. FRIDAY, SEPT. 13, 2019, 9AM MDT - STURGIS, SD - South 190 Exit 32, 11 Otter Rd. Selling vehicles, recreational, Ag & heavy equipment, shop & mix. *Details, info, photos at . or at www. or phone 605-773-4935 Auction professionally managed by SCHMELING RANCH FOR SALE Louis and Agnes Schmeling family ranch located in Golden Valley County south of Sentinel Butte, ND is FOR SALE. Consists of approximately 4,780 (+/-) all deeded acres consisting of 615.69 acres of productive cropland with the balance in pasture and building site/headquarters. This is a good grass ranch and has good water with several water wells, pipeline, and the Bullion Creek running through much of the property. Seller may consider parceling. All interested parties should contact: Don Schmeling, Continental Real Estate, Dickin- son, ND at 701-260-5555 or 701-225-9107 for additional information or for a ranch tour. FOR SALE LAND AND BUILDINGS LOCATED 12 MILES NORTH OF BEACH, ND 3 BEDROOM 320 ACRES +- GREAT HUNTING GREAT VIEWS ARTESIAN WELL UPDATED CABIN / HUNTING LODGE WITH AMENTITIES END OF THE ROAD FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, PHOTOS & VIDEO GO TO BASINBRoKERS.COM, VISIT US ON FACEBOOK OR CALL BASIN BROKERS, 106 MAIN STREET, WlLLISTON, ND 58801 (1-800-572- 5560.)