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Beach, North Dakota
September 5, 2013     Golden Valley News
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September 5, 2013
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Page 4 Golden Valley News September 5, 2013 : Hearing Notice NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR ADJUDICATION OF INTESTACY AND APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE MACKOFF KELLOGG LAW FIRM Office Address: 38 Second Avenue East Dickinson, North Dakota 58601 Probate No. 04-2013-PR-00044 By: Charles J. Peterson, Attorney #04009 E mail: cpeterson @ Attorneys for: Personal Representa- tive IN SOUTHWEST JUDICIAL DIS- TRICT COURT, BILLINGS COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA In the Matter of the Estate of Lawrence William Demaniow, De- ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lisa Demaniow has filed herein a peti- tion for adjudication of intestacy and ap- pointment of personal representative. Hearing has been set upon said pe- tition on the 26th day of September, at 8:30 o'clock a.m., at the Courtroom of the above-named Court in the City of Medora, County of Billings, State of North Dakota. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any person appearing for the purpose of objecting to any matter or item con- tained within the above mentioned peti- tion shall file herein and serve upon the undersigned counsel for the Petitioner their written objections to the same not later than seven (7) days prior to the above scheduled hearing. Dated this 22nd day of August, 2013. Charles J. Peterson, Attorney 04009 (August 29, September 5 and 12) Notice NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR FORMAL PROBATE OF WILL AND APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE IN NORTHWEST JUDICIAL DIS- TRICT COURT, BILLINGS COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Probate Case No. 04-2013-PR-26 In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas W. Freeman, Deceased. TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Notice is hereby given that on the 26th day of September, 2013 at 8:30 a.m., a hearing will be held before the Honorable Wm. Herauf, Judge of the District Court, Billings County Court- hoUse, Medora, ND, for the formal ap- pointment of a Personal Representative: Keyea Webster, whose address is Spindletop Explo- ration Co., Inc., PO Box 25163, Dallas, TX 75225, as personal representative of the estate of the above named dece- dent. The original of Decedent's Will was executed on November 29, 1956. Any objections to the petition must be filed with the Court prior to or raised at the hearing. If proper and if no ob- jeCtions are filed or raised, the personal representative will be appointed with full power to administer the estate includ- ing the power to collect all assets, pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and ex- penses, and sell real and personal property, and do all necessary acts for the estate to transfer mineral rights in North Dakota. Dated this 31st day of July, 2013. Judge of District Court Jannelle Steger Combs Leonard, Street and Deinard Attorney for Applicant 811 E. Interstate Ave Bismarck, ND 58503 (701) 221-8600 Attorney ID No.: 05600 (August 29, September 5 and 12) Bids CALL FOR BIDS The City is accepting bids in the town of Sentinel Butte, for lots, south of Front Street, and east of West Street, Original Addition of Sentinel Butte. These are in Block A, Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, (old railroad property) on the south side of Front Street, Sen- tinel Butte, ND. Bordered on the south by the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Main Track. The City Council reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. For more information contact Mayor Rick Olson 701-872-3964. (September 5) City of Golva Golva City Council (Unofficial Minutes) August 14th, 2013 carried. Kreitinger motioned to pay the fol- lowing bills. Noll seconded the motion. Motion carried. GENERAL ACCOUNT #7359 Employee 413.66 7360 Employee 503.30 7361 ND Insurance Dept. 406.02 7362 Golva Elevator 213.75 7363 Fisher Sand & Gravel 676.69 7364 Tyler Noll 30.00 7365 ND League of Cities 197.00 7366 Adams ISC 199.80 7367 Darin Maus 305.63 7368 Job Service ND 4.57 7369 Internal Revenue Service749.21 7370 Bobble Maus 156.57 7371 Goldenwest Electric 305.00 7372 Employee 413.66 7373 Void 7374 Employee 176.99 7375 Employee 295.52 7376 Jesse Gunkel 90.00 7377 Golva Repair 1971.65 7378 GV News 10.20 7379 Goldenwest Electric 333.50 Water Account #3087 Employee 346.31 3088 Employee 277.05 3089 Employee 184.70 3090 SW Water 831.18 3091 ND Dept. of Health 176.55 3092 SW District Health Dept. 54.00 3093 MDU 13.52 3094 Goldenwest Electric 713.32 3095 Employee 346.31 3096 Employee 277.05 3097 Employee 184.70 3098 SW Water 1188.00 3099 MDU 17.73 3100 Golva Repair 582.68 3101 Void 3102 Goldenwest Electric 611.02 Park Account #1437 Employee 424.81 1438 MDU 16.39 1439 ND League of Cities 30.00 1440 Rohan's 25.27 1441 Golva Fire Dept. 50.00 1442 Goldenwest Electric 58.35 1443 Bobble Maus 9.95 1444 MDU 17.16 1445 Golva Grocery 7.89 1446 Goldenwest Electric 59.30 There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Bobble Maus (September 5) Notice NOTICE OF ZONING HEARING The Billings County Planning & Zon- ing Commission will hold a public hear- ing on Thursday, September 19, 2013 at 1:00 PM in the Commissioner's Room at the county courthouse, Medora, ND to consider recommending to the Board of County Commissioners the approval or denial of the following items: Hugh Hlebechuk: Application for a conditional use permit to mine sand & rock in the NESW 9-141-100. Property is zoned agricultural and owned by Edwin & Catherine Cerkoney. Rick Duval, dba Westdak Homes, LLC: Application to place a modular home on Lot 11, Block 3, Frank'sCreek Subdivision 22-141-99 (2733 Green River Dr). Property is zoned residential and owned by ADB Development, LLC. Old Business: Gerald Grosulak: Preliminary plat review of Saddle Butte Subdivision which divides approximately 83.7 acres of land in the NEll4 34-141-99. The subdivision is located west of Hwy 85, along 29th St SW and contains 16 res- idential lots ranging in size from 5.0 acres to 7.3 acres. Darrell Snyder: Application for a minor subdivision in the $1/2NEl/4 22- 140-100, adjacent to 134th Ave SW. The minor subdivision will create 2 tracts' approximately 5-7 acres each. Request to rezone the proposed tracts from agricultural to residential. Darrell Snyder: Application for a minor subdivision in the SW1/4 24-140- 100, adjacent to 133rd Ave SW. Tract will be approximately 5 acres. Request to rezone the proposed tract from agri- cultural to commercial. Doug Paluck: Application to rezone approximately7 acres in the NWl/4NWl/4 23-141-99, adjacent to Hwy 85. Request to rezone the pro- such special field rules as may be nec- essary. Case No. 20857: Application of Whiting Oil and Gas Corp. to consider the temporary spacing to develop an oil and/or gas pool discovered by the Jones #44-35 well located in the SESE of Section 35, T.143N., R.105W., Golden Valley County, ND, define the limits of the field, and enact such spe- cial field rules as may be necessary. Case No. 20905: Application of Whiting Oil and Gas Corp. for an order pursuant to NDAC § 43 02-03-88.1 pooling all interests in a spacing unit for the BicentenniaI-Bakken Pool de- scribed as Sections 25 and 36, T.144N., R.104W., Golden Valley County, ND, as provided by NDCC § 38-08-08, and such other relief as is appropriate. Case No. 20906: Application of Whiting Oil and Gas Corp. for an order pursuant to NDAC § 43 02-03-88.1 pooling all interests in a spacing unit for the Beach-Red River Pool described as all of the N/2 of Section 7, T.141N., R.105W., Golden Valley County, ND, as provided by NDCC § 38-08-08, and such other relief as is appropriate. Signed by, Jack Dalrymple, Governor Chair- man, ND Industrial (September 5) Notice NOTICE OF HEARING N.D. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION OIL AND GAS DIVISION The North Dakota Industrial Com- mission will hold a public hearing at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, September 25, 2013, at the N.D. Oil & Gas Division, 1000 East Calgary Ave., Bismarck, N. D. At the hearing the Commission will receive testimony and exhibits. Per- sons with any interest in the cases listed below, take notice. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: If at the hearing you need special facili- ties or assistance, contact the Oil and Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by Thursday, September 12, 2013. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO: Case No. 20875: Application of OXY USA, Inc. for an order amending the ap- plicable orders to allow wells completed in the Little Knife-Bakken Pool, Billings, Dunn and McKenzie Counties, ND, to produce at a maximum efficient rate and flare gas produced in association with oil, and such other relief as is ap- propriate. Case No. 20904: Application of Whiting Oil and Gas Corp. for an order amending the applicable orders for the Ash Coulee-Bakken Pool to authorize up to four horizontal wells to be drilled on a 1280-acre spacing unit described as Sections 12 and 13, T.142N., R.102W., Billings County, ND, and such other relief as is appropriate. Signed by, Jack Dalrymple, Governor Chair- man, ND Industrial (September 5) City of Beach ClTY COUNClLPROCEEDINGS PUBLISHED SUBJECT TO THE GOVERNING BODY'S REVIEW AND REVISION A regular meeting of the Beach City Council was called to order by Presi- dent Wade Walworth at 7:00 pm August 19, 2013. Present when the meeting was called to order was Council Mark Benes, Jeanne Larson, Henry Gerving, PWS Dell Beach, City Auditor Kimberly Nunberg and approximately 60 guests. President Walworth asked to re- structure the agenda and move the City Employee Reports to the end of meet- ing. All were in favor. Committee Reports: Larson reported on the Zoning Board meeting held this morning. A re- quest was made to the Zoning Board by property owner David Grice to change the zoning at 191 5th Street SW (see attached legal description) from Resi- dential 1 to Residential 2. The reason for the request is to use the building as a boarding/rooming house and eventu- ally convert to senior citizen housing. The Zoning Board recommended posed tract from agricultural to indus- changing the zoning with the following trial and allow truck parking. Conditional Use at 1~)1 5th Street SW; Other Business: 1. The property ~wner incorporates Review zoning regulations pertain- into the lease agr~ment a "Zero Toler- ing to supplemental design standards ance Policy" o~ alcohol, drugs and and noxious and invasive weed control, firearms. / Discuss and draft a recommendation 2. An independent property man- for amending the Billings County Zon- ager is req)Eired to reside onsite. The ing Ordinance. property manager cannot be an em- The board will also address poten- ployee 0fthe Leasee. tial & pending zoning violations and rec- ommend any action needed by the Zoning Director, State's Attorney, or Board of County Commissioners. Dated at Medora this 29th day of Au- gust, 2013. Applications are available for review during regular office hours at' the Billings County Courthouse. Stacey Swanson Zoning Director 5 and 12)--/' (September / j, Notice NOTICE OF HEARING N.D. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION OIL AND GAS DIVISION The North Dakota Industrial Com- Present: Council members: Rick mission will hold a public hearing at Noll, Ron Barthel, Joe Kreitinger, Jan 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, September 25, Kuchera, Mayor Darin Maus, Public 2013, at the N.D. Oil & Gas Division, Works Director Carl Granat, and City 1000 East Calgary Ave., Bismarck, N. Auditor Bobble Maus. D. At the hearing the Commission will The Golva City Council met on receive testimony and exhibits. Per- Wednesday, August 14th, 2013 at sons with any interest in the cases 8:00PM at the City office. Mayor Maus listed below, take notice. opened the meeting at 8:05PM. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: If The minutes of the previous meeting at the hearing you need special facili- were read. Kuchera motioned to accept ties or assistance, contact the Oil and the minutes as written. Kreitinger sec- Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by onded the motion. Motion carried. Thursday, September 12, 2013. Carl gave his monthly report. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO: Kreitinger reported that Josh Barthel Case No. 20855: Proper spacing for will haul garbage while he is on sick the development of the Hoot Owl-Red leave due to arm surgery. River Pool, Golden Valley County, ND, Barthel motioned to ask the attorney redefine the field limits, and enact such at the League of Cities for advice on the special field rules as may be necessary. NDDOTADA Ramp Project contract; to Whiting Oil and Gas Corp. ask what is the proper procedure for ad- Case No. 20856: Application of vertising the auditor job position, and Whiting Oil and Gas Corp. to consider how to handle door to door salesper- the temporary spacing to develop an oil sons in the City. Kuchera seconded and/or gas pool discovered by the the motion. Motion carried. Williams #24-25 well located in the Barthel motioned to install a phone SESW of Section 25, T.142N., with internet services in City Hall. Kre- R.105W., Golden Valley County, ND, itinger seconded the motion. Motion define the limits of the field, and enact 3. The property owner incorporates into the lease agreement a "No Animals AIIgWed" Policy. ,.'4. If noise complaints are issued, a #~nce approved by the city is to be in- /stalled on the west side of the property. 5. Designate a specific traffic route for tenants of the property to abide by, preferably using Central Avenue to 6th Street SW thence East to the parking lot of the property. 6. Only 1 Ton and under pickups and personal cars allowed on site, no semi's allowed. 7. The Conditional Use Permit will expire in one year. At that time, the City Council will determine if the Conditional Use would be re-issued and the length of time. 8. If the property owner sells the property before the one year time limit of the Conditional Use, the new owner is subject to the above conditions. Several comments were given by in- dividuals in attendance regarding who would be responsible to enforce the noise ordinance, concerns of increased traffic and if this is a proper location for this type of housing. Nunberg men- tioned should the City Council approve the recommendation given by the Zon- ing Board, property owners within 150' of the area would be notified of the de- cision. The City Council would then hold a public hearing for comment and final decision. Discussion. Benes moved to table a decision until further information is provided, second by Gerving. Motion carried unanimously. Unfinished Business: Benes moved to approve the follow- ing bills, second by Larson. Motion car- ried unanimously. 16562 BC6 Builders 19,603.00 16564 Sanitation Products160,085.00 New Business: At 7:30 pm, a public hearing was held on proposed street improvements in the NW & SE areas of the city. City Engineer, Jon Wilczek presented the following three options for the affected property owners and City Council to consider: Option 1: 36' Residential paved street with curb & gutter at $226/ft; Option 2: 36' Residential paved street at $174/ft; Option 3: 36' Aggregate base street at $104/ft. Wilczek answered questions re- garding drainage issues, special as- sessment process, and construction timelines. A property owner suggested only improve 3rd Ave and 8th Street NW at this time since these are the two streets mostly used and request prop- erty owners in the whole area to cost share the project. Wilczek will check on the legality of this suggestion. Gerving requested those in attendance show support by raising their hands to each option as it was called. The majority of those in attendance did not want any improvements made to the streets. Property owners who do want the street improvements will need to petition the City Council to do so. Wilczek provided further explanation on the bill from American Engineering associated with the Quiet Zone Project. Gerving moved to approve the bill less $60, second by Larson. Motion carried unanimously. Wilczek also presented an option for vacating the alley near Dickinson Ready Mix. An Application for Special Events submitted by The Backyard was reviewed. Larson moved to approve, second by Benes. Motion carried unan- imously. Nunberg reviewed the Prelim- inary Budget for the Year 2014. Employees Meeting: PWS Beach reported weed spraying and chip sealing has been completed. Recycling Coordinator Braden reported a new baler will need to be budgeted for next year. Nunberg reviewed her writ- ten report. Beach presented a letter of resignation. Benes moved to regret- table accept the resignation, second by Larson. Discussion. Motion carried unanimously. No other business was brought for- ward. Gerving moved to adjourn, sec- ond by Larson. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. AI-I-EST: Wade Walworth, Mayor Kimberly Nunberg, City Auditor (September 5) Billings County School District BILLINGS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 Unofficial Minutes of Regular Meeting and Public Input Session August 19, 2013 The regular meeting of the Billings County School Board was called to order at 5:00 p.m. MT, Monday, August 19, 2013, at the Medora Community Center in Medora, ND. Present were members Lynn Arthaud, Darren Baranko, Paige Burian, Stacey Kessel, and Julie Reis. Also present were Prin- ~ : cipal Soehrenand for all or port~Oti"s of the meeting, fifty-two members of the public (signup sheet is available for re- view in District office). Burian moved, Arthaud seconded, to approve the consent agenda, which in- cluded the attached check list, the ad- dition of four items, and the Minutes from the July 8 and July 16 meetings. The motion carried unanimously. 15952 WEST RIVER STUDENT SERVICES $618.31 15962 ALTERNATIVE SANITATION $260.00 15963 AMANDA JOHNSON $13.00 15964 BEULAH SCHOOL DISTRICT $50.00 15965 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD $1,435.72 15966 CITY OF MEDORA $621.10 15967 DENISE METZ $80.75 15968 DOLLYWOOD FOUNDATION $38.99 15969 DONNA LYNN PETERSON $45.41 15970 ERIN BURK $6.50 15971 THE HORACE MANN COMPANIES $275.12 15972 JAKE HOLKUP $29.75 15973 KAPPEL TREE SERVICE LLC $1,392.00r 15974 MEDORA CONVENIENCE $37.97 15975 MIDSTATE TELEPHONE CO. $198.85 15976 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC BEE $100.00 15977 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHY BEE $100.00 15978 ND ASS'N OF SCHOOL BUSINESS MANAGE $50.00 15979 NDSBA POLICY SERVICES $650.00 15980 BILLINGS COUNTY PIONEER $17.42 15981 RUDY'S LOCK & KEY $4.00 15982 SW WATER AUTHORITY $52.65 15983 WAL-MART COMMUNITY $12.38 15984 WEST DAKOTA PARENT & FAMILY RESOUR $250.00 15985 WEST RIVER STUDENT SERVICES $600.10 15986 BCI $44.50 EFT JP Morgan $25,341.84 Principal Soehren presented the Title II A grant request for Professional Development for teachers and principal. Arthaud moved, Kessel seconded, to approve the grant request as pre- sented.The motion carried unani- mously. Burian moved, Reis seconded, to add Guy Tessier to the DOT Inspection Vendor list. The motion carried unani- mously. Business Manager Simnioniw pre- sented information on the Business Manager Certification Training program being administered through Bismarck State College. It was the consensus of the board and business manager to re- assess participation in another year. Principal Soehren recommended moving John Marten from music teacher position to the third and fourth grade teaching position at DeMores contingent upon obtaining ND Teaching certification. Arthaud moved, Kessel seconded, to approve this change. The motion carried unanimously. Principal Soehren stated that the regular class- room teachers will need to teach music for their respective students. Discussion was held on whether to contract with a retired teacher to teach band at both schools. The board re- quested that a survey of students be completed to determine level of interest and this will be decided at September meeting. Principal Soehren reported on the Interview Committee's recommenda- tions for the part-time teacher's aide po- sition for the first and second grade classroom at DeMores. Arthaud moved, Kessel seconded, to offer Amanda Costas the position. The mo- tion carried unanimously. Principal Soehren requested that the September board meeting date be changed due to a scheduling conflict. It was determined that the September meeting would be held at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, September 9, at DeMores School in Medora. Business Manager Simnioniw in- formed the board that an open enroll- ment request for the 2014-15 school year had been received. Kessel moved, Reis seconded, that open en- rollments for the following school year would not be accepted prior to Septem- ber 1 each year and would be reviewed on a first-come, first served basis at the March meeting. The motion carried unanimously. Discussion was held on funds re- ceived in August, 2012, for playground improvements at Prairie School. Action was tabled until the September meet- ing. The business manager presented information regarding the repairs needed for the DeMores roof above the breezeway. It was decided to try to get someone to do repairs at this time rather than replace that entire section of roof. The board reviewed a list of excess property and the suggested asking price for obsolete items. It was the con- sensus of the board to offer the items to the parents, staff, and public for sale or give away, dependent on the condition of the item. Simnioniw read a letter of resigna- tion from Prairie Custodian, Karlene Chruszch. Baranko moved, Kessel seconded, to accept Chruszch's resig- nation with regret. The motion carried unanimously. Correspondence was reviewed by the board from a community member contesting the mill levy increase. At 6:00 p.m., the rest of the regular agenda was postponed to conduct the public input portion of the meeting re- lating to the mill levy increase. Fifty-two citizens were in attendance. Business Manager Simnioniw and the board pre- sented information to the public on the reasons for the increase. Many citizens provided input and asked questions. Upon conclusion of the public input portion of the meeting, Baranko moved, Reis seconded, to increase the General Fund levy to 67.19 mills. The motion carried unanimously. Discussion was held on the care re- quired for the heating fuel tanks located at Prairie and DeMores. One of the bus drivers asked that the board be informed that bus drivers will likely need more time in transport- ing students to and from Prairie due to road construction on Highway 85. Jeff Iverson was contacted regarding a bus turnaround along Highway 85. No ac- tion taken at this time. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Darren Baranko, President Tammy Simnioniw, Business Man- ager (September 5) Notice NOTICE OF HEARING N.D. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION OIL AND GAS DIVISION The North Dakota Industrial Com- mission will hold a public hearing at 9:00 a.m. Thursday, September 26, 2013, at the N.D. Oil & Gas Division, 1000 East Calgary Ave., Bismarck, N. D. At the hearing the Commission will receive testimony and exhibits. Per- sons with any interest in the cases listed below, take notice. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: If at the hearing you need special facili- ties or assistance, contact the Oil and Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by Fri- day, September 13, 2013. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO: Case No. 20936: Application of XTO Energy Inc. for an order amending the field rules for the Morgan Draw-Bakken Pool to create and establish a 2560- acre spacing unit comprised of Sections 25 and 36, T.144N., R.103W. and Sec- tions 5 and 6, T.143N., R.102W., Golden Valley and Billings Counties, ND, authorizing the drilling of multiple horizontal wells on said 2560-acre spacing unit, eliminating any tool error requirements, and such other relief as is appropriate. Case No. 20658: (Continued) Appli- cation of Peregrine Petroleum Partners, Ltd. for an order amending the field rules for the Buckhorn-Bakken Pool to create and establish a 1280-acre spac- ing unit comprised of Sections 27 and 28, T.144N., R.102W., Billings County, ND, authorizing the drilling of a total not to exceed three horizontal wells on said 1280-acre spacing unit, eliminating any tool error requirements and such other relief as is appropriate. Signed by, Jack Dalrymple, Governor Chair- man, ND Industrial Commission (September 5) 2013, at the N.D. Oil & Gas Division, : 1000 East Calgary Ave., Bismarck, N. D. At the hearing the Commission will ~ receive testimony and exhibits. Per- sons with any interest in the cases listed below, take notice, i PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: If at the hearing you need special facili- ties or assistance, contact the Oil and Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by Fri- ;~ day, September 13, 2013. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO: : Case No. 20936: Application of XTO : Energy Inc. for an order amending the ' field rules for the Morgan Draw-Bakken Pool to create and establish a 2560- acre spacing unit comprised of Sections 25 and 36, T.144N., R.103W. and Sec- ;:' tions 5 and 6, T.143N., R.102W., ~' Golden Valley and Billings Counties, . ND, authorizing the drilling of multiple horizontal wells on said 2560-acre spacing unit, eliminating any tool error requirements, and such other relief as is appropriate. Signed by, Jack Dalrymple, Governor Chair- ~ man, ND Industrial Commission (September 5) Notice Invitation for planning/designing ~ firms This is a formal invitation to firms ~; (architect, engineer, construction man- v agement) to submit information in re- ,,* gard to the planning, designing and ,~ overseeing the construction of at least i:' two classrooms to the Lincoln Elemen- tary School in Beach. The following are most of the events "-' that need to be considered in this po- ,, tential building project: r~ Facility: Assessment and Planning: a) existing facility analysis; b) enroll- '~ ment and facility planning; c) growth op- '} tions. :~ Reportsand Recommendations-cre- ~ ate the options: a) existing facility analy- ~. sis; b) enrollment and data report of the ' district; c) order of budget development (funding options) ':= Design and Preconstruction: a) de- i sign process - cost control focus; (lead- ing to a final design); b) Preconstruction including design review, project sched- ule, guaranteed maximum price devel- - opment and subcontractor bidding and ~: evaluation. ,~ Construction phase: a) final design; : b) provide labor & materials to build the project; c) onsite management of sub- " contractors & vendors (inspections & ; quality control); d) punch list and final. walk through Occupancy The date for submission of informa- tion from interested persons or firms to this invitation is Sept. 27 and can be sent or faxed to Larry Helvik, Superin- tendent; PO Box 368, Beach, ND, " 58621; fax number 701-872-3801. " Phone 701-872-4161. ,. (September 5, 12 and 19) ,i City of Beach Notice is hereby given that a public :;, hearing Will be'held Sept. t'6th12013at: 7:30 pm at City Hall to adopt the final : budget for the year ending 2013. Any- ,, one may attend the meeting to corn- ! ment or protest any appropriation of the budget. The 2014 Preliminary Budget is ' on file at City Hall and available for in- spection. General Fund $93,000 City Specials 1,500 i Emergency 2,500 Sidewalk 1,000 Social Security 21,730 ' Special Assess. Deficiency 500 Total Levied 120,230 ; Respectfully submitted, Kimberly Nunberg City Auditor (September 5 and 12) Notice NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING CHANGEAND PUBLICINPUT MEETING Due to a conflict, the regular Sep- tember monthly meeting of the Billings County School Board will be held at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, September 9, 2013, at the DeMores School in Medora. Anyone needing special accommo- dations to attend the meetings may make arrangements by contacting the District Office at 623-4363 or 1-800- 366-6888 TTY, 6889-Voice (September 5) support your local merchants Notice NOTICE OF HEARING N,D. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION OIL AND GAS DIVISION The North Dakota Industrial Com- mission will hold a public hearing at 9:00 a.m. Thursday, September 26, 3ust Doctor Prescribing secure, up-ro-dal-e access Io uour medical records. Visit NDHIN,org/consumers to learn more,